The Unintended Consequences of the American Experiment.
In the matter of the Arkansas paternity suit against Hunter Biden, lawyers representing the mother of his child told the court that she was a very private woman. She never wavered, however, and she never doubted the results.
“Ms. Roberts is committed to Hunter Biden and his family having the best relationship with the child, whatever that may be, whenever they’re ready,” attorney Clint Lancaster says.
Even while it brought her international attention, the paternity suit filed by Arkansas woman Lunden Roberts against former Vice President Joe Biden‘s son Hunter Biden has always been seen by her as a “family matter,” her attorney says — and one she only pressed because Hunter left her no choice.
In court papers filed Wednesday, Roberts’ lawyers, Clint and Jennifer Lancaster, told the court that DNA testing had proved Hunter was the father of her child, who was born in August 2018, even as Hunter repeatedly denied ever having sex with her.
In the subsequent court hearing, Hunter Biden has been ordered by an Arkansas judge to produce five years of financial records - a period which includes the majority of his time on the board of Ukrainian gas giant Burisma, which paid Biden's firm over $80,000 per month.
If you have intersected with reality at any point during the ongoing "Impeachment Query" underway in Congress, then you may realize that this ruling could cause a serious disconnect in the Democrat's Impeachment narrative.
You also have probably sensed the fear and panic churning in the background. In the foreground we can see the frantic effort being made by the Democratic Party to limit the public's exposure to any information that mentions or confirms the ongoing investigation taking place in Ukraine right now, which is looking into financial corruption involving elected leaders from the Democratic Party, and also examining Ukraine's meddling in the 2016 Presidential election on behalf of Hillary Clinton.
The Democrats are forced to provide defensive cover for the reckless attempts to cover-up yet another crime by the Neocon elite who 'virtually' occupy the Federal Government. It is they who have brought the United States to the threshold of Impeachment of the President. If you have focused your attention on the verifiable facts in evidence, rather than on the conjecture and personal opinions, which are accompanied by the propaganda spew of the Media Monopolies, then you realize that a successful Impeachment (or the constant threat of pending impeachment) means that the truth of these crimes will never be put before the American People. A perspective based on simple logic and physical evidence allows us to understand the significance of the latest court orders in this paternity suit.
Originally Judge Don McSpadden, who is presiding over the court in Batesville, Arkansas, had only asked for three years' records.
But now the Judge says he needs five years of records before making a decision on how much the former vice-president's son should pay to support his child.
Looking back five years transports us to a time in 2014 when the American Neocons embedded in the State Department (some call them "deep state") engineered the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Ukraine. The plan was to replace the top leaders in Ukraine's government with US proxies. The Ukrainians would borrowed money from the IMF, the proxies would use it to quickly shift the Ukrainian identity from majority Russian to majority European. No one anticipated that the government didn't function at all without corruption. It became a challenge to sort out systemic corruption in Ukraine before the easy money became too lucrative to resist.
The strategy that began with toppling Ukraine's government was to end with the installation NATO missiles on Russia's border. A steady stream of 'justified' sanctions against Russia would begin dropping immediately. The Sanctions were designed to devastate specific areas of the Russian economy. None of that worked out the way it was supposed to. The sanctions thrust Russia and China together creating a powerful geopolitical bond once considered highly unlikely. Russia and China soon signed the largest oil and gas trade deal that the world had ever known.
That, in turn, triggered the rise of Eurasia. The natural trading alliance smoothly expanded to cover most of the Eastern Hemisphere, with Russia and China acting as anchors. The Neocon's aggressive over-reach with sanctions had inadvertently elevated Russia and China to SuperPower status. It would some time before the US a pattern in development that suggested that cooperative collective of states were engaged in silent geopolitical reinforcement was occurring outside the presence of a military threat. The pattern made no sense as an offensive strategy, but It wasn't long before the State Department and the Pentagon would be scrambling to adjust to an amorphous virtual threat on the geopolitical map. This resulted in a chain reaction of further unexpected consequences in the US.
During the two-year lag between the Ukrainian putsch and the 2016 Election Primaries, the deep state Neocons were riding high, roaming the world creating strategic chaos. Sanctions began to target gas-rich nations in South America. The US War on Terror (against the Shiites) expanded, engulfing Yemen. It was the Saudis turn to play the role of US proxy. They were paid in forbidden military equipment. The Neocons were flush with new enemies. They failed to notice that the Neoliberal austerity imposed upon the middle class had started a seething anger in the American electorate. Imagine their surprise when the polling results indicated that political Outsiders might defeat the Neoliberal establishment, who were pushing wealth-magnifying globalism.
