I got banned today by the Big Orange Thingy
I wrote a diary last night and set it to auto publish at 8am this morning. Everything went as planned. Within an hour my diary was on the rec list. I left the house around 11:30am to go protest with MoveOn.Org at Senator Cruz's office here in Dallas, took some pictures, hung out for a while and then came back home, excited to write a new diary about protesting Senator Cruz. (I really despise Cruz).
Well, I get home, log in, check on the status of my morning diary and wow, it shot up the rec list and even got a hotlist, and was re-blogged by several different groups. (http://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/3/21/1504173/-Manufacturing-Consent...)
It looks like there's a lively discussion going on but since I'm banned I can not participate. Ya know, it's not that I got banned per say, it's that I do not know why, nor even get a warning. Maybe this diary was the one that did it, but just took a few days for it to get through to Kos. http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/03/16/1502305/-No-I-Will-Not-Yield-Th...
Have a great day and I'll post a new essay here about our protest at Senator Cruz's office earlier this morning. Thank y'all for welcoming me here.

Tasini is a member here...
member #53, joined 2-9-15.
with all the grade school
with all the grade school snitches who want to be the teacher's pet.
It was an excellent diary
I added my comment to it that you got banned. That should get some WTF? replies.
I saw that! Thanks for doing
I saw that! Thanks for doing that. I did leave a question with the help desk, just asking why ut I don't count on a reply. Man I've been registered here for not to long and already feel like not only am I welcome, but becoming apart of the community. Of course there's not a gazillian people yet, but it "feels" better. I like it and thanks!
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Good job!
I've been working on that myself. I'm mostly a commenter, so I don't draw as much attention, and while I'm pissing off a lot of people, nobody seems to be doing much about it!
I'm only a commenter there
only wrote one dairy in 10 years. He will get to you sooner or later if the flying monkey's decide your a threat to the great kos. so far not banned but TO and NR's were administered regularly.
Guess you'll have to try harder
Then come and claim your badge of honor. Someone--Martha Pearce-Smith perhaps?--has created a banhammer image to bestow on those so privileged.
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti
I have indeed....
And anyone is welcome to it...
And for those who have quit...there is this ensemble.
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First Nations News
You got banned? you must have struck a nerve at the big Orange. I mainly lurked for years, lately I have been a commenter, only my intro diary posted in both places, warmest reception was here, almost arctic there. I may have to contribute more pieces, but Marcos has discouraged any honest writing over there. And I thought that RR would have escaped the Wrath of KoS....
Posted a long comment there, in "I will not Yield" may not last long folks!
Just in case the flag to oblivion.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
I'm think it was either that
I'm think it was either that one or this one, How we take back the Democratic Party (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2016/03/17/1502411/-How-we-take-back-the-D...) I had posted a first portion here and then worked a bit more on it and posted over at DK. It kind got ripped, but oh well.
I'm enjoying the warm weather over here.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
To some extent
people are not friendly there towards new members, or anything with a whiff of controversy, because they are attached to other community members and fear being banned due to association. It's not an unreasonable fear, as this has happened in the past, people being given the axe just for liking comments.
It's just one long abusive relationship on that blog. Of course, at this point that could be said for the Democratic Party in general, what with these "hold your nose and suck it up or the punishment will be beyond your wildest fears" candidates.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Like being the new wife in Stepford before your implant.
After the implant you're much happier and fit in better with the neighborhood and its HOA.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
Who needs implants?
Lobotomies are much cheaper.
There is something painful about reading a blog where so much attention is paid to worrying about getting kicked off. When I first started blogging there, one of the first things the person then running "Welcome New Users" said to me was "Watch out for the Kos Kops."
There is also something painful about getting to know people whose main agenda at the place where you interact is to police people. It makes you wonder what their offline lives are like. And whether they'd be painting bullseyes on your back if you knew each other in person.
I hung around with them at first, on their troll-hunting ventures, to try to learn what this terrible threat was. After a little bit I found myself more interested in talking to the people they were attacking, to try to understand why they were so angry. This didn't go over well.
But it was all a long time ago. Nice to see you here.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I was there for a long time...not even sure how long....but what y'all are talking about is news to me... Guess I wasn't all that important to attract the Kos Kops... so much intrigue... so much bullshite.. I'm really glad I didn't get involved in it..... I wouldn't have lasted 5 minutes.
