Really Hillary? Bernie hurt you and made you lose?

Hillary went on Howard Stern's show of all people and lied about Bernie not helping get her elected. Let's look back at what happened shall we?

Bernie was asked about what Herheinous said about him.

Let's hear what Jimmy has to say about this.

h/t lookout

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thanatokephaloides's picture

....... I've watched none of the videos in this Essay. Why? Because I've just eaten a good, wholesome supper, and have no need to vomit good food which is more useful than Her Heinous will ever be. Biggrin

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

CB's picture

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snoopydawg's picture

Yup. F'ck her. The most toxic person in America.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

doesn't she know we have history? TV videos, mass emails, public appearance vids, tweets...
We know she is a liar. Why on earth doesn't she know when she spouts these lies that she will be called out?
Is she just that stupid?

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp her feelings are reality, and she feels that someone else is responsible for her losing the election. Ergo, facts are not applicable. (Plus, there's always the good old "taken out of context" excuse!)

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OzoneTom's picture

@on the cusp
Sanders campaigning for Her in 2016:

Versus Her campaigning for Obama in 2008:

And don't forget that in 2008 Her refused to end it's own campaign after Obama had clinched the nom, just in case "something" happened to him.

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@OzoneTom (/also snark)

Thank you for posting this. In the face of facts, there are still a lot of Clinton supporters out there who strongly insist that Bernie Sanders ruined everything.

Beyond the disconnect from reality, I cannot understand why so many people are going to bat for this beyond-privileged grifter. Okay, so she lost, it stung, but she was fine. She is a wealthy white woman, this was not life-or-death for her. Why in piping hot hell are so many people out there feeling sorry for Clinton instead of stepping up for children currently locked up in cages or murdered by police or being kicked off food stamps? Where are their champions? It's frankly disheartening that any more attention is being given to Hillary Clinton when the world is burning but her narc supply of attention is low.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Le Frog

No other presidential candidate in history has gone on a 3 year whining tour like Hillary has. Al Gore was told about what happened in Florida and he acted like he didn't give a flying F. Hillary lost for 3 reasons. We rejected her. For whatever reason Americans did not want her to be president. Okay she got more votes than Trump, but not where it counted.





Damn right her emails. Let's rehash what Comey said.

“Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” Comey said in a news conference Tuesday detailing the FBI investigation and his decision.

Several legal experts agreed with Comey’s conclusion that there was no recent precedent for bringing such a case without evidence of willful intent or gross negligence, and they said it would have been difficult to convince a jury to convict Clinton based on the evidence.

Comey initially stated in his report that he found that she had been grossly negligent in handling her emails, but Strzok changed it to “extremely careless”. The IG report on her emails said that at least one country had hacked into her server. Then there was her waffling on the TPP.

In the face of facts, there are still a lot of Clinton supporters out there who strongly insist that Bernie Sanders ruined everything.

Cnn or MSDNC brought on two Hillary cretins to talk about how Bernie refused to support her after he lost. Not she won. Nope, he lost.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

I didn't just LOL; I cackled like a villain (come to think of it, how is it that 'CLAV' isn't already a thing?).

0 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

@OzoneTom It's not just the lying, gaslighting, whatever she's doing about 2016, it's that she's describing what she, and her P.U.M.A.s, did in 2008. And not only, but I remember at places like TOP this behavior had protected class status for reasons.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

Not Henry Kissinger's picture


Which is 11 more rallies than Hillary held in those states.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Politics probably never came up, just two regular friends having a regular meal, like you do! /snark

The goddamn audacity of this woman has no bounds. Bernie sweated it out for her in 2016, campaigning in states that she didn't even bother going to AND losing a lot of his own supporters. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised to learn if she did better in the general because of Bernie. That's fucking party unity! He's not a Democrat, my ass. And that preposterous canard about Bernie bros voting en masse for Trump. O RLY? If I haven't totally lost my mind, I believe in the election post mortem we all learned that a larger percentage of Clinton PUMA fanatics voted for McCain in 2008 than Bernie bros/Russian assets/chaos agents/residue/pick your smear voted for Trump in 2016.

