Greetings Comerades!
We are so very pleased and excited your Unindicted Co-conspirator Bottomless Pinocchio has decided to join us celebrating the great successes of the Soviet Working Classes Rapacious Oligarchs Benevolent Capitalist system under our virile and handsome leader, Vladimir Putin.
You see, May Day is not just a parade of potentially Potemkin propaganda but probably not Troops, Tanks, and honking great ICBMs down heavily reinforced military supply routes designed to support urban "kill zones" during rebellions and invasions, but a recognition of Workers all over the World for the productive labor that supports our Parasitical Police/Military/Industrial Complex lavish and luxurious lifestyle of Criminal Racketeers equitable economy which provides each citizen with his barest needs.
I personally have lobbied long and hard for United States recognition of May Day as a symbol of Worker Solidarity and Socialist/Anarchist Identity. Unlike what some people think I'm a pragmatist and I'll make do the best I can with our inferior and deliberate substitute 'Labor Day' but I don't stint recognition of my International Brothers and Sisters.
It IN FACT bothers me a good deal to have a great idea (hey, even better relations with Russia is not such a terrible idea, but that is not what is happening) debased this way however I'm not going to let better get in the way of 'progress of a sort' and if I am ever put on the spot to name one positive thing I suppose I might use this as not being as bad as most.
Stop looking at me that way. You'd think I was coming out in favor of Bloomberg.
(Of course it's cross published at The Stars Hollow Gazette and DocuDharma)
Who's the Communist here? (said by Trotsky to Stalin)

Vent Hole
Some habits are hard to break.
thank God they (the habits) are hard to break,
nice to see a comrade back. May Day? May Day. Mayday, mayday. Help.
Now I think that is certainly an impeachable offense to attende the Russian May Day parade.
Who is the better capitalist here, Putin asks Trump. Aren't we the best team? Yes mon camerade, we are. Now where is comrade Bloomberg, with him we would make the strongest triumvirate ever.
Like your style.
If I had all the money in the world... and was really, really bored.
Nice to see you mimi.
"What more proof do you need?"
I'm seeing this all over Twitter. Trump might go to Russia to watch the May Day parade? Yep. Can it be any more obvious? Russia was left out of the celebrations in Europe and the other leaders acted like Russia had no part in winning WWII. People need to grow up. IMO...
If ICE were hunting down Trump’s critics, that would be bad but would make sense.
But ICE is hunting down Israel’s critics.
Hey look...
It's no wonder they seized Crimea, surprised they gave it up in the first place- Stalin Hubris.
Do I think Russia a global rival with their own agenda, you betcha! Am I willing to do business, sure but if you mistake me for a mere rube it's just what I want. I will drink your milkshake.
If you can pry open the news vault
China and Russia are much less tyrannical than the us empire.
At least they recognize the rights of workers on some day in may.
This constant grinding-down of the working class is getting old.
When do we stop it?
Now is not too late.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Well, we have Labor Day
The other 364 are Management Day.
So having May day proves nothing; just Empty words, like the Democratic Party platform.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
A reset is always a good move.
Always a pleasure to see you — especially in these interesting times.
Victory Day NOT May Day
The celebration that Trump is considering attending is the Russian parade that commemorates the victory in the Great Patriotic War over Nazi Germany. Macron has already announced he is going this year.
As the child of two survivors of the Siege of Leningrad, Putin is very sentimental about Victory Day. As a devout practicing Orthodox Christian, he is also NOT sentimental about the murderous reign of the Bolsheviks who killed millions of his faith. May Day was a Bolshevik celebration.
In addition to the Victory Day parade, Putin added the March of the Immortal Regiment where millions of Russians march with portraits of their dead ancestors who fell during the invasion of the Nazis. Since the Great Patriotic war killed at least 27 million, virtually every Russian can participate.
Both Parades are covered live on RT.
The US has waged a propaganda campaign in Europe
...since the end of World War II, trying to rewrite history and make Europeans believe that the US won WWII and not Russia. It's been very successful, as shown in the chart below. This example is part of a century-long disinformation strategy and manufactured geopolitical narrative to drive a permanent wedge between Russia and Europe. This is to prevent the natural "Greater European" alliance that would form between them, which would eclipse the US hegemony and military might that the US enjoys over a Europe permanently divided from its combined potential.
Since 2001, everything disappears down the memory hole and and then resurfaces as complete propaganda. Ask any American about events that have taken place since that time, and they will recite deep state lies. It's unnerving. Of course, you have to have a good memory and a firm grip on reality to see this. Google has been sanitized.