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First Nations News
Absolutely! Abusive Relationship! I had a diary re. that
I do not know how to do links here? If we can, will someone pls explain? tx
Sea Turtle
They link automatically nt
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
linky linky
Or you can click the third button from leftmost in the Toolbar at the top of the composing display. This is useful when you want to create a labeled link, like this one. Just fill in the blanks in the tiny pop-up window. (The third field at the bottom is optional.)
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
That was a great diary
Unfortunately there are a lot of alcoholics at TOP.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
Like it used to be at TOP...
high light the text you want to link...click on the link button.... paste in the url of where you want the link to go and hit "ok".... should do just fine.
Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.
First Nations News
Can we
make that a "Class Action" type of divorce, so that all of us that have been stuck in the abusive relationship can finally separate, for good! (lol)
Great diary, I like the approach. It's very on point, to me. I'm was in the treatment field when I was younger, and understand about abusive alcoholics and their manipulation. It's quite insidious and absolutely destructive for both parties and their families.
Our current biggest problem is their denial. They still don't recognize they have a problem, with money in politics and do not see the destruction it has caused.
One of the steps of AA is to "stick with winners in order to grow", which translates to me, stay away from neoliberal, corporate democrats, period.
Again, great post at the orange waste land.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
I made some hashtags my 'last' comment there
#shewhoshouldnotbenamedorimplied (probably too long?)
I want a Pony!
Well, welcome to c99!
I say 50-50 you get banned... maybe 70-30. The last one made me laugh
Progressive to the bone.
Glad you're here
I've enjoyed reading your pieces. I only go to TOP to read the BNR.. so I'm thrill to see you over here. Later.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
the 3/16 one probably did it
but it only got 15 recs
the one you posted today got 224 recs
GOS is strange
kos is leaving a lot of bodies
littered all over his site. It must be worth it to him because the place has been very stale. I guess the DNC are either paying him well or have promised something big for him in the future. The main trolls have been hunting new blood every day. Don Mikulecky got trolled by Armando too.
I am sorry you got banned. There will be more, I can guarantee it.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Confess! Yer a Heretic! Confess I Say!
They no longer seem to care what's actually been written...
They know your heart.
Just waiting for the next level of this crap. "I see that you're failed to properly endorse Hillary. Can you point to a comment you've made which might prove that you're not actively working against her campaign?"
Moscow rules seem to apply whilst posting over there now. That's NOT a good thing.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
You don't have to go to Moscow
"Are you now, or have you ever been, a Bernie Sanders supporter?"
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
May we all have the courage of Zero Mostel
when asked an unreasonable question.
(For those unfamiliar, he essentially told the HUAC to go fuck themselves.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
The only way
out of a double bind is to smash it.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I confess, I've been a Bernie
I confess, I've been a Bernie Sanders supporter since 1991!
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
I originally learned
about Sanders on GOS, from reading comments by blog members about how great it would be if one of the several most impressive members of Congress would run for POTUS. And now look.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Ironically Bernie is a member there too!
Your diary today was top notch. I recommended and made a couple of comments about gos on it.
They made a mistake of banning you with a top rated diary up.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
One wonders how quickly he will be banned for being . . . .
Just for being.
Ironically Bernie is a member there too!
Your diary today was top notch. I recommended and made a couple of comments about gos on it.
They made a mistake of banning you with a top rated diary up.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Gosh, I hope he keeps any criticism "constructive".
Is he expected to rally around Hillary as well as a member? He should probably be banned on sight since his behavior says otherwise.
" “Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough.” FDR "
No, everyone knows that constructive criticism of Clinton
is an empty set. Markos would rather have a blog full of empty praise and of "the Republicans are stupid" stuff than any criticism of Clinton.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Great comment, Phoebe!
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Empty set
I wasn't expecting.......
I wasn't expecting.........
[video:https://youtu.be/uprjmoSMJ-o width:560 height:315]
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
I really like this site. The
I really like this site. The front page is actually interesting. Other sites (who's name will not be mentioned) is all repug stuff. Very boring over there. I've given up on MSNBC. And I used to watch 3-4 of their programs daily. No more.
Go Bernie !!

