BNR Editorial via TOP
These are the editorials (and one other piece posted in comments I thought relevant) posted in TOP's BNR commentary. Sorry they're so late today - I had to sign up and learn how to post.
Posted by markthshark
New Yorkers filed 40,883 voter applications online in ten days
There has been an unprecedented surge in New York state voter registrations — with about 40,883 applications received between March 10 and 20 — as New York State prepares for its presidential primary, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced yesterday.
Voters must register by March 25 in order to cast ballots in the presidential primary on April 19.
Online registrations at MyDMV between March 10 and 20 included 20,889 first-time voter registrations, as a hotly contested primary featuring Republicans Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, John Kasich and Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders gears up.
Posted by LoneStarMike
Current Facebook stats: as of 5:00 a.m. CST
Arizona Primary Results 94% reporting
Clinton — 234,294 votes — 57.8% — Delegates 41
Bernie — 160,933 votes — 39.7% — Delegates 22
Other — 9,874 — 2.4% — Delegates 0
Total Votes Cast — 405,101
Idaho Caucus Results 100% reporting
Bernie - 18,640 votes - 78.0% - Delegates - 17
Clinton - 5,065 votes - 21.2% - Delegates - 5
Other - 179 votes - 0.7% - Delegates - 0
Total Votes Cast - 23,884
Utah Caucus Results 82% reporting
Bernie - 52,185 votes - 79% - Delegates - 18
Clinton - 12,993 votes - 19.8% - Delegates - 5
Other - 327 votes - 0.5% - Delegates - 0
Total Votes Cast - 65,505
Bernie Sanders has vision, candor and courage
Seattle Times LTE — Seattle, Washington
Both The Seattle Times’ endorsement of Bernie Sanders and Danny Westneat’s column on Sanders’ religion as a “non-issue” refer to Sanders and his campaign as “refreshing.” The editorial board cites his authenticity, consistency and candor.
From my perspective, his campaign is much more valuable than that. People who are comfortable with their current situation — including establishment Democrats — seem to believe that continuation of the status quo is a perfectly acceptable option. It is not.
The number of people attracted to Donald Trump’s campaign, and the increasing violence at his events, is evidence we should not ignore. The fact is that millions of people in America are not comfortable. They’re barely getting by, looking at the impossibility of retirement but unable to find work, despairing and angry.
We need real change and a leader with the passion and conviction — as well as authenticity, consistency and candor — to help us create change in a positive, rather than destructive, way. Sanders is the only candidate for president who has those qualifications, along with demonstrated capacity for endless hard work and the ability to inspire people.
Westneat wrote that he didn’t think he could vote for a “pie-in-the-sky liberal.” But we need a big vision, which is not a pie-in-the-sky thing. It’s something that requires courage and a deep desire to make a difference for the good.
Minnesota Daily LTE — Univ. of Minnesota
Like former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, President Barack Obama took Wall Street money, and look what happened. How many of the bankers who ripped us off went to jail?
I have to agree with Senator Bernie Sanders, D-Vermont, that money corrupts. Under Sanders, there will be no such thing “too rich to jail.”
I also want to hear the $200,000-per-hour speech Clinton made to Goldman Sachs executives and investors. I feel like the super-rich people really ripped off everyone and got away with it, and I would like to know what Clinton is saying to them behind closed doors.
I can’t vote for someone who tells me one thing but is secretly selling us out in the back room. If Clinton has nothing to hide, then why is she hiding it from us?
Sanders a more compelling Democrat
Arizona Daily Sun LTE — Flagstaff, Arizona
This political year has turned out to be a humdinger. The mud is being slung, mined from the bottomless pit of Orcish ad hominem. One party in particular seems to have no rules on matters of fact, decorum, ethics, or Constitutional responsibility. But that is not the point of this letter. Rather, my expression of speech here, generously provided by the Daily Sun, has to do with the Democratic primary.
