Cogent analysis of Biden's "poor kids can do as well as white kids" gaffe
So it's late (or early depending upon viewpoint) and the sweet, warm banks of my swamp beckon me. But, still being a bit wound up about J. Epstein's recent, and alleged, demise despite assistance from Crown Royal (and I don't mean Prince Andrew), I needed relaxation. The perfect solution.
May I introduce you to Jericho Green, who is funny as hell-even when disagreeing with him Always good for a laugh. You probably won't be in doubts about his political leanings nor his political preferences. Laugh--I bet none of those watching this video will not laugh, ruefully perhaps, but laugh all the same.
Setting the stage: ex-veep China Joe Biden (or perhaps I should call him Ukraine Joe Biden) recently had a rally--no, no, no! It was not held in a telephone booth. The crowd really nearly filled a small grade school gymnasium.
The quote, which I may not be repeating accurately appeared on Twitter with wide dissemination. Talking about educational opportunities, part of the sniffmeister's statement was something to the effect, that with adequate opportunities "poor kids could do as well as white kids". Apologies and "clarifications" were soon issued by China Joe's folks.
This guy is something else.
"Kamala the Ugandan nightmare".
Mr. Green suggests that Joe Biden should avoid going off-script. I don't think Joe Biden actually has a script. Or if he does, he isn't capable of retaining it. Or of restraining himself during public appearances. I wonder why his family and his wife don't talk with him about retiring from political life.
Isn't YouTube wonderful, though? Regular people, expressing themselves to the world. While driving! Or while sitting at home in their PJs, as Kim Iverson informed us the other day.
Speaking of small grade school gymnasiums, that brings back memories of the 2016 Dem caucuses here in WA State. At the time, I lived in a sparsely populated rural area, so several precincts caucused in separate groups in the grade school gym.
Being rural, it was a red area, so I wasn't sure what to expect. Turned out, we Bernie supporters shut Hillary out. She got zero delegates from any of the precincts in the school gym. In fact, our county caucuses ended up giving Bernie his highest percentage of any county in the state, over 90%. What a magical day that was.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
@Centaurea I think that's why WA
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Guy's funny.
But damn, I wish people would quit calling the delusional dems the "Left."
There is no authentic Left in the Democratic Party. The people crazed by Russia are not the Left. The Me Too's are not the Left. The political correcting police aren't the Left. The Gotcha Games aren't the Left. He's talking about the compromised scripted center.
And that's what's funny. It's funny in several demented ways. He hits them all.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
Guy thinks
The funniest part, unintentionally so, was when he associated Joe Biden with "his people on the Left". This is what makes sense and passes for funny on the Right.
True, that.
And the Left as stand-ins for the media.
The designated enemies of the right.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
Thanks I needed a laugh
And he is so on point.
I’ve actually gotten to feel sorry for Joe.
He just can’t seem to help himself.
Someone should do him a favor and pull the plug.
Biden is a Dilaiopod
He has two left feet and both of them in his mouth. (Hat tip to Poul Anderson for coming up with the word, and the definition.)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
He said he met with the Florida kids from the school
that got shot up when he was VP. This happened in 2018 while Trump's rump is sitting in the WH. Now the media is back to pushing up Warren.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Michael Tracey thinks ByeDone is losing his marbles
10 minute video
I agree
He definitely is losing his marbles
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
I'm not sure
how many marbles he had to begin with.
It's obvious that there's something going on with him now. I keep wondering why his family doesn't do an intervention with him. His wife is an MD, so she has to see it. Is she that anxious to be First Lady that she's willing to overlook it?
It's kind of tragic for him. It's tearing down whatever good reputation he had from his Obama years. It would be even more tragic for the US if the DNC manages to force him through as the nominee.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Good reputation during his tenure as Obama's VP?
lol..I remember Obama having to clean up after ByeDone after he said something would happen which Obama never planned on doing.
I just don't understand why so many people think that ByeDone would be a good president when all they have to do is look at his history during his time in congress. I don't think ByeDone voted for one thing that helped out mainstream Americans. The bankruptcy bill alone screwed many of us not to mention his other bills. Sigh..I wish I had listened to my friend who told me to declare bankruptcy because ByeDone's bill would make it so much harder to do it. He went out and bought so many things and maxed out his credit card. I was just trying to pay off my $12,000 dental bill...
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
As Obama's VP
Joe Biden reinvented his image in the eyes of the American public.
In 2008, before Obama named him as his running mate, half of the populace didn't even know who Biden was. Most of the other half probably recognized his name as a Dem politician, but that was it. Some people remembered his failed run for the presidency in the '80s, the plagiarism, etc.
By the end of Obama's term in office, everyone knew who Biden was: good old folksy "uncle Joe". Even the right wing seemed to focus on hating Obama, and not so much Biden.
I think that's one reason why many mainstream voters are choosing Biden in polls. They're familiar with him and have a positive emotional reaction when you mention his name. They don't really know much about what he stands for, but that's not what his current reputation is built on. It's built on his image as Obama's VP.
We at C99 know about Biden's record in the Senate. Most of the public does not.
Too bad (for him and for progressives) Biden didn't leave it at that and retire, with the general public feeling good about him.
Instead, he's doing and saying odd things, and then there's the "handsy" business that the general public wasn't aware of before.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Maybe his wife
I still doubt he'll make it to Iowa. Or if so, it will be well below the 25-30% he now enjoys and he will be down in the pecking order with 4-5 others.
Thankfully we still have 6 months until Iowa.
MTracey thinks other candidates need to start running spots showing Biden's mental decline. They would be doing the party and the country a big favor.
Normally too one might expect party leadership to intervene to stop the embarrassment and calamity for the party that awaits. But Nancy and Chuck and Stoney are advanced in years too, and for a long while have not shown signs of leadership.
Jill Biden
is 68, only a couple of years older than I am, so I'm not going to assume she's on a downhill mental slide due to her age.
In recent photos, she looks kind of hard, or hardened, as if she hasn't had an easy time of it.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Well, it's clear that
Jericho Green thinks Jericho Green is funny. Yeah, I'm rushing to hit the PayPal button. Gotta have that Green gunk he sells.
Clearly what's needed is a law to honor this deeply unfunny dude, a Jericho Green Bill to prohibit podcasting while driving.
But isn't what Joe said an identity politics base assumption?
Seems from what I have been reading and observing, a foundational belief among democrats and liberals is that white students have all best privileges immediately available to them regardless of social and economic levels. In other words, class has been eliminated. From this point of view, Biden's comment makes sense. Make resources and opportunities available to students without white privilege, and they can do just as well.
Except for that pesky statistical obstacle,
which being: There are more poor "white" people than poor "black" people or poor "brown" people.
The gaffe was implicitly classifying all not-white people as "poor" and all white people as "not-poor". While such a formulation may, indeed, occasionally suit the purposes of the IdPol crowd, or at least implicitly lurk beneath some of their rhetoric, it doesn't matter in this case because what the gaffe reveals is that when Joe Biden hears the phrase "poor" people, he pictures blacks and browns; and when he hears "white" people, he pictures folks who are getting along fine, and not committing crimes and trashing their neighborhoods etc etc. It revealed the real, visceral racism that lurks in his lizard brain.
The truth is, it fit in perfectly with that dumbass thing he said about Obama being clean and articulate, or whatever the fuck it was.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Good points about Biden's remarks