The Russiagate Fever is breaking

The ruling elites have compared Russiagate to Pearl Harbor, 9/11, and Kristallnacht.
Yet for some reason, the American public has refused to agree with it's importance.

In a recent Gallup poll on problems facing the country, the “Situation with Russia” was such a marginal concern that it did not even register.

In fact, Republicans have flat out rejected the konspiracy theory altogether. A fact that the elites refused to accept.


Fortunately, the MSNBC-watching Democrats were willing to give the investigation the benefit of the doubt.
Until now.

Since the public release of a redacted version of the Mueller report, Democrats have grown more skeptical that the Russia investigation was conducted fairly, according to a new poll.
...Both Democrats and Republicans have tilted toward a belief that the inquiry, which wrapped up this spring after almost two years, was not conducted fairly. An April survey — conducted shortly after the report’s release — found that 46 percent of voters thought the probe had been fair, compared with 29 percent who felt it had been unfair.

But there was a much bigger swing among Democrats, the most recent poll found. Among Democratic voters, the number who consider the investigation unfair shot up by 15 percentage points since then, while the number who thought it had been a fair investigation dropped by 9 points.
It’s unclear what accounts for Democrats’ plummeting confidence — it’s possible that they feel the investigation was unfair in that the outcome was too favorable to President Donald Trump; believe that Mueller was boxed in by Trump’s Justice Department; or feel that it’s unfair because the president has not faced any serious consequences as a result of the investigation.

Right. It was unfair FOR Trump. ROTFL.

It's obvious that the elites in the media have completely lost touch with the vast majority of the public. They don't even attempt to understand us. Nor do they give us any credit for being able to come to logical conclusions different from what they are selling.

It's also obvious that the MSM has no Plan B, for what happens after Russiagate flops.
They've even started pointing fingers at each other.

But the American political press found Mueller insufficiently dazzling.
The New York Times declared, in language Trump could have written himself, “Mueller’s Performance Was a Departure From His Much-Fabled Stamina.” The Washington Post announced, “On Mueller’s Final Day on the National Stage, a Halting, Faltering Performance,” and, in a separate piece, dubbed Mueller a “weary old man.”

Although other pieces from the same outlets covered the substance of Mueller’s testimony, the conclusion that he had failed to excite his audience framed the totality of coverage.

Maybe it's because Mueller didn't say anything new. Maybe because he refused to answer nearly 200 questions.
Maybe it's because the whole thing feels like an artificial scandal designed to distract us from things of importance. And it isn't working.

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Bollox Ref's picture

I've never given much thought to 'Russiagate'.

That vast numbers of Americans don't actually vote seems more of a continual problem. A few Facebook ads not so much.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

@Bollox Ref
He would have given us candidates!

Anonymous (i.e. I forgot who) circa 1970

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

@Bollox Ref
Americans who did not vote would have voted exactly as those who did, according to polling data - until 1980. After 1980 70% claimed to be far to the left of the actual vote results (at least on policy) I place this on Reagan being a clear figure. You knew what Reagan stood for, and most people didn't like it. Whether or not that would have meant different electoral results is not so clear. Similarly there was the famous (though certainly apocryphal) post resignation poll that said that 90% of people who claimed to have voted in 1972 claimed to have voted for McGovern. Like Reagan Nixon was a clear figure. He was an indisputable villain. W - The Shrub, the usurper - was a Guy Fawkes level villain. Many can claim not to believe it, but few are honest about their disbelief. W was so hated that his successor (McCain) could not have defeated a Democrat with red skin, horns, and cloven hooves. Obama was hated, even though it is socially unacceptable to admit it. Like W his successor was unelectable.
It is not yet clear if Trump is a Reagan, a Nixon, or a Bush. His criminality is worse than Nixon's, but the Democratic plotting may obscure his odiousness for generations, making him more like Reagan. Note that both men were reelected.
In any event public hatred of a president does not mean that he will not be reelected. Nixon was not revealed until after 1972, Reagan was reelected by an historic landslide by appealing to the little black pit in the American soul, and Bush simply stole the 2004 election. Trump was only elected because the American people saw that he was actually the lesser evil, it may well happen again.

