Impeachment for dummies
How progressives were conned into supporting Joe Biden for President
What if Trump wasn’t impeached for trying to get dirt on Joe Biden? What if Joe Biden was successfully exposed by the Trump administration for using his position as VP to derail a corruption investigation into the company his son and other Washington insiders were making big money on???
Let me tell you what would have happened. Joe Biden would not be sitting pretty in the polls right now.
In fact there is a good chance that if Trump was allowed to do his job investigating the misuse of power that Joe Biden is accused of doing by many, there is a good chance Joe Biden would drop out of the race.
So why is it that all the candidates who are running against Joe Biden supported an impeachment knowing it couldn’t actually remove Trump, and therefore had no real world result except to save Joe Biden?
Do they want Biden to win??? What is wrong with those people? They are literally too dumb to deserve to win. The Liberal Elites were so freaked out about Joe Biden openly bragging about bribing the Ukrainian president to stop a prosecutor from doing his job, that they tried to use that to impeach Trump with! How insane is that? They impeached Trump for trying to investigate Biden for bragging about an obvious case of corruption — and the progressives were so afraid of their own shadows that they went along with it! Happily! AOC and the squad were doing backflips while being played for suckers! They happily gave up their golden opportunity to remove their biggest obstacle to getting a progressive in the White House. For what? To make Trump look kinda bad? Not even real bad. Just KINDA BAD!??!
Trump wanted an investigation of Biden misusing his position as VP to openly bribe the Ukrainian president to remove the prosecutor who was investigating a company whom many people believed were on track to make billions from huge gas deposits in Ukraine. Biden is on video saying he did that. He bragged about it on tape in front of an audience.
What about Bernie Sanders and the other supposedly anti-establishment “progressive” politicians and media? Why did they support the impeachment knowing it stood no chance at removing Trump? Did they also want to save Joe Biden? Are they all secretly crypto-fascists like Uncle Joe?
Or, or, are they so confused that they didn’t know what they were doing?Did they think they could get Trump removed? I mean, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING!?!
They had a once in a lifetime chance to have Trump remove Joe Biden FOR them! THEIR MAIN COMPETITION AND A 100% NEOCON NEOLIBERAL NIGHTMARE would not be leading in the polls and on his way to the oval office right now!But noooooooooooooooooo!!!
Our progressive leaders in the media, in politics, and business, failed us. They allowed themselves to be taken advantage of by the Liberal Elites who want Joe Biden as president. The so-called progressives may have high IQs. But they are dumb. They prove it every day in how they treat Tulsi Gabbard. And now once again in how they literally threw themselves under the bus by impeaching Trump because of his trying to get Biden — their MAIN mf-ing competition, out of the mf-ing race!!!The Ukraine inquiry looked like something out of The Three Stooges. Like something out of Beavis and Butthead. And you bought it. Hook, line and sinker. And YOU people want to lead America? You can’t lead yourself out of a trap set by half wits to aid a quarter wit. What more could you want or need to be able to stop Joe Biden from beating you? It is like God opened the heavens in front of you and handed you on a silver platter everything you needed to stop Joe Biden.
And what did you do? The exact opposite of what you should have done. Instead of accepting that gift as divine providence, you chickened out and turned into mf-ing Rain Man! All you people who called Tulsi Gabbard a coward — that is literally the exact opposite of the truth. You were cowards. You gave into a Liberal Elite plot to use your own fear of stepping outside of the cage they led you into. Your own fear of being seen as less than sold out to harming Trump, your fear of not conforming caused you to miss how you were being played the whole time.
In the end all you did was give support to Joe Biden for president. Trump was not harmed. You were harmed. America was harmed. And you blamed Tulsi. The only one who called it for what it was — a con.
It's not only Biden and son who were involved in the Ukraine corruption. Adam Schiff, many of his so called witnesses and even a few republicans such as Lindsay Graham were all getting kickbacks from the IMF loans we saddled the Ukrainian people with.
This has been posted here before and it's a good refresher for the corrupt dealings that happened after Obama,s coup. It wasn't just the $5 billion that nuland talked about. Oh no. It was a few more millions here and a few more millions there.
Ukraine, Trump, & Biden - The Real Story Behind "Ukrainegate"

Love her vote.
Part of me wishes Bernie would stop pandering to Her crowd and start telling it like it is.
But the other part says we should keep the MSNBC watchers so maniacal about Trump they forget all about the primaries and then find themselves with no choice but to vote for but a (gasp) Democratic Socialist in the general.
Such a dilemma...
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I was gonna post the same quote but ya beat me to the draw
Tulsi's vote, to paraphrase Commander Cheeto, "was absolutely perfect".
I just posted an essay about her vote. Hopefully someone will see it.
When it comes to a choice between Bernie and Tulsi
the DNC will choose Trump.
As an outsider.
My dad had one fundamental foundational rule, "You violate my trust, I never trust you again." and I inherited that from him. For five decades, I have been engaged in political fights, and it gets worse each election cycle. I was registered as a democrat for a little over ten years but by the time I moved to Nebraska I had had enough of pretending anything would change for the better in that crowd. I don't think progressives have been conned into supporting Biden or anyone else. I don't think progressives are as progressive as they or anyone else thinks they are.
The only thing I can say with any confidence is that Bernie is the best hope we have at this moment, and that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is looking better everyday for the near future. I base my assessment on thirty-five years of successful actions involving groups of varying sized and compositions in south-central Nebraska. The only way community action can be effective (in the real world) is by catching the "tell" people reveal, and I have gotten reasonably good at that task.
It is clear that Republicans have cast their lot with Drumpf tm even as republicans are disavowing that particular sea anchor. The best strategy is to keep demanding a "fair and impartial" trial (when hell freezes over) and support the creation of more articles of impeachment. Like a bola this will hobble the Republican effort to make progress.
Unfortunately, it is still up to the Democrats to not do something stupid. And, for that ... the future doesn't look too bright.
“Like with a cloth or something?” Over here in Europe,
meanwhile, key evidence in a corruption scandal has been wiped, tarnishing Ursula von der Leyen, the new woman president of the EU Commission, before she has even gotten started.
“Wie konnte das passieren?” is German for “How could that have happened?” Sarcastic undertone optional in either language.
Joe who?
One of my favorite things is all the people going on about the Constitution and duty and rule of law in trying to make this impeachment look like something necessary. Meanwhile, no one wants to talk about Joe Biden actually doing what they impeached Trump over allegedly trying to do. I don't think the average, mainstream Dem really knows Joe Biden, except for as old wacky Uncle Joe. Or maybe they just don't care because he's not Trump (except he pretty much is policywise, who cares about that?!?)
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.