Monday OT: August 12 is International Youth Day

August 12 is day 224 of the Gregorian Calendar year,
Prickle-Prickle, Bureaucracy 5, 3185 YOLD (discordian),
And let us not forget by the Mayan Long Count
Today is also known as The Glorious Twelfth in England because it is the start of Grouse Hunting Season, really.
On this day in history:
1687: The Battle of Mohács. This was actually the second Battle of Mohács, a town in Hungary. The first battle was in 1526 and led to the partition of Hungary between the victorious Ottoman Empire, the Habsburg Monarchy, and the Principality of Transylvania.. This second one marked the end of Ottoman power in Hungary and most of Europe and almost the end of the Ottoman empire. The Ottoman expansion took it all the way to Vienna, which they attacked on July 1683. The siege of Vienna wan't broken until the Battle of Vienna on September 12 , 1683, and the Habsburgs, doing business as Holy Roman Empire of the German Nations took to the offensive. By 1686, the empire had taken control of Buda, the old Hungarian capital, and on August 12, they decided to press on to someplace named Siklos. When half of the imperial aramy managed to get bogged down in a forest, the Turks took the opportunity to attack the other half with vastly superior numbers, but that attack filed. The Ottomans decided upon a second attack about the same time as the imperial troops, including some under the direct command of Prince Eugene of Savoycounter attacked with disastrous results for the Ottoman army. The full effects included the destruction, disintegration, and retreat all the way back to Turkey of the Ottoman troops, and the deposition of the Sultan. The Habsburg empire wound up retaking a ton of South East Europe tnd the Ottoman's were never again a serious threat to Europs. About Prinz Eugene of Savoy - he was one of the best generals of his time if not.all European history - worth a look sometime.
In 1851 Isaac Singer got a patent for his modifications and improvements to the sewing machine. The improvements made it easier to use, easier to adapt to home usage and easier to manufacture. Within a short period of time, garment making was fully industrialized which resulted in greatly decreased wages and piecework rates for those dong the labor (as predicted by Mar, dirty commie that he was). This tendency continues, now aborad, with sweatshops and exploitation of workers being the norm. Back in the US, it led to a struggle to organize the garment worker's and then struggles by the organized garment workers, which helped the cause of the labor movement in the US. A side effect was the proliferation of sewing machines in homes and small businesses, with a concommitant growth in related businesses serving the needs of the home seamstresses.
In 1865, Joseph Lister, performed the first antiseptic surgery. Like all new ideas, it ws resisted and took a while to catch on, but, in the end, greatly reduced post-sugical infections. In 1879, he ws honored by chemist Joseph Lawrence who named Listerine after him.
