Larry Johnson Explains the Origins of Entrapmentgate

Former CIA agent Larry Johnson, a member of Veteran intelligence Professionals for Sanity, has received an inside tip that can clarify why various associates of the Trump campaign were contacted by a number of "Russians" and Deep State operatives. In early 2016, John Brennan set up a Trump Task Force within the CIA.

This task force evidently collaborated with the intelligence services of 5 Eyes Allies and of Israel to arrange "Russian contacts" which could then be reported on by 5 Eyes spies. These contacts were then used to justify "legal" spying on the Trump campaign, could be used to blackmail Trump officials into "singing", and could be leaked to the press to damage Trump's reputation. The targets of this strategy included Papadopouolos, Carter Page, Michael Flynn, and Roger Stone.

It would be bad enough for these people to be subjected to surveillance for political reasons. But to entrap them - severely messing up their lives while bamboozling the American public - was purely evil.

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interference is a problem in the U.S.. But Russia isn't one of the countries I worry about.

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Lookout's picture

in the ass! The more I think about it, the more I like my idea that the station letters should be MSDNCIA .

And that's the is corporate media going to spin it? Somehow it will construe to Trump Bad, rather than the Five Eyes Bad... at least on MSDNCIA. Funny how things change, FAUX news is more likely to accurately report/spin this.

Sure am glad to have VIPS. Thanks for the report!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout Confederate Intelligence Agency

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thanatokephaloides's picture

@Battle of Blair Mountain

I'll stick to what they ultimately are Confederate Intelligence Agency

Confederate Intelligence Agency! ROTFLMAOASTC!! Biggrin

Fortunately, no liquids! You just made my afternoon!


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

thanatokephaloides's picture


Sure am glad to have VIPS. Thanks for the report!

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Lookout's picture


The source of the cited article

Former CIA agent Larry Johnson, a member of Veteran intelligence Professionals for Sanity
Includes the likes of Ray McGovern, John Kiriakou and Bill notch inside sources

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

thanatokephaloides's picture


Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)

Includes the likes of Ray McGovern, John Kiriakou and Bill notch inside sources

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

and I agreed with at least 50% of what they said. Of course there was a pile of lies mixed in with the truth. But that's more than I can say about MSDNC.

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Shahryar's picture

this guy repeats stuff he heard without evidence. And he hears some weird stuff.

Mr Johnson has been accused of mixing fact with fiction before. In 2008 he claimed on his blog that a tape existed of Michelle Obama “railing against whitey” at a church. Although he had not seen the tape himself, he said, “five other sources” had and it was being held by the Republicans “to drop at the appropriate time”. No such tape was released and no evidence was ever produced to prove its existence. The Obama campaign’s “Fight the Smears” website declared that the allegations were an invention.

In 2013, in another blog post, Mr Johnson falsely accused John Kerry of sexual assault, claiming that he had “raped some poor Vietnamese woman” in Vietnam. The assertion came from a TV debate in 1971 which had been edited and altered to make Mr Kerry say “I personally raped for pleasure”. When the manipulation was pointed out by readers of the blog he deleted the article. No apology was ever offered.

if a crank says something that lines up with what I believe it doesn't make him not a crank.

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bondibox's picture

@Shahryar Except some knucklehead heard it wrong. Michelle was saying "Why'd he" do this and "why'd he" do that. Johnson thought he had a smoking gun. He'll have to be a paramount of reliable information for the entire rest of his career in order to reverse the damage this episode did to his reputation. I won't trust him since it shows a knee-jerk willingness to jump on the partisan/racist/hysteria bandwagon.

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“He may not have gotten the words out but the thoughts were great.”

@Shahryar Larry Johnson is a member of VIPS - don't think he should be considered a crank. He has co-authored essays with Bill Binney.

The wrong story that he is flogged the most for (the Whitey one) is one in which he made the mistake of believing what he was told by a higher-up in the Clinton campaign.

