"CrowdStrike Created the Russia Hoax"
Type those five words into Google Search and watch the US Media turn into a frenzied Medusa Head of angry snakes. Watch out for your fingers. Those snakes want nothing more than to crash through your screen and bite your fingers to poison your mind.
From Day One of the Russian Hoax, it was clear to me that CrowdStrike was the mechanism of the Hoax. I fully expected this day to come. However, it did not occur to me that Trump would be the one to throw down the gauntlet. Never was there a President more clueless about the DC cesspool of corruption and lawlessness. Also, it didn't occur to me that when the inevitable accusation was finally made, every co-conspirator across the land would suddenly and spontaneously reveal themselves. But, that's exactly what you will find in the Google Search returns. Scroll through these search returns and look at the names of the angry and hysterical media in their violent defense of CrowdStrike. But, then, you knew it all along.
Do this now before Google picks up on this search and alters the results.
'CrowdStrike' was the Doomsday name that Trump uttered in his conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky — not Biden. CrowdStrike is the name that set off the impeachment frenzy. Poor 'Biden' was used and summarily sacrificed in order to protect CrowdStrike during the hasty impeachment hearings. This is the great secret that Ukraine is holding. They know just how dirty the Democrats have been in Ukraine. All roads from now on will lead back to CrowdStrike and Ukraine. If the road doesn't lead there, it is a distraction and part of yet another cover-up. You may safely ignore these distractions.
This is an Opinion Piece.
Use this opportunity to set your mind straight.
Knowing which media is lying to your face and knowing which media you can trust could save your life.
Take notes.
This essay is on the first page results
congrats. But I see your point in what Googled is trying to inform us of. Trump made this CT up on his own and it has no basis in reality.
The Duck has this essay as number one and then gives me picks that deal with reality. Google's search was immediate, the Duck took its time to get it right. Sweet.
Yeah, but...Roger Stone got them to admit that they only gave the FBI a redacted draft of their report and they never followed up on it. Mueller of course never looked at the server or asked J T Comeey why the hell he never looked at it and instead let the country go insane over something that there was no proof of. Grumble....
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
You should have seen it at 4AM.
But now you can see how easy it is to trap and expose Google.
This trap can be set again and again — and demonstrated to the American people — across all of their political subversion and brainwashing.
Algorithm that!
Hint: if it's one of the five big media companies
that regularly delivers "the news:"
e.g. National Amusements, Disney, Fox, Comcast, AT&T
or, to use the vernacular
CBS, Viacom, ABC, CNN, NBC, MSNBC, Fox
you are being lied to.
Consume with extreme caution. Drink lots of water before and after.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Compare and contrast
the results of that search string on Google and Duck Duck Go and the extent to which Google massages what you are served up to read. When media giants edit out significant questions (aka Conspiracy Theories) about their main stream narratives, the degree to which we are being
misledlied to becomes painfully evident.Yes, over target. The rats are scurrying around looking for cover. Nice.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Thanks, Oval. Good job, man.
Get in early and get out again.
I just made DuckDuckGo my default page
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Great artwork indeed.
@The Liberal Moonbat And gets a poke in
I don't get it.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Over the Target. Crowdstrike!
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Was about to say the same thing. It’s pretty shocking, actually.
The Google results are nothing at all like the Duck Duck Go results. Not even close.
The Duck Duck Go results I get, even though I’m in Germany, are about what you’d expect, with this very essay right at the top.
The Google results are almost all links to screeds attacking both the premise of CrowdStrike being behind the Russia hoax, and the President who is presently trying to direct the public’s attention to that fact.
the difference is amazing
you have to see it for yourself.
thanks Pluto and Ovals.
"Type those five words into Google Search"
You're braver than I am. I fear that I would forever be branded an evil traitor. Of course, doing it in DDG (as I did) will probably have the same result.
That was precisely my impression
The reason why the Deep State went berserk owing to the Trump-Zelensky call had nothing to do with Biden - it was the mention of Crowdstrike. That's the true source of the "Russian meddling" hoax. And it's the organization that would have known that Seth Rich had to be eliminated to preserve the hoax.
As regards the participation of Ukraine, cyberanalyst George Eliason has long maintained that Crowdstrike recruited the help of Ukrainian govt-affiliated hackers in faking a Russian hack. The Ukrainian hackers have access to the same malware that Crowdstrike attributes to Russian intelligence. I'm unsure whether Crowdstrike faked the hack by themselves, or with Ukrainian help, but I'm fairly confident that the hack was faked after US intelligence informed the DNC that someone was planning to leak their emails to Wikileaks.
The reason that I think the DNC received such a tip is that Guccifer 2.0 - almost surely a Crowdstrike creation - knew that Assange was referring to DNC emails when he announced impending release of "material related to Hillary". Assange didn't mention the DNC, and many thought he was referring to Hillary's deleted SOS emails. But Crowdstrike knew precisely what he was referring to.
It stands to reason that our intelligence agencies were monitoring all communications of people affiliated with Wikileaks. According to Sy Hersh - in a secretly taped phone conversation - a source inside the FBI indicated that the FBI had inspected Seth's computer and found evidence that he had contacted Wikileaks with an offer to sell them DNC emails. Larry Johnson claims to have a source that confirms this. If so, then our intelligence agencies likely would have contacted the DNC with this info.
