Does Ellen know about Thomas Young's Letter to Bush?

Or Thomas' story?

Would Ellen ever had Reagan on her show after he ignored the AIDS epidemic for 7 years while her friends were dying? Will she eventually be nice to Trump and have him on for some dancing?

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Pricknick's picture

So much time wasted on identity.
The only thing she really accomplished was coming out. That took gravitas.
Now she's just pandering.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

snoopydawg's picture


It's about people who used to say they had certain values, but then they threw them out when Obama became president and then they really went off the rails when Trump did.


When Will Ellen DeGeneres Visit Julian Assange?

If nothing else, one silver lining to Donald Trump’s election is the exposure of establishment types, whether Democratic or Republican, for what they really are. We now recognize that there’s very little daylight between a neocon and a neoliberal, and that the back and forth fighting over power between these two camps — which defined American politics for decades — was nothing more than a manipulative pro-wrestling circus.

Trump’s election has forced many establishment Democrats out of the closet as the intelligence agency, surveillance state, empire-worshipping, centralized power bootlickers they always were. Since neocons were historically more in your face shameless about their support for endless war, oligarch-coddling, and authoritarianism, establishment Democrats could pretend to represent an ethical opposition to such things. Alas, it was all an act and if the Obama administration didn’t already prove that to you, the embarrassingly clownish neoliberal “resistance” movement should.

There are endless ways for those who dislike Donald Trump to push back against him and his administration in an ethical and productive manner, but establishment Democrats always choose the most damaging and destructive route. This is no accident. The manner in which they respond to Trump is them showing you who they really are.


There are countless examples of this sort of behavior, but one of the most disturbing has been the intentional and completely maniacal rehabilitation of war criminal, torturer-in-chief and surveillance state architect George W. Bush and his catastrophic administration. Whether you feel love, hatred or indifference toward Donald Trump, there’s no comparing his administration thus far to that of the younger Bush. Bush’s policies directly killed more people all over the world and did far more to erode American civil liberties and the Constitution than Trump. There’s absolutely no reason for anyone ethically opposed to Trump to voluntarily embrace George W. Bush, yet that’s exactly what “resistance” celebrities have been doing and continue to do.

It's the f'cking hypocrisy!

These people aren’t offering you anything other than a whitewashing of the George W. Bush administration and an impeachment fantasy that ends with President Mike Pence. In other words, a road to hell paved with bad intentions.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Pricknick's picture


It's about people who used to say they had certain values

You and I are not worth the stench we put upon the land we walk.
Those who broadcast their values (such as the picture you provide) are nothing but posers imploring their so-called values on the gullible. Better than thou only for the ignorant masses.
Nothing more.

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Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

I may be a stench on earth by being born, but I had no say in
that. And I walk on it, extrude assets from it.
Like the author, I can see truth, and can and WILL speak up for it.
It is the measure of extraction. Would I take away your safety?
Or food?
The people featured in this essay would.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

snoopydawg's picture


Speak for yourself. And the point of this essay isn't about Ellen or Rosie and I'm sorry that you missed this.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

@snoopydawg to wealthy, out of touch hypocrites. It is a very healthy attitude. The press used to thrive on outing these self adulating fools. Now they fawn on them.

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snoopydawg's picture

The Liberal Rehabilitation of George W. Bush Is Complete

George W. Bush is not the worst living American, but only because former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger still lives.

Bush was the worst president since James Buchanan. He presided over eight years of ceaseless disaster. We are still fighting his wars, which have, by conservative estimates, killed hundreds of thousands, and by others, a million or more. He destroyed Iraq and plunged the entire Middle East into a slow-motion apocalypse that will take a century to heal, if it ever begins to heal at all. His war in Afghanistan, ostensibly a direct retaliation or response to the 9/11 attacks, was as desultory as it was cruel and unnecessary.

He was by turns diffident and hectoring, vicious and stupid. He presided over the greatest economic catastrophe since the Great Depression. He fiddled while New Orleans drowned. He foisted every sub-Nixonian Washington vampire—people you thought had evaporated in puffs of dust, leaving nothing but gouty skeletons back in the Ford administration—onto an unsuspecting nation.

He spent what seemed like half his presidency “clearing brush” on his Texas ranch for a credulous press corps. He was the son of a president who became president in this stupid republic of ours—the spoiled scion of a New England political dynasty who pretended to be from Texas. Living through eight years of him was like living with tinnitus and a vague nausea.

He nearly choked to death on a pretzel. He was almost hit in the head by a shoe.

During the Obama presidency, he largely disappeared into a parody of idyllic retirement, puttering about his property and taking up painting. This became a gentle punchline, which should have warned of his inevitable rehabilitation.

