The Mother Conspiracy — Who Launched the Russia Hoax?

In recent months, a number of Inspectors have been quietly deployed to look into such matters as the abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which was fraudulently used against a presidential candidate in order to sabotage his campaign and/or presidency. The findings on this are expected sometime next month. To discover how how the Russia Hoax was initially launched, the Intelligence Community Inspector General, Michael Atkinson, has been looking into spying reports centered on Donald Trump that began in early 2016, long before FISA warrants were acquired in September of that year. The investigation looks at spying that was done by foreign intelligence services, including the UK, to skirt laws that bar US intelligence from spying on American citizens. Of particular interest are the damaging and manipulative intelligence leaks made to the media by US intelligence services, including the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA.

The Five Eyes Intelligence Agencies by Hieronymus Bosch

We are able to identify these apparent spying activities and leaks. Whether or not they will actually be investigated depends on whether the US is a functioning democracy or a totalitarian autocracy.

From intercepted messages, we know that FBI agent Peter Strzok believed that the CIA had been leaking to the media about the Trump campaign and suspicious ties to the Russians early on. In December 2016, he wrote to a confidant:

Think our sisters have begun leaking like mad. Scorned and worried and political, they’re kicking in to overdrive.

Strzok’s text messages and emails about these leaks were revealed this month (May 2019) by Republican Senators Ron Johnson, R-Wis. and Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa. They published a letter they wrote to Intelligence Community Inspector General, Michael Atkinson, pressing him to look into these “apparent leaks” and obvious collusions, as well.

Johnson and Grassley point to what they believed was “the FBI’s apparent awareness of leaks by other agencies or entities to the media. The senators also point to an April 2017 email from Strzok to other colleagues at the FBI in which he seemed to complain about the CIA being involved in the Trump-Russia investigation earlier than he’d initially believed and about them not being fully transparent with the FBI. “I’m beginning to think the agency got info a lot earlier than we thought and hasn’t shared it completely with us,” Strzok said. “Might explain all these weird / seemingly incorrect leads all these media folks have. Would also highlight agency as source of some of the leaks.”

A news article that Strzok was specifically concerned about was an April 2017 piece in the Guardian titled “British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia.” The article said, "Britain’s spy agencies played a crucial role in alerting their counterparts in Washington to contacts between members of Donald Trump’s campaign team and Russian intelligence operatives,” and that GCHQ, Britain’s leading intelligence agency, “first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious ‘interactions’ between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents.” The article also said that “over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians.” The Guardian report cites “a source close to UK intelligence,” which Strzok indicated was the CIA.


The Guardian report is likely a continuation of their profound mendacity throughout this entire period, and cannot be deemed credible. More likely, the leaks and misinformation were coming from John Brennan, a vocal critic of Trump, who was the CIA director at the time. Brennan reportedly pushed details from British ex-spy Christopher Steele's unverified dossier about Trump's ties to Russia. This spin appeared in an early version of the highly suspicious 2017 intelligence assessment on Russian interference. Brennan was then removed as CIA director, and his security clearance was later revoked.

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s two-year investigation concluded with scant evidence that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election through social media disinformation campaigns and "cyberattacks." However, his investigation could find no evidence of criminal collusion between the Russians and the Trump campaign — or between Russians and any other Americans. Mueller removed Strzok from the Russia investigation after his more political biased text messages and emails came to light. Strzok was later fired by the FBI.

In their letter to the intelligence community inspector general, Johnson and Grassley wrote, “These texts and emails [from Strzok] raise a number of serious questions and concerns.” The senators said they were “looking forward to the Justice Department Inspector Generals' forthcoming reports reviewing potential FISA abuses. They made the point that an investigation into the broader intelligence community is imperative.

These texts and emails demonstrate the need to investigate leaks from agencies or entities other than FBI,” Johnson and Grassley wrote. “Accordingly, has the Intelligence Community Office of the Inspector General initiated an investigation into these apparent leaks? If not, please explain why not.”

Meanwhile, there are increased calls from Republicans to “investigate the investigators.” Frankly, they don’t have to dig below the surface to see the corrupt and botched cover-ups that took place here. It’s all exposed in plain sight that the US just went through a failed coup attempt to sabotage a US Presidential election with lies and false accusations.

Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., has asked for the CIA, FBI, National Security Agency, and State Department to hand over investigative information about Maltese academic Joseph Mifsud, the man who told former Trump campaign adviser George Papadopoulos the Russians had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton. The Justice Department inspector general’s FISA abuse exploration is expected to wrap up in May or June. Attorney General William Barr has launched his own inquiry into the origins of the Trump-Russia investigation while saying that multiple criminal leak investigations are already underway.

People have been left with a vague insecurity about the election process in the US and no remedies. For participants in elections who are concerned about accurate vote counts, paper ballots are not enough and they don't come into play until it's too late. Professional election observers from around the world rely on exit polling, which allows them to spot fraudulent voting numbers when and where they are being generated.

Any voting system can be rigged. The counts can be reported wrong. Demand Independent Exit Polling at all strategic precinct locations to catch these inaccuracies.

Exit polling is the gold standard in election forensics. In recent years, some States have tried to discourage exit polling or ban it when it can. These people are the enemies of US elections, and not the Russians.

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Comey letting Hillary and her emails skate were clue number one someone was colluding, and it wasn't Trump. I really think this whole mess belongs to the Clintons and Barack Obama. Stealing the primary from Bernie was just the warm up. It would explain why he is so pissed at her for losing. With her in office, none of this would be a topic let alone a threat. With Trump and the GOP at the helm, the digging isn't going to stop.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Pluto's Republic's picture


...if anyone takes the fall, it will be Comey.

The FBI's former Assistant Director of Intelligence - Kevin R. Brock - wrote an Op-Ed today titled "James Comey is in trouble and he knows it."

James Comey’s planet is getting noticeably warmer. Attorney General William Barr’s emissions are the suspected cause.

Barr has made plain that he intends to examine carefully how and why Comey, as FBI director, decided that the bureau should investigate two presidential campaigns and if, in so doing, any rules or laws were broken.

Oh, right. Comey was investigating both presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

That is a problem, right there. Comey would be picking a winner for the nation.

Comey will claim that everything he did in the FBI was by the book. But after the investigations by Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz and U.S. Attorney John Huber, along with Barr’s promised examination, are completed, Comey’s mishandling of the FBI and legal processes likely will be fully exposed.

Ideally, Barr’s examination will aggregate information that addresses three primary streams.

  1. The first will be whether the investigations into both presidential nominees and the Trump campaign were adequately, in Barr’s words, “predicated.” This means he will examine whether there was sufficient justification under existing guidelines for the FBI to have started an investigation in the first place.
  2. The second will be whether Comey’s team obeyed long-established investigative guidelines while conducting the investigations and, specifically, if there was sufficient, truthful justification to lawfully conduct electronic surveillance of an American citizen.
  3. The third will be an examination of whether Comey was unduly influenced by political agendas emanating from the previous White House and its director of national intelligence, CIA director and attorney general. This, above all, is what’s causing the 360-degree head spins.

There are early indicators that troubling behaviors may have occurred in all three scenarios. Barr will want to zero in on a particular area of concern: the use by the FBI of confidential human sources, whether its own or those offered up by the then-CIA director.

So, who is he talking about? He is referring to James Clapper, Loretta Lynch, and most particularly James Brennan, the former CIA Director. A motley crew of Obama Administration miscreants if ever there was one.


The cast of characters leveraged by the FBI against the Trump campaign all appear to have their genesis as CIA sources (“assets,” in agency vernacular) shared at times with the FBI. From Stefan Halper and possibly Joseph Mifsud, to Christopher Steele, to Carter Page himself, and now a mysterious “government investigator” posing as Halper’s assistant and cited in The New York Times article, legitimate questions arise as to whether Comey was manipulated into furthering a CIA political operation more than an FBI counterintelligence case.

James Comey is right to be apprehensive. He himself ate away at the soul of the FBI, not in small bites but in dangerously large ones. It was a dinner for one, though: His actions are not indicative of the real FBI. The attorney general’s comprehensive examination is welcome and, if done honestly and dispassionately, it will protect future presidential candidates of both parties and redeem the valuable soul of the FBI.

