Lesser Evilism and the Myth of Electability
People that talk about "pragmatism" and "electability" should check their privilege.
Not white privilege. I'm talking about the vastly more important and influential privilege of money.
Exhibit A: Bill Maher
Bill Maher, like most rich a**holes, don't want radical change, even if the country desperately needs it. After all, things are going great! The system is working fine. If it wasn't for that one guy in the White House, then everything would be perfect.
Anyone who disagrees with that is obviously flawed in some way, and is probably a racist.
upper-class Americans were from 20 to 30 percentage points more likely than the rest of the population to embrace conservative values, and to reject progressive ones. Upper-class Americans were significantly more likely: to embrace the claim that the economy is “fair to most all Americans”; to disagree that “too much power” exists “in the hands of a few rich people and large corporations”; to agree with the meritocratic claim that “if you work hard, you can get ahead” in America; to disagree that the U.S. is “divided” between “haves and have-nots”; to reject the position that U.S. “financial institutions and banks are a major threat to society”; to agree that “Wall Street helps the economy more than it hurts”; and to oppose progressive-left protest groups like Occupy Wall Street, which sought to spotlight issues such as economic stagnation, corporate greed, and Wall Street political power. One’s upper-class status is a highly significant predictor of economic attitudes, after statistically accounting for survey respondents’ other demographics, including partisanship, education level, gender, race, ideology, and age.
Another way of putting it is "upper-class status is the most important predictor of economic attitudes, after statistically accounting for survey respondents’ other identities, including gender, race, and sexual orientation."
Yes, class is not just an identity. Class is THE identity.
It shouldn't come as a surprise that someone wealthy isn't incline to vote for a progressive candidate that will change the status quo. Nor will his/her wealthy family and friends vote for the progressive candidate.
The only working class people they know will often be people who work for them, and if they want to keep their jobs they aren't going to admit to supporting the progressive.
So in their little gilded bubble, the progressive isn't a viable candidate.
Remember how important it was to beat George Bush in 2004 and how John Kerry was more electable?
Fast forward 12 years. We have corporate centrists telling us to shut up and vote for the center-right candidate because only someone that talks like a Republican can win.
Centrists in the Democratic Party that talk about electability are like neocons and war - they are almost always wrong and no one in the media will ever call them on it.
You notice that "electability" and "lesser evilism" go hand in hand.
Both preach that sucking is a positive quality that wins elections, and that voting for what you want is "throwing away your vote".
In case you were wondering, there is a logical, 9-step progression that will get you to that point.
1. The world of politics is coextensive with the range of possibilities permitted by the Democrat-Republican Party system.2. Therefore, when voting the choice is always and only between a Republican or a Democrat. TINA.
3. There are no finite limits to the possibilities of greater badness.
4. However bad the Democratic candidate may be, the Republican will be worse. (well confirmed empirical generalization)
5. The lesser evil is always a better choice than the greater evil. (self-evident tautology)
6. Therefore, when voting the best choice is always the Democrat.
7. However bad the Democrat is -and there are no limits to how bad he can be [cf. 3 above]- it’s always best to vote for him. (follows from 4-6)
8. It doesn’t matter how bad the Democrat is, I’ll vote for him. (follows trivially from 7)
9. Accordingly, I need know nothing more than that a candidate is a Democrat to justify voting for him.
It actually makes sense, as long as you accept a series of flawed assumptions.
Fivethirtyeight.com looked at the polling and discovered that young people cared about the issues, while older people cared about electability "even if they disagreed on the issues".
At least that is what older people think.
But by prioritizing electability, older Democrats may wind up backing a candidate with a major weakness: an inability to drive youth turnout. While younger voters tend to lean heavily Democratic — in 2016, for instance, they backed Hillary Clinton by around 20 percentage points — the challenge has always been getting them to the polls. But when they do mobilize, younger voters can have a profound impact on the election. The blue wave of 2018, for example, was powered in part by Gen Z, Millennial and Gen X voters,1 who cast more votes than Baby Boomers and people from older generations, according to the Pew Research Center.
Electability means the ability to be elected. If you can't get your voters to turn out then you aren't electable. Period. The overwhelming swing voter is the young voter.
So who do you think is best at turning out young voters?
It’s still early, but Sen. Bernie Sanders — who won more votes from people under 30 in 2016 primaries than Trump and Clinton combined, according to a CIRCLE analysis of 21 states — is currently leading in the polls among younger voters, with 22 percent of Democrats under 50 saying they would vote for him if the primary was held today, according to a Quinnipiac poll.
Sure Bernie gets the kids to vote, but can he win in the heartland?
Former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) are the only two 2020 Democratic candidates who could best President Trump in Texas, according to an Emerson College poll published Tuesday by The Dallas Morning News.
Both Biden and Sanders hold a 51 percent to 49 percent advantage over the president among registered voters in the Lone Star State
Today we learned that Sanders gets support from people who may not normally be drawn to Democratic candidates. Something tells me that might come in handy in November.