The Democrats are offering two choices: Sec. Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders, both of whom have enormous experience in government. Mrs. Clinton is perhaps the most highly qualified presidential candidate in the past 60 years – her credentials are a mile thick. On the other hand, Sen. Sanders has demonstrated 40 years of consistency in his political positions, particularly on matters related to fairness, safety, and security.
When asked questions, for instance, about human-caused climate change or the desirability of “fracking,” it should take no more than one word answers (yes and no, respectively). Issues such as this do not require equivocal or convoluted responses. Bernie expresses himself concisely and forcefully on such matters. It is for this reason I will be voting for him in the Arizona primary. HRC is unquestionably strong, patriotic, and honest, but Sen. Sanders (having no ties to big money) is more compelling in his message.
Vote for Sanders in New York primary
The Daily Star LTE — Oneonta, New York
I’m writing to support Bernie Sanders for president. I like his attitude. Though he didn’t beat Clinton in Tuesday’s primaries, he’s still determined to stay in the race. I appreciate what I heard him say this morning on the radio. Unfortunately I can’t remember his exact words but the gist of it was that the United States will not be judged by its number of billionaires but by the way it treats all of its citizens.
Some people are wary of Sanders because he’s a “socialist-democrat.” They may be thinking back to Germany in the 1940s. That is definitely not Sanders’ view of the role of government. His view is to really work to provide “liberty and justice for all.” He really believes what’s written on the Statue of Liberty — “Give me your tired, your poor…” Having experienced hard times, Sanders identifies with all people in our country regardless of religion, color or prior nationality. He is a real Democrat.
Curiously, Sanders’ viewpoint sounds a lot like that of Pope Francis, who has named 2016 the “Year of Mercy.”
The New York state primary will be coming up soon. I encourage New York Democrats to vote for Bernie Sanders.
Bernie Sanders is honest politician who deserves our support
Gazette Xtra LTE — Janesville, Wisconsin
Bernie Sanders is one of those rare honest people in national politics. Republican Ron Paul and Democrat Dennis Kucinich were the same way.
I’ll vote for Sanders in the primary because he’s the only major party candidate who speaks to the corruption of our political system. It would cost “we the taxpayers” far less for publicly funded elections than the cost of special interests owning the majority of politicians. Tax and spending policies, from the Pentagon to the pharmaceutical industry, reflect the ownership of our supposed democracy by the corporations.
Take it or leave it, that’s the fundamental issue that must change or we’ll continue on the bad path we’re on.
Sanders’ opponent, Hillary Clinton, crafted the Trans-Pacific Partnership as secretary of state. Now she says she’s against it. Secretary Clinton promoted fracking worldwide. I never vote Republican. Nor would I vote for Clinton. Her record is in sharp contrast to her rhetoric. Hillary is another corporate Democrat, like Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. She proudly opposes efficient single-payer national health care.
Hillary will never make public the transcripts of her speeches to Goldman Sachs. Hillary and Bill have racked up over $100 million in speaking fees. In Haiti, the Clinton Foundation took donations and turned them into business parks for sweatshops making cheap clothes.
Warmonger Hillary is no friend of either labor or the environment. Clinton considers patriot Edward Snowden a traitor. Unlike Clinton, Sanders sensibly advocates ending federal marijuana prohibition. Vote for Bernie.
Clinton negligent; grateful for Sanders
Port Townsend Leader LTE — Port Townsend, Washington
I know that during the Iraq/Afghanistan wars, depleted uranium weapons were used, leaving a legacy of cancer and birth defects to this day. Hillary Clinton voted for this war. She may not have known about depleted uranium use and its effects. If that is the case, she is extremely negligent.
As Obama’s secretary of state, she argued forcefully that Libya needed to be attacked. Libya, once the wealthiest country in Africa, is now a failed state that ISIS has taken over.
