Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me; fool me thrice, I'm a Democrat

Greetings fellow swampers and those preferring to remain dry,

Yours truly has long espoused the belief™ Never underestimate human stupidity.

This precept has been irrevocably PROVEN by the DNC. So fucking predictable--and so fucking desperate the Dems are. To even consider something as stupid as the current "whistleblower" fiasco. That story was even flimsier than the Steele Dossier. The fact that that Trump was blatantly daring them to do something about the "scandal" that Trump allegedly strong-armed Zelensky. "Find the dirt, Volod, or your military aid might disappear into the air" [reminiscent of the sincere Dem concern for the immigrants waiting at the border. Maybe AOC will go back to the border fence, to cry again.]

The Alligator University edition of Cliff's notes may help you recall the strategic failures on die Blau Partei in this unfolding dramedy called Amerika's Witch Hunt (AWH).

One the first day the DNC created Russiagate. Weak from it's inception, only Rachel Maddow still believes in it.

Stroke of genius: When Bob the Swan's production, co-producer Andy Weissmann, ran out of steam, like a last emission from a ballon leaking, along came Obstructiongate. This fiasco engendered as much enthusiasm as Eric Swalwell's presidential campaign.

Next on the list of strategic anti-Trump attacks came racism. Oopsie. That one is so old, that young children know el Trumpo is racist. So, by the way, is the Camel. Effect of this ploy: like water off the proverbial duck's ass.

Did you feel the tremors of Trumpian impending collapse? Neither have I. But Dems are nothing if not corrupt persistent. Pushing on, the brain trust concluded to produce a "mirror, mirror on the wall" ploy. So much more obvious than the intricate pathway disproof of Russiagate involved.

Mirror, mirror on the wall--
Who is the Dumbest of them all?

Maybe the Dem plotters are like the writer of a TV series who have absolutely run out of ideas. This might be called

Democrats Jump the Shark

So low on creativity are Pelosi, Schumer et al, that they cleverly accuse Trump of doing exactly what JoJo openly bragged during a Council of Foreign Relations appearance. Oh me, oh my! Ain't I great? I snagged OrangeMan in extortion of a foreign head of state! Oowie!

So Trump baits the Dems. If you are not crazed by TDS, you withdraw slightly, stop and analyze why el Trumpo taunts his nemeses. But, No. Dems are like the bull in the arena, already bloodied by the picadors mad as hell and will charge at anything.

Analogy: to fail to comprehend that Trump is anything more than a brash egoist, is so stupid. They have already forgotten that Trump beat HRC--maybe not like a drum, but DJT did the job.

Trump has outplayed the Dems since the primary, and he has beat them every time. His base is allegedly larger and his approval is larger than BHO's at this stage of presidency. So, yeah, only a Dem could think they were beating Trump. This is especially curious since the Dems have a squad of ferocious pests currently chewing on their collective ass.

Bill Weld says "if Trump did the extortion he should be found guilty of Treason and hung." Have any Dems said otherwise? Where's the anti-lynching contingent of Bathroom Booker and the Camel, who alerted the country against lynching?

Whoops. Cat is outta the bag. The specter of treason charge and death by hanging is now out on the public knowledge.

If you don't believe that public mention of death for traitors doesn't reach the top with fear, check out HRC's tweet in which she says "if" Trump is guilty of treason he should be impeached [and tried]. A little projection again, eh Hildebeast?

Quo Vadis?

Conditioned by centuries of observing two-level systems of injustice, we are naturally prone to believe that all the rascals get nothing worse than wrist slaps. Statistically, this is true.

Entertain this thought, if only briefly: Q exists

Q is the harsh god of the Old Testament. Q promises fire and brimstone to the traitors--well, really Gitmo and military tribunals. Millions of people have followed Q--world wide: France, Germany, Hong Kong, etc. That doesn't mean that even most people are convinced in Q's power status, i.e. ability to exercise direction on a tough, aggressive campaign of prosecuting the guilty down. If Q, reflects DJT's spirit of retribution, then woe to any "bad guy" specifically named--and more.

So Bye Bye ByeDone. The Camel is shedding followers faster than shedding hair. Into the fore dash (and/or stumble) Warren, Bernie. Forget for one moment that the DNC is gonna let this get out of control. Liz is their default position, though not admitted to. Bernie is gonna get the Bernie '16 treatment.

But, focus on the boomerang:

All the shit you Dems launched into the atmosphere is coming back at you--and you're too blind to see it coming. If Q is real, as a driving motif for the swamp-cleaning, then the trail is not stopping at ByeDone, it is going to HRC, WJC, BHO.

