Donation pitches

I've a question for C99 community, should anyone know the answer.
I've been a registered democrat since 1970 and have voted that way pretty much every election with but a few exceptions, 2016 being one of those in which I vote for the Other woman.
I seem to get pitches for money from just about every Demo that is running for office or one of the Demo campaign committees (DCCC,DNC, DSCC, etc) and they all come with a "postage paid" envelope.
I understand members of Congress have franking privleges designed to update their constituencies. But do those privleges extend to campaign contribution pitches? Does the taxpayer pay for the return postage?
And if the pitch comes with a Nancy Pelosi label in the upper left corner of the envelop, and the pitch is for the DCCC, does the franking privilege cover the initial mailing?
Would it cover the return postage?
My interest is to create a standard form letter to stuff back in the envelop and drop it in the mail (perhaps with a piece of asphalt shingle) to register my, mmmm, "displeasure" with the entire party that used to represent me.
Of course, I could save the taxpayer by putting my own stamp on it along with the form protest letter. But is a book of stamps every couple of weeks worth it? Would anybody there even read it?
Probably not.
But if the postage is free, to me and the taxpayer, then I'm compelled to do it if not just to give some business to our friends and neighbors at the post office and to just feel like I'm doing my civic duty, to express my displeasure in governance.
If anyone here has any expertise in the matter, please enlighten me.
Thanks in advance.

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Pricknick's picture

with added weight if return postage is prepaid. Your idea about letter size asphalt shingles has been a favorite for years.
Always add something that wont bend (toungue depressors) so it must be hand sorted which adds to processing costs.
The last I checked, mailings from political commitees are paid by the sender not by tax dollars.
As a side note, they seem to have caught on to me as I haven't seen a mailer from any of them in years.

11 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

earthling1's picture

Any idea about incumbents having to pay their own postage costs re: pitches for money?

2 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

Pricknick's picture

@earthling1 @earthling1
get a one way allowance up to their budget. Free advertising at tax payer expense.
There are some rules and dog only knows what they are currently. They can't be beggings for dollars only and the have to include policy, upcomming policies or current affairs that affect constituents.
They should never include return postage but you know how sly corporate owned government is. I know sure as fuck I'm not paying to send them shit.

4 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

edg's picture

As for campaign mailings by sitting Congresspeople:

Official resources of the House must, as a general rule, be used for the performance of official business of the House, and hence those resources may not be used for campaign or political purposes. The laws and rules referenced in this section reflect “the basic principle that government funds should not be spent to help incumbents gain reelection.”

Source: General Prohibition Against Using Official Resources for Campaign or Political Purposes

5 users have voted.
earthling1's picture

That link is helpful.
Now to get started on a boilerplate form letter.

2 users have voted.

Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

@earthling1 from the original mailing. I fold all the oversized parts down to fit in the postage paid return envelope. I draw a single line through my information wherever it appears and a large "X" with a "No Thanks" written on the donation slip part of the mailing.

0 users have voted.
Pricknick's picture


must, as a general rule

As a general rule? WTF is the general rule?
That partial sentence alone shows how totally screwed we all are.
I've got a general rule for you.

0 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.