287 New Snowden Docs !!?

Is this Pierre and Greenwald succumbing to pressure on the perceived as disingenuous Shuttering of the Snowden Archives?  Are they benign docs, or ones that truly are worthy of publishing after the fact?  Only four seem to have been reported on so far; readers will decide. 

Now may remember Micah Lee’s smears against Julian Assange on Twitter, including calling him a ‘rapist, liar, and ally to fascists’, and Elizabeth Vos’s ‘Et, Tu, Intercept? Smear Of Assange Murderously Timed’, Feb. 14, 2018:

“Less than 48 hours after a UK judge ruled against Julian Assange’s legal team in their efforts to free him from the Ecuadoran embassy, The Intercept published a disingenuous and sloppy character assassination against the Wikileaks Editor-In-Chief.

The timing of the article’s publication acted to brutally counter growing support for Assange that arose in the wake of a clearly unjust UK ruling. Essentially, the publication of the smear attempted to deflect attention from the revelation of corruption in the ongoing detention of Assange, and to assassinate his character in the process.

The Intercept’s decision to publish the article at such a time unfortunately serves to characterize the outlet as a servant of the same US deep state that The Intercept has gained a reputation for – at least in theory – opposing.

The serious errors contained in The Intercept’s [Micah Lee, Cora Currier, authors] character assassination of the Wikileaks co-founder were quickly dismantled earlier today by independent journalists including Suzie DawsonCaitlin Johnstone, HA Goodman and others. That Micah Lee, who has engaged in continual attacks against Assange on social media, would be allowed to contribute to an article of this kind represents a fundamental conflict of interest in the work, not to mention the factual inaccuracies and assumptions it makes without so much as pausing to take a breath.

The claims made in The Intercept’s hit piece regarding messages sent privately by Wikileaks’ Twitter account were disingenuous on multiple levels, beginning with the  assumption that Assange was the sole author of the texts. The inference is clearly stated in the article, destroying any shred of journalistic integrity that might be expected from a well-respected news outlet.”

The damning rest is here, and is made even more creepy by this Tweet today from Wikileaks concerning all that’s afoot for him in Belmarsh UK Gitmo.  And no, Micah, you weren’t the only Intercept journalist to smear him, just the rapiest one.  But on with the New Show!

Lee’s intro Tweet had been below this one by Glenn Greenwald:

Who knows but what Snowden might even have a copy?

Browse the Docs at ‘SID Today’ Archive at the Intercept.

Warning: the chaotically blinking colored lights in the header might simulate an epileptic seizure for some.  I clicked into the single-authored Russian Submarine story with a mere twenty comments, most not enchanted, and calling it more cold-war rubbish against Putin, or close to that.   A second one took four fearless investigative journalists to write.  But then, iirc, they’d ‘had to let go’ all the journalists searching the archives.

Below GGs Tweet are many illuminating subTweets; to see them, click the bolded Tweet’s url I’ve linked to the left.  But as to greater funds than TI, if Whitney Webb is correct, you receive $70,000 per article, and Scahill $40,000.  Where did Pierre’s $250,000 start-up money go?

(cross-posted from Café Babylon)

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Pluto's Republic's picture

Thanks, Wendy.

It's been depressing to realize that Snowden's archive was in the hands of Intercept. I loathe them. When challenged by the fortunes of history, they display the most selfish and medocre qualities that humanity has to offer. Reality Winner.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
wendy davis's picture

@Pluto's Republic

checked out the four new stories? i did finally look at the israel one, and the few comments were mainly a food fight over israel running US FP being anti-semitism or not.

did you perhaps read the detractors' subtweets? but in any even, you may get a boot of this. remember we'd been having a a bit of sport on amy goodman's behalf the other day, but as i was doing some bingling on the Intercept’s james risen and daniel hale, i'd come up this at DN!: Trump Steps up War on Whistleblowers: Air Force Vet Daniel Hale Arrested For Leaking Drone War Info, in which she interviews james risen of the intercept about daniel hale’s indictment (although i hadn’t known that scahill wrote The Book), shows DN! scahill clips from 2015, and yes, it's good story-telling, and both seem to empathize with hale, but i'm starting the video at about 18 minutes, cuz of the hilarity of goodman's Q : do you think the Trump administration’s targeting the Intercept to shut down your truth-telling?' (or close to that, it's been a few days.) and: it was Trump who’d leaked scahill's name!!! as if no one else had figured it out. my.stars.

hale is the third whistleblower that the Intercept's burned, and is facing 50 years, those bastards.