So, if the DNC received such a tip, the alternatives are: just by sheer chance, "the Russians" had hacked the DNC at this time; or, Crowdstrike - whose chief Shawn Henry was a practiced master of cyberfuckery, a former head of FBI counterintelligence under ROBERT MUELLER - faked a Russian hack to distract attention from the content of the emails while skewering Assange and Russia. I think that Occam's razor favors the latter alternative.
Mark F. McCarty
Which would explain why they dragged Ukraine into the Trump
impeachment kabuki. First, to accuse Trump of the same bad behavior they themselves are guilty of. And second, to create Ukraine fatigue so that if/when this crowdstrike story is exposed the only thing people will hear is "blah blah Ukraine blah blah blah".
As regards the participation of Ukraine, cyberanalyst George Eliason has long maintained that Crowdstrike recruited the help of Ukrainian govt-affiliated hackers in faking a Russian hack.
And third...
to scare the crap out of Ukraine so they don't participate in any investigation that would reveal the truth.
Mark here is another search for you to do
Try Seth Rich was an Israeli agent. The results are surprising.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
WTH is Anonymous up to these days?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Ahhh. The satisfying feeling you get when you look under the
correct rock, causing them to freak out, and lose their shit, thereby exposing themselves.
I snapped a screenshot of the DuckDuckGo and Google results side-by-side. Truly astounding.
Can you share it with us?
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
I'll try. The text might be a little on the small side :
I cropped it and enlarged it, but it is still pretty unreadable. Sorry.
I tried others as well
Yahoo, Bing, and Ask.com
Virtually the same as Google.
Yahoo, at a glance, was identical to Google. I wonder if they just redirect to google.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
I believe the real cyber pros know the story.
Sorry have no links as this was some time ago. But overall, I think the real experts understand that CrowdStrike was spewing BS. But you know, there are careers to be had and probably in some cases, physical safety.
Perhaps you are thinking of VIPS
The two paragraphs. above, are from Wikipedia. The Wikipedia page (edited by the CIA) is filled with trash and lies, but at least it is a starting point.
Another GoogleTest:
If you type "VIPS" into Google Search, it will never return a listing for Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity.
If you type "VIPS" into DuckDuckGo, it will return a link to this critically important group in the first four or five returns on page one.
Try it before Google gets wind of this and changes it.
DuckDuckGo lists it less than 1/2 way down on the first page.
I only went 3 pages into Google and I didn't see it.
I don't know the significance, but if you enter VIPS veteran in google it returns a lot of relevant hits. My guess is that they maintain a list of hand tweaked filter entries, and they don't create an exhaustive list of permutations. So permutations that don't exactly match an entry in the manual override list default to the normal search engine results.
My search for VIPS was deliberate.
That's what I was measuring. Common associations.
There are many ways to force a particular return. That's not what I am looking for.
I understand. I was pondering what the human intervention
process behind the curtain might entail, and how they managed the searches that they chose to intercept.
They would have had to intercept responses based on 'trends'
...which weigh outcomes. VIPS has been a long-term target for suppression, and according to the experts involved, they were definitely a target of MIC providers such as Google.
At least that is my thinking on this example.
Excellent essay, Pluto
Until recently, I thought that Steele was the compiler of nasty stories, aided by, but after the fact, Glenn Simpson. But it now seems that Steele was a tag to lend credence to the woeful bullshit emanating from "the dossier". Put the name of a spook on a report, then it must be true! Res ipse loquitur or some such.
But not only did Glenn do much of the creative writing, he was ably assisted by Cody Shearer, Sid Blumenthal, and Nellie Ohr. Steele asserted in a UK court deposition that he had no idea whether ANY of "his" dossier was true. He isn't going to take the rap so richly deserved by the other coup plotters.
Now I believe that there are really TWO servers of interest in no-extradition Ukraine: The DNC server And Alperovich's own Crowdstrike server. How much overlapping data there is between the two, I don't know. But my money, the little remaining after my Bernie donations, is on two servers. And Barr and Durham know this. One Ukrainian former official in the Petro Poroshenko government has already been sentenced in Ukraine for interfering in the U. S. election.
Sytnyk goes to jail This article, published in March, 2019, precedes the actual conviction of Sytnyk but lays out the case against him. Strong enough to land him in a Ukrainian gulag.
You might want to
...take a look at my comment HERE.
It presents a wider view of the overwhelming corruption involved.
Alexandra Chalupa
If all roads lead to Crowdstrike, they pass through Chalupaville.
Alexandra Chalupa. Where is she now? Perhaps she's at a luxury resort somewhere with the Skripals.
Or maybe she's been sent to where Epstein went, a problem that comes with being inconveniently alive.
We've seen this movie before. Move along, nothing to see here. Time to get grandma a new device from Amazon that will turn your porchlights on and spy on you.
Alexandra is being defied on DK
As are all of the insiders from Ukraine that helped Her dig up dirt on Trump's campaign. Kos and others are tweeting up a storm about the Ukraine American military dude who gave testimony to congress today. Apparently the republicans said something bad about him and I have been busy reminding them of what their site says about Tulsi Gabbard. Awww the smell of hypocrisy is wonderful.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.