Warren addressed the Bolivian coup

Max Bluemental:

Stopping a fascist military coup? She doesn’t have a plan for that.

Aaron with gravy:

lol you finally choose to speak about this and even use half measures in this statement. it's a right wing coup and the military is murdering indigenous people to ensure, and I quote, they never have a place in government again


"Gee, golly, I've been hearing terrible things out of Germany, but I think we can all call on, and trust, the SS to protect the rights of the Jewish population"

They had a free and fair election, then the military overthrew the results. But you know this, and support it, like you openly support the coup government in Venezuela

Aaron Mate:

They had a free and fair election and then there was a coup. Your statement ignores both of those things.


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snoopydawg's picture

Handing Trump 'Terrifying Authoritarian Surveillance Powers,' House Democrats Include Patriot Act Reauthorization in Funding Bill

"Wow. House Democrats are ignoring civil liberties and including a three month straight reauthorization of the Patriot Act (with zero reform) in the continuing resolution."

No they did not cave. Unbelievable that anyone thinks that there is a lick of difference between the parties. How much money is wasted on spying on us? "Oh but I have nothing to hide"is now being quoted on democratic sites which I am just dumbfounded about. I am going for a walk.

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snoopydawg's picture

People should look at this re-authorization of increased surveillance powers to Trump in the context of the current impeachment hearings. I have been trying to point out for some time that the Democrats (and the CIA’s) opposition to Trump is not the same as the majority of Americans (emoluments violations, stoking a fascist movement, immigration policy, tax cuts to the rich etc, etc). They oppose Trump because they differ on foreign policy. Just look at the narrowness of scope of these hearings. The Dems, MSDNC, the NYT and CIA want a much more aggressive stance towards Russia (who is almost on par w/ us as to nuclear weapons).

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wendy davis's picture


all voted yea; tulsi gabbard once again hadn't voted.

i suppose bernie sanders' tweet above is a notch or two above this enigmatic one on nov. 11, but does his new one suffice for all or most of you? certainly no mention that he should be reinstated, as he should be, imo.

aoc's was even weirder, though, as though threading a needle that made it rubbish, as in: they were free and fair elections, save for the OAS/CIA/USA.

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snoopydawg's picture

@wendy davis

Jorge Ramos asked him about it and he was quite adamant that when the military removes a president it's a coup. His tweet is in my Warren Venezuela essay. Calling it a coup is good. Calling for free and fair elections going forward is what needs to happen, but I'm doubtful that is going to happen soon. The violence is getting worse daily.

AOC has come out against the renewal of the patriot act. This dawg was written days after 9/11 and I'm betting it was written long before it and just waiting to go in effect. Kinda like PNAC's agenda was given to Bill who turned them down.

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wendy davis's picture


the roll call vote? yes, at your comment dream link, that's exactly what she'd said.

pacé on your 'good enough' take on bernie's tweet.

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@wendy davis IMHO. I had issue with AOC when she first said that about Bolivia needing free and fair elections when they had already had one. I really don't think any of them are up to fully going against the MIC. Hell, all they need do is look at Impeachment to see what even questioning it in the wrong way gets. That said, the longer the voters accept that then this cycle keeps repeating and NOTHING changes.

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Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur

wendy davis's picture


amiga. your instincts are good. me, i'm a major fan of Verimisitude. now some claim she had no idea who these folks are, but screenshots of her facebook page seems to tell a different story.

meanwhile, we're having a six-inch rain here, which is what folks say about rain whose drops are 6 inches apart. nonetheless, NOAA or maybe wunderground forecasts as much as an inch! lo o snow. given how long the drought's lasted here, mr. wd is playing laydysmith black mambazo's 'beautiful rain' in the background. ; ) orion and gemini are up in the night sky before bedtime, sure harbingers of winter....