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On to Biden since 1973

mimi's picture

much, because the elections are a scam anyway. Trump is Trump and all the comparisons really are neither helpful, nor meaningful, A design change of electoral college is as needed as it was under the previous presidents. Nothing has changed, it only got worse, imho. And who cares about it? May be some Americans.

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snoopydawg's picture


was so hated that his successor could not have defeated a....

W did so many horrible things that people started thinking that the next president would work to restore some balance and sanity to the country. Instead we got Obama who just continued to build on what W did wrt foreign policy, the patriot act and spying and wealth inequality and because he was the empty suit people rejected his successor who was even more hawkish than either W or O and so we got Trump who has been the worst president in people's life times and they are looking now for that democratic savior who will restore the sanity in the country. But we know that isn't going to happen because the president is just the CEO and has to answer to his shareholders.

I just started with W since that is when I really started paying attention to policies, but yeah Reagan was such a piece of work that Clinton got the rest of the policies passed that Reagan and Bush 1 couldn't.

Golly, the next president is going to be a doozy eh? Unless of course Trump doesn't vacate the office like Nancy is saying he might not. Guess then we will have a dictator.....

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

The Great Society and Viet Nam. LBJ was abandoned by the people because they were unwilling to admit they were racist and Viet Nam was supposed to be the first of a neverending series of forever wars against communism. But the yellow people in Viet Nam refused to just die and the black people in America refused to stop demanding we treat them like they were human beings or some such nonsence, so Nixon was brought in to nuke the commies and shoot the n-words, but he went insane and had to be replaced. Then Ford pardoned him so he had to be replaced (for admitting that the crazy man was somehow evil) by Carter, who actually was a good man, so he had to be replaced by the American Eichmann, who was actually an Elmer Gantry. But he got Alzheimer's before removing the 2 term thing so Bush 1. But Bush 1 didn't have enough vision to refuse to admit that America could fight its neverending series of wars and never have to pay for anything, so in came Clinton. He was fine about the lieing sack of shit part but thought he had to be popular as well, so Bush 2 had to prove that you could be loathed but also be President as long as no one has the decency to say you stole the election. He tried to "suspend" the constitution, but didn't have the courage to make it stick, so in swept The Great Pretender, who set the stage for the Orange Julius Cheezer.
Personally I don't think that Trump has the support to declare himself President for Life, that will take Pence (after Mitch finally says he's ready) or the Resistance finds it's Anointed One. Either way 2020 or 2024 will be the last election.

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On to Biden since 1973

ggersh's picture

@snoopydawg and am sticking w/that prediction
until proven wrong. DHS counts votes correct?

Should anyone other than Bernie be the D nom
I'm guessing the D' nom will get less than 50mil
tRumpolin in that case will get 60-65 call it a
mandate, has his face put on Rushmore, name the
WH, tRumpolini House and the South will have risen
from the ashes.

Lincoln shoulda let them leave long ago

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I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

It was time (and past time) for them to be free. Do you think slavery would have ended with industrialization? Hell, the white people in the North were little better than slaves, except they couldn't be sold.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

snoopydawg's picture

What a crock of pootie. Just like he lied about WMDs, he's lying to the country again. As Jim Jordan pointed out Misfud was the person who got the whole thing rolling. Misfud told Papadapolous that Russia had dirt on Hillary. Did Mueller interview Misfud and ask him how he knew that? Of course not because Mueller knew that Misfud has ties to the state department. As do most of the people sent out to try to entrap Trump. Mueller did get away with lying to congress when he talked about the IRA and their connections to Russian intelligence after the judge told him not to. But this pretty much sums it up.

Kilimnick is the supposed Russian operative who Manafort gave polling information to. Oops. There appears to be more to this story too.

It's just mind boggling to know that the people invested in believing everything about Russia Gate could listen to what Jordan said about Misfud and not se how the whole damn psyops was made up.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Facebook ads instead of flying lessons for his followers.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

For their despicable insensitivity and wrongful appropriation of others' suffering, they were subsequently eaten alive by social-warrior Twitter mobs, beaten into delivering sniveling, shame-drenched public recantations, and passively accepted losing their jobs no matter how good they might otherwise have been at them...Right? RIGHT?

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

causes me to read Tucker Carlson in order to cool off.

Tucker Carlson: The Russia hoax is over and it's time to hold people accountable for years of lies.
By Tucker Carlson | Fox News - July 26, 2019

The Russia hoax ended on Wednesday -- we can say that. It ended not with a bang, but with the muddled half-memories of a fading old man slipping in and out of focus.