Clearly, everybody is trying to cover for something. None of them are clean. But Comey is the dirtiest one of all. And ironically, he became the key martyr of Obstruction when Trump fired him for not coming clean about investigating something that never happened — like Russian collusion.

It's an intricate web of deceit.

Barr may very likely come out the winner.

The Dems are going to have a problem with this outcome.
They will never accept they were bamboozeled by Brennan about Russia, too.

Let's remember, too, that Comey set Assange up to be blocked from testifying about Russia's involvement.

So many co-conspirators.....

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Pluto's Republic

and I'm sure he's not dirtier than Brennan. But Brennan gets away with everything.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Alligator Ed's picture

began spying on him long before 2016, even 2015. This he has recently stated was because of GP's working relationship with Israel. His expertise is in energy development and he has worked on a deal with Israel and Cypress to develop Cypriot oil development and associated pipelines. Obama had no love for Israel and the Republican-controlled Congress at the time had Netanyahu address them without notifying the Empty Suit in advance.

Warning: conspiracy theory ahead

It seems entirely reasonable to believe BHO is a muslim:
1. His father was muslim
2. His stepfather was muslim
3. W. bin Talal paid for his American education.
4. His CIA director is muslim

I know, guilt by association is a possible logical fallacy--but sometimes true. Although forensic analyses of his Hawaiian birth certificate have shown overwrites and inconsistencies, does not prove he is a muslim. And what Church did he belong to in Chicago--one headed by Rev. Goddam America Wright, an "ex-muslim". Pictures show him next to Louis Farrakhan. Circumstantial. Yet how many coincidences does one need to make the case?

Obama famously derided the terrorist organization he helped create, ISIS, as "the J.V." enemy, which for some reason always escaped decimation in Syria while B. Hussein micromanaged the war. And this is the guy who never could bring himself to say "Radical Islamists".

Obama knew that Trump's son-in-law Jared was close to Netanyahu. It would surprise me if Jared and Ivanka were spied upon long before 2016. The FISA debacle revelations may yet disclose that BHO was spying on Jared long before 2016.

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@Alligator Ed As for ct, I read somewhere within the past few weeks that the term "conspiracy theory" is a term coined by the CIA to discredit and shame skeptics of the official story. I doubt I could trace back to the source.
Whereas I once thought of it in the realm of right wing nut jobs, I think it is high time lefties risk the criticism, question, look at the facts, come up with their theories.
I was unaware of (2), (3), or (4) on your list.
I want to say, hmm.... makes you wonder, doesn't it.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

@on the cusp
(4) in particular makes me think that the Mideast wars were about using the US military as cat's paws in internal Muslim power struggles.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@Alligator Ed First of all, your 'evidence' is flimsier than Marylin Monroe's skirt. You can connect me to numerous Catholics in many ways and on many levels, none of that makes me one (as my repeat rejection from the Jesuit high school I wanted to go to because I had friends who were would demonstrate).

Second, as Colin Powell (the one and only member of the Bush Regime I'd remotely consider forgiving) so succinctly put it, so what if he were?

How could ibn Saud and Yunus both be Muslims?
How could Hitler and Tolkien both be Catholics?
How could Bush and King both be Protestants?
How could Mao and Camus both be Communists?
How could Steinem and Paglia both be feminists?
How could Foucault and Chomsky both be leftists?
How could Trump and Lincoln both be Republicans?

Because the whole concept of marching under banners is a deception-weaving crock of shit, that's why - and deriving meaning from pointing at those banners might be the only thing that's even worse.

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Bob In Portland's picture

@The Liberal Moonbat religious.

If I recall correctly, Obama's stepfather, Lolo Soetoro, was close to General Suharto, who overthrew Sukarno, a long-time thorn in the CIA's paw. Following the coup there were mass slaughters of Indonesians hinted to be communist. The murderous rage became in a very large part racial, targeting ethnic Chinese. The coup consolidated the CIA's power there, which helped to protect US investments.