Armando is Kos' alter ego
and is scum, and I say that with apologies to algae...
Sea Turtle
I just waded into a tip-jarless diary over there
and suggested that they responded readily to red flags. Time will tell. I am hoping for at least a warning.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
The value of a messenger
The value of a messenger appears directly proportional to their prestige. I don't mind that. Prestige is earned. It only makes sense.

However, I must admit that it irks me that I can post the words 'HillaryHags' and 'women vote for Hillary because she's a woman' with nary a HR or even any reply!
And when I replied to a poster that their words made the Kennedy's roll over in their graves so he could kiss their asses. Apparently I was too subtle. I got no HR's, replies or any love at all for that one. Yes I was trying to be clever. Either I succeeded or I was ignored. Ignored most likely, and that's ok. I enjoyed it anyway.
I'll have to be more direct to get banned I guess. Alas, being a nobody has it's privileges AND tribulations.
Glad your here. So many of the terrific writers, here and there. speak for me and save me the personal nightmare of trying to put my thoughts to paper. Thank you all!
PS. I better clarify because.. reality.
As to the term and the phrase mentioned above . Context does matter and I've given you none until now.
The term was used to point out the offensiveness of the dismissive labeling of 'BernieBros'.
The phrase was used to counter a series of very anti-male generalizations of Bernie supporters.
I don't want to give the impression that there a bunch of woman haters here. There isn't.
Personally, I think of woman pretty much exactly like I think of men. They are people. I love people. People are cool.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SX-HFcSIoU
All it takes to get banned is to do one of the following.
1. State the following: "Trix is a Troll, and an asshole who would lick the inside of a toilet if it had Hillary Clinton's Picture on it."
2. State: "I think we ought to look at Jill Stein. She's a woman after all, and that's what we really need in the White House."
3. State: "(Insert Evil Fictional Character here) deserves our support, even though we may not like them.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Regarding Stein
That one bothers me a lot, how silent feminist Clinton supporters are about Stein. If voting for a woman is the most important thing that one must not compromise, why settle for less? Supporting a conservative female candidate either means you're a conservative, or that you think it's okay to compromise about ideology, but not about sex, in which case you might as well vote for Palin. As a position, it just doesn't hold together.
I don't doubt that Clinton is subjected to a lot of sexist treatment, but that's not all there is to this picture, by far.
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
I'll be voting for Jill Stein, but honestly, the "no 3rd party
advocacy" component of the site rules never bothered me much. They have always been clear that their goal is to influence the Democratic Party; given that, the restriction on overtly supporting another party is reasonable enough.
What I think IS new this time around, and not at all "reasonable," is that the rule is now being interpreted to imply that simply declaring one's intention to leave the President line blank rather than vote for Hillary Clinton is also considered grounds for banning. That's a fucking loyalty oath.
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
Yes, I agree about Stein
(And hello Phil, good to see you here).
I wasn't referring to feminists on GOS, but feminists generally. The ones I know seem split on this one.
I haven't been reading GOS much these last few years, until just recently. I was actually thinking specifically of Twitter. Sorry for the confusion.
Not much point to saying you won't vote for the Democratic candidate on a pro-Democratic Party site, though. However, there isn't one yet, so they are completely jumping the gun with these bannings and setting a wonderful precedent for pre-emptively shoving candidates down people's throats in the future. Yay democracy!
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Good to see you too Miep.
I was glad to see your name pop up on the member list (which, by the way, now stands at 1172!)
Hillary Clinton 2016: I'm a proud progmoderate!
Bothered me.
It is a tool denied to bring the Democratic Party to heel. If you can't hurt them, they'll never respond . Saying please or walking away gets nowhere. A lesson from the Tea Party is what the left needs.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Fair point
I have often wished for a "None Of the Above" option that, if it carried, would require the entire process be repeated with different people. I bet it would do wonders for voter turnout
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Bernie gets my vote, even if I have to write in his name
Even IF Bernie loses the nomination and says to get behind the corporate-banking-war-favored candidate, tough titty. Not even Bernie gets to tell me who to vote for. If Bernie's name is not on the ballot, I will write in his name in the presidential category.
Voting "for" a Rethug is not an option; that will never happen. Not filling in the oval next to a Dem's name because they are DINOs aka Rethug-Lite or have pissed me off with caving to the R's for important legislation is my equivalent of "present but not voting," a category I sometimes see at the bottom of Roll Call pages.
