Some thoughts on a profound article
First I want you to check out this awesome New Republic article by Libby Watson.
But before I do that I want to say some Research 101 sorts of things. It's really important to do research on people who ought to be doing better things with their lives. Sure, the mass public ought to be inspired by people who are doing good things for the world: the helpers, as Fred Rogers called them. But mostly you look for helpers in order to get help -- and once you've signed on, once you've become a helper yourself, you no longer need their publicity. It should also be noted that there are people out there who are doing opposition research on the helpers -- I'm referring, of course, to the secret teams, the FBI and CIA and NSA and other people of that sort. The sort of research the world needs more of is that of the folks who stand in the way of a better world, people whose misery is something they've been empowered to spread to others. We need to find these people, approach them compassionately, and ask: WTF? Barring that, we should at least allow them to live in homeless encampments in Oakland.
Libby Watson does an excellent job of the second type of research. Here she is going to tell us about the Partnership for America's Health Care Future.
One of the most loathsome and slimy of these firms’ creations is the Partnership for America’s Health Care Future, a coalition of health-industry groups—from big players in the insurance industry and the drug industry to those in the hospital industry and various local chambers of commerce—that was organized with the explicit intention of killing single-payer and the public option, which the Partnership lumps together as if they were remotely the same thing.
Of course, Watson tells us about where the trail of money leads -- who is funding whom, and who is sucking at whose pecuniary teat. I'd urge you all to read the article for that. The main reason I wrote this promo for her writing was to focus upon what Watson says these people do with their lives.
A productive day could mean anything from ghostwriting an op-ed for some local schmuck to send to their local paper, to astroturfing a Twitter account, to buying Facebook ads for their real-sounding-but-totally-fake organizations—whatever will convince their funders they’re doing something with their money and not just reading about the new Game of Thrones pop-up bar. And then they go home, sometimes via a bland happy hour full of other useless suits, to their very nice apartments—$2,500 a month for a one-bedroom without sufficient counter space to chop an onion, but it has a really nice common room with a ping-pong table—and reflect: What a good day’s work.
What I would want to tell them is this: come on, people, get lives. You all justify this exactly how? "Thousands of people are going to die because of the policies we promote, but, hey, rent's expensive, and all my buds are in DC." Is that what you all tell yourselves every night before you go to bed? This is no way to live your lives, much less get any sleep at night. Quit your jobs and spend your limited time on Earth -- between now and that not-so-far-off moment when a climate-change-induced hurricane puts DC underwater -- doing something more enjoyable. Use part of your $2500 to rent a place in Mexico, and spend the rest on good food and margaritas while enjoying better weather. And if you still need money you can move to a state where it's legal and work at marijuana dispensaries.
End of rant.

It's true!
Money, the root of all evil.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
1 Tim. 6.10
Well, greed, if you're being KJV biblical: "For the love of money is the root of all evil..."
So, not money itself, rather the love of it.
A good days work
I used to work for Goldman Sachs as a graphic designer putting together pitch books for investments bankers working on billion dollar IPO deals in Latin America. It would be a cliche to say these people are just as awful as you might imagine, but it would also be true. The day I turned 40 years old, I had had enough. So, I took a huge pay cut, got a job teaching a business writing class to a group of superintendents at a large labor union while also tutoring prospective applicants to the FDNY how to pass their GED. And guess what? I actually enjoyed working again and the people I worked with. Which btw, is no small thing. We spend more time with the people we work with on a day to day basis than our own families.
So, there's that, I guess.
Thanks for the article.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
No. You can't make me believe it.
I have read articles like this one before. But this one dripped with righteous anger like I have never seen. It revealed at an emotional level the betrayal of so-called liberals and progressives. But I am not sure that these future lobbyists were ever really committed to any ideology or cause.
In fact, they are and have been cynical careerists from the get go who simple choose one side over another as a path . They are creatures of the moment and go where the most is to be made. I remember the rising media stars during the Bush Jr. years who opposed the Iraq war and Bush policies. But once Obama won, they became all in the democratic establishment and forgot anything about opposing Obama's war: Maddow, Steph Miller, Randi Rhodes, etc are examples. Hell, some of these careerists were already picking their West Wing offices. Maybe this is why they hate Trump so much. Trump made them start over in their career paths.
But yah, us Wee People don't understand the depth of this invisible force fighting against us. Who they are, their interrelationships, and histories. They use our naivety against us. They use our naive belief's in honesty, fairness, to pimp us.
The gatekeepers are as bad as those they represent
Caitlin nails it!
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Great essay by Caitlin J. See this dynamic on big lib sites
It is like telling Joe that Mark has been saying horrid things about Joe's mother. Joe then starts a fight with Mark and the person pushing the slander is just surprised that Joe would start a fight with Mark.
This is why the liberal establishment hates Tulsi--she refuses to go along with these narratives which I believe she knows leads to the second step of justifying war. Article really articulated for me this dynamic.
I witnessed this first hand over there.
But Trump gave Vlad the heads up before he bombed Syria and he only hit empty buildings. Whah! For the first time that site was wanting blood to be spilled. But of course we weren't supposed to be killing Russians, but Syrians dummy. And there is no longer any presumption of innocence. Nope. Trump is guilty of everything he's doing and we just need to lock him up and then remove him from office. Like Nunes says in the tweet I posted in Wendy's essay, this impeachment farce is a trial looking for a crime.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Just saw this which seems to apply in a way to your comments.
George is represented by the CAA group
that gave Tulsi crap for resigning from the DNC and telling us that they rigged the primary against Bernie. Most of the media is represented by them too and that's why we are seeing such hostility towards Tulsi. I hope George saw this.
Vote blue no matter who? No way in hell will I do that. BTW I read this morning that Bernie beat Hillary in Utah big time.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Thanks for the "insider knowledge"
Mercenaries for the PTB
Just what would it take for me to sell out my principles at the cost of my fellow humans? I'd like to think that I wouldn't do it. In fact after spending my life savings moving to California to work for a crooked doctor I turned him into the medical board and got a job pumping gas until I found another one in my field. The doctor was taking advantage of the elderly and I just couldn't be a part of it.
Eye opening article.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Really good article, thanks
for bringing it to my(our) attention.
The worst class to be in is the poverty class. People will do virtually anything to rise above.
It is not only about food or housing security, it is to be accepted as a winner and worker, not a homeless, lazy bum.
I attempted, but could not continue to finish a divorce case with a disabled vet who went into the Army for a pay check. He told his superiors he would kill anybody, anywhere, for that check, as he had no education, no other options. He was head of his class, training to be special forces, when he got injured on the base, had to be put on permanent disability. He never got out of basic training.
TO THIS DAY, he regrets not being on the payroll, REGRETS he could not "earn" his pay.
He wanted to provide himself and his kids with a respectable home in a respectable neighborhood, and not be humiliated by the abject poverty he lived as a child.
He was actively willing, in his words, to be a murderer, to spare his kids from being mocked.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
So true. The mercenary mentality.
I withdrew from the case out of fear
I really wanted to help him, but it was just not possible. He scared me, which is not easy to do.
I have another client who lost his parents when he was 13. He lived on the streets. He went to prison for drunk driving, but he survived, does not want his sons to go through that. He can barely read and write, but can work. It is all about work. About income. About moving the kids from gang neighborhoods to gang free neighborhoods, and wearing the cool shoes.
Low threshold. No thinking, no pondering the world. Just finding some chicken shit job that pays enough for you and your family to be housed and to eat, wear cute shoes, and not be humiliated by their peers.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981