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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

@wendy davis

may be a hanging around, AOC was still one of the first to call out the coup.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

wendy davis's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger

that timing, but my objection is that the elections were indeed fair and free, including according to CEPR, who'd investigating them. and that old picture tweet says nov. 16, so each of us will see what we see, i reckon.

my thing is that i just like things to add up, which for the political class is a hard ask.
; )

similarly i look to documents like ro khanna's 'dear pompeo' press release and the signatories as very probative, even after criminalizing nicolas maduro in nine directions, then claiming: no regime change', end the sanctions'. i mean, read what it actually says, like:

"The letter condemns the Maduro government’s anti-democratic actions, human rights abuses and destructive economic policies but strongly expresses concerns that the Trump Administration’s misguided policy could make the situation even worse for the Venezuelan people.
“The Administration’s aggressive actions and rhetoric play into the Venezuelan government's narrative that the country’s problems are the result of U.S. intervention, helping shore up Maduro's support base and diverting attention from what is fundamentally a domestic problem,” said Rep. Khanna. “We respectfully call Sec. Pompeo to cast off threats of U.S. military intervention in Venezuela and build a dialogue to resolve the political crisis there.”

The 15 co-signers of the letter are: Reps. Pramila Jayapal (WA-17), Mark Pocan (WI-2), Raul Grijalva (AZ-3), Henry C. "Hank" Johnson (GA -4), Adriano Espaillat (NY-13), Ilhan Omar (MN-5), Rashida Tlaib (MI-13), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY-14), Ayanna Pressley (MA-7), Nydia M. Velázquez (NY-7), José E. Serrano (NY-15), Tulsi Gabbard (HI-2), Karen Bass (CA-37), Danny K. Davis (IL-7) and Jan Schakowsky (IL-9).

but of course the egregious sanctions (as with those on iran) really have crippled the economy.

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We are not the world's policeman. All these responses seem to think we are. Even if we had the most honorable intentions in any kind of intervention, the odds are we would make things worse not better.

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QMS's picture

US does not have skin in the game with these countries.
Global capitalists and MIC / CIA maybe.
Not us. Bring the troops home to fix america.
Let the rest of the world take care of itself.

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question everything

snoopydawg's picture


I'm seeing them giving Warren grief for not recognizing that it was a military coup and that there is a good chance that we had something to do with it. Bolivia did have fair elections even if Evo shouldn't have been allowed to run again.

Do you think that was what Bernie is saying too?

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@snoopydawg Or does it just make us pat ourselves on the back for noticing someone doesn't recognize it or possibly doesn't see any good coming out of discussing it.

Just bringing it up and talking about it puts us in the role of policeman.

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snoopydawg's picture


Just bringing it up and talking about it puts us in the role of policeman.

If we were involved in this coup then aren't we already playing policemen? Rubio, Cruz and Menandez (?) were involved in getting Evo out and many of the police there were trained by us. Seems like we play policeman far too often.

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wendy davis's picture


on exactly what i'd kept meaning to say about simply calling evo's ouster 'a coup'. it isn't simply a coup: it's a US/CIA/OAS (

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@wendy davis Bolivia has 22% of the world's lithium reserves. Governments and their mercenaries are there to protect the extractors. We seldom get involved in a country where some global company is not extracting, raping and pillaging.

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@snoopydawg And it is time to stop playing policeman. This is not new. You can go back to the days of General Smedly Butler who figured out that he was working for the corporations to ransack countries all over the globe and then later he was being hired to engineer a coup in this country against FDR.

To say the CIA and the government is the sole driver of these coups is a bit naive. It is the corporate global interests. And yes our CIA has been involved and yes we have trained the police and military of many of these governments, but the corporations are behind it and we are willing to be their police and military.

If we stop intervening the corporations will have not have the government as their muscle. But corporations are so wealthy these days they really don't need government muscle any more. They can buy their own mercenaries.

What does a policeman do? Asks questions and then starts blaming. Don't ask the questions to begin with if you don't want to be a policeman. And don't follow up with blaming. How else are you going to stop the abuse?

But if corporations need muscle for their extractions and plunder, let them hire their own. At least people will know who is really behind what is going on.