Hillary is closed hearted to the suffering of the great majority of Middle Eastern people. I am very grateful Bernie Sanders is running for president of the United States. I wholeheartedly support him.
Sanders campaign cancels Wyoming stops
Wyoming Tribune Eagle — Cheyenne, Wyoming
Updated 3:15 p.m. Tuesday, March 22: After announcing campaign stops in Wyoming for Wednesday, March 23, the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders cancelled those events in light of a forecast winter storm.
A spokesman for the campaign, David Shor, said the Sanders campaign was “doing everything they can to figure out another time to schedule it,” adding that Sanders’ goal is to make a campaign stop in the state prior to the county-level caucuses on April 9.
Former President Bill Clinton was also scheduled to be in Cheyenne Wednesday to campaign for his wife, Hillary Clinton. However, that event was also cancelled.
This story as it was originally published is below:
More at link
Peninsula Clarion LTE — Kenai, Alaska
Saturday, Alaskans will have an opportunity to support a presidential candidate who’ll probably come around only once in our lifetime.
Bernie Sanders believes that when we stand together and demand that this country work for all of us and not just the few, then we will transform America.
It breaks Bernie’s heart to see Americans holding car washes and bake sales and selling their possessions to finance life-saving medical care.
Bernie is sick of pointless wars — butchery that diminishes our nation in the eyes of the world and fiascos which only seem to benefit those who invest in defense industries. He’s outraged that while many American children go to bed hungry, the tables of the wealthy are sagging with food.
Most of all, Bernie is hell-bent on cleaning up our political system so that our elections really are elections, not auctions!
We may not always agree with Bernie but one thing is for sure — he’s honest, he’s passionate, he cares about us and he is nobody’s sock puppet.
Join us as we caucus for Bernie Sanders at the Challenger Learning Center, Saturday, March 26. If you are a registered Democrat, please arrive before 10 a.m. If you are willing to change your party affiliation to Democrat so that you can participate in the caucus, please arrive at 9:15 a.m. and we can assist you with that change.
It’s now or never, folks!

I love BNR
First thing I do after coffee is to check the BNR. Thanks for cross posting over here! I don't enjoy going to TOP. I wish the whole publication was here.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Me too! It's the one page I
Me too! It's the one page I try and load on my way to work in the morning - we don't get wifi in the warehouse because of security issues and the desktops are so old they still run Windows XP - not kidding.
I'm going to try my hand at the whole thing (still learning the ropes!), but I won't be able to post until after work, so the value will be somewhat dubious IMHO.
Love of power is a puppet string. - Makana, Fire is Ours
I think you have the same numbers for both Idaho and Utah.
And it looks like those are the same numbers for Arizona thaty CNN was showing since they started the night showing 71% in (I knew something was wrong).
"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me
Will check
I copied/pasted directly from LoneStarMike's comment, so it may be out of date or I may just have it wrong. I will look into it!
Love of power is a puppet string. - Makana, Fire is Ours
Mike had a typo; its corrected in a comment
Found it! Fixing it!
Found the discrepancy, I loaded BNR before the corrections had been posted, so I posted what I had (I formatted this over my lunch break). Am working on the corrections. Thanks for pointing it out!
Love of power is a puppet string. - Makana, Fire is Ours
Errors SHOULD be fixed now.
Please let me know if you see anything I missed!
Love of power is a puppet string. - Makana, Fire is Ours
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I've been hoping this would be crossposted! Both you and LD--fantastic work.
I loved Mike's work in the BNR and always asked him to do these as a separate diary - so glad to see you and your material here Mike!
Not Mike!
I am MCUBernieFan over at TOP, not Mike! But I remember Mike giving blanket permission to anyone who wanted to post the editorials as their own diary, and I needed to practice (because I want to do BNR over here too!) so here they are.
Love of power is a puppet string. - Makana, Fire is Ours
Good morning and thanks for cross posting here
Morning coffee and the BNR is a part of my routine.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon