Ol' Gropey Joe is at it again

It’s Insane That We Have to Explain Why Biden is Gross

Let’s cut to the chase. Joe Biden’s behavior is inappropriate, offensive, and predatory. Many people reject this simple truth due to willful ignorance or a sense of male entitlement. For a disturbing portion of the country, this prevailing attitude is all they've known their entire lives. The prevailing attitude being of course that women and children dont have the right to set boundaries and demand sovereignty over their own bodies and personal space.

I realize this, and yet I will attempt to make my case in the hopes of reaching the previously unreachable. Even if it’s just one person, it would be well worth the effort. But I suspect the undertaking is almost as futile as trying to teach compassion or empathy. You either get it, or you don’t.

But I’m a masochist so here goes.

Let’s start with the basics:

Putting your hands on a woman without her express consent is assault.
Sniffing a woman or child’s neck and hair should be met with baseball bat justice.
Doing these things to a child should be met with a testicle-smashing lynch mob. Then baseball bat justice.
This is simply common sense to most people in 2019.

The rules regarding personal space hold true for everyone, including ex-Vice President Biden. Actually, this goes double for men in a position of power over the women and/or children he exploits under the pretense of affectionate friendliness.

Joe Biden sees absolutely nothing wrong with his actions, completely disregarding the discomfort and even trauma he causes with his Dirty Old Man antics. This is entirely unacceptable for any man, but to accept this behavior from a Vice-President and potential presidential nominee is a grievous indictment of our cultural mores.

And please, for the love of sanity, stop trying to minimize Biden’s inappropriateness by comparing him to the Pussy-Grabber-in-Chief. Just because Trump is a misogynist asshole doesn’t make Biden any less culpable for his own behavior.


Im seeing too many people defending ByeDone's actions just because they think that he would be better than Trump. He won't be because they work for the same people.

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WaterLily's picture

Just once, I wish one of these young girls would look Gropey Joe in the eye and say, "Get the fuck away from me."

On camera.

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number of years ago some right leaning politician in south/central America was being a pain in the ass (in spanish) and another politician said in spanish "Why don't you shut up?". Univision TV ran it in a loop for 30 seconds or so. I was amused.

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WaterLily's picture


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TheOtherMaven's picture


and the man who told him to sit down and shut up was then-King Juan Carlos of Spain. One head of state (with a fancy hat) to another (without a fancy hat).

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

thanatokephaloides's picture


To be specific, the "pain in the ass" was Hugo Chavez and the man who told him to sit down and shut up was then-King Juan Carlos of Spain. One head of state (with a fancy hat) to another (without a fancy hat).

The one in the fancy hat was only there because Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead....


(sorry, I couldn't help this one!) Smile

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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

it would still be fun to see Biden be curtly told off by someone 1/10th his age.

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thanatokephaloides's picture


Just once, I wish one of these young girls would look Gropey Joe in the eye and say, "Get the fuck away from me."

On camera.

"Get thee behind me!" would work even better, although Lucien Greaves might disagree.....


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

mimi's picture

they seduce everyone. Biden to play the well meaning uncle who has lost a feeling for what he does with his hands, and the imagined child who would tell him to get his hands back from her or him.

Nothing is done unconsciously anymore, as the presense of cameras is subconsciously known by all players involved in those scenarios. And the media uses the imagery each for their political intention and profitmaking click or viewer potential online or in TV.

Imho Bidens behavior is inappropriate. The kids are afraid to show their discomfort they feel over his 'loving and passionate' gentle hands-embraces. Biden has been informed now clearly enouhg that his inappropriate toucheritis has been noticed and judged as a 'no, no'. That he disguards that with jokes is the real bad thing. So, don't for vote Uncle Joe Toucheritus. Uncle Sam knows where to keep his hands. Uncle Joe thinks he is smarter than Uncle Sam, but he ain't.


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WoodsDweller's picture


here’s former vice president Joe Biden’s agenda for the holiday weekend, according to his campaign: “Joe Biden has no public events scheduled.” ... Those seven words are becoming familiar for the Biden team. Aside from a campaign swing right after announcing his candidacy, Biden has kept his head down while his rivals rush from state to state to state. Even when he has held public events, they have included only a handful of questions from voters or reporters. ... his schedule the past two weeks or so has mostly involved fundraisers ... Some Democratic strategists say Biden, 76, may be limiting his participation in freewheeling campaign sessions partly to play down the fact that he is older than the figure they may remember.

For many reasons: visible age, gaffs, Gropin' Joe, out-of-touch policy positions. His campaign rollout is his high water mark. If he doesn't drop out before Iowa, he'll drop out after he gets zero delegates.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

WaterLily's picture

@WoodsDweller I wonder if he carries hot sauce in his man-purse?

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he would get fired. Even female teachers are care about how young kids hug them, particularly when the child is short.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Because the fix is in. Hasn’t he been making jokes about his hansyness already? The only strategy they have is to keep him out of the public eye because, like HER, the more people see of him, the less they like him.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

for a Republican operative to set Biden up.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

Putting your hands on a woman without her express consent is assault.
Sniffing a woman or child’s neck and hair should be met with baseball bat justice.
Doing these things to a child should be met with a testicle-smashing lynch mob. Then baseball bat justice.
This is simply common sense to most people in 2019.

This is reactionary, near-totalitarian "fainting-couch feminism". Biden's not okay for any number of reasons, but neither is this - and we must not board or encourage a wayward bandwagon just because it's headed for someone we don't like this time.

There is nothing progressive about a sex-based double-standard, which this implicity states.

Sexism means treating males and females differently.

Feminism is NOT a progressive force in the 21st Century, as it assumes (it being right there in the name) the preservation of gender roles and identity, and opposes their destruction.
Gender = sexism. Gender politics were one of the few things that had been going WELL in the 21st-Century. All the rules were proving to be bullshit, the Chaos was glorious, anybody could be anything they wanted...then suddenly, FEMINISM!

I am pretty a hypersensitive fellow. I always have been. I am autistic, not a sexual creature, and a naturally ascetic personality to boot. I have been sexually harassed by a girl at least once, and that is/those are the only times such behavior has occurred, by anyone, to anyone, in my presence. It made me feel gross and not want to be around that person, but I've experienced MUCH worse.

I remember seeing a John Walsh PSA that repeatedly ran during my Saturday morning cartoons in the early 1990s about "sexual abuse" - of course, since it was directed at people who weren't supposed to even know what "sexual" really meant, he couched it in vague terms about "touching that doesn't make you happy, or even makes you feel afraid" or something to that tune.
Flash-forward to me meeting one of my aunts for the first time: She put her hands on my shoulders, and I matter-of-factly stated, "that's sexual abuse."

I was doing exactly what John Walsh told me to do: She was touching me, I didn't like it, therefore it was sexual abuse.

This was in a room full of people, my mother included (who explained the situation to both sides, but was as shocked as everyone else to hear what I said) - but it was in the lobby of a restaurant, i.e. in public. I don't think anyone beyond the bundle of family heard me, but can you imagine what might have happened if that occurred today, with camera-phones and the social media gossip-engine everywhere??? My aunt, who just wanted to lovingly greet her nephew she'd never met before, could have been LYNCHED (just as this article effectively said she should have been - or does it not count, because I'm a boy??? Boys are made of snips and snails and puppy-dog tails, you know...dirty, tough, untrustworthy, and expendable; God help them if they fail to be anything other than strong but malleable guardians).

I've lost track of the rest of what I was going to type. Am I getting my point across See the multiple problems here?

Joe Biden may be a naturally touchy person (which is not and should not be a crime, even if I don't like it - both extremes must be respected), or he may be an authentic predator (which I'm frankly skeptical of - Dennis Hastert was an authentic predator, but did he LOOK like one when the cameras were rolling? The appearance of guilt may, sickeningly, be the strongest evidence of innocence), but if his being favored by the Establishment manages to dash the Neo-Feminist Inquisition against the rocky coast of history, let that be a silver lining to his coronation - focus on bringing him and all the other MFISC-puppets down with the power of uncompromising truth and real Justice, and let them drag this particular facet of crypto-fascism down with him.

This simply shouldn't be a thing in 2019.

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

snoopydawg's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat

If you watch the video posted here and look at the others that you can find elsewhere you will see that he touches women and girls all the time. Look at the photos posted above and if you can't see how inappropriate he is then I'm not sure what to say. People have told him numerous times that his touching needs to stop and after the last time he got called out on it he offered an apology and said that he understands what people are saying to him. Then he joked about it the very next he did it and said that he got permission to touch the kid that he did. So it's obvious to most people that what he does is not acceptable. This is much different from your aunt putting her hands on your shoulders. Look at the pictures and hopefully you can see how this is different.

Joe Biden may be a naturally touchy person (which is not and should not be a crime, even if I don't like it

This shouldn't matter if you think it's not a crime. What Biden is doing is using his position to do whatever he wants whether it makes women and young girls uncomfortable. How many women who were there to be sworn in or were watching their spouses be would feel comfortable telling him to stop touching them?

This is reactionary, near-totalitarian "fainting-couch feminism

No it is not. This has nothing to do with feminism and I'm sorry if you don't see that.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@snoopydawg The problem I see is people talking about "women and girls" like they're Martians or something. They're not.

You, however, are apparently focusing on the Biden-specific side of this. That's fine, but they ARE two separate things. That part struck a nerve with me for reasons that are bigger than one politician, and I brought an objection to it I thought needed to be brought up. I believe this is partly you and I thinking on different wavelengths/focusing on different parts of the OP.

If Joe doesn't do the same thing to males (does he?), that of course is HIS sexism.

Like I said, I am exceptionally flesh-averse. I even suffer from misophonia - I don't even NEED to be touched to feel like I've been molested. One would think I should be a heart-and-soul member of this movement toward radical intolerance of physical contact. Do I get to administer "baseball-bat justice" to everyone who's ever touched me when I didn't like it? That would be a LOT of people who were never viewed as deserving of such before...and society has taught me that no matter how much discomfort it puts me in on a regular basis, I ought to put up with it because other people don't intend to be doing anything wrong.

What I see in the above photos, to be honest, is human physical contact. I don't like it, but it seems to me like normal humans not only do like it, but THEY get mad at YOU if you recoil and tell them to back off. Since you bring it up, I *don't* actually see the difference between those shots, and my aunt putting her arms on me, or any number of other times strangers have touched me in ways I didn't like. It would be one thing if he was touching their private parts/making them touch his, but it doesn't look like he is.

I'm not going to insist Biden's not a predator, maybe there's more I'm not seeing, but there's certainly enough reason to hate him without that, and we mustn't allow ourselves to be seduced by misguided social currents just because they briefly align with things we have prior cause to support/oppose.

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!