Just WTF... she spent over a billion dollars on that unholy mess of a campaign to lose in blue states and completely shit the bed in a general election against a game show host that should have been a cakewalk. Ugh, this human herpes makes me so angry. And fuck Howard Stern for giving this ghoul a platform.

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@Le Frog Have been since Bill swore in office.
I thought she might have been a decent SOS, since she didn't go public with what she was doing.
After the fact, I learn she was promoting fracking. After the fact, I leaned about Libya.
I dislike this or that person, reserve hate for extreme cases.
She is that extreme case, I hate her, and she doesn't have a single redeeming quality.
A narcissist indeed.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp and for me it started with the 2008 election. I was admittedly a Barack Obama supporter since before Iowa, but I also thought, at the time, when the primary was just shaping up, that it was pretty great to have Hillary Clinton run, to have a separate legacy from her husband. I was not informed and I was not paying attention from the start, but as the nastiness and vitriol directed towards Obama from her camp dialed up, it forever and irreversibly changed my perception of her, and my hatred has been growing ever since.

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boriscleto's picture

@Le Frog And won't ever vote for another Democrat other than Bernie. I voted for Nader, but got fooled by Obama Fool

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" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "

This was like a soft test to see how many of her supporters are #StillWithering and how much traction attacking Bernie Sanders gets her? That, or while the Poltergeist of Election Failures Past has come back to fling shit with a huge bucket and a giant whisk, we all look away from the other establishment candidates flaming out and tanking.

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Creosote.'s picture

@Le Frog
Have to admit that I felt some link with that project and Epstein's death, as something to keep her reputation clean in case the spotlight happened to light up her husband's Prince Edwardism.

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janis b's picture

I remember being stuck in rush hour traffic years ago on the Merritt Parkway with my brother who was a Howard Stern listener. Admittedly, I did laugh at moments, but mostly I thought “what an asshole”. My brother had difficulty hearing past Stern's humour to the offensive and disingenuous nature of his commentary.

Since I only listened to the first 4 minutes of his interview with Hillary, I don’t know if all of it was an endless fawning of a fan, or whether he ever challenged her on anything. It made me think that for those resolute Hillary fans, Howard was her consummate sponsor.

I guess humour can also be a dangerous thing?

edited - to add a 'dis'

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snoopydawg's picture

@janis b

What's next? Rush Limbaugh? I'm mean isn't Stern in the same category as Limbaugh is? Warren refuses to go on Fox News because of their sexism, but Stern has always been much worse towards women.

Saw this on wotb.

LOL! Hillary’s 'Groundhog Day’ is a whole year!!

3 years and counting. Will she still be whining during Trump's second term? Probably.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

janis b's picture


shared a common space, but I can see what you mean. They’re both ‘shock jocks’ and dishonest. I haven’t heard more than a few minutes of Limbaugh ranting, but I don’t remember him having a sense of humour. And I can’t imagine Hillary ever not seeking centre stage.

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travelerxxx's picture

@janis b

I guess humour can also be a dangerous thing?

I read your previous post where you made that statement a few minutes after it was published. Immediately, I thought of Rush Limbaugh and nearly answered right then. SD probably did a better job of replying than I would have anyway.

But, yes, Rush has a very good sense of humor ... it was groundbreaking (in a fashion) when he first came on the air. It's toxic as all hell, but for the people he's aiming at, it ties them up in knots. There was nothing quite like it in the beginning.

I actually heard his first nationwide broadcast. It was on an AM radio station in Lafayette, Louisiana, where I lived at the time. I still remember it. I don't mind saying that I was in awe of him and thought that he was going to hit the big time. Of course, he did.

Now when I say I was in awe, I don't mean I agreed. Rather, I understood that what he was doing was throwing red meat to the lions. No one had done anything quite like what he was doing. I'd often wondered why they didn't. Of course, the demise of the old "Fairness Doctrine" allowed demagogues like Rush to vent on the public airways where, before the policy was dumped, he would never had been able to do so without rebuttals.