Despite Obama's description of what a nice guy his step-father was, being a part of a murderous genocidal administration seems to offer an alternate view. Sort of like saying that being on Allende's staff could be excused because your step-father had nice table manners.

If we could step back, there were other interesting cases of the CIA sending female agents overseas in the fifties and sixties. Lee Harvey Oswald's aunt, ostensibly a school teacher, did a lot of world traveling. Long before she became a feminist Gloria Steinem traveled overseas, observing. After that Steinem worked for the CIA running a propaganda shop at an International Students Festival and additionally sent reports back to what I would describe as Deep State figures.

A few years later, after Steinem wrote about being a Playboy bunny memos started circulating in the FBI and CIA about using the feminist movement to divide the Black power and anti-war movements.

The point being that the CIA has long used women agents overseas for various purposes. Obama is not a Muslim. In fact, most world leaders who are identified by their religions aren't most aligned to religions but to the ruling class. And the ruling class has always used religion to control the masses. Pharaohs were gods, European kings and emperors started wars justified by God. Even presidents throw in a line about the "grace of God" before bombing the crap out of somewhere. It's a thing. Even the House of Saud, supposedly the most devout group of Salafists in the world, actually weren't particularly happy housing numbers of the Muslim Brotherhood in Saudi Arabia proper, but found them useful as terrorist bombers, soldiers of fortune as the Mujahadeen, al Qaeda, ISIS and numerous other uses.

Would you define Mafia godfathers from their Catholic faith? Would Dubya be best defined as a Methodist? I'd suggest that George W's father's and grandfather's connections to secret societies, treasonous Wall Streeters and eventually the CIA all are the more important ways of examining the motives in his mind, in their minds.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@Alligator Ed

role in Obama's thinking or decisions?

I know none of us knows what goes on in his head, but he seems like a realpolitik sort to me.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

Alligator Ed's picture

@Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal but he mentally/ideologically aligned with the jihadist mindset. Obama did not advance real American interests at home. Name one. Where was his condemnation of police violence against unarmed, mostly minority citizens? Where was his dedication to social welfare when he invented his phony "grand bargain"? Where was his concern for healthcare reform as opposed to promoting insurance company welfare enacted into the ACA? Where was his peaceful transition of power when Trump won? Where was his "compassionate foreign policy, consisting of initiating a totally disreputable war in Syria? Where was his morality and ethics when he abetted Killary in destroying Libya?

In fact, Obama by his actions fanned the flames of jihadist hatred by his illegal regime change wars. He knew what he was doing (or not doing) but only cared about legacy and money. Please show me my errors in this comment.

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snoopydawg's picture

Both articles are worth reading. I was going to essay them, but I don't have the energy. But it sure seems that the truth is coming out about how the Obama administration along with Hillary's campaign and with full blessings from the democrats tried to entrap people from Trump's campaign and say that he was a Russian asset. If they lied about that then what else did they lie about? That Russia interfered with the election so much that it cost Hillary the win? How? Mostly we here that some company with close ties to Vlad placed some ads on Facebook and after 12 Russian generals hacked the DNC they sent them to Assange who then released them. If this is all it takes to upset an election Israel should take notes. No more spending millions on the candidates of their choice.

Steele's stunning pre-FISA confession: Informant needed to air Trump dirt before election

This article also shows how the US and British intelligence agencies tried to entrap Trump and members of his team as an agent of Russia.

How US and Foreign Intel Agencies Interfered in a US Election

The preponderance of evidence makes this very simple–there was a broad, coordinated effort by the Obama Administration, with the help of foreign governments, to target Donald Trump and paint him as a stooge of Russia.

How so many people can believe that Trump is doing Vlad's bidding is just beyond my comprehension. That the republicans or the democrats would just sit back while Mueller took his time investigating it is beyond stupid,

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

Pluto's Republic's picture


...and stop pandering to the Neocon's obsession with Empire, they cannot get rid of Trump. Their plans continuously fall apart because they are not rooted in reality. They've been misguided by the lies of intelligence community. Misinformed by the media. For two years they've been distracted and betrayed by Mueller's empty investigation. They've been weakened and confused by conforming to the corrupt elements in their Party. They are now convinced that AG Barr is their enemy, but watch this fall apart. By the end of May, Barr will own the narrative.