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Mark F. McCarty

Alligator Ed's picture

Put them all together and they spell R-U-S-S-I-A G-A-T-E. And hence the derivative Ukrainegate. El Trumpo has good reasons to believe the famous DNC server is in the clutches of Alperovich in no-extradition Ukraine. So the visit to Ukraine and NABU by Barr and Durham. Adan Schiftless wants to not have that info publicized, to say nothing of his mistress, the Evil Queen.

Guess who'll be bringing home the bacon, so to speak? Can you say Durham?

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Roy Blakeley's picture

@Alligator Ed and not simply destroyed? There would have to be a motive, perhaps blackmail, but the only logical candidates for blackmail would be Hillary and the DNC, heretofore friends and clients of CrowdStrike.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Roy Blakeley But wait. There are many more in more countries than you can count on your fingers and toes. My bet is that Alperovich resembles Soros's meddling to some degree--probably lesser than GS due to funding. Many different, mainly eastern European, pies.

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@Roy Blakeley
There is no brother, no friend.

These sharks will gladly eat each other.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

snoopydawg's picture

by members of the IC. The first one which set off Russia Gate was when Misfud set up Papadopoulas. He told them that Russia had dirt on Hillary. Misfud should have been hauled in by congress or interviewed by Mueller to see where he got that info. But instead they skipped him and went after Papa... instead. Why? He was on Trump's team. Next we had the Dutch Ambassador meet Papa... in a bar and he said Papa... told him that Russia had dirt on Her. Why wasn't he hauled in too? Oh wait. Misfud had connections to both Mueller and Hillary Clinton through her foundation. Ooops.. can't have him testify to that can we?

This whole thing was bogus from the moment CrowdStrike blamed the leak on Russia and then Assange. The Trump tower meeting was a setup. Most of the other people who were investigated were setup. But the real tragedy here is Michael Flynn who was also setup by Strzok and Page, both who wrote that they did not think that he lied to them.

This whole thing goes back to Brennan and many people in O's admin including him. That this group of people have sent this country into this Russian phobic cat dance should come with some very severe consequences. Brennan is rumored to be the first one going to be thrown under the bus. Good. Now take it all the way to the top. There has been a lot of damage done with this sh*t show.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture

@snoopydawg don't be too disappointed if nothing comes of this.

The Plundering of Ukraine by Corrupt American Democrats an interview with Oleg Tsarev, who blows the story wide open. He had been a leading and popular Ukrainian politician before the 2014 putsch; he stayed in the Ukraine after President Yanukovych’s flight; ran for the Presidency against Mr Poroshenko, and eventually had to go to exile due to multiple threats to his life.

I highly recommend this interview to anyone who wants to know what the Democratic Party really did inside Ukraine. And why they are so hysterical right now. And why they are jettisoning Joe Biden to save CrowdStrike. Remember, their power is based entirely on convincing Americans that Russia is their enemy.

Here's an example revelation:

Oleg, you followed Biden story from its very inception. Biden is not the only Dem politician involved in the Ukrainian corruption schemes, is he?

Indeed, John Kerry, the Secretary of State in Obama’s administration, was his partner-in-crime. But Joe Biden was number one. During the Obama presidency, Biden was the US proconsul for Ukraine, and he was involved in many corruption schemes. He authorised transfer of three billion dollars of the US taxpayers’ money to the post-coup government of the Ukraine; the money was stolen, and Biden took a big share of the spoils.

It is a story of ripping the US taxpayer and the Ukrainian customer off for the benefit of a few corruptioners, American and Ukrainian. And it is a story of Kiev regime and its dependence on the US and IMF. The Ukraine has a few midsize deposits of natural gas, sufficient for domestic household consumption. The cost of its production was quite low; and the Ukrainians got used to pay pennies for their gas. Actually, it was so cheap to produce that the Ukraine could provide all its households with free gas for heating and cooking, just like Libya did. Despite low consumer price, the gas companies (like Burisma) had very high profits and very little expenditure.

After the 2014 coup, IMF demanded to raise the price of gas for the domestic consumer to European levels, and the new president Petro Poroshenko obliged them. The prices went sky-high. The Ukrainians were forced to pay many times more for their cooking and heating; and huge profits went to coffers of the gas companies. Instead of raising taxes or lowering prices, President Poroshenko demanded the gas companies to pay him or subsidise his projects. He said that he arranged the price hike; it means he should be considered a partner.