Ponder this:

1. Donald Trump has had an enormous and outsized influence on the entire world.

2. Trump lovers are every bit as ardent about DJT as the Still-with-her crowd are about HRC--and they're better armed.

3. DJT has the entire military at his back, not just constitutionally but just as much pro-American. Many people on the right think that Dems hate Amerika. Listen to fools like Beto and you might agree.

The onslaught is rollin and tumbling down relentless on the Dems--the pace of which accelerates.

Rollin' and Tumblin'


Woke up this morning,
Didn't know right from wrong

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1. Warren has been exposed as just another Hillary.
2. This time they don't control enough vote counters to stop Bernie. So:
3. This time they're desperate. Their plan to lose again with a "popular vote majority", justifying a neoliberal coup, will fail in the worst possible way - with a Bernie victory. So:
4. In desperation they are stumbling into Plan X - "Strategic Suicide" - get so completely humiliated that the great unwashed rise up in fear and anger and "The Resistance" will step up and "save the nation".
Good luck with that.

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On to Biden since 1973

Alligator Ed's picture

@doh1304 The Dems will lose so badly, that even the most politically uninterested cannot help but observe that Dems are complete idiots. In the world of politics, they have reached the pinnacle of stupidity. Soon they will slide down that slope into Whiggery.

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture


The Reactionary Dems plan seems to be to muscle her through the primaries, pull out the rug in the general, and forever after blame Progressives for the loss.

Or, to put it another way:
Establishment Dems don't want Warren to Govern. They want her to McGovern.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

@Not Henry Kissinger

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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

Not Henry Kissinger's picture

but it's far easier to sabotage your own team's campaign than your opponent's, especially when your campaign relies on institutional support from people who hate your policies.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Alligator Ed's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger also known as AOC. She is doing a far better job as woodpecker than the Repugnants. Continuously banging her beak into the presenescent flesh of the Democratic dinosaurs, last relics of an age thankfully passing. Of course, the woodpecker may get excised by a primary challenger of her own--if the FEC (if it still exists) doesn't let her use the funds purloined from the Just Us Democrats.

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

@Alligator Ed

Your woodpecker has had her wings clipped.

In July, Saikat Chakrabarti, then her chief of staff, ignited a firestorm by accusing centrist Democrats of enabling “a racist system” after they blocked an effort to defund immigration enforcement as part of an emergency border aid package. In a tweet, now deleted, he compared them to “new Southern Democrats,” a reference to segregationists. It was a remarkable breach of protocol for an unelected aide.

Mr. Jeffries used the House Democrats’ official Twitter account to deliver a biting warning shot in a tweet, also now deleted, that singled out Mr. Chakrabarti. Two weeks later, Mr. Chakrabarti announced he would leave the office.

Ms. Ocasio-Cortez’s new chief of staff, Ariel Eckblad, a former aide to Senator Kamala Harris of California, is well versed in the workings of Capitol Hill and is widely seen as a sober-minded replacement.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Alligator Ed's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger for a role as woodpecker pie. They may have temporarily got her muted (somewhat, though it doesn't seem mute to me), but the Establishment Dems want her gone--as in gone.

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

@Alligator Ed

the Establishment Dems want her gone--as in gone.

She's too useful to them.

But with Chakrabarti as CoS she was a loose canon. Now with her 'sober-minded replacement' (NYT speak for 'one of us') and a promise to confine her rabble rousing to safe blue seats, they're happy to tolerate such a 'radical'.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Alligator Ed's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger AOC is just laying low, just as wounded animals do when injured. Fear not, NHK, she will once again arise with all her fiery splendor once her wounds heal.

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

@Alligator Ed

A Kamala flunkie as CoS is proof positive AOC has been fully assimilated.


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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

Alligator Ed's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger But AOC will chuck her minders as soon as her 2020 re-election is certified. She's just so good at her job--destroying the Dim party, to leave it to amateurs, like Tlaib and Pressley.

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WaterLily's picture

@Alligator Ed Beware.

If you work within the Establishment, you're controlled by the Establishment.

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@Alligator Ed Since when did Little Leaguers become amateurs?

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@Not Henry Kissinger She is useless if she is not a loose cannon. So we have a paradox. How to be useful without being a loose cannon.

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wendy davis's picture

@Not Henry Kissinger

that wasn't why he resigned. but he at least did admit to trumpet what some of us have been trying to say for a long time about capitalist bidnessess, green new deals, and big banks springing alive almost exponentially to 'save the planet by making tone of yummy lucre!'

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Alligator Ed's picture

@wendy davis Let us pray.