The online resistance, which would have been perfectly content to watch Clintons and Bushes trade the Oval Office for the next thousand years, nevertheless pined openly for the days of Dick Cheney’s insane co-presidency. It began with slight embarrassment: I can’t believe I actually miss George Bush; or, I never thought I’d say this, but …

But the death of John McCain—another nasty, ungracious, bullying piece of work who became a hero to the media despite his bad manners and despicable politics—hurried the whole Bush renaissance to its absurd apotheosis.

But George Bush gave Michelle Obama a Werther’s Original at a funeral, so I suppose we’re

That was a prelude to this article:

It would be easy to get angry at Ellen’s hollow gesture of comity, the post-relevant liberal trailblazer sharing her nachos with America’s most prominent living homophobe, warmonger and torturer, the man who presided over what remains the greatest orgy of murderous violence in this not-as-young-as-it-used-to-be century, the heckuva-job glad-hander who sleepwalked through the deaths of perhaps 1,800 people—many of them, horrifically, by drowning—in one of the most terrible natural disasters in American history, a virulent racist who defeated another sainted American cretin, John McCain, in a South Carolina primary by accusing him of miscegenation.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Centaurea's picture

@snoopydawg I'm fully expecting an attempt to canonize him after he removes himself from the planet.

Hillary, who adores Kissinger on a personal level and learned foreign policy from him, got that ball rolling during the 2016 primary.

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"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."

"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone

@Centaurea seems to me the canonizing has already begun.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@Centaurea ...the way Poppy Bush and David Koch sadly got to (and I do think people like them embrace their own mortality as the ultimate secret-escape-tunnel from Justice), and receives a revered statesman's funeral, then at the very least, that funeral needs to be crashed and desecrated. Are the Hell's Angels still in business? Where can we rent a great big flock of trained vultures? What about the elephant-dung-Madonna-painting guy and his ilk? We could use them, too, as well as any surviving Sex Pistols. I'm sure we can fit Jello Biafra and Marilyn Manson in there too, somehow, and give Tom Lehrer enough advance warning to totter his way up from wherever he lives these days, vaporizer-ray-gun in hand. Noam Chomsky will fly there on his own in the form of a great black raven, I'm sure.

Screw the corporate media pearl-clutching that will inevitably be the reaction, and any supposed "good guy", celebrity or commoner, who carries water with them. They'll all have less moral high ground than Osama bin Laden.

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Wally's picture

I hope Tulsi watches the video linked below and reconsiders her defense of Ellen:

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@Wally contrarian and Minority of One advocate here, I find it difficult to rouse myself to proffer even a minimum opening statement in Ellen's defense. Perhaps I'm too burnt out from months of having to stand boldly alone here manning the ramparts on Warren, Impeachment and a dozen other items of interest. Some one else will have to go boldly alone on this one.

Let there be a Truth and Reconciliation Commission in this country, presided over by some modern-day equivalent of Spencer Tracey (does Tom Hanks have enough gravitas for that job???). When some of these high-level criminals have fessed up, then we can talk about liberals eating nachos with them in Jerry Jones' luxury suite and having a nice Sunday of watching gridiron action.

But we don't deal much in Truth in this country, not for those in high places. They are allowed to live out their lives rehabbing their image and polishing some of the rough spots in their résumés while influential mainstream historians prepare their whitewashing histories because those generally in TPTB Club tend to take care of each other.

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Wally's picture


So do candidates who voted twice to support and even increase Trump's military budgets.

I figure candidates like that ain't gonna be that much different than Dubya especially when it comes to foreign policy.

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@Wally use of the extreme phrase "war criminal" to those most directly responsible and in a position by themselves to do something about it.

So, in my lifetime, presidents like LBJ, Nixon, and Bush definitely qualify to be called war criminals. Starting unnecessary wars, dramatically escalating very low-key military involvements, or arranging for regime change wars, and the like.

Not so much the many who may indirectly have been enablers but who didn't exactly have warmongering on their minds. Small cogs in the machine. Such as the many well-intended liberals in the senate in 1964, many of whom later became anti-VN War advocates, who voted for Lyndon's obviously suspect GoT Res.

Even Bernie has done his small-cog part by ensuring the viability of the F-35 stealth jet -- very noisy, expensive and nuke capable -- which is expected to be based in his home state. It means jobs for VT, please understand, and his state is already lagging far behind in job growth.

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Wally's picture


And I don't expect a candidate I support to be a pacifist. I support a budget for national defense (not endless warmongering).

I don't and won't ever support any candidate who voted twice to support and increase Trump's military budget.

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@Wally to pick what red lines and other factors to highly prioritize in considering whom to support.

And voting to increase our "defense" budget obviously is something that maybe should be brought up in the next debate -- perhaps by Bernie himself??