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Centaurea's picture


We've been doing it for at least the last 50 years, and here we are doing it again. I'm sure the rest of the world would love for us to go home and leave them alone.

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

@Centaurea We always make things worse.

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Any amount of money stuff like the coup in Bolivia doesn't come up in tomorrow night's Dem debate moderated by MSNBC. I predict a half hour of questions on impeachment followed by a half hour regurgitating the minor differences on health care, maybe lip service to climate change, gun control, possibly one question on FP then Rachel Maddow goes after Tulsi for attacking HRC.

Any other predictions?

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Centaurea's picture


for sure Comcast and Jeff Bezos won't ask any questions about Bolivia. They don't want the American people to think about it at all, plus they want to avoid someone using the dreaded C word: coup.

They'll probably try the "You're a Russian asset!" thing with Tulsi. As usual, it will backfire on them, to Tulsi's benefit.

Since their preferred candidates aren't doing well with M4A, while Bernie is on fire as usual, they will try to stay away from that topic.

In general, the establishment policies and candidates are failing, so they'll double down on their chosen strategy: "Trump bad!" and Russiagate. That's what they will try to keep the focus on. Impeachment. Putin.

They may try something divisive, to stir up trouble in the progressive ranks. They'll also try to prop up Buttigieg, who seems to be their candidate du jour.

"Senator Sanders, the young voters are now the largest, most powerful demographic in the country. How will you convince them to vote for someone like you [euphemism for "older than dirt"], and not for one of their own, namely Mayor Pete?" Lol

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

@Centaurea … Polls that do a breakdown show that Sanders, the oldest candidate still in the race, does much better with younger voters, while Buttigieg, the youngest candidate in the race, does better with older voters. Go figure.

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snoopydawg's picture

Rachel Maddow goes after Tulsi for attacking HRC.

Tulsi can call out Rachel McCarthy for her propaganda and scare tactics that she has been pushing since Trump became president. Ya know I don't even remember what topics have even been discussed in the previous debates. MFA sorta. Tulsi brought up climate change on her own IIRC, but other than that what have they discussed?

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Shahryar's picture


It's a joke around our house. Whenever Obama did something atrocious she'd say "but that's not good enough for Republicans!"

Which was supposed to make us forget that Obama just did something horrible.

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snoopydawg's picture


and kill a lot of people, but it wasn't enough for the republicans? This is when I stopped watching her show because she wasn't upset about the horrors of war like she was when Bush did them.

Thanks for another chuckle.

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Shahryar's picture

@snoopydawg @snoopydawg

like I hate Trump, I hate Lindsay Graham, I hate...well, name a Republican, I probably hate him or her.

But there's a special hate for those who led us on, seeming to have a moral compass, only to reveal themselves as the same kind of monster they supposedly were against. This includes Rachel Maddow, Barack Obama, 98% of the people who are still at dKos.

Although I do hate Mayo Pete and Elizabeth Warren for a different reason, more like those Republicans. I've never thought anything positive about these two. I remember the first time I saw Warren. I was not only not impressed, I wrote her off immediately as a phony. It took me two debates to really get a good hate for Boot. At first I just disliked him and disagreed with him. Then his sliminess came oozing out. Ugh!

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snoopydawg's picture


t think you'd agree with this article There are some great comments in it, but I like the one that starts out how the guy was happy when Obama was elected and not shot on the same night. But he then describes his thoughts about him right after.

How true is this?

On Nov 19, 2019, at 14:36, Tracy Baker wrote:

Because people saw him for who they thought he was they didn't find him as abhorrent as Bush was.

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@snoopydawg You got me thinking of Obama and 2008. Obama was about 8th on my list. (Although I did vote for him in the general). At the top were Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel.

I suspect the politics would be horrible, but I think Dennis would be a good choice for VP. IIRC, he was a consistent supporter of HR 676, and has long been anti-war - and fought back against bankers back when he was mayor of Cleveland.

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Shahryar's picture


so depressing!

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