Burisma Gas company had to pay extortion money to the president Poroshenko. Eventually its founder and owner Mr Nicolai Zlochevsky decided to invite some important Westerners into the company’s board of directors hoping it would moderate Poroshenko’s appetites. He had brought in Biden’s son Hunter, John Kerry, Polish ex-President Kwasniewski; but it didn’t help him.

Poroshenko became furious that the fattened calf may escape him, and asked the Attorney General Shokin to investigate Burisma trusting some irregularities would emerge. AG Shokin immediately discovered that Burisma had paid these ‘stars’ between 50 and 150 thousand dollar per month each just for being on the list of directors. This is illegal by the Ukrainian tax code; it can’t be recognised as legitimate expenditure.

At that time Biden the father entered the fray. He called Poroshenko and gave him six hours to close the case against his son. Otherwise, one billion dollars of the US taxpayers’ funds won’t pass to the Ukrainian corruptioners. Zlochevsky, the Burisma owner, paid Biden well for this conversation: he received between three and ten million dollars, according to different sources.

AG Shokin said he can’t close the case within six hours; Poroshenko sacked him and installed Mr Lutsenko in his stead. Lutsenko was willing to dismiss the case of Burisma, but he also could not do it in a day, or even in a week. Biden, as we know, could not keep his trap shut: by talking about the pressure he put on Poroshenko, he incriminated himself. Meanwhile Mr Shokin gave evidence that Biden put pressure on Poroshenko to fire him, and now it was confirmed. The evidence was given to the US lawyers in connection with another case, Firtash case.

It gets worse. Much worse.

Another reporter, John Solomon, spent years getting the inside scoop on all of this, and is currently being suppressed and smeared inside the US. Yes, too many people know too much. But the only way to keep a lid on it is to turn off the Internet inside the US. (Register with our mailing list in the sidebar.)

Do take the time to read it or bookmark it. It may come in very handy in the near future.

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@Pluto's Republic

This should be all over the internet. The parts about Biden receiving millions personally are not backed up in the quote, but the parts about low household utility costs and the Burisma payments to the tune of $50,000 per month to Hunter Biden can be verified for sure, and they illustrate the corrupt IMF globalist neoliberal racket. Sheesh. Thank you so much for this link.

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Pluto's Republic's picture

@Linda Wood

The evidence, according to John Solomon and Oleg Tsarev and many others, has been passed on to US and Ukraine authorities. Evidence has also been published online. It's all out there.

Only the American People are in the dark. And only they can save themselves.

And obviously, Donald Trump is in possession of the evidence. But the Intelligence Community can get to anyone who tries to help him.

It has come to this.

A tragedy.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

I have read other articles that covered the Ukraine corruption by our government there, but this goes even deeper. We here pretty much know the inside corruption of Russia Gate from this side of the pond, but the DNC and Hillary's campaign crimes are even bigger. Then add in what people in our government did to the Ukrainian people and it's crimes against humanity scale. Many people who had retired were forced to go back to work to pay for the increased gas prices, but because we also stripped their pensions through tje effing IMF. I have read many of Solomon's articles too. He is being portrayed as a Fox News crank. lol..always try to destroy the messenger.

He authorised transfer of three billion dollars of the US taxpayers’ money to the post-coup government of the Ukraine; the money was stolen, and Biden took a big share of the spoils.

$3 billion here, $5 billion there, a few more billion over there while congress stripped billions from our social programs. They should be run out of town for their crimes against us.

It appears that Burisma is just the tip of the scandal, the tip of the iceberg. If Trump will carry on, and use what was already initiated and investigated, the whole headquarters of the Democratic party will come down. They will not be able to hold elections. I have no right to name names, but believe me, leading functionaries of the Democratic party are involved.

The article I read did name names and I'll try to find it. This is why democrats have started their impeachment hearings on Trump's snooping in Ukraine. They are trying to cover their crimes under their investigation. But since they are going after him with this bogus impeachment I'm hoping that he takes both of his investigations all the way to the top!

Well looky here..