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janis b's picture

@travelerxxx @travelerxxx

and "throwing red meat to the lions", here is a Lion's Mane Jellyfish I saw today on the beach ...

* edit - about 12 inches in diameter

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travelerxxx's picture

@janis b

Wow! So cool. I'm guessing the tentacles are of the stinging variety. Not good for small fishes ...or bare feet!

Once upon a time, I worked out in the Gulf of Mexico on various oil production platforms and/or drilling rigs. I maintained helicopters, which is the taxi of the Gulf oil industry. I had plenty of spare time in the afternoons before my machines came home to roost. I understand they won't let you do this now, but in those days I'd go down to the "plus ten" deck (the first deck above the water, about ten feet above high tide) and watch the marine life. One of the coolest things I ever saw was when the Portuguese Man (Men?) of War would be migrating. There were hundreds and hundreds of them all moving with the current and using their sails to steer. I guessed they were steering, anyway. Not once did I take a picture. Didn't even think to do that. These were pre-cellphone days.

It was really something to see ... along with everything else. Oh, I used to talk to dolphins. They are crazy, or maybe they thought I was crazy talking to them. They would come up to me and roll around on their sides, eyeing me with that grin on their faces. They never did answer back, by the way.

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janis b's picture


The magic you experienced on the 'plus ten' deck felt quite tangible to me in your relating - "There were hundreds and hundreds of them all moving with the current and using their sails to steer."

On the same beach 2 years ago, I saw hundreds and hundreds of tiny, baby Portuguese Men of War blown ashore, whose sails were deflating ... sad.

I've always wondered whether helicopters were designed after dragonflies or hummingbirds, which your words, “ before my machines came home to roost”, somehow implies.

I had never seen anything like that jellyfish before. I’m not sure if it was still alive, or if it’s stinging tenticles were buried temporarily in the sand. I did touch it with my hand and felt nothing.

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travelerxxx's picture

@janis b

I did touch it with my hand and felt nothing.

You are a braver soul than am I. Those tentacles can sting long after the creature is deceased. I'm guessing you know that since you saw so many washed ashore. I've seen beaches shut down and blocked off due to an influx of beached Portuguese Men of War. (Funny that I'd never before needed to write the plural of Portuguese Man of War until this little thread.)

Oh, and helicopters have more in common with maple tree seeds than either the hummers or our friends the dragonflies. While you don't consider a maple seed as having it ability to hover the way a hummer or dragonfly can, if the wind is right they certainly can. If you can't quite make the connection with helicopters and maple seeds, consider that there have been experimental helicopters using only one blade in the rotor system. Further, there are aircraft known as gyrocopters that are even closer to the maple seed than are helicopters. Basically, a gyrocopter is a rotorcraft without a powered rotor system. They have been around longer than helicopters, too.

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janis b's picture


What I was reminded of this late afternoon, as a helicopter passed overhead, was how noisy they are - so unlike Maple seeds twirling silently down from the tree ; ).

I enjoyed watching this short youtube about the flight of Maple seeds, and how they are naturally even more 'perfect' than helicopter blades …


The helicopter overhead just a few minutes ago was just on its way to somewhere else. I often hear them on weekends circling, which usually means that someone is hurt or lost in the ranges.

That Spanish inventor created a very practical and beneficial product!

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The Liberal Moonbat's picture


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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

janis b's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

to understand your comment, but ultimately I found it very funny. I'm still smiling, thank you.

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snoopydawg's picture

everywhere. That it's not even being discussed just again shows us how Hillary can do no wrong.

Remember when the NRA laundered money from Russia? Or that is what we have been told. Also what's happening with the Hillary campaign laundering $84 million?

I'm sure this will be on the wreck list any day.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

Hillary Clinton.
Went to sob on the shoulder of.
Howard Stern.

Hillary Clinton: A proud member of the 'Tipper Gore' wing of old-fashioned moral crusaders, hoisting a Venus-symbol in place of a crucifix and bashing games instead of gays, but otherwise just like the Religious Right.