The last Quagga died in a zoo in 1883. It was an odd and only slightly striped variant of the plains zebra from South Africa. They had the misfortune to compete for food with livestock in their natural habitat and were hunted to extinction in the wild. Attempts at captive breeding failed.
The Republic of Hawaii was annexed in 1898 and made into a territory, and, specifically, an organized incorporated territory. Aloha, Hawaii.
Born this day in:
1774 – Robert Southey, poet
1831 – Helena Blavatsky, theosophist
1876 – Mary Roberts Rinehart, author and playwright
1887 – Erwin Schrödinger, cat fancier
1920 – Percy Mayfield, singer and songwriter
1926 – Joe Jones, singer, songwriter and producer
1929 – Buck Owens, singer, songwriter and guitarist
1931 – William Goldman, author, playwright and screenwriter
1945 – Dorothy E. Denning, computer scientist
1949 – Mark Knopfler, singer, songwriter, guitarist, and producer
1950 – August "Kid Creole" Darnell, musician, bandleader, singer, songwriter, and record producer
1954 – Pat Metheny, guitarist and composer
1958 – Jürgen Dehmel, bass player and songwriter
Died this day in:
1827 – William Blake, poet and painter
1964 – Ian Fleming, spy, journalist and suthor
1985 – Kyu Sakamoto, singer and songwriter
1988 – Jean-Michel Basquiat, painter
1989 – William Shockley, physicist
1992 – John Cage, music theorist, composer, philosopher and artist
2009 – Les Paul, guitarisst, songwriter, inventor.
2010 – Richie Hayward, drummer and songwriter
Holidays, Holy Days, Festivals, Feast Days, Days of Recognition, and such:
Interntional Youth Day
Glorious Twelfth (UK)
Music goes here, iirc, well,
Singer's Sewing Machine
Percy Mayfield
Joe Jones
Buck Owens
Mark Knopfler
August "Kid Creole
Pat Metheny
Jürgen Dehmel
Kyu Sakamoto
John Cage
Les Paul
Richie Hayward
V nz crefhnqrq gung gurer vf nofbyhgryl ab yvzvg gb gur nofheqvgvrf gung pna, ol tbireazrag npgvba, pbzr gb or trarenyyl oryvrirq. Tvir zr na nqrdhngr nezl, jvgu cbjre gb cebivqr vg jvgu zber cnl naq orggre sbbq guna snyyf gb gur ybg bs gur nirentr zna, naq V jvyy haqregnxr, jvguva guvegl lrnef, gb znxr gur znwbevgl bs gur cbchyngvba oryvrir gung gjb naq gjb ner guerr, gung jngre serrmrf jura vg trgf ubg naq obvyf jura vg trgf pbyq, be nal bgure abafrafr gung zvtug frrz gb freir gur vagrerfg bs gur Fgngr. Bs pbhefr, rira jura gurfr oryvrsf unq orra trarengrq, crbcyr jbhyq abg chg gur xrggyr va gur vpr-obk jura gurl jnagrq vg gb obvy. Gung pbyq znxrf jngre obvy jbhyq or n Fhaqnl gehgu, fnperq naq zlfgvpny, gb or cebsrffrq va njrq gbarf, ohg abg gb or npgrq ba va qnvyl yvsr. Jung jbhyq unccra jbhyq or gung nal ireony qravny bs gur zlfgvp qbpgevar jbhyq or znqr vyyrtny, naq bofgvangr urergvpf jbhyq or "sebmra" ng gur fgnxr. Ab crefba jub qvq abg raguhfvnfgvpnyyl npprcg gur bssvpvny qbpgevar jbhyq or nyybjrq gb grnpu be gb unir nal cbfvgvba bs cbjre. Bayl gur irel uvturfg bssvpvnyf, va gurve phcf, jbhyq juvfcre gb rnpu bgure jung ehoovfu vg nyy vf; gura gurl jbhyq ynhtu naq qevax ntnva. Guvf vf uneqyl n pnevpngher bs jung unccraf haqre fbzr zbqrea tbireazragf.
-Oregenaq Ehffryy- |
Image is 2017_08_12_International_Youth_Day-3
It's an open thread, so do your thing
Edited to fix some typos

