a PSA: chile is exploding with protestors!
More than one million now just in Santiago + people all over the country #chile #LaMarchaMasGrandeDeChile pic.twitter.com/LBtYu5EZUX
— Daniela Mardones-Bravo (@DanielaMarBrav) October 25, 2019
Hundreds of thousands protest in Santiago de Chile against Piñera's government, neoliberalism and repression. #LaMarchaMasGrandeDeChile pic.twitter.com/wUYqNRw5IG
— teleSUR English (@telesurenglish) October 25, 2019
About one million people are marching in the streets of Santiago in "The Largest March in Chile."#LaMarchaMasGrandeDeChile #ChileQuiereCambios #NuncaMasNeoliberalismo
https://t.co/6CiAgoTN5N— teleSUR English (@telesurenglish) October 25, 2019
A united voice can never be silenced even by the sound of the deadliest gun. #LaMarchaMasGrandeDeChile pic.twitter.com/wddPfUNYyD
— ANNE (@anne_mwongeli) October 26, 2019
el derecho de vivir en paz / egalite liberte fraternite#LaMarchaMasGrandeDeChile pic.twitter.com/uo8Cph5Ppv
— osnolA acnallirtaC (@TotoCatrillanca) October 26, 2019
Drone footage shows #Santiago streets packed with anti-government protesters #Chile pic.twitter.com/68a10BFelj
— Ruptly (@Ruptly) October 26, 2019
in fact, ruptly tv on twitter is showing mass protests in lebanon, iraq, barcelona...
Chaos on the streets of #Santiago as #protests enter 8th day #Chile pic.twitter.com/dFQ6cmqfGn
— Ruptly (@Ruptly) October 26, 2019

Good News!
At first I though Chile was exploding with prostate-specific antigens. But then I understood . . .
got a bit o' prostatitis on yer mind? by the by: what's an apenultimate (she wonders)?
It's really . . .
It's really a shortened version of "antepenultimate", which means "the one before the one before the last." Unfortunately, when I tried to claim that name on other websites, it was taken! But, "apenultimate" wasn't, so I went with that.
The term is sometimes used in linguistics. For example, let's say you have the word "Vladimir". The ultimate syllable would be "mir". The penultimate syllable would be the middle "i" (or maybe the "di"--not sure). The antepenultimate syllable would be "Vlad". The one before the one before the last.
I am the one before the one before the last. A very prestigious position if I do say so myself . . .
veddy, veddy prestigious.
ta for the explanation; wish i thought it would stick in my cranium. ; )
Yes, dear butterfly, please avail yourself of AU's "brain glue"
Take a drop or two,
and thoughts will stick to you.
F'rinstance, try our product and your brain will be saturated by "Orange Man Bad", to the exclusion of everything else. Oooops. maybe that's not a good selling-point.
However, this offer does remain open should you choose to get, shall we say, sticky.
giggle, snort, guffaw.
gimme dat thing, gimme dat thing...Orange Man the Worstest!
a few more:
(given that IMF moreno will likely restate the fuel taxes the indigenous fought so hard to get him to rescind):
and the Western Hegemon is gunnin' for socialist morales as they still are maduro.
sudan uprising, but i'm totally ignorant on that fight...
US and clients divide sudan into two, all the oil is in the north, isn't it? what could possibly go wrong? where's george clooney when they don't need him?
Amazing to see so many people in the streets
And wonderful.
and for many of them,
at such great costs: given the killed and wounded numbers. USians are so different, and it might be for several reasons, one being it's such a huge nation, and we've just been conditioned to accept our collective fates. i'm sure there are others as well. oh: save for #pink pussyhats resistances.
thanks for reading, caring, and commenting, granma.
Chile is very special.
The people are friendly. They are also very special, having had to live through and come to terms with Pinochet.
I hope none of them come to harm, even if they got out in the streets and were willing to be harmed.
Brave, righteous, go, Chileans!