Then I will proceed to vote for down-ticket Dems........ Except, this year I have a caveat. If the superdelegates who also currently hold office are on the ballot for re-election do not change their current endorsement to Bernie, I will also leave the ovals next to their names blank.
There's a Wiki page for Superdelegates. Do a Find search with the two-letter code for your state and your delegates will show up in alphabetical order.
For MN only Keith Ellison showed any common sense and endorsed Bernie. Two are uncommitted. The rest are for the Presumptive Nominee.
I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute ..., where no church or church school is granted any public funds or political preference. — President John F. Kennedy, Houston, TX, 12 September 1960
Welcome! Make yourself at home... n/t
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First Nations News
What's better? Getting banned or getting a time out?
I don't understand why your diary should be banned. It was so much better than "get off our lawn, you dirty, rotten hippies, who haven't spent years sucking up to the establishment like we have". Frankly, I don't understand anything about the new DK5 system (though I'm glad now I didn't waste time trying). Still, if any action is taken, I would preferred to be banned than to get a "time out". At least, getting banned gives you closure. But giving an adult a "time out" is just too egregiously condescending a term for my blood.
In any event, consider me a RantingRooster Booster. You deserve a scholarship. Unfortunately, we need to save the money to bribe a new quarterback.
Welcome White Crested Black Polish!
I had 2 White Crested Black Polish hens in my first, Feminist flock (Lisbeth Salander and Ani Di Franco). You picked the PERFECT rooster breed - those Polish roosters always look like they're ranting!
I spent hours
looking for just the right picture that embodied "RantingRooster". Polish, that's cool kinda like Bernie lol!
OMG, you are not going to believe this. When I was little, like 3-4, we lived in Arkansas, some small town outside of Littlerock. Our neighbors raised fighting cocks, roosters. Somehow, one day I wound up in their back yard and darn near got pecked to death by those things. I truly looked like I had the chicken pox, except little bits of flesh had been removed! All over my head, body, legs, arms. I still have a few, barely visible scars. I have so many freckles, it's hard to tell anymore lol. (true story I shit you not!)
I think they are cool animals, but gee, for some reason they scare the crap out of me (lol).
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
RR, I read your Manufacturing Consent diary at dkos.
Also, by looking at the second diary you linked here ("No -- I Will Not Yield -- This Race Isn't Over"), if I had to guess, I'd say that that's the one that may have been used as excuse to ban you. Of course, unless they tell you the actual reason, there is no way to know.
Either way, you did a masterful job in your "Manufacturing Consent by Elite Consensus" diary. The effect corporate media propaganda has on the citizenry has been of great interest to me for many years. So much so that I consider propaganda to be to most urgent problem we face as a society. I blame it for every single social dysfunction we face, from the vast majority of people voting against their own interests, to the implementation of legislation and policies that are detrimental to the general welfare and to the protection of the environment.
I'm working on formulating some theories and strategies on how to address this pressing (an urgent issue), but in the meantime I'll share these basic points:
Bottom line, we cannot rely on any of the established institutions, be it legal, media, government, business, corporations, alone. All relevant institutions have bee captured, corrupted, or highly compromised as we've transitioned to becoming an oligarchy.
Anyways, I'll be expanding more on these issues the next time I post an essay.
Again, thank you very much for what you do. I hope to interact with you often!
P.S. A good example of nurturing out own outlets would be to donate (actual money) to outfits like this, caucus99percent. There are many other examples of course, but progressives need to find a way to fund each other's work; to shift our time, resources, and money away from the corporate state.
When you boil it all down, the number one step you can take to get out from under the fascist boot of the oligarchy is to stop subjecting yourself to the the U.S. corporate news media. It is a powerful psyops weapon.
Dang, Ray
When I read your comment I was, like, when did I write this?
Great minds thinking alike. I'm on the bus now, would love to explore these thoughts with you later.
angel d, thanks. It would be great to read about what
you have in mind regarding this issue of propaganda.
When you boil it all down, the number one step you can take to get out from under the fascist boot of the oligarchy is to stop subjecting yourself to the the U.S. corporate news media. It is a powerful psyops weapon.
To be honest
I do my best thinking while merging with the good herb so let me have a brownie and we'll discuss. I'm working on an essay in my head now on this very topic of propaganda, psy-ops, brainwashing and peer pressure.
Peace and infinite love my thinking brother.
I'm thinking
it was that one NO I will not Yield one as well. I did write it to kind of put in his face(Kos), cause he such a hypocrite, kind of like Bernie does, I love that video of him when he said that, "NO!, I will not yield." He's got those Roberts rules of Order down pat. I DID put it out there so I can't complain about it really, but it's the "not knowing" for sure. Obviously I crossed Kos, lol.
Feather, meet Mr. Cap!
I wanted to print out "the one" that actually did me in, lol, put in my writer's portfolio notebook I started at school a couple yrs back.
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
This is one comment that should be spread and go viral.
Lots of good, solid, well thought out ideas. Here. An analysis that survives any review or inspection, except by a Hillarian infected KOS-based life form.
Ray, I am so glad you are here.
Thanks PastorAgnostic. That's very kind. As I mentioned
this is a topic that has been of great interest to me for a very long time. I wrote quite a few diaries about it at dkos back in the day. Either way, I'll expand more on it on my next post.
When you boil it all down, the number one step you can take to get out from under the fascist boot of the oligarchy is to stop subjecting yourself to the the U.S. corporate news media. It is a powerful psyops weapon.
Ray, I agree with every one of your steps,
Although I would transpose steps one and two. I'm not sure how you make a convincing argument discrediting media to people who are still actively being poisoned by said media. Which leads to disengagement and... well, just how in the hell do you pull off that feat?
I've long believed that consumption of mass media is one of the foundational problems underlying the sickness in our society. Ourselves, we unplugged back in 1999 and have never missed it for one minute. But when I point out to people how easy it is to live without television, they are horrified. No, I mean it: horrified. They look at me as though I just suggested they sacrifice their children and serve them at the next HOA barbecue. People are addicted. So much of people's lives revolve around television. They are aghast when you have to interrupt them to tell them, "No, I don't 'know that commercial where...'" or that you've never seen the show they've been going on and on about. Then you become a curiosity, a museum specimen peppered with questions: "You mean you've never seen___?!" all the way through a simple, "Why?". And you can't just blurt out (as I have a tendency to do) "Because it's all crap". Because now you have insulted them, you have attacked something they are deeply invested in, emotionally.
Then there are those who just don't care. Who want to tune out, to go numb in front of the set, to play out their lives through fictional characters because they are so powerless in their own lives.
There are people who have a television in every room; I was related to such a person. There were never fewer than three of them blaring at any given time.
There are the lonely, who would never hear another human voice were it not for the glowing box in their living room.
People are addicted to the propaganda, Ray. Addicted, and that's not hyperbole. So I have to ask again: how is disengagement accomplished? That's something I've yet to puzzle out.
OT postscript: I'm thrilled to see you here. I missed your voice when you left the other place.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
Late Again, that was masterful. I've thought about every
one of the issues you mentioned for years now. As I've said, the "manufacturing consent" propaganda effect has been something I've been very interested in for quite some time.
First of all, everything you describe about people being addicted to TV (propaganda), including the reasons, is right on the money.
How does one addresses those challenges? I've come to the conclusion that to fight propaganda one must engage in counter-propaganda, and that means using some propaganda techniques (on the side of the good guys, on the side of the truth). Why? Because I've also come to the conclusion that "propaganda" is an integral part of human communication; the way memes, ideas, and opinions spread through the masses.
Before I continue, I'm fully aware that many principled progressives and people of goodwill would find that idea horrifying--that one must use propaganda to fight propaganda. I'm fully aware of that. I have no such qualms. When it comes to standing up against this increasingly brutal system I'm an (almost) everything goes, by-any-means-necessary (except violence) street fighter.
Now, having said that, I also have a lot of experience dealing with religious fundamentalists and fundamentalism, which makes me fully aware that is is almost impossible to convince people involved in cults, fundamentalists, (and to a certain extent) brainwashed people via reasonable arguments, empiricism, facts, etc. To the contrary, to the brainwashed, to the fundamentalist, to the cult-follower, the more you hit them with facts and intelligent arguments, the more double down in their beliefs.
