The Evening Blues - 8-20-19
Submitted by joe shikspack on Tue, 08/20/2019 - 3:31pm
The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Joe Carter
Hey! Good Evening!
This evening's music features Chicago blues guitarist Joe Carter. Enjoy!
Joe Carter and his Chicago Broomdusters - I'm Worried
No News - Opinions aplenty in the comment section
A Little Night Music
Joe Carter - Stormy Monday
Joe Carter - Talk To Your Daughter
Joe Carter - Honey Bee
Joe Carter with Big John Wrencher - You're The One
Joe Carter - Anna Lee
Joe Carter - Blow Wind Blow
Joe Carter - Bobby's Rock
Joe Carter - Sloppy Drunk
Joe Carter - Joe's Boogie
Joe Carter - Take A Little Walk With Me
Joe Carter with Big John Wrencher - Rock Me

where i was (a hint)
howdy folks, i'm back now. i got in late last night, unpacked today, so maybe back to regular programming tomorrow or the next day.
You got your selves back to The Garden !! (h/t Joni Mitchell)
So lucky !!
evening lotlizard...
heh, you could put it that way.
it was a very pleasant experience.
We were on a road trip to Maine that weekend
getting out in nature, away from civilization. Well, our excuse was, supposedly it was to pay a surprise visit, dropping in on someone who had taken a summer job as a camp counselor up on the west branch of the Penobscot river.
Only heard about the chaos on the radio.
“New York Thruway’s closed, man!”
I forgot to warn you...
before you left to stay away from the brown acid. Word has it that it was bad.
It’s not just the Hog Farm either.
We’re all feeding each other.
now you tell me!
so that flaming apparition of richard nixon eating donuts with satan wasn't real?
I wish *this* hadn’t been real, but apparently it was.
Just two years after Woodstock, a fulsomely worshipful interview with that “playboy of the western wing,” Henry Kissinger, in Women’s Wear Daily, a trade journal of the fashion industry.
You know, because hatching war crimes and green-lighting genocides is so sexy. Yeesh.
Revisiting Woodstock ; )
Hope you enjoyed the beauty, peace love and ...
evening janis...
yep, i am still processing it all, but the 50th anniversary of woodstock was celebrated and i had a wonderful time. there are some concepts that were live tested there that still seem to persist in the culture, thankfully.
I'm glad you were there,
with your wonderful spirit, to re-enforce those enchanted visions.
i felt very at home there...
it was a very diverse crowd, but a happy one. most were the sort of people who meet your gaze with a smile of recognition.
Isn't that what it's all about,
those smiles of recognition that touch the heart and leave warm impressions. I'm happy for you, and all who enjoyed that experience.
Good evening, joe and bluzerz!
Revisiting Woodstock were you, joe? Ah - must have been a great time. I was 17, living with my parents in Taos, NM where I never heard a word about the festival. I might have gone, which is why it was probably kept from me, lol.
Enjoy your evening!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
evening ra...
yep, i was a few years too young to hitch up there for it. i really wanted to go, but there just was no way for me to get there.
have a great evening!
Good afternoon everybody ...
Max & Stacy discuss credit card interest.
Here's the article: US Credit Card Interest Rates Hit Highest Level In 25 Years As Economy Slows, Fed Eases, ZeroHedge
[video: width:500 height:300]
Matt Taibbi: Trump 2020: Be Very Afraid , Rolling Stone
Peter Bolton: Biden’s Complicity in Obama’s Toxic Legacy, Counterpunch
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I hadn't thought of it this way
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
We have seen that it doesn't really matter who gets
to play president anymore because we still loose no matter what party is in power. See the article ggersh posted. Congress changes the senate rules to help either pass legislation or to block it. This is why Nancy wants to do pay go and just raised the debt ceiling until after Trump's first term. If a democrat gets to play president she will bring it back. If Trump wins a second term she will leave it off. How is it that people bitching about McConnell ramming through federalist judges don't know how many democrats are helping him do that?
I just read a tweet about Obama being the best president in 50 years and whoboy the responses toasted the guy who wrote it. The best president dropped over 26,000 bombs during his last year in office. Overthrew 3 elected governments. Invaded 5 more countries on top of the two wars he inherited. Pivoted to Asia which now is over flowing with terrorists. Destroyed the richest country in the Middle East and brought slavery back to it. This from America's first black president. This first black president...................and yet people refuse to see how bad he was and that his presidency setup the conditions for a Trump to win.
And because he stood in front our pitchforks the banks are getting ready to crash the global economy again. Like they seem to do every time a republican is president.
Might need to fill my pipe again....
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Bam! And right on
This is what blackwater dawg failed to see when she posted those many diaries of Barack and his nice family. Sure he is probably a great dad and husband, but behind that he was a ruthless killer who bragged about being "good at killing people."
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
evening azazello...
thanks for the articles. heh, the only thing that runs through my head after looking at them is this song from the 80's:
We're setting sail to the place on the map
from which no one has ever returned
Drawn by the promise of the joker and the fool
by the light of the crosses that burned.
Drawn by the promise of the women and the lace
and the gold and the cotton and pearls
It's the place where they keep all the darkness you need.
You sail away from the light of the world on this trip, baby.
You will pay tomorrow
You're gonna pay tomorrow
You will pay tomorrow
Save me. Save me from tomorrow
I don't want to sail with this ship of fools. No, no
Oh, save me. Save me from tomorrow
I don't want to sail with this ship of fools
I want to run and hide right now
Avarice and greed are gonna drive you over the endless sea
They will leave you drifting in the shallows
or drowning in the oceans of history
Traveling the world, you're in search of no good
but I'm sure you'll build your Sodom like you knew you would
Using all the good people for your galley slaves
as you're little boat struggles through the warning waves, but you don't pay
You will pay tomorrow
You're gonna pay tomorrow
You're gonna pay tomorrow
Save me. Save me from tomorrow
I don't want to sail with this ship of fools
Save me. Save me from tomorrow
I don't want to sail with this ship of fools
Where's it comin' from?
Where's it goin' to now?
It's just a ... It's just a ship of fools
Ship of fools on a cruel sea,
Ship of fools sail away from me.
Now I cannot share your laughter, ship of fools.
Welcome back, joe.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
and thanks for providing news content while i was off having fun!
Shouldn't you know why you're running before you do?
And no, Amy being a fighter pilot that dropped bombs on innocent people is not a great qualification for being in congress.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
evening snoopy...
not everybody can be as talented as obama and instinctively know just how to encourage voters to believe that they are going to do the things that the voters want and need done, while giving not a hint of a "promise" or "commitment."
Jill ByeDone tells us that we should vote for him
even if his platform isn't as great as other candidates. Now here's his doctor telling us that Joe doesn't have brain damage. lol.. okay I'm convinced.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Isn’t a bit early for this?
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
It's way too early for this whole damn election crap
Why did Warren think that she needed to start running so soon after the midterms? Easy answer. The election fighting would take everyone's attention to what congress is and isn't doing and it has wiped children being held in cages off the media's attention. Look at how many bad things are happening that no one is talking about.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The Onion and Biden
While I don’t doubt they feel badly, I kind of wonder if they learned their lesson.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
i was paying attention 31 years ago, joe biden was a corrupt jackass with a penchant for gaffes then, too. even if the years have not caused a decline in his mental faculties, i can never remember a time when he was fit to be president.
So MFA was obtainable but the Dim's squashed it
Harry Reid is ok with getting rid of the filibuster
“EXCLUSIVE: Harry Reid: ‘Of Course’ Medicare for All and Decriminalizing Border Crossings Are Bad Ideas” [Vice]. “Nearly all of the 2020 candidates have made a point to kiss the ring of the man who built Nevada’s vaunted Democratic political machine and still holds immense power in the state — he’s had long conversations recently with candidates including Pete Buttigieg and his old Senate colleague Joe Biden.” And then there’s this: “[H]e recently penned an op-ed calling for the elimination of the filibuster, a controversial view even among Democrats.” • That lets the cat out of the bag; there would have been a path to single payer if Reid had abolished the filibuster in 2009. So when Reid asks, of Medicare for All, “How are you going to get it passed?” the answer was right in front of him, all the time.
And this, seems like empty suit wanted obstructuionism
The bottom line is that “Republican obstructionism” is entirely of the Democrat’s making. What Reid (and Obama) want — or say they want — to do in 2013, and butchered doing in 2010, could and should have done in 2009, immediately after Obama’s inauguration. Republicans would have had no ability to obstruct had Obama and the Democrats not deliberately given them the power to do so. The gridlock is a gridlock of choice.
And look at the outcomes: A miserably inadequate stimulus package, no jobs program to speak of, a health care plan written by the health insurance companies and first implemented by a Republican, and on and on and on. Why, you might almost think the Democrats wanted to drown government in a bathtub! (Oh, wait…)
Were Obama and the Democrats stupid, or evil? I don’t know. If they were stupid, “nobody could have predicted” that the party that impeached Bill Clinton over a blow job wouldn’t play nice. If they were evil, what we see is what we get: The policies that are in place are the polices the Democrats, and Obama, want to see in place. Most days, I go with evil.
To return to our “progressive” antagonists, and their talking points. Both miss the point, as is so often the case with D factional battles: Westen disinforms because he misses the most “crucial error” of all**: failure to abolish the filibuster. Drum disinforms when he writes: “When he took office Democrats didn’t have a filibuster-proof majority,” because he ignores or suppresses the “nuclear option” which, again, was just as available to the Democrats in 2009 as it will be in 2013.
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Oh hell yeah!
I've been saying this since Obama decided to be a republican after he was elected. He hid behind the republicans for two terms so that he and the republican democrats didn't have to pass legislation because they never intended to. How many times did we gnash our teeth over Obama caving to the republicans and giving them more than they asked for? The best statement I saw that took the blinders off was, "if Obama played strip poker with the republicans he would have shown up with his shirt and pants off and his shoes untied."
There was a way that democrats could have forced McConnell to bring Garland up for a vote. They just didn't want to use the options available to them. How was it that lone senator Rand Paul was able to stall the 9/11 bill for weeks? He placed a hold on the bill. The democrats could have done that with the GOP's tax bill, but shh they don't want us to know that. And this goes for McConnell blocking Obama's judicial picks which he is now filling with help from Schumer and enough democrats.
Amen to that. This is a great way for Trump's judges to roll back any progressive legislation that democrats passed in the past, but they can't look like they want them gone. Worker's rights have been gutted by the courts. Even marriage equality is on the chopping block with 3 very important cases in front of the Supreme Court now.
It is evil. That we have 535 people who are supposed to be representing us doing everything they can do make our lives miserable whilst enriching their donors and fellow 1 percenters is just pure evil. This is why I hang on to my catholic teaching that there is a hell. Damn them all for betraying us.
Grrr, ggersh you got my blood boiling. Good job.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Yep and someone smarter than I should
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
evening ggersh...
the only real question is "what sort of evil?" the eyes that glow in the darkness, burning with a fiendish, malevolent intensity - or the utterly banal evil of the paid lackey, a functionary, a soulless technocrat with a fiduciary duty to his 1% masters?
i would say that it is the latter. there are no republicans or democrats, there are only paid lackeys.
Welcome home JS!
Great to hear you were out in good vibes land... I read Arlo played somewhere up there...
Great Joe Carter... loved his 'Elmore James' style with the slide. He was a good player.
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
evening dystopian...
yep, arlo played at bethel woods (which contains the site of the original woodstock stage) on thursday night and also showed a movie.
i missed that because our brakes decided to take up smoking on the way up there, so we lost a day.
i camped at yasgur's farm, a remnant of the original acreage that wasn't sold by the family later. i was about 50 feet from max yasgur's barn and about the same distance from his house.
friday night, melanie (who performed at the 1969 woodstock) played at the farm/camp along with a bunch of other bands including a really good ny area prog rock band, the breakfast. saturday night at bethel woods, i saw the doobie brothers (with bill payne - little feat keyboard player) opening for santana, who put on an incredible show. sunday night, also at bethel woods, i saw grace potter and the nocturnals and the tedeschi-trucks band who opened for john fogerty who also put on a great show.
that sounds awesome! 'cept the brakes
We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein
Hopefully you got lots of pics and will post them?
I bet I'm not the only one who would love to see them.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
actually, i didn't take many pictures. i didn't bring my camera because concert venues generally won't allow me to take it in. apparently it's "too professional looking." i took a few photos with my cell phone, which i'll share, but mostly i just wanted to be in the moment rather than taking pictures.
That’s the way I travel nowadays too — no camera.
First, as you mention, there’s the aspect of feeling “in the moment” versus being in an achievement-oriented, “I have this task to do which is to take technically and esthetically excellent photos” frame of mind.
Second, there’s the aspect of marking yourself as “the mark” for criminals who prey upon naïve tourists preoccupied with touristy things.
Got mugged twice in three days in Rome, ages ago, including an instance of the “band of children working with a grown man who rides by on a Vespa, catches the loot, and scoots away” technique.
That taught me never to be a stereotypical East Asian–looking tourist with camera, travelling alone.
After that I either always travelled with male companions or took pains to look scruffy and local, someone with nothing worth stealing.
After that I understood the security aspect of why Japanese and Chinese tourists always travel in organized groups.
So good to see you back.
Your experiences must have been a real huge flash back enlightening your spirit. And it's great you shared so many personal things with us about your trip.
I really love the song and lyrics of the 'Ship of fools'. Nothing could express my own feelings better.
Ah gosh, I am just glad you are back.
Have a wonderful 'getting back to the usual program' ... because that's what I long for.