Clutching this cold-war phantom (that haunts their minds) and refusing to see the world as it is, blinds them to the real crimes and compromises the nation is engaged in. They are unconsciously collaborating with decadence and evil. They have done nothing to reform the corruption in the Party. They are outer-directed, uncritically reactive, and conforming. They trample the boundaries of their own morality, cheering on wars and war criminals in their midst. It's been a sorry thing to watch.

If the Democrats can impeach the President for a real crime — one that was actually committed — they should probably act before the election. This long, slow, false-flag catastrophe we've endured since 2016 bodes poorly for the Party. The Left and the Centrists can no longer share one Party and they will never come together or unify around a platform. The Left — the People, Populists, Laborers, and Workers — need to occupy their own political space, where they can negotiate as a coalition on behalf of a better society. The urgency of Big Change is already upon us; in ten years the political landscape will be transformed.

Because we are lagging behind where we should be, and competing politically where we shouldn't be, the Republicans may win another term in 2020. The Left cannot come together behind a Neoliberal candidate and the Party bosses willl not permit a Left or Socialist candidate. Hatred toward Trump is not enough to unite us, and that kind of thinking returns us to "more of the same" and continued "social decay." Time spent uncommitted to building the New People's Party is time wasted. Things are pretty clear when you are this close to the finish line.

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Alligator Ed's picture

@Pluto's Republic

They are outer-directed, uncritically reactive, and conforming. They trample the boundaries of their own morality, cheering on wars and war criminals in their midst. It's been a sorry thing to watch.

This also applies to most Republicans, with possible exception of Libertarians like Rand Paul.

There is no doubt in my mind that the inherent schism between the left of the left-center Dims will split away from the existing party establishment. This will especially prove true when the Clintonites steal another primary from Bernie. Absent that, the already visible dichotomy in the two Dim factions cannot but speed this disintegration of their party. Time waits for no one, including politicians. The
Dems failed to perform a long overdue political autopsy to their now-evident peril. The forthcoming
Trump landslide will immolate the sick beast known as the Democrat party. No residue will remain
upon which to perform an autopsy.

P.S. Joe Biden? Seriously. Not only is this conniving bastard a sniff-and-touch creep, but also an admittedly corrupt one. He threatened Ukraine with blocking a $1B loan guarantee unless the Hunter Biden/Borisma investigation was stopped. And Biden boasted about doing so.

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@Alligator Ed

Trump landslide will immolate the sick beast known as the Democrat party. No residue will remain upon which to perform an autopsy.

Like the Whig Party. I only hope the DSA doesn't go away like the Free Silver Party or the People's Party.

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I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture


to rest long since. To say nothing of the Trump administration's attitude toward Iran.

Putin puppet? While he attacks Russia's client states?

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

wendy davis's picture

and some of the comments cause me to wonder whether these tweets from judicial watch have any current value to your discussion. but, here they are in any event; maybe the dates signify that they're just history or worthless.

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

@wendy davis

on Weiner's laptop--after the first Weiner scandal!

I know Huma and Hillary go together like a horse and carriage, but how her husband got trusted with that data is beyond me. It shows a carelessness that kind of astounds me, though, after Clinton left that server of hers without a password for six weeks, nothing should astound me.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver

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mimi's picture

that this mother of conspiracy will be a thing of the past and buried on nice graveyard stone:
Here lies the mother of all conspiracies.

Right or wrong?

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TheOtherMaven's picture


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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

EdMass's picture

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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

wendy davis's picture

anwwering my Q, pluto.

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wendy davis's picture

@wendy davis

snoopy dawg had explained them to me on another thread (to the degree that i could understand the overall picture).

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Cant Stop the Macedonian Signal's picture

I always assume that those close to, or holding, actual power tend to be out of the public eye more than in. Like George H. W. Bush, Brennan is one of the public figures who resides pretty close to actual power. That's just my conclusion, based on the places he turns up, the jobs he holds, when he exercises his influence and how.

Nasty fellow. Right up there with Stanley McChrystal.

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"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha

"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver