The Evolution of the Bernie Bro
Submitted by gjohnsit on Sat, 01/18/2020 - 1:02am
2016: Era Of Misogynistic Rage
I won't be answering calls from unknown numbers today, after third call from Bernie supporters telling me they'd hunt me down in the streets
— Amy Chozick (@amychozick) June 7, 2016
2017: Racists!
Early 2019: Are Bernie Bros Russians bots?
Mid 2019: Fact - Bernie Bros Is A Myth Invented By Hillary
Late 2019: Fact - Bernie Bros Are Mostly Women
January 2020: Full Circle - Another Era Of Misogynistic Rage
Why do Bernie Bros want people to be put into "education" camps while their cities burn? Any comment @BernieSanders?#Expose2020
— Carpe Donktum (@CarpeDonktum) January 14, 2020

The Data
Your choice of citations is noteworthy
Fucking self-righteous! That's the woke mob and the victim culture. Support Antifa you mush heads. We'll beat you unbelievers into submission!
So, we have Bernie Bros, vintage 2016 and the new, improved multi-racial version of 2020. My, my, how the times have changed--not. MSM / DNC / H. Rodent Clinton, et. al. will insure Mr. Sanders gets no closer to 1600 Pennsylvania than the 40 acre wood.
Projection once again by the DNC/Clintonists.
An excellent current example of a self-righteous attitude is this garbage about "We have to believe Elizabeth Warren because she's a woman. If you question what she says, that proves you are sexist. Bernie and his supporters have no right to defend themselves. Bernie and his supporters have no rights, period. Who do they think they are, anyway? This is our ballpark, and they have to play by our rules or go home!!!"
No self-righteousness there, right? [/sarcasm]
Projection again. That is typical personality-disordered behavior. Everything is always and only about them and what they want. If you comply with everything they say, and go along unquestioningly, to them that means you are "with them".
If you don't comply with their wishes, to them that means "you're against them", and they rage and attack you with everything they've got.
That's why these calls for "unity" are so insidious.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Only Sanders suporters are smeared
not Biden's, not Warren's, not anyone else.
Well, Trump's.
You could make an argument
and remember how it was
always "Sanders supporters" who were (often violently) disrupting Trump events - even while the primary was underway - and the MSM basically took that at face value?
And only minimally reported Sanders' disavowals?
Struck me as bizarre at the time that Sanders people would not be prioritizing beating Hillary. Project Veritas' 2016 expose explained a lot, namely that it was, essentially, the Clinton campaign/DNC that was behind this.
In a more just and perfect world people would have gone to jail for what Veritas exposed. In a world where Obama and Clinton "resistance" continued to control the FBI/DOJ well into the Trump administration the fact that no one associated with this has been prosecuted becomes understandable.
It's all so disheartening
I support education camps for Americans
If the government won't educate you while in primary/secondary school as children, then camps for adults will have to do! (/s but not really. As long as the camps don't teach to testing and No Adult Is Left Behind.)
Still Struck by Warren's new Silence
Because of the video below (posted last night by Humphrey in comments to another essay).I'm back to wondering whether she and/or her handlers have realized they made a big mistake and not just in terms of her candidacy. The last thing they want to see happen is for Bernie to pull off a miracle but they are getting more and more freaked that he may do it, especially if Biden turns out to be a dud. There has also been a tsunami of blowback from leftist feminists portenting quite a rift in the future development of feminism. It doesn't look good for Warren to be considered a saboteur of the #believewomen and #metoo movements (if that's what they are (tip o' the hat to CStMS for suggesting the possiblity that they may be propelled by other than left/liberal grass roots forces).
Maybe she will stop accusing Bernie of sexism? I don't think Biden will be helped by her as VP on his ticket because she's become so toxic to the left.
But I'm also kinda freaked by the sudden new scheduling of the two town halls before the Iowa Caucus. Bernie is on the first night and no doubt will be baited and hounded. And on the second night, there's Biden, Warren and Klobuchar, apparently in that order. Will Warren launch another bombshell against Bernie? I wouldn't be surprised if she taped that private meeting and has a nice doctored out-of-context version of it to release that night. And some videos of Bernie's statements spliced together to make him look like he's anti-feminist and not really progressive on civil rights, etc.
Here's that video:
Couple of interesting
items relayed in this tweet.Wasn't aware a VP could also be a cabinet sec; hadn't even thought to consider it. Closest I've seen to this is LBJ's written request to JFK pre-inauguration to head a number of exec agencies, nearly making himself co-president. (Jfk wisely put the letter away in his desk, Lincoln-like, and never responded). I doubt if Bernie is still actively considering EW for VP, while Treasury might still be had if they manage to smooth things over going forward.
Second item in the Intercept article is the reporting that EW held an off-record session with reporters shortly after her private late-2018 meeting with Bernie. Interesting too -- reporters accounts of what she said also differ. So what Bernie said to Liz in the private might have been misconstrued by her; and some reporters then may have misunderstood her comments to them.
Bernie should just take the high road here on out and leave it as Liz honestly misunderstood my remarks and I hold no ill will, to that effect. His backers should try to move on from this soon too, as it's been 3-4 days nonstop. There is so much rich material from Biden to comment on, which David Sirota (Bernie speechwriter) has been trying to get the MSM to focus on. Currently Biden is much more of a threat to Bernie than Liz and could escape unscathed in the primaries for his past decisions in major part b/c all the fire from Bernie backers is directed to Liz.
Time to move on.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
LBJ was a masterpiece schemer
There are many LBJ stories yet to be widely disseminated, such as his possible role in JFK's rub-out.
On the upcoming
As this is supposed to be a forum for candidates to give closing arguments to voters in Iowa, I hope Bernie takes a few seconds to contrast his record with Biden's previous aggressive support for the Iraq War, lousy trade deals, the bankruptcy bill, and Joe's 40 years support for cuts to SocSec. I would imagine many voters are unaware of all that except for Iraq, and even on Iraq they may know only about his vote, not his hard push to help Bush get his AUMF.
Actually, I am seriously worried that some accusation will conveniently surface right before the vote ala Clinton/Comey. Clinton and Wasserman Shultz are still breathing, and I feel they would love to do Sanders in. After all it was her turn.
not just Liz-ard. CNN is also dropping it
it sure was a big, huge story a couple of days ago! Now CNN's page is all impeachment and Bad Trump.
Thanks for scoping out CNN
I can't watch those bozos more than a couple of minutes without feeling sick to my stomach.
Intereting that they've toned it down. The attacks are still ongoing in social media, though, which isn't surprising.
A new Rising this Saturday morning has Cenk being interviewed and noting that 1/2 of Warren's staff are decent progressives and the other half is made up of Hillary and Obama hacks who are ruining her campaign coz, essentially, that's what they know how to do.
Well, we'll find out soon enough. . .
And Jordan Charlton's Status Coup went to a Warren event in Iowa and found that there are more than a few supporters who wish she hadn't taken the low road:
That's all we are to these people.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
The residue certainly makes a lot of donations.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Gee, don't you know
it's wrong to criticize a former Native American and former woman of color? WTF is wrong with you people? (snark)
Then of course there's this...
All these morons falsely equating this he said / she said, between Sanders and Warren, to the #MeToo movement, are actually doing a terrible disservice to the tens of thousands of women who have actually been raped!
From the TexasObserver:
Got that, 20 thousand rape test kits, were NEVER tested!
But gee, I'm a BernieBro for questioning the former woman of color, how the heck are we going to pay for Trump's bloated military budget, she fucking voted for, which also gave him more than he requested?
(real apologies to actual Native Americans, women of color and women in general)
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
I wish that I could take credit for Liz"s new nickname.
But I can't as I came across while surfing reddit. The least I can do is share it as it certainly is apropos and it should stick with her until she drops out.
I haven't checked out all the sources in gjohnsit post.
But I find this quite telling. This is her pinned tweet.
One more gem about Chozick!
Description of herself on her twitter account.
I write features for The New York Times. Co-writer/executive producer with @julieplec of "The Girls on the Bus" coming soon on Netflix
What is "The girls on the Bus"
The Girls on the Bus will stream on Netflix and is based on a bestselling memoir by Amy Chozick called Chasing Hillary about her life following Hillary Clinton on both her 2008 and her 2016 unsuccessful presidential bids.
Obviously no bias at all in any shape or form. LOL.
You have to admit that Liz is doing
All she can to make Bernie a true prophet.
Let us not forget that
Let us not forget that "Bernie Bros" was a term invented by the Hillary campaign. It came in 2015 when Bernie began drawing huge crowds, and it was in coordination with several incidents where "radical" people of color began bum-rushing stages where Bernie was to speak. When one is creating a propaganda incident it's always good to put a picture in front of the public.
And let us not forget that in 2008 it was the Hillary campaign that used the "Obama boys" to attempt a division between blacks and whites as well as between men and women. And Hillary's "work" in civil rights is a mile wide and an inch deep. She and her husband were always Republicans at heart.