Easily the most significant history book I ever read
Was the official history of the Great Patriotic War published (in English) by Novisti Press in 1962. It was loaned to me by a guy who organized tours to USSR between 1960 and 1991. He spoke fluent Russian and assured me that until I had read this book, I could understand nothing about the various manifestations of the Cold War.
I was skeptical. As a confirmed airplane guy, I knew a great deal about the various air battles of World War II. What else was there to know really? Turns out, quite a bit. This book was nearly 800 pages long. It was terse with almost no commentary. Just the size of the competing armies, the organizations of the battles, and the estimated casualties. By the time I got to the battles for Stalingrad, I was almost dizzy from the sheer magnitude of the struggles. By the time I got to the battles for Berlin, I had concluded that what we called World War II was about 96% a fight between Germany and the Red Army and the other 4% barely mattered. And the only skill necessary to come to that conclusion was the simple ability to count.
Thanks for the book suggestion.
I am reconsidering all recent histories in light of what I have seen, but especially everything connected with WWII; and all foreign policy events since the Council on Foreign Relations was formed in 1921.
Too much of recent history is only marginally logical, and offers no physical evidence that it occurred in the way that it is reported. I also regularly come across evidence that either contradicts popular history or has pointedly been omitted from it. Facts now have to clear a higher bar, for me. When I read an excellent narrative that has contains one glaring false statement, I know I am looking at modern propaganda. This is common in newspapers and magazines, which have long been used by the Intelligence Community to steer the narrative of events and pass misinformation to the public
Anyway, the way you describe your experience reading the Great Patriotic War makes it irresistible.
Good Luck getting your hands on a copy
A few years back, I decided that I needed to reread the history of the Great Patriotic War. My first stop was to visit the guy who lent it to me in the first place. He claimed I had never returned it—which is very unlikely since promptly returning borrowed books, tools, etc. is one of my few true virtues. So I tried to find a copy online. Amazon claimed that they had a used version for $850 which was WAY beyond my budget but I tried to chase it down anyway. That trail soon went cold.
So I gave up. It is the sort of information that mostly gets you into trouble anyway. Example. When Crimea became part of the Russian Federation in 2014, I got involved in a dinner party chat with a neighbor who seemed to believe that the Crimean "annexation" was proof of the evil nature of Putin. I pointed out that between the defense of Crimea, the siege of Sevastopol, and its eventual liberation, the Red Army had suffered more casualties than USA, France, and GB combined for all of WW II. I asked, considering that history, can any rational person believe Russia would give up Crimea over a cheap coup in the Ukraine? The man has not talked to me since.
Don't get me started on Crimea.
That takes the propaganda prize of the decade! We should start an academy awards for propaganda. I'd nominate the Crimea Hoax for a Lifetime Achievement Award. The cash prize would go to the best well-sourced debunkment. Crimea has become a trigger for me. I won't even argue about it. I smile and leave. In fact, the whole of Ukraine is a dangerous psyop from top to bottom. All big US corruption eventually leads back to Ukraine. It is the locus of the disease that feeds the PNAC Nazis.
Oops. I got started on Crimea.
I'll poke around for the book. If I can find it, I'll publish it.
I have a friend who has a son
She still owns a home in Moscow.
She can find a copy if anyone can.
Let me know if I need to get in contact with her.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I am old living on a tiny pension
But if your Russian connect can find me a copy of this book for less than $50, I will buy one. The description of this book was listed from memory. I read it in 1983 so I may have gotten a few details wrong but I am pretty sure they are essentially correct.
Thanks in advance.
Funny, you'd think there'd be about 100,000,000
copies of it floating around.
Okay, well, maybe not English translations.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
70 years old
And I have not met anyone else who has read it front to back. I am pretty sure that includes the guy who loaned it to me. In fact, I am pretty sure that not more than 5% of the USA population even knows that USSR fought the Germans in WW II.
I think I found something online referring to
this work -- it indicated that there were additional volumes published over the next few years. The document I found was actually a guy's dissertation on the "process" by which it was written (i.e., the politics, editing, etc.).
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
The publisher was probably RIA Novosti.
RIA Novosti was the equivalent of Voice of America, and they certainly published English language versions of their information. They had a book division and had been active since 1941.
Vladimir Putin shut them down just before the staged overthrow of the Ukraine Government.
Coincidently, a few days ago Ukraine Courts temporarily released the Kiev director of Novosti, who is facing a trial for high treason. It's typical of the illogical stories that come out of the corruption zone of Ukraine. It's been edited repeatedly in the past 24 hours by the CIA. They'll have it down to a couple of sentences by tonight.
I'm sure Victory Day means that to you.
I'm sorry your parents experienced the Siege of Leningrad, it was horrible and wrong and I hope everyone responsible received appropriate justice but I don't believe it for a minute.
For instance...