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
i remember your
having said how widely you've traveled, amiga, so i trust that you know whereof you speak. many of them have come to harm, and yet they resist; now ain't that grand? come to think of it, whitney webb mint press news lives in chile. she's busy on the twit machine w/ many other issues, but said this on oct. 23:
thanks, on the cusp (of what? an astrological sign?)
decades ago, a lawyer told me I was always
Point man. Leading the charge.
First to push new ideas, try new things.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
ta for the back story.
for some reason i'd thunk of you as more of a Point Woman in that metaphor. but gender is hard to tell on the boards, isn't it?
well, chilean and catalonian independence protests are still going strong this a.m., as are so many others:
I have never heard the expression
Any updates on Ecuador? I can't find anything more recent than 4 days ago.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
i'd seen a bit yesterday,
but with these two old firefoxes that support easy copy i need for cross-posting, ad block's been discontinued, and my machine is jumpin' and hiccupin' to beat the band. copy paste is even hard at telsur english and other 'foreign' sites.
i'll shut down, reboot later, and see what i can find. have you ever tried the Brave Brower that the duran recommends? i might try it; Opera sure sucks, and i'll delete it.
No, never used that browser.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
i just scored a copy;
talk about Old Dogs/New Tricks. so far, so weird. but it ain't hoppin' about, and type strokes are 'taking'.
And, yes
I have been to Chile.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
from telesur english:
(a brief compilation)
telesur again:
'He Never Burns Bridges': The Alberto-Cristina Recipe Challenging Macri's Neoliberalism, oct. 24
(Presidential candidate Alberto Fernandez and running mate Cristina Fernandez in Santa Rosa, Argentina Oct. 17, 2019)
"If you want, Macri is out" is the phrase that Argentineans shout and dance as they get ready to participate on the Oct. 27 elections.
Alberto Fernandez has the ability to “decide, organize, agree and seek the broadest possible government,” said Argentina's former president Cristina Fernandez-Kirchner (CFK) as she announced him as presidential candidate for the Front for All coalition.
I am not sure if it's that or
I am not sure if it's that or if it that we have no history of having to. Most countries have something in their past that has had to be overthrown from office, a brutal dictator, a nazi. They have stories of those times and of how their predecessors succeeded or failed. We have had protests about issues but never to the extent of blood flowing in the streets like many of these places. I always suggest taking a trip to Guanajuato, Mexico a ground zero for the Mexican revolution. Visit the armory and gaze at the giant meat hooks where the Mexican government hung the bodies of the heros of the resistance for a couple of months and imagine it happening here. We will be bushwacking a new trail should we collectively decide we need to go down this path. My experience in Mexico taught me that most people here are incredibly naive about the corruption in our government.
i appreciate your weighing in
on the 'why nots' of it, my friend. but the answer i'd like to give would be an epistle, and i haven't the time (RL obligations, computer problems, etc.). as to this:
i'd say rather the perception of not having to, but no, i hadn't meant that any of us who protested en masse would likely preconceive of the notion that blood would flow. but if one looks closely at the epic numbers of homeless i amerika, those with zero access to health care, even in emergencies, those killed by police with almost total impunity (esp. people of color), the epic numbers of us with zero wealth post-2008 meltdown w/no recovery for most, the actual jobless rates (3-part-time to make a barely living wage w/ no benefits whatsoever, the trillions of outstanding 'consumer' debt, and the all-but-disappeared social safety nets...the ever-burgeoning wealth inequality (gini co-efficient isn't quaintly called?), well the list could go on.
and yet, every four years the vast majority of amerikans takes part in the quadrennial electoral circus of a pretend democracy endeavor, knowing knowing knowing...that their chosen candidate for President will reverse it all. Hope and Change, it's what we collectively do, and things just go from bad to worse, and another meltdowns on the way.
while i do take your suggestion to heart:
I always suggest taking a trip to Guanajuato, Mexico a ground zero for the Mexican revolution
...not all insurrections lie in such dramatic underpinnings, imo. i'm not sure which or what sort of large issues protests in amerika you're pinging (XR?), but in general we are as complacent a people as i can imagine. gotta scoot, and thank you pswaterspirit; pleased to meet you.