I compare the effects corporate media propaganda has on a very large portion of the population to those of cult, or brainwashing. That's why I emphasize that being exposed to it for 5 minutes is very detrimental to our cognitive abilities.
Therefore, since we're good people that care about the common good, about justice and democracy, yes, we can't totally give up on outreach, educating, putting forward reasonable arguments against the corporate media and its propagandist effects. However, we must also come up with very well-thoughtout counter-propaganda campaigns that includes memes, iconography, messaging, appeals to emotions, that has the effect of discrediting the corporate media in the eyes of the vast majority of the population. The difference? One method is through reason (not as effective, I argue, but still, necessary); the second method is by appealing to emotion (much more effective, having been mastered by the fascists and the Republican party).
Another important point is that to generate momentum, it is extremely vital that those people who have awakened to this realization (like you, RR, myself, and ALL others) to join forces and work on the nuts and bolts when it comes to putting together a counter-propaganda campaign to undermine, discredit, and TOTALLY destroy (the reputation of) the corporate media apparatus.
I'll have more to say about this soon...
When you boil it all down, the number one step you can take to get out from under the fascist boot of the oligarchy is to stop subjecting yourself to the the U.S. corporate news media. It is a powerful psyops weapon.
Ray, thank you.
I, too, have given a great deal of thought to the problem of mass media and how one goes about convincing people to unplug, as you might have guessed. My particular focus has been marketing, which I consider a subset of propaganda.
Propaganda has - rightfully so - acquired a very negative connotation, and it would be understandable for people of good faith to recoil from its techniques. However, I believe nuance is everything and if you look at the Modern Latin root of propaganda it means, 'propagation' . That is an entirely neutral concept in theory, if not in practice. Thus I have no problems using the techniques of propaganda - in this case, propagation of the idea that corporate media is illegitimate - if it will serve to drive a wedge between the media collective and the population at large.
So, propaganda as a force for good I can live with, but within limits. It is a tool and like any tool, it can be misused and abused. I would argue that it be used long enough to wake up a critical mass of people and not a moment longer. Momentum should take over at some point to keep the awakening rolling, and there will be other techniques at work to reinforce the message.
Fundamentalists and brainwashing I understand; I used to be married to an Opus Dei Catholic more than twice my age. But here's what I discovered during that marriage: a person can be so convinced of their own intellectual and ideological superiority that it becomes their Achilles' Heel and can actually be used against them. And when it is, they never, ever, ever figure out they've been manipulated because it's never occurred to them that that's possible. I tend to think that's a pretty universal drawback and one that should be exploited if it means returning agency to people who have been robbed of it.
I would dearly love to talk nuts and bolts with other people who have given this thought. I mean it when I say I believe it's a foundational problem, and I long ago came to the conclusion that fighting this particular fight would have the greatest impact overall. Tearing out things by the roots, as it were. I don't know of any organized campaign to address the problem, probably because no one sees it as such.
"When we remember we are all mad, the mysteries disappear and life stands explained." - Mark Twain
Great comment Ray!
I especially like your third point. We all can be the media in our every day interactions with people. We have to let go of team ideas and pre-conceived notions about other human beings in order to get our message through. Even when we disagree up front, we should treat them with respect and try to find some commonality. It is the only way to get our message through.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
gulfgal98, thanks for the feedback. Regarding
group-think and preconceive notions of other human beings I think that it becomes an issue when we reach conclusions based on misinformation, misconceptions, or bias. I happen to think that we are facing a very urgent situation when it comes to how ruling elites are manipulating the population as they impose and entrench a nascent oligarchy.
If this is so, issues related to injustices, corruption, etc., need to be addressed head-on by people of goodwill. Sometimes that requires one comes to certain conclusions that are unequivocal. What's your take on this idea?
When you boil it all down, the number one step you can take to get out from under the fascist boot of the oligarchy is to stop subjecting yourself to the the U.S. corporate news media. It is a powerful psyops weapon.
Great to see you here
Over the last few months I have read a few of your diaries and found them informative. This is a much better place for discussion. I am not banned over there but then I can shoot pool and have a beer with my republican neighbors too. At this point there is very little air between the required skill level it takes to deal with those two groups.