But that's not how the establishment folks would like you to interpret it. https://t.co/zYf6xkQ9k5
— Miss Jabali (@MalaikaJabali) August 6, 2019
Current polls show that the most electable candidate is Bernie.
Recent history (2004, 2016, 2018) show that the progressive candidate is more electable.
Yet everyone on TV will tell you that electability depends on the candidate not representing your values and being someone you don't really like.
It's time that the word "electability" joins "journalism" as words that can't be said without your fingers doing air quotes.
there might not *be* any electability
at least of the kind of candidate we want.
I'm currently reading Sinclair Lewis' "Babbitt" and came across this, from just about 100 years ago.
So there you go. In 1921 it was known that we can't vote in who we really want, and that hasn't changed and probably won't change in the future.
Bernie might be electable but the powers that be will prevent us from finding out. If a miracle happens and he somehow gets to be President he'll be sabotaged every day, to the point where the "centrists" will use it for the next 50 years as a reason not to vote for a lefty.
Great comment, great quote, Shahryar
I completely understand I am not a 1%er, or even a 10%er, and I am as powerless against the 1%ers and 10%ers as a baby antelope surrounded by a pride of lions.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
The question is
At what point is electability the key criteria for supporting a candidate?
We are over one year from the next Presidential election and yet, I am seeing certain supporters of a certain candidate calling for one particular candidate to drop out because that candidate may siphon off votes from the more popular candidate.
Since the last debate, the calls have increased even though the candidate that they are calling to drop out was the most Googled candidate in all 50 states post debate.
My choice of whom I support has zero to do with electability and far more to do with the policy stands my chosen candidate represents. And honestly, I am done with electability at this point in the campaign. I want ALL the issues aired first.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Well off dems prosper from republican legislation. Tax cuts, Wall street, trade pacts like NAFTA and Chinas most favored status, you name it. TOP has a bunch of them. Dem legislation? IdPol hand wringing and incrementalism. If Bernie got elected you'll see r's and d's unite against him. It'll be the only time you'll see dems show any backbone.
Ah but democrats are showing backbones
Right after Trump was elected Pelosi and Schumer as well as DiFi said that they were looking forward to working with him and they have been ever since. Confirming his cabinet picks. Voting with republicans to roll back bank regulations. Giving him more power to spy on us and the most recent one to let more people from India get green cards that will cost American jobs. I posted the link in tonight's EBs from someone who joined today. Might want to look at his site. Some good stuff there.
Oh yeah. Democrats are voting for Trump's judges without even vetting them. Lickity spit. Up for a vote and lots of Yes'm.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Electability is not a myth.
In every US general election, every candidate is electzble to a degree, but one candidate is more electzble than the others. Absent rigging, that candidate wins the election.
The myth is that the candidate furthest to the left is not electable. Another myth is that the Democratic PTB always want to see the most electable hopeful be the nominee.
During the 2016 primary season, Sanders beat every Republican hopeful, including Trump, in head to head polls. Hillary did not. That strongly suggested that Sanders would be more electable than Hillary. Still, the Democratic PTB obviously wanted Hillary to be the nominee, no matter what.
The Democratic PTB do not want us to be aware of either of those myths.
Actually, there are many myths that the Democratic Party would like us not to know are myths.
Maher and Moore are both currently on my Why Did I Ever Think These People Were Very Clever? list. (Okay. I admit it: My lists need shorter titles.)
Note the air quotes
"Electability". Not Electability.
Not fer nuthin', as they say in da Bronx (or somewhere),
but those are notair quotes and I did note them.
Polls are myths.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Indeed. IMO, the purpose of polls, especially those
that are more than a few months away from election day, is to shape public opinion, not to measure it.
Years ago, media agreed not to report election results until after polls on the West Coast had closed. The reason was that whether a candidate was winning or losing was found or thought to affect how voters voted. Some liked to help an underdog, but more wanted to vote for the winner, as though that somehow made them "right."
Waiting until polls closed to avoid influencing the outcome of an election was a class move on the part of media. However, modern politics being what it is, the same data that once prompted a class move has prompted much less classy behavior. For months, we've been fed poll results, even though the election is not until November 2020.
Early in the 2016 primary season, MSNBC began reporting that Hillary was unbeatable, based in part on polls and the pretense that super delegate votes were cast in stone. And who can forget AP declaration that crooked Hillary was the nominee on the eve of the important (and rigged) California primary.
Of course, MSNBC is doing similar things to try to defeat Bernie this go round, like listing him fourth when the polls showed him second. https://www.commondreams.org/views/2019/07/27/msnbcs-anti-sanders-bias-m... https://www.jacobinmag.com/2019/08/msnbc-poll-bernie-sanders-presidentia... . And, of course, MSNBC is the go-to for Democratic voters, in much the same way as FOX is for Republican voters.
The crookedness of the entire process induces nausea.
The concept of the intolerable
Anyone reading this essay should also read the link which provided the 9-fold steps to lesser evilism.