I love the green new deal because money is green. Money, money--that's what I want. Buy my new book, available from AU Press: The Second Inconvenient Fact.. Synopsis: one must be aware that racism is inherent in Global warming. If you support the correct identitarian combination, you will find that everything that's wrong in this world is due to racism. A vote for sanity by supporting [insert name of correct "non-profit NGO"] will save the world from the evil Capitalists--for a modest fee of course.

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wendy davis's picture

@Alligator Ed

'let us pay to pray', no? or 'let us pay to hope' [on edit: anything will save the planet by now] ? but all the items that the elites suggest, of course, are trillion dollar schemes like carbon sequestering, bill gates' great plan to spray calcium chloride particles into the ionosphere or something to block the sun...and of course: more nuclear power. even little great seems okay with that one.

and not one of the 'plans' (save the green party's) speaks to the issue that the largest carbon footprint on the planet is...the amerikan military! although liz warren does a way: bio fuels for bombers™. that'll fix it, eh wot?

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Alligator Ed's picture

@wendy davis Genetic engineering will produce non-flatulating cows. Advanced avionics will produce nuclear powered planes. These and other fixes, coming at a price, dear consumer, will ensure that the world does not end by mass drowning plus incineration. Please donate your funds to save the world to Soros and Gates, care of the Swiss Banc account set up to aid humanity.

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wendy davis's picture

@Alligator Ed

when i'd put up diary recently on the amazon rain forest fires, there were craploads of NGOs on the hashtag saying 'send money'; we'll take care it! leonardo di capripo, the very compromised WWF, an the list went on. i sent em a plug nickel. ; )

my money's on a nuclear WW III killin' us first, and the amerikan empire is at the heart of it all.

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wendy davis's picture

@Alligator Ed

mr. wd had just come in to recount an epic accident at the mouth of long gravel driveway and the gravel county road. some dumbass waste management truck driver had tried to back up the truck clear to the paved county road (maybe a mile?), and had flipped it off the edge of the road, and rolled it down almost into albert's old blacksmith shop. two cranes might get it out in a couple hours...they said.

but anyway, yes, when i'd first reported on the ocasio/markey GND, and had added opinions, the intrepid whitney webb had called it 'a different kind of green' (or close). but the appeal to identity politics was so epic it was almost embarrassing, as was that little booklet on which she and molly crapapple had collaborated. the most appalling to me was using a black image on rosie the riveter.

and now the paul erlich malthusians have come calling by way of david Pffft attenborough and billy gates: oh, those africans need birth control! when of course their carbon footprints are a hundredth of theirs.

so i hear you on your alligator university press published book. and again: if anything will save the planet by now. humans sure don't deserve saving, imo; the rest might. it could have been different, but we weren't different..(h/t john trudell).

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@Alligator Ed It is called albedo. The least you can do is be PC about it.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@davidgmillsatty You know, like libido.

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@Alligator Ed No. Libido is not PC, not even for a gator.

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The demise of the Democrats brings us no closer to intelligent governance, or a habitable planet. The political train in the US is off the tracks and going nowhere fast, Democrats and Republicans alike.

Both parties cling to the absurd notion that feeding the monster that is Capitalism can and will solve absolutely all problems and deliver us from all evil, and that The Market is our Oracle, the final arbiter of what’s good for us.

We are so in need of an intervention, and I see none on the horizon. As I see it, an ascendant Republican Party and the re-election of Trump is nothing to cheer about, regardless of how hapless, corrupt and incompetent the Democrats are.

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

Alligator Ed's picture

@ovals49 leaves the other side to flourish, until several generations from now, the successor party to the Dems becomes strong enough to actually oppose the Repugnants--the chance of which happening is equal to the chance of Hillary telling the truth.

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@Alligator Ed
Sounds like more the same, ad nauseum.

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“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”

The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963

WaterLily's picture

@Alligator Ed Unless things change drastically now, the planet won't be around several generations hence.

So all of this is moot.

(No disrespect meant to your rightful opinion).

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Wally's picture


Unless things change drastically now, the planet won't be around several generations hence.

I'd venture to add that March 3, 2020 is our tipping point and our gateway to hedonism or however you choose to proceed.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Wally Stairway to...


And it's whispered that soon,
If we all call the tune,
then the piper will lead us to reason...

and the forest will echo with laughter...

our shadows are taller than our soul
there walks a lady we all know
who shines white light
and wants to show
how everything still turns to gold
and if you listen very hard
the truth will come to you at last
when all are one and one is all
to be a rock and not to roll

sorry. couldn't resist.

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ggersh's picture

@ovals49 great comment!