Surely, there can be little wonder that the same Neocons who helped topple the Ukraine government — and their ideological brethren in permanent positions of authority in the US government — were emboldened by their own global achievements in toppling government systems with drivers of information chaos. Thus, the Neocons reacted as they did whenever a populist "outsider" became a threat to a US installed proxy leader. Late in the game and running on instinct, the Neocons were embroiled in their most ambitious self-delusion ever. They and their cohort in the Obama administration attempted, first, to subvert a Presidential election in the US, and then, to oust a newly elected US President. The cover they used when those attempts failed was widely known as the 'Russia Hoax'. The fallout from that fiasco is ongoing.
In the midst of this chaos, a child was born....
Lunden Roberts, the child's mother, has asked for $11,000 in legal fees. And, beyond ordinary child support for their child, Ms Roberts argues that their child qualifies for Secret Service protection as the grandchild of former Vice President and 2020 presidential candidate, Joe Biden.
Her court filing reads:
Baby Doe's paternal grandfather, Joe Biden, is seeking the nomination of the Democratic Party for President of the United States of America. He is considered by some to be the person most likely to win his party's nomination and challenge President Trump on the ballet in 2020. The members of the Biden family either are protected or eligible to be protected by the United States Secret Service as a direct result of Joe Biden's political status.
Baby Doe's paternity could put the child and those close to the child at risk of harm for the same reasons the Biden family is protected by the United States Secret Service.
The 49-year-old Biden and 28-year-old Roberts were given 10 days to produce their financial records, though they will be sealed from the public.
Hunter Biden's child is one of several Black Swans that have landed in this unresolved matter. The Black Swan is a creature that is welcomed by the few and feared by many.
Essentially, Judge Don McSpadden of Batesville, Arkansas has put important discovery pertaining to the Burisma – Biden investigation on the record in the United States. Incidentally, that investigation (which actually concluded back in February 2019**) is a Very Big Deal in Ukraine. The amount stolen from the Ukrainian people includes some $16 million, some of which was allegedly laundered by the Biden family. Templeton Investment Fund has also been implicated in the money laundering scheme. I don't believe this factual information is being reported by the Media Monopolies in the United States.
Judge McSpadden responded to the Lunden Robert's requests and claims with the following:
I have viewed Ms Roberts affidavit of financial means online and saw that she is employed at a family business probably for a salary of less than minimum wage. Therefore for now I want the affidavit of financial means and supporting documents to cover the last five years. This would include monies received from any source for both parties whether it be support of any kind, gifts or salary, which would include bonuses, tips or gratuities.
Meanwhile, Judge McSpadden expects to decide on all matters in this case at the next hearing on January 7, 2020. Ms. Roberts is represented by Arkansas lawyer Clint Lancaster. Hunter Biden did not show up for this court proceeding. A former Arkansas Attorney General, Dustin McDaniel, had been representing him.
Judge McSpadden drove his agenda home, concluding: "This matter has been filed in this Court. I anticipate paternity as well as custody, support, and visitation being established at our next hearing. My major and main, if not only, concern is what is in the best interest of this child. These issues are no longer up to the parties involved."
** According to my most recent research of documents held by the Ukrainian government: Yes, the investigation into Joe Biden was completed in the first month of 2019 and compiled into Report form. Coincidently, this processes mirrors the Mueller Report, which was happening at about the same time. But by mid March 2019, Ukraine's Prosecutors began to complain via Press Events that US Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch would not issue Ukraine prosecutors a VISA to travel to the US. They were blocked from hand-delivering the final Report and supporting evidence to the US Department of Justice. The prosecutors say that the US had requested this investigation. At some point, Ambassador Yovanovitch suggested that they give the evidence to the FBI in Ukraine. The Prosecutors rejected that idea. It appears that this investigation into Burisma and the Bidens was complete and winding up before Joe Biden announced his candidacy for the 2020 Presidential election. Parts of it are still active and and new "suspicions" ('charges' in Ukraine) are announced regularly, like this one that was filed just two weeks ago during 'witness' testimony at the US impeachment hearings where the Democrats claim that the Investigation never took place, and Donald Trump was trying to start one. Not a peep from the press or anyone else, to resolve the gaping holes. I doubt the American People will ever learn about the Bullshitocracy they participate in. And if they did it wouldn't change anything at all.