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Pluto's Republic's picture

@wendy davis

The writers at the Intercept are torn. The knife is cutting close. It's getting easy to see which journalists are CIA assets. The Intercept is an obvious classic. Betray and cover-up. Betray and cover-up. Convince readers that the First Amendment still works. Pretend to be a whistle blower. Take turns smearing the real whistle blowers.

At first I mourned the loss of most of our investigative journalists, who either disappeared or succumbed after the Russia Hoax was launched. But a majority of national journalists have been state propagandists or CIA assets since before WWII. The Russia Hoax was typical propaganda, but it was so flawed in so many places that many journalists had to duck out of the business. They dare not write about the obvious, which could have a devastating impact on their professional lives.

There is a ton of research on this and the FOIAs abound that reveal the fact that many of America's best writers (and visual artists) in the 20th century were CIA assets. Even congress confronted it. But which newspaper reported on it? The CIA mouthpiece itself, the New York Times — back in 1977 and not again since then.

There us great willingness among journalists to peddle CIA propaganda and cover-ups. Some do it unconsciously. One CIA operative infamously observed that they could get a journalist on board for a couple hundred dollars — cheaper than a good call girl.

In 1977 Watergate reporter Carl Bernstein wrote that CIA documents show, journalists were engaged to perform tasks for the CIA with the consent of the managements of America’s leading news organizations.

Among the executives who lent their cooperation to the Agency were [the heads of CBS, Time, the New York Times, the Louisville Courier Journal, and Copley News Service. Other organizations which cooperated with the CIA include [ABC, NBC, AP, UPI, Reuters], Hearst Newspapers, Scripps, Newsweek magazine, Miami Herald, the Saturday Evening Post, and New York Herald Tribune.

Bernstein wrote: "According to documents on file at CIA headquarters, more than 400 American journalists … in the past twenty-five years have secretly carried out assignments for the Central Intelligence Agency.

Today, those most knowledgeable about the subject say that Bernstein's figure of 400 American journalists is seriously on the low side …. An expert on propaganda testified during a trial that the CIA employs thousands of reporters and it also owns a number of media organizations. Bottom line: many prominent journalists report for the CIA. The crew at Intercept strike me as the poster children for such an arrangement.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
snoopydawg's picture

@Pluto's Republic

Susie Dawson exposes Q Anon. I admit that I followed Q for a year, but I kept my mind open to the possibility that it wasn't what it looked like. However I learned a lot of great things by following the articles on how Russia Gate started and on everyone who was involved with it.

Is This Intelligence Group Responsible For The Q Anon Conspiracy Theory?

The Q Anon saga has been without a doubt the most effective and fascinating conspiracy theory in recent history, incorporating many aspects of information warfare that have become commonplace since the political upheavals of 2016. The theory, which posits that a group of benevolent government insiders are waging a war against evil “deep state” plotters attempting to overthrow President Donald Trump, is a Frankenstein of various themes that have pervaded conspiracy circles in recent years. Although some such as Wikileaks have speculated that intelligence organizations invented the conspiracy and other media outlets have delved into the identities of the individuals who first promoted it online the wider responsible group was never investigated.

New research reveals that a loose network including an organization known as Joint Task Force – Make America Great Again (JTFMAGA) made up of intelligence whistleblowers, alternative media figures and individuals with a known history of virally spreading information online was most likely responsible for inventing “Q Anon.”

It's disappointing to hear that Binney and Drake were involved with this group. After Binney along with McGovern exposed the Russian hacking propaganda nonsense and then turned around and helped spread other propaganda is just mind boggling to me.

The NSA and DEA and I'm betting that the CIA are involved in making tv shows and movies. This isn't too surprising though is it. The military and pentagon are involved in making video games.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

wendy davis's picture


contentions that i'd question, but i'd quite reading as i admit being pretty disinterested in the whole Q anon thing. "targeting snowden?" gateway pundit is part of the group? the woman who writes there is an ardent fan of julian asange, although wsws had called it a 'right-wing site'. beats me.

but as to cia and fbi influencing teevee, of course: don't watch any, but there's a newish: Homeland Security, and any number of others. but films: in how many are 'the bad guys' enemies of the western hegeomon: russians,chinese, and radical islamists?

a former commenter at the café used to talk about jay dyer of jay's analyis: this is his CIA tab, fwiw. a lot of his stuff look interesting, but iirc, much of it is interviews, so i back out thru lack of time.

but nils melzer is out with his report, and kinda a but to me, as it turns out his visit with two docs was almost 3 weeks ago now: May 9. but i am glad that his extreme rendition to the US hearing has been postponed.