Do some good - Love a HeroRat
HeroRats - Detecting Landmines and Tuberculosis
Yeah I love these rats. And it's this time of the year when you can do some good to help the rats doing their excellent job. They still are concerned with the landines of the Vietnam War in Cambodia. So you know them cleaning up mines from all the wars after that one, you are sure these rats will have a long useful future ahead of them.
I give a rat's ass if you like rats or not, but you do have to love their noses and light-footedness.
Good Morning, el and all. Sending some tickling rat kisses and greetings to you all. Hope you all stay sane, safe and rat-loving.
Good morning mimi. Thanks for popping in and promoting
Heero Rats. IIRC, BOHICA was/is also a big fan and supporter of the little critters. Good luck to them on the fundraising scene.
Have you tried Cliqz? It's a browser that emphasizes security and privacy and comes from Germany. I just installed it, and the start-up demo pages are of german sites (weather, etc.) and then the first test search apologized for not being fully up to speed "in your country", which was very refreshing.
I poked around a tiny bit using it and think it is definitely a keeper.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
c99 youth inspired flower power
The dirt patch looks like this now after mid season:

Commie red at sunrise lol

Comrade yellow heh

Also grew a puffball amidst the blacke-eyed susan thingies:

Underneath the brick shelter is a little western fence lizard, I saw it yesterday placing the madonna rocks in uprighteous positions.
Most people like flowers. right on If still here next year there will be tomatoes and squash, even if it kills me. haha
edit: oops forgot the music, here:
Mark Knopfler - "Whoop De Doo"
[video: width:450]
Good morning eyo. Thanks for the photos and the video, and
most especially the news that your immediate environs are graced with the presence of a western fence lizard. May it prosper and you too. Have a good one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Greetings and salutations
Hello to all the c99% writers, rebels, philosophers, wanderers, hippies, anarchists, gators, etc., nice to be among you.
Firstly, I am not a reverend, or person of any faith. Some of you will remember the Reverend Jim Ignatowski played by Christopher Lloyd on Taxi; as a kid I used to watch the show with my mom and always loved that character so my login is an homage.
I look like a newbie among you but have been lurking for years -- since before the 2016 purge at dkos. I used to post at dkos way way back in the beginning, before it even had accounts, when it was still a wee thing on blogspot with a haloscan comment popup. Imo, place was jacked from the go, and while I followed it to scoop format I bailed out on it very early on, hoping for alternative places to organize as the internet grew up. I've had some relatively serious long term health issues, then some more serious recent health issues (middle age is fun!), but am gratefully presently getting some decent medical treatment and finally decided to jump into the conversation.
Well good morning and welcome. Jump right in
and make yourself at home. And, while you're at it, have a great one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Hello Reverend Jane
Welcome! Love the moniker. I was a big fan of "Taxi" too. What a great character Jim Ignatowski must've been to play, eh?
Speaking of which, I'd have to agree with Jim on this one.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
Taxi was great
It was a funny show all around. That was also my introduction to Danny DeVito, who was hilariously awful as Louie. I love the dark/cynical sort of humor DeVito does. And Latka was the only time I ever really got Andy Kaufman.
Thanks to all for the warm welcome.
Morning el
Et al
El niño has flown the coop and hurricane season will be more. For every 18 degrees the ability of the air to hold h2o doubles. So warmer wetter except here on the west coast maybe not. I found a yellow green cocoon in a box outside I was going to toss but not now. Will get a pic. It is awesome in the real sense of the word. Have a good all...
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
Hot Air Website, Twitter, Facebook
Hola magi. So hurricane projections are mostly for E and SE,
then? How 'bout Mexico, central and south America? Cocoons are always nize to find and have around. Have yourself a great one.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good Morning EL
The Nena music video you included in today's OT reminded me of my first trip to Germany after my Mother passed away. What a surprise to find that the very traditional children's folk songs my cousin played for me were being sung by Nena! In fact, I later learned that Nena produced and sang on several kinderlieder CD's .
My favorite one was Nena's interpretation of the "Die Vogelhochzeit" (The Bird Wedding). An iconic children's song that dates back to 1470.
The song is about a marriage between a thrush and a blackbird. The verses include descriptions of all the birds of the forest and their task in preparation for the wedding, (i.e., a sparrowhawk arranges the ceremony in the forest, a starling braids the bride's hair, the geese serve as musicians, an eagle procures the wedding shoes, etc.)
Very sweet. It made my heart ache imagining my Mother singing this song as a little girl. I only wish I could've shared it with her.
But, hey, a bit of a departure for Nena, eh?
Edit: For typo and correct German word usage.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
(No subject)
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
Heh. Well done.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Just because
Thanks, gj. A big yep to that.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
like that Schrodinger and Knopfler were born on the same day. This explains why, especially in the latter's later music, there sometimes seems to be an unusual amount of space between notes. Now that I know Knopfler was born on the same days as Schrodinger, this is more easily explained: when Knopfler plays notes, sometimes they sound, and sometimes they don't.
explains so many things. ; )
He does. He truly does.
Not a day goes by that I don't think of Shrodinger.
Or his ill-tempered cat.
I also think of him daily. But I try to summon a cat somewhat more pacific.
The feline physicists hereabouts oft engage in this pursuit.
I recently had this experience. In fact, it is ongoing. Because I refuse to open the box.
Then there is this. Which we get any time we open the news box.
Schrodinger: he is everywhere. ; )
That is the best laugh I've had in a very long time.
That cat making a meatloaf in the sun box is excellent.
And Schrodinger's Immigrant is an important scientific document. So, I stole it.
I startled my cat when I laughed, so he went in the bathroom and howled. I think he was trying to prove the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Second Law can be a wrongo. I've howled about it in the bathroom a time or two myself. I think it's why the town burned down.
There are some other cat Laws, but I don't know what are their names. Here's one:
Here's another:
I don't know how one attempts to single out
just one or two Knopfler tunes to represent his output.
nonetheless, here are two of my favorites, both from the same performance:
By the way, you can really get a rise out of certain Knopfler fans when you point out the obvious influence of Springsteen (in particular, Jungleland) on MK's Romeo and Juliet. Nevermind that on the album, the keyboard parts were played by Roy Bittan, on hiatus from the E Street Band.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.