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

Creosote.'s picture


while going to a nearby market there's this lottery sign: "You have to play to WIN!"
If I had a car (never had one) I'd like to alter the message to "play to LOSE!"

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Wally's picture

One the first day the DNC created Russiagate. Weak from it's inception, only Rachel Maddow still believes in it.

AE, you gotta come out of your swamp and move around a bit. You'll find that the vast majority of Democrats have swallowed that Russia is responsible for all the ills of the world baloney hook, line and sinker. And there are folks like me who believe bits and pieces of it but not the overall hysterical overreactive thrust.

I've been posting about this commenting under other essays yesterday and this morning, so I'm not going to repeat myself endlessly here.

But yea, Biden is kaput handed knowingly or stupidly to Trump on a silver platter. So on with Plan B (Warren). Hopefully, Bernie will wizard his way through the shitshow.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Wally to see same old shit, different day. Warren won't get the honor of being incinerated by OrangeMan. Instead, like a phoenix, Hildebeast will rise from her own ashes, rescuing the Dem Party from the ravages of having Pocahontas leading it, even if only briefly. Then, she will lose again to OrangeMan even worse than the first time. Don't think that el Trumpo is gonna let the DNC clowns get away with election fraud. The DOJ just went after some folks in Texas are prosecuted for 2018 VEVO (vote early, vote often--citizenship not required)

Voter fraud in Texas

The Texas Attorney General’s Office arrested nine people Thursday for allegedly voting illegally in last year’s Edinburg municipal election, bringing the total number of accused to 14.

Thursday marked the second time the AG’s office made sweeping arrests in connection with the hotly contested November 2017 race, when longtime Mayor Richard Garcia was ousted and a new majority, led by Mayor Richard Molina, was ushered in.

Four people allegedly used the address of an apartment complex owned by Molina, who won by more than 1,200 votes, to illegally cast votes. Two of them were arrested in May and June, while two more were arrested Thursday.

The mayor, however, is not the only one whose name has been dragged through the investigation, which the AG’s office previously referred to as an “organized scheme.” Council member Jorge Salinas and new City Secretary Ludivina Leal have also been tied through information provided on criminal complaints.

This is the tip of the iceberg. Arrests will be carried out at a steady pace, leaving a carefully designated schedule for presentation to the public. Brenda Snipes, can you hear the noise? Your retirement won't halt the statute of limitations.

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Wally's picture

@Alligator Ed

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Wally Was anybody filming from the other side of the fence?

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gulfgal98's picture

Regardless of what the hearsay whistleblower says, I am of the firm belief that impeachment is a horrible political choice on the part of the Dems. According to polls I have seen, the majority of Americans are against impeachment for whatever reasons.

My own reason is that although Trump has committed numerous impeachable offenses, most are the same offenses committed by numerous Democrats, including Obama and Biden. So the Dems cannot go after Trump without exposing their own corruption. If this impeachment investigation is opened up, there is a very good chance that Biden and his son will go down with it which means to me that the Dems are willing to serve Biden up on a silver platter in order to get rid of Trump.

So why do the Dems want to get rid of Trump when they will end up with Pence? Could it be Trump's unwillingness so far to move us into new wars? Or is it just he cannot be controlled? We all know Pence is a deep state creature who would be only too happy to commit us to new wars.

Or is this still about Hillary Clinton being embarassingly beaten by a game show host with orange hair and a loud mouth? Russiagate did not work and fell flat on its face. Enter impeachment, Russiagate Ukrainegate 2.0

Or do the Dems actually believe that impeaching Trump will somehow lead to electoral victory for the party in 2020? That looks like a pretty slim hail Mary to me. If given a choice between impeaching Trump and policies that will improve their lives, most voters will choose the latter.

What I do know is that Pelosi was forced into impeaching Trump because she had lost control of her caucus. So she is trying to save her own skin with her caucus right now. I also firmly believe that impeachment will suck all the air out of the 2020 campaign and will provide cover for the Dems for not doing anything to improve the lives of the people.

The cynic in me see this all leading to a brokered Dem. convention in which Hillary Clinton is parachuted in on the second ballot as the party's savior. The end result will be the same. Trump wins and the Dems will continue as the do nothing party. And the oligarchs will be happy that nothing has changed.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Wally's picture


US foreign policy is criminal, period.

Send 'em all golfing at Guantanamo at taxpayers' expense! It'll be the one of the best uses of our of our tax dollars ever. Pay Cuba fair value for rental. But the criminals will only get to eat sardines day in and day out. Crackers just on special occasions. They can fight their battles by sorting out teams. Trump can pick one team and Hillary the other. Sardine break every eighth hole.