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Pluto's Republic's picture


...is disappointing, although I can't fully embrace voss' assertion singling out individuals in a group of mismatched ideologues. Their intentions in joining the short-lived group is still unclear to me It's a confusing time. Thanks for the link, though. Always good to read Voss.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
wendy davis's picture

@Pluto's Republic

but the 'possible' exposé was authored by w. craddick. i dunno, too many loose and hazy associations to me to weave into a whole thread of proof. and it was cassandra fairbanks at the gateway pundit, of course.

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wendy davis's picture

@Pluto's Republic

that' for certain. but then it would be, given Pierre's long-standing ties and financial support to CIA cut-outs such as USAID and NED. former cia agent philip agee had a lot to say about cia ops (i'm assuming his wiki is at least somewhat accurate), but i hadn't known this:

In 1982, the United States Congress passed the Intelligence Identities Protection Act (IIPA), legislation that seemed directly aimed at Agee's works. The law would later figure in the 2003 Valerie Plame affair.

there are tons of interviews with agee on youtube. thanks for the CIA Times archive, i reckon the only reason i could read some of it was because it's an archive.

but one can't believe that it's simply ideological that White Helmets maz hussain bought the evil psyop, and all the anti-assadist 'he gasses his own people', nor had the place hired maryam whozzit who called shi'a muslims 'dirty dogs', can one? or that they've collectively smeared julian assange while crying: 'love him or hate him: Freedom of the Press!'

in the same vein, this tweet from TI burned my toast: it's all about Trump, of course, and not assange! not one of them had offered him a bit of support until the spooky place called these Ds (gawd knows what the call said, then asked, as i hadn't clicked in):

whooosh to this:

The writers at the Intercept are torn. The knife is cutting close. It's getting easy to see which journalists are CIA assets. The Intercept is an obvious classic. Betray and cover-up. Betray and cover-up. Convince readers that the First Amendment still works. Pretend to be a whistle blower. Take turns smearing the real whistle blowers.

although i'm not sure which you'd imagine are cia assets, myself. i did love that it turns out erica chenoweth is cia, promoting non-violenct revolution, and now crowd-counts protests for the cia.

anyway, i need some toast for now; thank you.

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@wendy davis non violence is a CIA mainstay. Slavers fear most a violent slave uprising.

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wendy davis's picture

@Battle of Blair Mountain

cia involved in most astroturfed 'color color revolutions', disguised as 'civil insurgencies' from africom to 'our backyard', to syria, and on and on...i hear you.

but chenowith's 'myth of the radical insurgencies' or whatever (featured at at naked capitalism), i'd bought until another great site that's barely extant (close to 'manufactured consent') had deconstructed her putrid theory by adding all that she'd left out.

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wendy davis's picture

@Pluto's Republic

as well that we're taking GG's word at face value:

And multiple copies of the full archive exist around the world & will still be published:

to say that i've witnessed his mmmm...tenuous grasp on The Truth in the past, for one thing, but even if copies of the archives do exist around the world, how in blazes does he know they'll be published.

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wendy davis's picture

with all the caveats GG and poitras hadn't known in context back in the day or what.ev.er.

might be why wikileaks finally named 'afghanistan' that the nsa sig int was using to bomb 'our enemies'.

anyhoo, dunno if snoopy had even seen this i'd added to her thread, but while searching related twit accounts as t why the long-declared date of the US hearing to extradite assange (june 12) was said to be today:

tomorrow nils melzer, the UN special rapporteur on torture will say what he'd found when he'd been to belmarsh gitmo, what, ten days ago? sigh. julian apparently can't even talk coherently, and was moved to the prison hospital, but that sort of 'medical care' i'd deem suspicious at best.

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@wendy davis I've read a reporter who says she has a credible source say the CIA interrogators are usong drugs that have ruined his health.

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wendy davis's picture

@Battle of Blair Mountain
karen kwiatowski? i'd put up a thread on her contention, but it kinda went nowhere save: no one would put it past gina haspell and her acolytes. might you bring the link?

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