America sat transfixed by Robert Mueller's halting testimony before Congress. No honest person could have come away at the end believing that the president of the United States colluded with the Russian government to steal an election. That was the allegation, you'll remember.

And then, after the most extensive investigation in modern American history, we found the truth. And so, we can say conclusively, once again, what we told you the day this all started, the whole thing is a crock. It never happened. They were lying to you. That's clear now. The debate is over.

But that doesn't mean the Russia story has quite ended. There are loose ends. For two and a half years, some of the most powerful people in America -- supposedly serious, well-educated people, very smart people -- these people made wild and untrue and totally reckless allegations about issues critical to the life of this country, all on the basis of no evidence whatsoever. It's hard to believe they did that. But they did do it.

What should happen to these people now? Congressman Adam Schiff, for example. Schiff claimed he possessed actual evidence of Russian collusion. And he didn't just say that one time, he said it repeatedly.

... But what about his enablers? And there are a lot of them --the journalists, the pundits, the fellow lawmakers who helped Adam Schiff tell his lies. These are the people you'll remember who blithely accused the sitting president of the United States of treason.

One of them was House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who has said, among other things, the following: "Trump's eagerness to sell out America proves the Russians must have something personally politically or financially on President Trump."

It proves that Trump is committing treason. Think about that. Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker of the House, third in line for the presidency. She is the country's most powerful lawmaker, supposedly a wise and sober person. And yet, there she was telling you it's been proved that the president of the United States is working for a hostile foreign power.

Has any Speaker in American history ever said something that irresponsible? Maybe nothing comes to mind. But if you think that's shocking, consider this: Pelosi is still saying that. "Tucker Carlson Tonight's" investigative producer, Alex Pfeiffer, ran into Pelosi Thursday afternoon on Capitol Hill and asked her. Listen to what she told our show.

Alex Pfeiffer, Fox News investigative producer: Speaker Pelosi, Alex Pfeiffer of "Tucker Carlson Tonight." In January, you wondered what Putin had on Trump. After yesterday, are you any closer to figuring that out?

Pelosi: We have it up on the courts right now.

Pfeiffer: Are you any closer to figuring out what Putin has on Trump?

Pelosi: That's why we need to have him to answer our subpoena.

Pfeiffer: You still think Putin might have some sort of blackmail on the president?

Pelosi: I wonder what Putin has politically, financially or personally.

Pfeiffer: So our president could be subject to blackmail, you think?

The exchange isn't long, but it really tells you everything you need to know. Pelosi told our show President Trump is a traitor who is committing treason. And yet, she doesn't want to impeach him. How does that make sense?

Well, it only makes sense when you understand that Pelosi doesn't mean a single word that she says. Everything is political, meaning it's only about power.

That's not just annoying. It's also ominous. And here's why.

Fifteen years ago this spring, we invaded Iraq to stop a WMD program that didn't exist. Thousands of American troops died in the process, trillions of dollars were wasted. It was the single greatest mistake in this country in generations. And yet -- and here's the key -- nobody in Washington was ever punished for it.

The people who planned it went on to even better jobs. One of them is now our national security adviser, John Bolton. Five years after the Iraq War, our economy collapsed. Remember that? The subprime meltdown? The specific causes were complex, but the themes were instantly recognizable -- greed and stupidity. And yet, once again, no one was ever punished.

Now, fast forward another 11 years to today, right now. America stands on the brink of yet more foolish foreign entanglements, and on the brink of and potentially another financial meltdown. Why is that? Because nobody in Washington has learned anything. And why would they learn anything? When they screw up there are never any consequences. They skate by on the usual mixture of aggression and BS. "Nothing to see here, keep moving."

Imagine for a second, what would happen if you let your kids act like that? Well, they'd been in prison by now. So, maybe it's time to stop the cycle in Washington.

How about this? If you get caught lying about the big things, whether it's about weapons of mass destruction, or subprime mortgages or Russian collusion, you have to admit it and serve penance, -- not necessarily prison time, though we're open. But punishment of some kind.

You can't stay in Washington, making six times the average American salary. You can't do that. No, sorry.