Meanwhile, speaking of the next debate, I've just received a personal msg from Tulsi with this very interesting note: that she is currently considering boycotting the next debate b/c of problems with how the media and DNC are again rigging things to shape the political landscape to their liking.

[wokkamile] —

I want to thank you all very much for your support. I need to share something with you. It is very important: I am giving serious consideration to boycotting the next debate and I want to tell you why:

Watch now

There are so many of you who I've met in Iowa and New Hampshire who have expressed to me how frustrated you are that the DNC and corporate media are essentially trying to usurp your role as voters in choosing who our Democratic nominee will be.

I share your concerns, and I’m sure that all our supporters throughout the country do as well.

The 2016 Democratic Primary election was rigged by the DNC and their partners in the corporate media against Bernie Sanders.

In this 2020 election, the DNC and corporate media are rigging the election again, but this time against the American people in the early voting states of Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina, and Nevada.

They are attempting to replace the roles of voters in the early states, using polling and other arbitrary methods which are not transparent or democratic, and holding so-called debates which are not debates at all but rather commercialized reality television meant to entertain, not inform or enlighten

In short, the DNC and corporate media are trying to hijack the entire election process.

In order to bring attention to this serious threat to our democracy, and ensure your voice is heard, I am giving serious consideration to boycotting the next debate on October 15th. I will announce my decision within the next few days.

With my deepest, and warmest aloha, thank you all again for your support.

– Tulsi

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Anja Geitz's picture


Perhaps I'm too burnt out from months of having to stand boldly alone

To advocate for an establishment neo-liberal candidate in an electoral race that will ultimately be decided by those with the levers of power and influence.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

I've always been a big fan of standup comedy so I've seen a lot of comedians do their thing long before they catch fame, including Ellen. There were a lot of rumors back then, which I dismissed at the time, about how she was not at all a nice person.

Despite her secrecy about it we all knew she was a friend of Dorothy back in the 80s, and there was talk about the community trying to get her to do some gay themed jokes, but she never would do it. She told people she did not want to come out, she said it would hurt her career, and that she didn't want to be known as "the lesbian comedian". Which, since the rest of us were trying so desperately to get enough visibility to gain legal equality, became a kind of inside joke within the lesbian community -- another lesbian comedian, Suzanne Westenhoefer, used to sort of clapback on Ellen's statement as if she were addressing the talent agents, saying something like, "Call me! Book me! I will absolutely be The Lesbian Comedian! Especially if you are paying for the gig with actual cash money instead of drink tickets!"

Suzanne Westenhoefer was actually on the rise to become the first major out lesbian comedian until Ellen got her sitcom, and then was sort-of infamously outed, had her career "crash", then hooked up with first wife Anne Heche. There were more inside-the-rainbow-community rumors about Ellen being a classhole as well as a total hound dog and not asking for permission before touching and kissing women she didn't know at the bars. Then her career took off like a fuckin rocket for the stratosphere of Oprah level fame. I've given her the side-eye ever since, and this shit with helping to rehabilitate W's public image convinces me that at some point she knowingly, willingly made a deal with the proverbial devil.

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@Reverend Jane Ignatowski While he doesn’t name names, he makes it very clear that writers he knows would argue against Ellen being a nice person, especially ones who dared try to organize.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

@Dr. John Carpenter

I think after the CIA descended on the place during the blacklist days it's kept control over the tv & film industry ever since. Anyone with two bits of conscience left to rub together should get the hell out of there.

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@Reverend Jane Ignatowski director I'm aware of never got that above memo, or didn't care -- Oliver Stone.

At one time he made bold, anti-MIC films which challenged the established order. JFK, Nixon, Born Fourth July, Salvador.

Not so many lately. Perhaps the ferocious backlash from TPTB after his unwelcome JFK caused him to pull back.

Afaik, all the rest are just making easy fluffy entertainments or playing along with the MIC script in order to make their movies and remain players in Hollywood.

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his recent film, Ukraine on Fire.

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@Linda Wood anti-PTB efforts have mainly been in the documentary area lately. He's done some good work, and his lengthy interview with Putin for Showtime was a must watch. But these efforts reach only a small audience I would imagine, compared to a feature film which dramatizes real events. Not many will want to sit for 5 hours watching his Putin interviews, nor for 10 to watch his Untold History of the U.S. effort, fine though they were.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


Only one Hollywood director I'm aware of never got that above memo, or didn't care -- Oliver Stone.

James McTeague (V for Vendetta) as well.....

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

snoopydawg's picture

@Reverend Jane Ignatowski

I loved Suzanne back in the the late 80's early 90's. My friends would take me with them when they went to watch her shows. We saw her a couple times in San Fran and elsewhere.