How the Democrats learned of this call and its alleged content? The official version says there was a CIA man, a whistle-blower, who reported to the Democrats. What the version does not clarify, where this whistle-blower was located during the call. I tell you, he was located in Kiev, and he was present at the conversation, at the Ukrainian President Zelensky’s side. This man was (perhaps) a CIA asset, but he also was a close associate of George Soros, and a Ukrainian high-ranking official. His name is Mr Alexander Daniluk. He is also the man the investigation of Sam Kislin and of the DoJ had led to, the Finance Minister of Ukraine at the time, the man who was responsible for the embezzlement of three billion US taxpayer’s best dollars. The DoJ issued an order for his arrest. Naturally he is devoted to Biden personally, and to the Dems in general. I would not trust his version of the phone call at all.

Soros of the color revolution fame? Say it ain't so. The CIA WB is also connected to Adam Schiff who is up to his eyeballs in the Ukraine corruption story. Well well well..
yes indeed great article.

Daniluk was supposed to accompany President Zelensky on his visit to Washington; but he was informed that there is an order for his arrest. He remained in Kiev.

No wonder he might not testify to congress. He'd be arrested. lol. I can't wait for Trump's team to have their turn in the box. Won't that be an eye opener for the inmates?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg on the conservative side, i.e., that this way waaaay bigger than it looked. But this article by Shamir really broadens the known universe of rogues and rotten deeds. This is more detail than I've earlier seen revealed. And I do watch John Solomon on Fox Spews. He seems like a straight shooter--although George Webb accuses JS of pulling some punches.

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@snoopydawg Global Mafia Rules!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture


Lots of the info here has been in other articles posted here, but this goes back to the start of the coup and the reason for it. One thing is that Poroshenko used to live in Virginia right by Langley and he once told Hillary that if he got to play president he'd open the country up to outside interests. Lo and behold.. And how bout that. From, "we won't move NATO one inch towards Russia" to putting NATO right next door to them. Again imagine Russia doing that in Mexico and Canada.

Ukrainegate: Is It Waterloo for Trump, or for America’s ‘News’-Media?

So: Obama, who had placed this rabidly anti-Russian Government into power, now had in his own US Administration the intensely nepotistic Joe Biden, who throughout his long career had been using public office in order to enrich his sons and thereby create and establish a dynasty of wealth, upon the basis of Biden’s practice of crony capitalism, which the Obama Administration publicly condemned against Ukraine’s democratically elected President, whom Obama had overthrown alleging that he had been practicing nepotism in Ukraine. (Obama didn’t demand his V.P. not to do what Ukraine’s President was being accused of having done. Instead, US ’news’-media hid, and continue to hide, the Bidens’ having been doing it. They hide it by continuing to refuse to report that Hunter Biden’s actual boss was Kolomoysky, and that Joe Biden therefore was assisting Hunter by requiring Ukraine to prosecute the pro-Yanukovych Zlochevsky instead of the newly installed junta-backing Kolomoysky.)

I am still looking for the one that talks about Schiff and other democrats. Sigh. So many articles read, so little memory of where I put them.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


The origins of Russia Gate

The New York Times includes the curious claim that Durham has asked interview subjects “whether C.I.A. officials might have somehow tricked the F.B.I. into opening the Russia investigation.”

Although there are limitations on how much we can make of one sentence, that is a tantalizing clue pointing to Brennan. The former CIA director has taken credit for launching the Russia investigation, telling Congress in May 2017 that his own “concerns” about “contacts between Russian officials and US persons” associated with the Trump campaign “served as the basis for the FBI investigation to determine whether such collusion-cooperation occurred.” The Barr-Durham inquiry will hopefully uncover what exactly Brennan’s “concerns” were.

Brennan’s role should be scrutinized because he not only said he helped initiate the Trump-Russia probe but because he managed the US intelligence response to alleged Russian interference. It was Brennan who personally delivered to the White House a top-secret envelope containing the claims of a Kremlin mole that Vladimir Putin had personally ordered an interference operation to install Trump. And amazingly, we have recently learned not only the mole’s identity but the curious circumstances of his exit from Russia. The mole, a mid-level Kremlin official named Oleg Smolenkov, initially refused CIA efforts to remove him, prompting concerns in Langley about his trustworthiness, and that he was possibly a double agent. Reporting from The New York Times makes clear that he left Russia only after leaks about a Kremlin mole began appearing in US media.