You've got to leave. You've got to relocate to Camden, New Jersey, maybe or Gary, Indiana, and do something useful. Like clean motel rooms for minimum wage, put the little "sanitized for your protection" strips on toilets. Not forever, just for a decade or two, until you've learned your lesson. Call us when you've done that, but not before.

Adapted from Tucker Carlson's monologue from "Tucker Carlson Tonight" on July 25, 2019.

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mimi's picture

@Linda Wood @Linda Wood
may be he should be praised for it. I hope he stays to his guns and talks truth to powers.

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@Linda Wood

you find yourself enthusiastically nodding your head while reading an op-ed from Tucker Carlson.

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"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

I'm dealing with someone who still believes in RussiaGate.

Please send me/point me out to what I need to change his mind.
I sent him this, and he "call[ed] bullshit".

As a guide, his favorite source is The New Yorker, he'll reject most but maybe not all "right-wing" sources (he trusts The Economist, too) he is (to make a long story short) NOT a HillBot or any such thing (he just happens to still trust Mueller, and he's always a step or two behind me politically but I can usually get him to catch up), he recognizes that Trump hatred threatens to make people who should know better "intellectually lazy" but that's not enough to fully protect himself from occasionally getting caught up in the party line, he's all but oblivious to Internet political goings-on (and is mostly better-off for it, I deeply envy him), he seems hooked up on the fact that they "busted 30 Russians", and he just argued that the entire FBI would have to be corrupt for Mueller not to be trustworthy because "he led a team".

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

snoopydawg's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

Read the links posted here in the essay. Read the Wikileaks releases that show how it was people in Hillary's campaign after they learned that Wikileaks was going to be releasing information on how the primary was rigged and they decided to blame Russia for it so that people wouldn't focus on the content of the information.

Go to consortium news and read the articles that they posted showing Russia Gate is a farce and how they debunked it. Finally look through the essay list here and read the many essays written about this that have debunked it.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@snoopydawg I am confused and distressed and exhausted and am not sure what to look for. I'm hoping someone can/will do a disabled and severely troubled autistic savant and political-junkie-in-attempted-recovery a favor and find and point out the right links for me.

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Lookout's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat
He won an Izzy award this year for his russiagate reporting
11 min

Here's an more complete description at 45 min

and two of his articles...

He and Matt Taibbi discuss the hoax here...(w/ transcript)

That's probably more than you want....

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

I will look for some link that definetly debunk this saga. Lookout posted some great links and is right that Aaron has some great articles that show how this farce was totally made up.

But as the tweet in my comment states, Misfud was the one that gave the FBI an excuse to start spying on Trump's campaign and Mueller knows it. It's like if I came to you with a juicy tip about something and you told someone else who then told the FBI what you said and instead of your source being asked where he got the info it was you that the FBI focused on.


The gist

Misfud met with Papadopoulos and told him that the Russians had Hillary's emails and then Papadopoulos met with the Dutch Ambassador who told the FBI what Papadopoulos said. This is when the FBI got a warrant to tape Papa and by his connections to others in the Trump campaign.

Jordan asks Mueller why he didn't charge Misfud with lying since he charged to so many others? Jordan is saying that it was Misfud that started this whole sh*t show going and it's obvious that it was a setup from the beginning.

Jordan reminded the mute Mueller that the FBI, with the blessing of the Democratic Party, had pulled off a historic first when they spied on two members of the Trump campaign, Carter Page and George Papadopoulos. That brazen act of espionage should have been at the heart of Mueller’s probe, but strangely it went missing in action.

Here’s where things get really dark. In the course of the FBI’s undercover work, a mysterious Maltese professor by the name of Joseph Mifsud – who purportedly lied three times to investigators – passed along ‘secret information’ to Mr Papadopolous that the Russians had “dirt” on Hillary Clinton. Papadopolous then informed a diplomat about the claim, which was then – thanks to the notoriously bad plumbing inside of the nation’s capital – leaked to the media. That single drop of fake news put into motion not only the bogus Steele dossier, complete with a bizarre reference to golden showers in Moscow, but the entire Russiagate hoax.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Azazello's picture

just dropped this morning:
[video: width:500 height:300]

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

snoopydawg's picture


How anyone who believes in RG could have watched the Mueller show and not see that Mueller was a disaster in defending his report and how it was total made up farce is just beyond me. Jordan absolutely tears down the reason that it was started in the first place and yet people thought what? No it was still Papa.... who was in Russia's pocket? Possibly because they will not look at any alternative websites that debunk it with an open mind.