Friends of Dorothy! I have forgotten all about that saying. I had not heard the rumors of Ellen being a hound dawg though, but then I only saw one of her stand up comedies back when she was just getting started. Some hole in the wall joint in the Central Valley of CA.

Thanks for the trip down memory lane.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

They're not even trying to maintain kayfabe anymore. Everyone knows you're supposed to wait until the guy is dead before the whitewashing so most people will have forgotten their deeds and you can accuse anyone else of being disrespectful to the grieving family or whatever. Trump has so messed up these people's worlds that they forget W is the guy who was the Democrat's Trump before Trump. The pelbes haven't yet been conditioned to forget that yet. While Ellen's audience may coo and applaud, I'm hoping it takes more than a tweet from some rando about how Ellen sitting next to W warmed his heart to make this situation die down. (Not holding my breath.)

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

Lily O Lady's picture

@Dr. John Carpenter

before Trump.” Succinct, and true.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

@Lily O Lady @Lily O Lady The Bush years were where I lost my faith in the Dems. They’d moan and groan about how terrible a person Bush was, how he was a spoiled dry drunk, etc. but had zero interest in doing anything about the real damage he was doing. I guess that’s why Trump doesn’t impress me much. Bush did stuff Trump wouldn’t even think of and not only did the Dems enable him, Obama kept it all moving right along.

Ellen can shove it tut tutting about getting along with people we have a difference of political opinion with. I do that every day of my life. But the embrace of W by the exact same Dems who hollered for years that the man was satan incarnate* once again proves the old George Carlin line about it being a big club.

* remember when Hugo Chavez made a remark to exactly that effect at the UN and the lefties all cheered??? Seems so long ago...

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

DeGeneres is one of the many cogs in the great Overton Wheel. The point is to make extreme political beliefs seem normal and the morally repulsive seem acceptable.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

snoopydawg's picture

@Dr. John Carpenter

-In another leaked official State Department exchange, a top government aide and the Secretary of State discuss Ellen Degeneres’ quote, “willingness to do whatever we ask.”

-So, just to recap, Ellen Degeneres is willing to covertly push official government foreign policy under the guise of a silly, non-threatening morning talk show. You with me so far? Interestingly, Sony is the company that distributes The Ellen Degeneres Show.

And it's not just Ellen who does this.

-If you were getting your news from Jake Tapper in the fallout during the Sony hacks you probably have no idea the incredible bombshells that were revealed, notably among them is the tight link between Sony and, you guessed it, the government. Specifically the CIA/State Department

There is a highly connected press agency that represents most of the people in the media and in Hollywood. I linked it once. Might be able to find it if anyone is interested.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

I am so glad I am not the only one who cannot and will not let this go.


THIS is why the country has lost its mind - the superficial mind of language and culture forgets...but the true mind, the true, noumenal, rational intellect from which all good and reason springs (quite the contrary to the totalitarian doctrines of Freud and his ideological aeons, not to mention Christianity itself), of course, does flesh, and the universe itself...

... here's more from that WACKY ONION!!!

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Wally's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

Even if the person admits and is sorry for his/her harmful action?

Even if the person then makes reparations?

Even if the person then seeks forgiveness?

Granted, Dubya fails on all these counts.

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The Liberal Moonbat's picture

...not as an absolute commandment.

As I've come to believe, there are no rules in the real universe; there are only FACTS. Therefore, it would be prudent to interpret most anything I say in a situational/contextual sense.

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Wally's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

But I'd like to think I could find it in myself to forgive Bush if he did the things I suggested above. I won't be expecting him to do any one of those things, though.

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@Wally ever apologize for anything they've done in the course of their public duties? I can't recall one who did.

It's the Daddy Party after all -- Real Men Don't Apologize. Leave all that to the wimpy Mommy Party Demonrats.

Or as John Wayne, also a Republican and proto-Reagan RW Nut, once said in a movie: “Never apologize and never explain—it's a sign of weakness.”

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thanatokephaloides's picture


Never forgive?

Even if the person admits and is sorry for his/her harmful action?

Even if the person then makes reparations?

Even if the person then seeks forgiveness?

Granted, Dubya fails on all these counts.

Even Anonymous now occasionally uses the line "we may forgive, but we never forget".

But you're right: Dumbya does fail on all those counts, making either forgiveness or forgetting rather difficult.

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

thanatokephaloides's picture

please delete

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

snoopydawg's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

George W. Bush Debuts New Paintings Of Dogs, Friends, Ghost Of Iraqi Child That Follows Him Everywhere. President Bush has a new hobby — painting! — and he’s showing off some new watercolors of the undead Iraqi boy who lives in his nightmares

Chillingly brilliant.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.