I would actually pay extra to see something like this in person especially if it can be used to offset M4A costs or whatever else benefits the common good. It can even be broadcast live for additional revenues. The movie will rival Caddyshack.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Wally you may keep the crackers

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Wally's picture

@Alligator Ed

I'll make sure you get a free trip to Guantanamo Bay if I'm elected president of the universe.

I kid, I kid. I am not actually advocating that alligators chomp on war criminals.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@gulfgal98 but clearer than mine in fact:

The cynic in me see this all leading to a brokered Dem. convention in which Hillary Clinton is parachuted in on the second ballot as the party's savior. The end result will be the same. Trump wins and the Dems will continue as the do nothing party. And the oligarchs will be happy that nothing has changed.

Remember: Deus Ex Machina --but can the Dems find a supporting cable strong to carry all of Killary's baggage? I wonder when the twitches, seizures and tremors start.

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snoopydawg's picture


So why do the Dems want to get rid of Trump when they will end up with Pence? Could it be Trump's unwillingness so far to move us into new wars?

It does seem like every time the drums of war get beat and Trump doesn't jump to start it the democrats find some new scandals to try to pin on him. Iran is the last country in the Middle East that is on the regime change plan. And now that Bibi is out of power it is getting close to not happening.

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Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

However, unable to reconcile her populist economic message with the demands of the wealthy democratic donors she will wade full speed into identity politics and foreign policy. The republicans will form a new cult of personality, maybe resurrect Reagan. Will it become apparent that neither party is for lower class workers? What happens then? I dunno.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Snode and the name is T-R-U-M-P.

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wendy davis's picture

my cypress swampish friend. can't wait to read the OP and comments.
; )

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gulfgal98's picture

@wendy davis I was prepared to rec based upon the title alone. Lol

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

wendy davis's picture

from café commenter juliania on my 'barr/durham to investigate the CIA' diary. she'd asked me to go to b at MoA's most recent post on pelosi's folly ukraine-gate and grab a duran interview link by commenter el sid.

25 minutes? arrrrgh! but i listened while i took care of chores as quietly as i could. the durham barr investigation comes at about 13 minutes, but mercouris makes a hella lot of sense as to what trump was actually asking/warning zelensky about, and telling him how he's cooperate. fascinating analysis, imo, at least to what i'd heard clearly (it's still running on another tab).


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Alligator Ed's picture

@wendy davis I fully agree with your summation. I also saw the Laura Ingraham show where she tries to stop Giuliani from discussing Ukrainegate. Her effort to do so proves, or at least reinforces my suspicion that the DS lackeys in the MSM, including Fox, fear the avalanche of corruption being exposed in Ukraine (and elsewhere) by the inquiry. The Dems, who started this whole nightmare/witch hunt, and some Repugs, will be sucked into the vortex of this enlarging scandal.

If Barr gets on a roll, with help from Durham and Huber, etc., he may just want to take this all the way--or at least as far as Trump lets him.

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wendy davis's picture

@Alligator Ed

it's hard to imagine why you hadn't brought it here. i must say that your interpretation isn't what i'd gleaned, though. i'm going to mix this up, as i'd watched all those hours ago...but i do remember, but couldn't find, in my several reports on that election, that zelenskiy was a front man for the oligargch___ (zolomosky?) [on edit: Ihor Kolomoiskyi], and that he'd included him and several corrupt others left over from the US-approved list after the maidan putsch arranged by soros, obmama, omidyar, nuland, the atlantic council],

all of which is short-hand for the fact that in order for zelenskiy to fight the Bear in the Ukraine, his cabinet would be helping to tank trump who campaigned on rapprochement with russia. so my take was that it' the D team who's terrified they'll be caught in the vortex of the durham-barr investigation, not the Rs.

but in the end, zelenskiy had campaigned on 'peace in donbass', go figure, after his earlier scathing indictments against the russian separatists. at least that's the way i'd written it up, partialyl by way of again, the atlantic council. funny, as well, is that his heritage is jewish, and he speaks russian, not ukrainian.

but as i said, given my propensity for lamus brainus, or brain bread, as you'd put it, i may have it all akimbo. i'l sure hope those two really do some good diggin'. another church committee? no, prolly not. ; )

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That being fooled three times is the limit on Democratic foolery. I don't know what to say about that other than I have often experienced Democratic foolery at a much higher number. It might even be logarithmic.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@davidgmillsatty is infinite. Take HRC (please), for example. She's been fooling Dems for 30 years and they still haven't caught on.

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@Alligator Ed Not taking her. She is all yours. Gator bait. If a gator can't eat that shit up nothing can.

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