The Republicans have no fear of Joe Biden. They see him as easily defeated. They believe that moderates and folks who lean conservative will not vote for a Democrats who now and then blurts Republican values. They will vote for a real Republican with consistent Republic policies, every time. In the 2020 elections, Republicans are currently spending big on ads that focusing on fear-mongering and smearing Democratic Left candidates that they seriously fear could lead Americans to a populist defeat of the Neoliberal cartel that occupies Washington DC on behalf of US corporations and their economic competitiveness. Their ad buys smear these candidates as "socialists" and "far-far Left communists." The Republicans recognize the power of an idea whose time has come. They fear that the Democratic 'socialists' like Bernie Sanders are offering such a idea to the US electorate. The Republicans are not running ads at this time that smear Joe Biden as a socialist enemy, because Biden is the preferred opponent of both the Republicans and Donald Trump. Joe Biden has the weakest tea, according to the Republican's campaign research. Biden has few modern ideas or plans that address the issues of the 21st Century. Biden's mental deficits in comparison to Donald Trump's will make Biden appear unusually vulnerable. No Republican is trying to knock Biden out of the race. That is completely illogical.
So, what do Republicans do? They try to convince the Democratic Party to dump their 'socialist' candidates. They tell Democrats that Americans don't want what the socialists are pushing. The Democratic Party seems to agree, without questioning why the Republicans would give them advice on how to win. The Media Monopolies thread the needle every day to block or mock or otherwise sabotage the Leftist candidates without harming Centrists like Biden, Bloomberg, or Buttigieg.
Reject the illogical arguments of the Duopoly Gaslighters. Trump is being impeached for words he spoke in an environment where he knew his words would be recorded and analyzed. Trump was aware that both he and Zelensky would each have up to 30 listeners on the phone line. He knew this conversations could be accessed by the world. It was a pre-scheduled conversation that commemorates the occasion when Trump congratulates Zelenski on his election victory in Ukraine. It will be stored in the Library of Congress.
Is it logical that Trump would choose that recorded telephone event to engage in an alleged criminal act? Is it logical to assume that this was the first and only time the two presidents have spoken? Trump can pick up the phone and call Zelensky whenever he wants to do so. Thus, if he wants to threaten or bribe Zelensky in a somewhat more private conversation that is not intended for a global audience, he is perfectly capable of doing so. I've read the telephone transcript many times. There was subtle subtext that passed between them. However at no time does the conversation match the sinister and paranoid presentation that the Democrats are pushing at the Impeachment Query. I also felt that Trump seemed to express something more in the call, perhaps not to Zelensky, but to the listeners on the line. There were specific forces that were pressuring Trump on that day in July, when the call was scheduled.
These days, the Democrats always speak from behind their own projections and subjectivity. Their stance always dissolves to a defensive pose. I have my own guess about a meta message contained in that phone call. An overview message that Trump may have been delivering. But my guess is evidence of nothing. This also applies to many of the presentations during the Democratic hearings. The testimony provided some one-sided context, but the views were shaped by the witnesses' emotions, impressions, opinions, and political attitudes and prejudices. The legal description of the "crime" that Trump may have committed are more valid, if it is established that Trump's enduring interest in the pending charges against the Bidens (coupled with his enduring interest in Ukraine's material efforts in 2016 to harm his campaign and swing a win for Hillary) were motivated by an opportunity to knock Joe Biden out of the Presidential race. I think it is obvious that the stakes are much, much higher. No matter what happens with the impeachment, I believe he will not stop tracking these crimes and pursuing and exposing the origins of the torment that dogged his every step. I have no doubt that payback is the motive here. And revenge.
That leads to another logic hole. The motive that Democrats are trying to prove is driving Trump's ongoing investigation in Ukraine is invalidated by the fact that this year long year-long investigation of the Bidens is still underway. There are new charges that eclipse the Bidens and point to a wider arena of US corruption among the political class that ay have a bearing on the corruption that plagues US politics. This investigation does not look like the debunked conspiracy theory that the Democrats insist that it is. Ukraine wants the Bidens to return the money, which they insist was stolen from the Ukrainian people. I want a better President, too. But until the Democrats charge him with a real crime that he actually committed — for example the war crime he committed as the entire world looked on — the Impeachment event itself will produce punishing consequences across the land.
Why am I the only one who seems to know that there is a Biden investigation in full swing, which is a fact on the ground. Ukraine wants to apologize for tampering with the US election in 2016. They think we don't trust them because of that and will soon back away from them. I am increasingly indifferent to US politics. The systemic, forced ignorance of the US electorate ended democracy long ago. No one has to hack elections to get the desired results. Even the two-party gimmick is designed to deliver the only ideology that matters. The ideology that makes the wealthy even more powerful. War. Paid for in full by American laborers. There is no election meddling in the US because there are no candidates who can change the actions of what is basically a coup government. The Left has no Party representation in the US. Thus, there is no political solution to the real problem. I have noticed that my contributions do not help.
[Edit = many many typos and much incoherence. Sorry. ]

The DINOs will rue the day
the word Ukraine passed their scaley lips.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
Powerful words Pluto's
The music is getting louder
as the Biden's dance in the shadows
father like son
another distraction
hiding more corruption
black swan indeed
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
On this, you are wrong:
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Hunter denied sex? Really? Is he that ignorant about DNA tests for paternity?
Grandpa Joe and Grandma Jill could have avoided all this by advising son Hunter to 'fess up, pay support.
But, noooo....
I applaud the judge for the 5 year, not 2 or 3 customary standard.
And, let the truth be out.
And let the chips fall.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Well, you know he is the son of God so
he could have made her pregnant without sex like Mary.
See, it's all religion.
EDIT: I'd love to see DNA tests of Joe and Hunter.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
If not God,
Or something like that.
Because, I BELIEVE Hunter.
I need a bumper sticker to that effect.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
So not only can the Russians steal places like Crimea
Your contributions DO help!
Even if only a handful of people read your messages and grasp only part of your insights, the door to your thoughts is now open, and your readers will reflect what they've learned from you to many more readers.
I don't even know where to begin here
There is so much wrong with what she says. And Her is saying that no one is above the law.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Except the One True queen of course. n/t
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
Duopoly--monopoly--oligopoly: Do not pass Go
I am hopeful that once again when the DNC (read Killary) fixes the primaries, that a new third party will rise phoenix-like, from the ashes of the the decrepit, destitute, derelict, disordered DemonRATic Partei, into a truly progressive, independently small-donor-financed faction, capable of slowly replacing the Dems in a 4 or 6 year interval. Tulsi, we need you!
We all know the Bidens are corrupt
Good diary!
"The enemy is anybody who is going to get you killed, no matter which side he's on." Yossarian
Drop by drop
It's becoming so obvious that even those barely paying attention are beginning to spot it. Just wait until the GOP controlled senate gets their shot during any impeachment proceedings.
Yeah, your financial contributions are probably not going to turn any ears. Only corporations-as-people seem to matter. However, the words you are writing most certainly do help. While a river starts as a small trickle up high, it does have to start.
Thank-you for a fine post.
heh there, you all know too much, so it is reasonable
to say you are all the evil spies of the worst enemy you got. /s/be happy/got humor?
Sigh, it's a piece of work to read through our articles. My guts tell me they are necessary to be written. My guts are always right.
the Biden's dirt grows deeper and deeper
I was aware of the investigation of the Biden's in Ukraine and the missing 16 M, although I didn't know it was done so long ago. I had no idea about the paternity suit.
Thanks for your insights and info!
How can creepy joe be doing so well in the polls? Are we that ignorant as a people or simply misled or are they just lying about the polls? Another 4 years of Trump seems very likely.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
If Joe Biden had read this essay he would have
called you out as a "damn liar".... very angrily.... as if you had hit a nerve.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Hunter and Joe Biden think they are royalty....
and they are... in the style of Prince Andrew.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
The Real Story
A Russian hacking group known as Fertile Bear stole Hunter Biden's DNA. Using in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer, and with the complicity of embedded Russian Spy Mother, "Natasha Doe", ginned up a paternity suit as a means to embarrass the Biden family and return Donald J. Trump to the White House. Where he can continue working for the benefit of Russia by adding more and more sanctions, breaking more and more treaties, and placing more and more American weapons on Russia's borders.
here we have a true spie ... edg ... all my trust in you is gone
by now. How dare you reveal yourself in public?
yackedy-yack, it is even no fun anymore to snark around.
Now where are the roses I need to give you now to say I am sorry?
Sigh... Biden never Played Crusader Kings II...
First rule of Royalty, make certain your kids don't have any bastards that can cause trouble. They learned that one the hard way after William the Bastard of Normandy.
The attitude is pure "How DARE this whore demand her brat is mine!" which really is a great attitude to take when addressing the peasantry, Joe... think about it for a fucking second. Stop thinking about them as your drinking buddies and your adulators and realize, you're ACTING like a fucking royal. You just put your head on a chopping block, and gave the axe to the media.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I saw an article about
The paternity suit. But did not know all the gory details. This needs to be out there. Thanks.
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
Pluto - a very, very good essay
As a community we are one of a few that have a truly enlightened view of current events. We need to keep each other informed. This is, by the way, a repeat of the Vietnam era. It too was filled with establishment lies, but some communities saw through this. The counter perception eventually became the most important perception.