In the end it is really not a bad thing. I have noticed the past several years that group think arrived with a vengence. If a person did not agree with the opinion of the day they were using rwtp. As a rural dweller I have often disagreed and been told I didn't belong on the site that I should gtfo.
So the current policy is a natural progression. Now I go over for BNR. I log into rec and am gone. The attitude there is really circling the drain from the comments I read just in your two diaries. Who ignores content over a supposed slur that I absolutely heard nothing about until a month ago? It is beyond mindless.....
I look forward to interesting and thought provoking discussions on your future essays.
I can so completely sympathize with this
For all the time I've been on DKOS I've been an independent and proud non-koolaid drinker. My votes have gone Green. It's been a tight rope.
I'm just as happy that C99 is getting an influx of good writers because it's so much easier for someone like me to have sensible conversations here than there. Something they have forgotten over in that reality based community is that reality is not partisan.
A lot of wanderers in the U.S. political desert recognize that all the duopoly has to offer is a choice of mirages. Come, let us trudge towards empty expanse of sand #1, littered with the bleached bones of Deaniacs and Hope and Changers.
-- lotlizard
At this rate...
The place will become "The LL, BBB, Tuffie & Trix Feelgood Site".
from a reasonably stable genius.
Don't forget.....
...... Denise Oliver Velez.......
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
We now interrupt this Hillary Love fest...
To remind you all that you're racists.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I'm in two minds about that particular contributor
On the one hand, her FP Sunday pieces, over the years, have been something to learn from.
Her diaries and comments elsewhere on the other hand.... something to avoid.
Tuffie and Trix can barely rub two words together between them.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I gave up on her (Deo) awhile back
I think it was in the GTFO diary. I talked about the importance of issues. Her reply: "Heh. Whatever"
That was the first non-FP diary that tipped me off.
It got worse during the Charlie Hebdo fiasco.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Oh...believe me,
I never will. There's much I could say on that subject, but what I'm going to say is nothing.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
She had an amazing and
She had an amazing and insightful FP essay on polyamory that ran one Sunday years ago. She has also been downright manipulative and nasty on other occasions. Overall, I give her performances two middle fingers.
Sounds like I should repost...
My diary on a multiple relationship, back when I was IN one...
Ah well, another day, another essay.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
That place is going to shit
went over to show you support, and couldn't last longer than 10 minutes. Excellent diary, and frankly, the kind of diary that used to be celebrated in that place. Ironically, I'm finding the help desk lately quite a fascinating read, and it is beyond obvious that Kos' edict is for one side only. They reap what they sow, to c99's benefit. Idiots.
Progressive to the bone.
Read Your Diary
Just had to go over and read your diary. It was excellent. I was confused as to why you would be banned from DK for it. I guess no one will be able to include Hillary's name in any diary that is not a clear and noisy Butt Kiss from here forward. I am somewhat pleased to say that I can still be shocked by some stupidity and DK has gone real stupid.
Nice job RR!
Wear it with pride!
That (and this) was a righteous diary. In banning you they only proved your point.
It's kind of like book burning, isn't it.
Their communities loss, this communities gain.
The Octopus Squirts Ink into the Water Before It Strikes or Retreats
And as the flames climbed high into the night,
To light the sacrificial rite,
I saw Satan laughing with delight ...
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Went back to TOP to read your posts
Ick! Been trying not to give 'em my clicks. Do you mind reposting the Manufactured Consent by Elite Consensus diary here, great post. Well written... and welcome to c99. I'm new here, too, it's a world better.
"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawking
NEW: http://www.twitter.com/trueblueinwdc
Welcome to the Club!
Proudly banned since Friday.
Your banning was totally effed up.
That was a clear case of Kos being a petulant asshole.
Banning overturned
Something's happened. Your DK account has been changed from Bojo to Timeout. Kossacks are starting to notice, but so far no one has any new info. Someone must have finally gotten through to kos.
um, I just looked, and it still shows bony mojo....
"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~
Decisions, decisions nt
Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.
Welcome, Ranting Rooster! There were many
expressions of concern about you today in my Kosmail, so I came over to say hello. There's quite a string at the help desk, it will be interesting to see if the admins respond. I think you're right, it was your earlier, more ranting diary that they just got around to, admins not working weekends; not your diary today, which was excellent and I think within bounds (and for that matter, completely unflagged last I checked).
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