I would love to post this video and Jordan's on Top today because they keep nailing Trump for looking into Obama's part in spying on his campaign.

So now Trump wants to look into Obama's presidency? And what clandestine criminal acts does he think might be uncovered?

Gee I don't know. Maybe that there was no reason for the FBI to start its investigation in the first place. And that Strzok and Page both admitted that there was no there there.

I am still befuddled by how many people bought this in the first place and insist that Vlad has Trump and the GOP in his pocket. Moscow Mitch is a traitor for not signing the election security bill. Hmmm... this could be because the way it is written would keep Israel from taking part in our elections. Especially monetarily.

Just hear the guy mention that this wasn't a criminal investigation. Bingo. Where was the crime that allowed the FBI to start an investigation.

Great video. Thanks.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@Azazello What gave clarity to Russiagate for me was an interview with George Papadonpoulus where talked about various incidents with him. This video gives sorta the back story on how the plot to get Trump evolved. One point they brought up was that Mueller's lead was at the Hillary campaign HQ the night of the election. And just revealed from another source that one of Mueller's prosecuters represented the Hillary campaign on the email fiasco.

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snoopydawg's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

While listening to the video Azazello posted below I believe that between the 3 of us we have given you enough links and videos that you can give to your friend so he can see how this was made up mostly by Hillary Clinton, her lawyers and Fusion GPS to target Trump and label him a Russian puppet and that they interfered in the election. If these don't change your friend's mind then he is not willing to look at the information with an open mind and nothing you can say to him will get him to change it.

There are many reasons that this was done. Probably Trump wanting detente with Russia scared the crap out of the donor class and the MICC because Russia is being targeted because they are threatening our hegemony.

Another thing that is coming from this is censorship of websites that tell us the truth and people being banned from FB, Twittler and Googled.

Good luck. Let us know how it goes.

ps.. the unmasking of people under investigation by the Obama doj was unconstitutional. Will she be held accountable? We'll see how much leeway Barr has.

Oh yeah, remember that Hillary was under investigation by the FBI and should have been charged under the espionage act because Comey at first said that she was grossly negligent using her private email server, but those words were changed so that she could run for president.

And finally tying this to Assange was so that people would believe the lies and slander against him and not be upset that Trump is getting him renditioned here to be tried under the espionage act. This has worked. People say that he worked with Russia to throw the election to Trump even though he isn't being charged for that. And not many people are talking about Chelsea Manning being thrown into jail because she won't take part in this. And she is being charged now $1,000 a day which is just punitive punishment and should not be tolerated.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@snoopydawg If you could still find whatever other links you had in mind, I'd appreciate it.

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@snoopydawg ...mission accomplished, he seems convinced!

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

snoopydawg's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

I'm glad to hear that you were able to get your friend to see the truth about how false Russia Gate is. That the FBI was able to get the damn thing rolling just by having Misfud talk to Papa ..... is what I think should wake everyone up to how fake it was.

Plus letting Hillary use her party's intelligence agencies to spy on her opponent and then call him a Russian puppet and he colluded with them is another thing that should.

Good job.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

@The Liberal Moonbat For a person to believe in Russiagate basically involves having faith in, and believe in anonymous sources of information which mostly come from intelligence agency operatives. There is literally no observable evidence in this story. The narrative has been totally based on the reporting of what anonymous sources have claimed about unseen evidence. There should be by now some skepticism on anomyous sources given the number of claims debunked like the story about the Russians injecting malware into the Vermont power grid.

Not sure skepticism, facts, rationality can overcome a blind faith in one's sources. Also, there is the matter of how to read Russiagate related stories. This just came out from Vox about the Senate report and shows how language is used to propagandize:

Russia 'probably' probed voting processes in all 50 states in 2016 election: Senate Committee

According to the heavily redacted, 67-page report [PDF], the Russian government conducted various intelligence-related activities against US election infrastructure at both state and local level, which began as early as 2014 and continued until at least 2017.

From assessing suspicious IP addresses that were discovered in mid-2016, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) concluded that Russia probably conducted intelligence activity in all 50 states, allowing it to collect "general election-related web pages, voter ID information, election system software, and election service companies".