Are Donald Trump's policies more or less intolerable than the next Dem. nominee? In my opinion that nominee will be Her Satanic Majesty, the Evil Queen. So is wealth transfer to the rich more or less desirable? With Drumpf, you know that at least he throws us plebes a few crumbs with his tax break mainly, but not solely, benefitting the already rich. Hot-sauce Hillary will have us on a Federal Reserve-driven diet of severe austerity. Plus she will have no qualms about sending young men and women to their doom in fighting more asset-stripping wars. She had no qualms about Iraq, Afghanistan or Libya, to say nothing of Syria.
So what is to be considered intolerable? Are there degrees of intolerance? Or are there parallel paths of intolerability, from which neither can be morally separated from the other?
Choose Life.
Do not choose Clinton.
If push comes to shove and it's Trump vs. HRC, I will vote for Trump. I voted Green in 2016. A fat lot of good that did me or Jill, polling at 1% state-wide. My values are of humanism. No more war. I can tolerate the rich getting richer but not the waste of precious lives for the sake of greed and Empire.
Yes, there it is. I would vote for Tulsi but neither she nor Bernie will make it across the finish line. The DNC will see to that.
For you Trump haters, where do you stand in relation to the value of human life? Would you vote for the presumably electable H. Goddam Clinton? Before you criticize me, take a look at yourselves. Life or death? In 2020, the choice will be yours.
The rich getting richer
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
DSA rejects lesser evilism
I've said it before, I'll say it again, I'll keep on saying it:
George W. Bush proved that anybody is electable.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Ronald Reagan
And I still recall the quaint old days when being divorced was supposed to be fatal to seeking the presidency. As was blatantly dodging the draft or otherwise avoiding true military service.
Clinton dodged the draft, without joining an "alternative"
form of service. His supporters might deny that he was "blatant" about it, but his successful attempt to evade the draft speak for themselves, IMO.
Bush did not merely join an "alternative" form of service. He joined it, then deserted to avoid a drug test. Surely, deserting has to be worse than "mere" draft dodging, in which which many males engaged during the Vietnam "Era." Dentists became teachers because some draft boards were exempting teachers. Teachers in areas where draft board were not exempting them went to Canada. And so on. Like Muhammed Ali, Sanders applied for conscientious objector status. However, in Sanders' case, Congress/Nixon ended hostilities before the application was finally resolved, one way or the other.
Me? I can't fault anyone for trying to avoid fighting in that mess.
I don't think Sanders can get elected
To win the primary he is having to out SJW all the privileged. Ban on semi autos? Health care for illegal immigrants? Those kinds of things don't play so well in WI, MI, and PA. Sanders needs a broad base to overcome the king makers of the Democratic as well as Republican Parties.
All those non voters in 12 decided to vote, and a substantial portion of Obama voters switched. People need a reason to vote. That gray portion in 12 could be larger in 20.
I dropped my HBO
a year ago as it was only being rarely used, mostly for Maher, but I"d already gotten out of the habit of tuning in. Can't recall just now what triggered my non-watching. No, it wasn't his stance on Muslims or religion.
As I understand Maher's political trajectory, he's been, hmm, rather inconsistent in recent times. He started out in the 90s on the old show as much more of this hip wannabe-cool Libertarian (oooh, so impressive -- not your usual D or R, so indy, so trend-setting, so urban and sophisticated). The following from memory: he backed Bob Dole in '96. Yes, Dole.
Then in 2000, he backed Nader. I guess Gore wasn't cool enough or green enough. Or maybe it was the Tipper music lyrics factor, which trifling sideshow drove many a wannabe-hip libertarian lefty over the edge of sanity.
In 2004 period he was very anti-Iraq War, to his credit. This in stark contrast (which I only learned about a few months ago) to his late-90s expressed pro-VN War position ("If them Commies were messing around over there, messing with us, we had the right to show the flag and blast 'em to smithereens" -- something to that effect). Sometimes, similar to Lindsay Graham, possibly for similar reasons, Bill wants to show how tough he can be.
On the HBO show, roughly starting with the Iraq War period, I recall a Maher much more on the progressive side of things (excepting his hardline stances against Islam and for Beebee and Izrul). True, in 2012 he loudly announced he was donating $1mil to the Obama campaign. But in 2016, iirc, he backed Bernie in the primaries (before siding with flawed Hillary in the general). The democratic socialist. Bernie Sanders. Someone correct me if I misremember.
Now in 2019 it sounds like he's done with his Bernie fling -- perhaps it was just a cool Hollywood thing to do at the time -- and appears ready to back Biden. Anyone who might defeat Trump, no matter how unprogressive and corporatist. Perhaps he has a contract coming up with HBO and wants to get back into their warm embrace with reassurances he's no bomb-throwing lefty who might cause them embarrassment.
In the end, far from being an iconoclastic edgy comedian willing to go after TPTB, he's successful and rich now and so much more at ease with all the other wealthy, establishment MSMers he has on his show, Chris Matthews included.
Maher and Lack of Tolerance for Non-Secular Muslims
He drank way too much of the centrist koolaid. And unfortunately, it's counteracting against the weed he proudly consumes.
One equal temper of heroic hearts, Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.--Tennyson