Tulsi Back from Guard Duty--Will Continue
Even though she will not be included in the 3rd DNC debate, upon her return from Indonesia where she was training with her Hawaii National Guard unit, Tulsi has indicated that we should not be discouraged and she has given every indication she will continue to campaign at this point:
She was in Iowa today, campaigning!
As for her recent non-inclusion in the upcoming debate, Tulsi's campaign put out a very nice objection *six days ago* which is summarized here by a reddit poster. Basically, the list includes:
--The DNC didn't explain the criteria of why certain pollsters were picked and why some were not.
--Some of the pollsters that were not picked (Economist, Boston Globe) and where Tulsi did well rate higher than many of those that were picked.
--Tulsi met or exceeded 2% in 26 national or early-state polls (it's more now, actually), only 2 of which were qualifying polls according to the DNC.
--Six qualifying polls were released in the 2 weeks after the first debate versus only two in the 2 weeks after the second debate. Fourteen qualifying polls were done after the first debate, versus only seven after the second debate.
--Tulsi polled at 2% or more in the the largest newspapers in two of the early primary states. If these had not been excluded, Tulsi would have made the 3rd debate.
--Delaying polling for so long after the 2nd debate is particularly harmful to lower-name recognition candidates.
A commentor in that reddit thread points out another glaring item:
--Tulsi's polling average in one of the early primary states, New Hampshire, at 3.3%, is higher than five other candidates who will be allowed into the debates: Yang (2.0%), Klobuchar (2.0%), O'Rourke (1.3%), Castro (1.0%), and Booker (0.7%). (I'd add that Tulsi made 5.0% in one New Hampshire poll.)
A lot of people are suggesting Tulsi hold a debate commentary during the 3rd debate--maybe on Fox News or perhaps livestream on YouTube (if nothing else)--where people can see her alone comment on all the questions and responses while the debate goes on. That'd be a great thing to do if she can organize it! It would be great if by doing so, Tulsi ended up at the #1 candidate searched on Google during the 3rd debates!!!

Notice what the DNC is doing.
They and their corporate media enablers are manipulating the American public into believing that exclusion from the next debate automatically equals death to a candidate's campaign. As if that's an ironclad rule that's existed forever, instead of the DNC making it up as they go along in 2019.
Good for Tulsi, for not playing along with the DNC's narrative.
Here's Tulsi's appearance yesterday with Tucker Carlson, in which she states that she will continue campaigning.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Tucker Carlson is a turd, IMO. However, he does a great
job attacking the part of the establishment that is Democratic, even if it means lifting up a leftist. I suspect the point is that that leftists will lose and therefore not hurt Republicans. However, his attacks may show how unfair and undemocratic the Democratic Party is and therefore harm Democrats, maybe even win some of them to the Republican side.
When Tucker (a Swanson heir, btw) also attacks the part of the establishment that is Republican for its misdeeds, I will stop describing him as a turd. Meanwhile, though, Tucker, continue to spite Democrats by lifting up leftists, especially during primary season. Too bad so few Democrats watch your show.
Tucker's providing Tulsi
with a platform from which she can introduce herself to people outside the Democratic base. She's taking advantage of the opportunity, and I think that's smart of her, especially since she won't be on the debate stage this time.
It's not "my show", though. I got rid of my TV 16 years ago, and my life has been a lot more peaceful for it (well, as peaceful as life can be nowadays for someone like me who follows politics). It's helped me to minimize getting caught up in the corporate media propaganda mindf&@k, for one thing.
I do follow what Tulsi is doing, and that includes watching her media appearances on YouTube.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
If I understand correctly
A good politician should take every advantage they can to get their message out and Tulsi is smart to do so. I think it has helped with her cross over appeal. I believe most Americans are now seeing through the constant state of war that this country is engaged in based upon my own personal experience with a local Peace vigil.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
The comment threads
on many right wing sites are against these regime change wars/ wars period.
If only we could stop spitting at each other.
Oh well. The Divide and Conquer War is going splindedly.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
This echoes exactly
This was something that really opened my eyes as to how easily we could reach across the aisle to those with whom we have been conditioned to ignore or deplore.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Trump in the election
What a shame that 95% of Dems have gone neocon in FP in recent years. Just crazy. The number of name Ds who generally oppose our MIC madness you could invite over for a dinner party and still have room at the table. The Dem antiwar faction consists of Tulsi, Bernie and a few people from Code Pink.
IMO, that means he is Libertarian.
Does he go after Senator Graham on that issue, though?
Tucker attacks the Establishment on both sides
FYI: Tucker does attack the Establishment on both sides on various issues.
He has been great on the subject of Syria, for example. He had opposed the back door maneuvering of War cheerleaders like John Bolton (who has been working at cross purposes to President Trump). He has been great about raising issues of Google and Facebook Censorship, NSA Spying, defending Julian Assange and WikiLeaks, and government Whistleblowers. He is against Regime Change Wars, the bad Trade agreements, against Globalism and the "Open Borders" movement, and generally the efforts of the Global Oligarchy and Cartel structure.
His defense of Tulsi Gabbard is consistent with that (and not an aberration). That's why a lot of people are trying to take him off TV.
Seems as though he's more a rightist Libertarian than a
Republican, then. And I see a possible distinction between going after an appointee like Bolton and going after an elected Republican. But, I don't watch his show.
Either way, I'm good with his giving leftists a platform, for whatever reason.
What he is, is a spoiled-rotten silver-bespooned
0.01%er, of whom none of us would ever have heard, had he been some mere middle-class dweeb, rather than a frozen-dinner heir, whose twee affectation of the bowtie is thus rendered ... well, a twee affectation, rather than an annoying hipster irony. He's not completely stupid, but he's not nearly smart enough to be taken seriously most of the time. Which is to say, I know more than he does about almost everything about which there is anything important to know, so why would I be interested in anything he has to say?
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
I'd called him a turd, so....