We learned that the Russian mole did not get removed from Russia because the CIA was afraid Trump had leaked his identity during the meeting with Russian officials in the Oval Office, but during Obama's tenure by the CIA and especially by Brennan. Tangled webs and all..

In addition to helping trigger the Russia probe and overseeing the intelligence response, Brennan oversaw the hasty production of the Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) that purportedly validated it. By claiming that Putin ordered an influence campaign to elect him, the January 2017 ICA helped cast a criminal shadow over Trump’s presidency just days before he took office. A series of unsubstantiated leaks from anonymous officials—about Flynn, about the Steele dossier, and about fictitious or overblown Trump-Russia contacts—continued that pattern as the Mueller investigation dragged on. Perhaps the most extraordinary example came in February 2017, when The New York Times reported that the US investigators had obtained “phone records and intercepted calls” showing that members of Trump’s campaign and other associates “had repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials in the year before the election.” Four months later, FBI Jim Comey testified that this was “not true.

But did people ever see that retraction? This has been the pattern for Russia Gate. Make a claim that isn't verified and then retract it weeks later on page 6 where no one sees it. This was setup to look like all 17 intelligence agencies agreed that Trump was in cahoots with Russia, but then we found out that it was only 3 people who believed that Russia did the deed, but offered no proof of them doing that.

This is what I have been asking people who believe everything they hear about Russia Gate and Trump. What if the CIA and FBI had done that to Obama?

If the FBI had investigated President Barack Obama for more than two years on the false allegation of conspiring with or being an agent of a foreign power, Democratic leaders would rightfully demand a full inquiry. It would set a dangerous precedent for liberals to now reject an effort to get answers only because those answers would not be politically expedient. If left unchecked now, the same intelligence services that involved themselves in domestic politics in 2016 could do so again against progressive candidates on similarly spurious grounds.

I'm still dumbstruck by how many people have fallen down the rabbit hole of Russia Gate and have stopped questioning things told to them by the very agencies that have lied to them their whole lives. John CIA Brennan is on CNN as a propagandist, but they don't blink an eye at that. Nor do they oppose the ex CIA and military folks who are in or running for congress. Dumbstruck I tell you!

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Roy Blakeley's picture

@snoopydawg being a setup to justify surveillance of the Trump campaign. After all, Veselnitskaya met with Glenn Simpson, co-founder of Fusion GPS, before and after her meeting with Trump Jr. It is also hard not to believe that this recent impeachment flurry means that Barr and Durham are getting uncomfortably close to the truth about Brennan and Clapper and their Dem friends. I said when this impeachment flurry started that it was an attempted coup against Trump and I think the evidence increasingly supports this assertion. Donald Trump has committed many impeachable offenses, but asking Zelensky to cooperate with Barr's investigation is not one of them.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Roy Blakeley

Trump has committed many impeachable offenses, but asking Ukraine's help is not one of them. I sure hope that this comes back to bite democrats big time. Focusing on this while letting Trump and their donors continue to asset strip the country...we know better and we are taking notes Nancy.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Alligator Ed's picture

@snoopydawg playing the neoliberal plundering game? Consider me unshocked if this is true.


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snoopydawg's picture

@Alligator Ed

I'm saying that Trump has a legitimate reason to ask Ukraine to look into Russia Gate from inside Ukraine because of how many people there were working with the DNC to get stuff on Trump. But yeah I'm sure that there are people involved with him that are invested in getting stuff out of Ukraine. I'm sure both parties are there doing stuff we don't know about. But the democrats act like their poo doesn't stink.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Bob In Portland's picture

Right here:

A couple of days ago Moon of Alabama reported this:

The pieces are falling together.

I would only add that the kerfluffle against the Sanders campaign and "hacking" the DNC in late 2015 was perhaps a practice for the big show. And this whole performance has the distinct scent of a CIA production.

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