Howard Stern: His entire career, for richer and for poorer, for better and for worse, in sickness and in sickerness, for pushing the envelope and for ripping it open with his teeth, has been accompanied by the steady drum-chorus of people crying "MISOGYNIST!" (a term I'm really sick of hearing for more reasons than it's worth going into here; suffice to say I've literally heard that word more in the past 5 years than in the entire rest of my life put together, and that's a great way to fail the smell-test). Last I'd heard - and this was several years ago now - he'd found himself in the actually-not-all-that-unlikely role of free speech martyr.

There's no telling what would have happened if these two had spent ~3 hours together in the 1990s.

If I were Stern, I'd at least be relishing the irony.

0 users have voted.

In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

edg's picture

I believe Bernie added 6 million votes to Hillary's total. If he hadn't forced her to at least pretend to campaign as well as given her a big red [pun intended] target to rally her stormtroopers against, she wouldn't have won even the popular vote much less the election.

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CB's picture

she would not have won the popular vote. She so turned off millions of voters, they had to imagine Bernie in their minds when they voted for her.

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And then a number of days ago, a leak by stated that Obama would interfere with the primaries if it looked like Bernie was looking like the winner. Seems dem establishment is trying to move primary voters off Bernie before the primaries start.

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dystopian's picture

Howard Stern and Robin ought to be ashamed of themselves. Hillary has no shame. Howard Stern is a total neolib defender of the establishment status quo, giving a platform for this crap. What a POS he is, proving money can't buy brains. Stern said everytime Hillary came out with a platform, Bernie came out with "free stuff". That is not what happened. How can Robin and Howard not know? Of course they know. Asshats.

Truth is Hillary relentlessly copied Bernie's platform. Bernie never countered with free anything. Hillary had no original platform, at least publicly.

Apparently giving near a trillion a year to the Pentagon, billions to Big Pharma, Big Oil, and Big Coal is not 'free stuff' to Howard. Just something, anything, for the little people is. OMG, Bernie was going to give something away to the people instead of the already sickeningly rich!

What a schmuck. What a putz. Howard Stern sucks Hillary's ass should be an article title about it.

Let me know if you want to know how I really feel about it. Wink

Thanks SD!

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

snoopydawg's picture


Howard Stern sucks Hillary's ass should be an article title about it.

But if you have more to say go for it. I'm always open to a good rant.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

dystopian's picture

@snoopydawg thanks SD. I got swamped and buried with biz/work, lucky for me, and even more lucky for y'all! Thanks for the thread...

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

thanatokephaloides's picture


What a schmuck. What a putz. Howard Stern sucks Hillary's ass should be an article title about it.

Let me know if you want to know how I really feel about it. Wink

Thanks SD!

I say: Go for it dystopian!

I'll even supply some music for inspiration:



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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

dystopian's picture

@thanatokephaloides Thank you thanato... I got swept up in work and biz so just got back ... and am buried ... but what a great awesome piece of music that is! Amazing, beautiful, yes inspirational. danke!

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

janis b's picture


plus all the rest of your comment is right-on!

Shame on them all.

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dystopian's picture

@janis b Merci beaucoup Janis! Thinking of you, and all the kiwis with that volcanic tragedy.

0 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

janis b's picture


for your recognition of the tragedy on White Island.

From what you know as a naturalist, do you think the island should have remained off-limit to visitors/tourists?

... especially as I learned it is privately owned.

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dystopian's picture

@janis b I have been following the story closely as I can. It is heartbreaking. The victims are in good hands being surrounded by Kiwis. The internal lung burns will kill more later. The silicates will get them. It is like asbestos in the lungs. So even the less burnt have some major issues ahead.

I am amazed that the scientists, volcanologists, would not go there due to the hazard issues, for years. Yet the government and tour operators thought it is OK? What do they know about it? The guys studying it only used remote instruments. Says the resort/tour operator... Let's go, and bring as many as we can? Was an accident waiting to happen.