Probabilities become certainty. Theresa May in accusing the Russians of the Skripal poisoning couched her accusation as a probablity. Speculation becomes certainty, and from there whole tales and narratives are construed as if they are foundationally true.

Oh by the way, about the hacking of election computers--that charge was literally created days after the 2016 election. It seemed to go away for a while after state election officials said bullshit, but has made major re-appearance. See:

Consortium News’ Record on Russia-gate—How CN Covered the ‘Scandal’: No. 6—‘How the Department of Homeland Security Created a Deceptive Tale of Russia Hacking US Voter Sites’

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lotlizard's picture

When people have lied as Russiagaters have, when people have been reliably, stridently, ideologically wrong — go counter-suggestible on ’em.

Inquire, think, and act less the way they want and more in the ways they don’t want.

Batted away awareness of something purely because they say it’s off-limits? Go ahead, take the time sometime, go there, check it out; make your own call.

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Dawn's Meta's picture

willingness to patiently describe what has gone on. Now the denouement and summaries.

One philosophical, emotional, ethical question has been with me since it was clear Trump would win: if he does anything right would we or the dems say anything positive about him or the policy?

Almost the inverse of what happened with Progressives during the Obama years: could we criticize the first Black president? On policy? On humaine issues? On serving the US citizens?

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A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.

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Steven D's picture

is still tweeting that Trump is a Traitor because we are at war with Russia (a cyberwar for which he provides no evidence).

This disregards the reality that Trump's Presidency has seen the greatest increase in aggressive military and diplomatic actions taken against Russia.

Trump is a lot of things (con artist, slum lord, racist, war criminal, etc.) but to continue to assert he colludes with Russia to the detriment of America is absurd.

It also show Reiner is an idiot, but that's a different topic for a different day.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

detroitmechworks's picture

@Steven D I mean the guy didn't even do the free love thing or Smoke Pot. I smelled Undercover fed...

And surprise, surprise we find him supporting Hillary nowadays... Nice to see that old CIA work buddies help each other out.


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

@BORG_US_BORG I thought the impeachment of Clinton was a dangerous act. So will be the impeachment of Trump. Basically it is the criminalization of political differences.

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Stephen Cohen in an interview with Aron Mate believes that Russiagate has now become common parlance in American political discourse. The charge of direct collusion between Trump and Russia will into morph into something like Trump welcomed Russian interference--but had no direct contact. The various charges will stay or morph depending on the latest "narrative releases" like the Senate report on the Russians attempting to hack every state election system. Now the focus is on "Moscow Mitch" for not allowing some bill on voting integrityh to move forward. What we will see is more McCarythism but not centered around Trump so much but how people are allowing the Russians to destroy American democracy.

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snoopydawg's picture


The PTB have put too much effort into it to allow it to just slip away. And it is both parties that are insisting that Russia interfered with the election. The only difference is the dems say that Trump colluded with them and the GOP says that he didn't. This is why Bernie is also on board with it. It's all tied up in our global hegemony and that Russia and China are now becoming more successful and working together. But what will turn people's heads will be cries for us to work with Russia to take on China. Guess ole Kissinger said that is what should happen.

Trump welcomed Russian interference

Gee maybe if Hillary hadn't deleted 30,000 email from the private email server she shouldn't have used then Trump wouldn't have asked Russia that if they found them to let us know. Instead of people asking why she did that even though they had been subpoenaed by congress, they focused on his joke.

But her emails.......... is what people bitch about because people didn't vote for her and it's their fault that the country is in the mess it is. Damn right her emails. They were hacked more than once by a foreign country, but people think it's Trump and Moscow Mitch that are putting our security at risk? If Mitch signed that bill then Israel wouldn't be able to play in our elections. Think that Putin could have spoken to congress against a bill that our president was working on? Think Putin could have gotten congress to stop people from saying bad things about Russia? Think that if anyone said that it was in Israel's nature to interfere with the election that person wouldn't have been hounded into oblivion?

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Most of the people I know still believe in Russiagate, and think I'm delusional, and that the mainstream media would never mislead them. Or the intelligence community which--ironically--those who were of age in the 60's distrusted as a matter of principle. Of course, they are now squeaky clean and telling the truth, because. Trump.

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