It's not surprising that the US royalty got caught up in Ukrainian corruption, that has been rampant for decades. And they saw a way to personally profit from the sludge. Now that Ukraine is trying to do something about it under Zelensky the US royals are going to get caught. I have read that Ukraine was a very big contributor to the most corrupt slush fund in History- the Clinton Foundation. Hmmm, this could get very interesting. Do the Democrats really want to open that door? Yes, they do out of pure visceral hatred of Trump. Blowback?
Also as an aside, I'm thinking that Bernie using the label Democratic Socialist was genius. The propaganda conditioning Americans to negatively respond to the terms Socialism and even Communism, was, of course, completely irrational. I'm wondering if it's time to revive these terms in our political discourse. When you use these terms you get a completely irrational visceral reaction from the establishment. The correct response from Progressives is to be completely rational. We really do need to consider elements of all progressive forms of governments to go forward and solve the critical issues that threaten our very existence. It's interesting that the Communist Chinese brought an element of the free market into their economic system and have been far more successful than any Capitalist country in achieving genuine economic growth and bringing their citizens out of poverty. Russia has been reconsidering its Socialist past and has been restoring elements of it, including health care and education. They clearly take willful decisions to build a better country for their citizens, not just enriching the wealthy. I Think that it's time to stop being afraid to hold China and Russia up as good models in those areas that they have significant achievements, especially for their people. No wonder the establishment wants to vilify these countries.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
Yes. As you see, Ukraine was the No. 1 contributor
As we speak, Ukraine is releasing all the evidence they have of US criminal activity in Ukraine, as well as election meddling — to the entire world. Member of Parliament Andriy Derkach is spearheading the release:
Read on at the link above.
It does not seem to be impacting the Impeachment proceedings, yet. Nor is it covered in the US news media.
Will this come out in the senate hearings?
Biden was involved in the shenanigans with the loan to Ukraine and is rumored to have been involved money laundering too, not just his son getting lots of money for sitting on the board. Well look here.
From what I have read he wasn't the only one taking money that was supposed to go somewhere else.
People are still saying that Ukraine being involved with getting dirt on Trump has been debunked when it never has been. People are posting links to articles written back in 2016 where people were bragging about how they tried to get Hillary elected. The NYT and Wa Post, Salon and other MSM all covered it.
On a side note, Pluto take a look at this long article on who all the players in creating Russia Gate are and who they are connected to. I'm still working my way through it. The first part is an eye opener. Let me know what you think.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks. I'll look over the link.
Is the news getting out? Apparently, Ted Cruz tried to bring up Ukraine's full confession on Their Election Meddling on Behalf of Hillary Clinton on Meet the Press today and Chuck Todd flipped out:
Chuck Todd Goes Nuclear After Ted Cruz Mentions 'Debunked' Ukraine Election Meddling
Meanwhile, all sorts of people are dropping intelligence here and there:
Ukraine Was The Origin Of The Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax
(These ZH index entries all have links back to the original sources.)
On the other hand, no one can force the media to report the truth. But it is pretty clear that Trump has been investigating the origins of the Russia Hoax. All of it came from Ukraine. Russia still has nothing to do with anything.
But neither party has anything to gain from pointing out the complete corruption of the Duopoly and the rogue Federal Government, because that's where this leads. They'll probably have to bomb Ukraine to shut them up. Then blame it on the Russians.
No joke.
Lots of people know what happened in Ukraine
during the election, but yes more people are learning what the truth is.
I tried watching Todd being a brat earlier this morning, but couldn't stand his bloviating and shouting over Ted. Why does he think he can treat people he has on like that? If it'd been me I would have just stopped talking until I got his attention and told him either let me speak or I'm walking. Todd is a rude git who isn't as important as he thinks he is.
People need to be more prepared and start showing the articles that were written back then.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I added to the Comment you are responding to.
So, reload to reveal the links to the 2015 White House logs where the Russia Hoax international conspiracy was was likely born.
The person who arranged the meetings = Eric Ciaramella
Becoming a whistleblower and demanding anonymity is probably the only way he can escape.
I'm finally beginning to understand the shrill hysteria echoing off the walls in DC.
I read that last night
and followed lots of the links in it. I think that is where I found the one I posted up thread. Great article and yes I can see why people are freaking out about the truth coming out. This is why I'm wondering why democrats went with the Ukraine farce for impeaching Trump. They have to know that this will just bite not only Biden, but Hillary too. This is the real election interference. Lots of democrats got their hands dirty in Ukraine besides ByeDone.
I just read that Rudy says he has evidence of people taking billions meant for Ukraine and using it on NGOs. But why he's telling everyone on Twitter? Save it for the trial. This is what I don't get.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.