The first fault lies with those that go to peer into an active volcano. But they are likely mostly very uneducated about it to make a proper informed decision. I would never do that tour. And as a hardcore nature boy I have done some dumb shit. I understand birders went there sometimes. Probably for seabirds from a boat and not landing. There were no terrestrial endemics there. It would seem the gov should have heeded the scientists warning. Leaving it up to the profiteers is some killer capitalism. The threat level had been raised a month ago. Tours should have been discontinued then.

It is so sad. My heart is with y'all...

0 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

thanatokephaloides's picture


I have been following the story closely as I can. It is heartbreaking. The victims are in good hands being surrounded by Kiwis. The internal lung burns will kill more later. The silicates will get them. It is like asbestos in the lungs. So even the less burnt have some major issues ahead.

pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis -- literally!

And it is heartbreaking indeed.

At least it's Kiwis who will be tending to them, and not Americans, thank God!

0 users have voted.

"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

dystopian's picture

@thanatokephaloides No wonder I could not think of that dang name! LOL You hardly ever see that word in a crossword puzzle. Wink I think I will use this word in my next game of hangman:


0 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

thanatokephaloides's picture


No wonder I could not think of that dang name! LOL You hardly ever see that word in a crossword puzzle. Wink I think I will use this word in my next game of hangman:


Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is supposedly the longest common noun in English. Or at least it was when this 1976 high school graduate was coming up. It describes a lung condition caused by very small particles of igneous silica in the lungs.


0 users have voted.

"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

janis b's picture


for your big heart and 'hardcore nature boy' being. It's always appreciated.

Twice we drove along the coast, in close proximity to White Island. The lure of an active volcanic island so close off-shore was alluring. At the same time it was also so forbidding looking. Now, sort of, I wish we had (safely) ventured there, if for no other reason then to have payed tribute to the power of nature, and now in homage of those that lost their lives.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

@janis b

And, thank you dystopian, for your recognition of the tragedy on White Island.

From what you know as a naturalist, do you think the island should have remained off-limit to visitors/tourists?

... especially as I learned it is privately owned.

I'm not much of a biologist, but my geological education tells me that indeed, the island should have remained off-limits to full-time habitation, with visitors/tourists restricted in number to what could be evacuated at near zero notice. And allowing it to be privately owned was a GINORMOUS mistake!

This is an active volcano, people! And by the time New Zealand was colonized, we knew well enough that active volcanoes are not suitable places for humans to live.

I doubt seriously that the Maori ever attempted it.

0 users have voted.

"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

janis b's picture


As far as I know White Island was never inhabited, for obvious reasons.

Auckland sits upon 50 active volcanoes, so let's all wish for the best in the future.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

@janis b

Auckland sits upon 50 active volcanoes, so let's all wish for the best in the future.

Auckland should become sister-cities with Naples, then! Looks like we've got another "major city on the supercaldera" situation, like building Denver in the middle of Yellowstone.

You don't live in Auckland, do you?

0 users have voted.

"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

janis b's picture


I’m safer living on the westside of Auckland than on the eastside, where the many dormant, but not extinct, volcanoes are.

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dystopian's picture

@thanatokephaloides This is a great point... and I bet you are correct. Funny how so often those 'primitive' people knew better than 'modern' white euroman!

I doubt seriously that the Maori ever attempted it.
0 users have voted.

We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

janis b's picture


how humans can be so blind to the obvious lessons of nature, is one I always struggle with trying to understand.

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dystopian's picture

@janis b Surely it must be related to civilization and how 'progress' removed man from so much of nature. When we weren't flat out removing nature. For many it is just something to conquer. And some popular religion teaches man has dominion over all of it, as if we weren't going to be too arrogant already being upright bipedal hominids with an opposable thumb and large cranium. Now we have multiple generations that are not versed in nature, that think meat comes from the store.

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

janis b's picture


explains a part of human nature that is at the heart of all that is tragic. If only more could appreciate the gifts they were given, as “being upright bipedal hominids with an opposable thumb and large cranium.”


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