How to make Trump Officials Obey Subpoenas
1) Day 0: Any Congressional Committee sends the current senior executive of any federal department or agency a polite request for documents and testimony at a time of mutual convenience. The deadline to make arrangements is 2 weeks from the date of the offer for a meeting within an additional 2 weeks.
2) 2 weeks: Subject [the senior executive of the federal department or agency] refuses to arrange a meeting. The Congressional Committee votes to issue a Subpoena for a date no more than 1 week later.
3) 3 weeks: Subject refuses to obey the Subpoena. The Congressional Committee votes to hold the subject in Criminal Contempt of Congress and makes a Criminal Referral to the Justice Department. The Congressional Committee votes to issue a new Subpoena for 1 week later for a "Show Cause" hearing on why Congress should not hold the Subject in Inherent Contempt.
4) 4 weeks: Subject refuses to obey the Subpoena and the Justice Department does not enforce the Criminal Contempt finding. The full Congress votes to hold the subject in Inherent Contempt of Congress and directs the Sergeant at Arms to arrest the Subject at home or at work or wherever he may be found and to bring him [in Full Shackles and Leg Irons] before the Committee. The Subject is "Perp Walked" before the Press around the Congressional Office Building and into the Hearing Room.
5) 4 weeks + 1 day: Subject still refuses to obey the Subpoena. The Full Congress holds a trial and Subject is convicted of Inherent Contempt of Congress. Subject is sentenced to be jailed until he complies or until 1 year after the end of the Trump Administration, Subject is locked up in a 6'x8' cell in the basement of the Congressional Office Building.
6) 5 weeks: Subject is brought before the Committee and asked to fully comply and give ALL of the information requested by the subpoena. Subject refuses and the Committee informs subject that he will spend the next 90 days in jail before her will have another chance to comply and be released.
7) 5 weeks + 1 day: The Congressional Committee votes to issue a Subpoena to the next person in the chain of command for a date no more than 1 week later.
8) The entire sequence [step 2-7] repeats, every 4 weeks, until someone complies or until every executive in the federal department or agency is locked up in a cell.
9) 18 weeks: The first subject is brought back before the Committee and asked to fully comply and give ALL of the information requested by the subpoena. Subject refuses and the Committee informs subject that he will spend the next year in jail before he will have another chance to comply and be released.
10) Someone complies with the subpoena. ALL other executives of the subpoena'ed federal department or agency remain in jail until their sentence has been completed. Complying with the subpoena and being released is strictly "First Come - First Served". There is no second chance.
With the Attorney General, we are already at step #3. Do you think we will make it to step #7 ?

wake me up if you are at step 8 /nt
Ask Jerry Nadler...
At Step 9, Halliburton is awarded the contract to
In order for this to work
the Democrats in Congress would need to have both the desire and the cojones to get it done. With very few exceptions (none of whom are in charge), they have neither.
Nancy Pelosi is currently warning the Dem party that they need to tiptoe along the center line and not rock any boats in order to have any chance of beating Trump in the 2020 election.
The Dems are still "keeping their powder dry", same as they were doing 10+ years ago. You don't win any battles by keeping your powder dry. Heck, you're not even engaging in any battles, much less winning. Presumably, winning is what you want. Of course, I guess that depends on what it is that you do want.
From what the Dem establishment politicos and the mainstream news media are saying ad infinitum in a state of hysteria, the USA is at present being run by the Kremlin.
If that were really true, and if they really believed that it's true, you'd think they would be "battle stations, all hands on deck" in crisis mode to rectify the situation. But they're not.
That should tell us something about what they actually want, and about what's really true (or at least, about what's not true).
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Hung on the White House lawn at dawn.
Obama proved that the billionaire ruling class are exempt from all laws. I don't believe anyone in this administration will go to jail. Club Fed for 4 years doesn't count.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Step 9a:
The original subject “accidentally trips” while being
escortedperp-walked back down the many flight of stairs to their cell while wearing the usual shackles and irons, and resuscitation efforts fail. Oopsie. Shuckydurn.It costs money to feed them, too. Perhaps their meal sizes should be downscaled proportionally to the number of weeks they’ve wasted.
The rule of law has been pretty much abandoned for us little folk. I’d like to see the shit get real for some of these suits.
Great suggestion:
If we were to factor in the intellectual stage of development most of these chumps demonstrate, they should be given McDonald kiddie meals--but not the toys.
Oh gator,
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Couldn’t care less about Contempt Theater
The real question to me is how do you get Pelosi’s minions to pass legislation that benefits the 99%? There’s so much that needs to be addressed: climate change, living wage, Medicare for All, tuition-free college, poverty, homelessness, our crumbling infrastructure, and so on. Why are they wasting time on this Russia BS now that we all know it’s a hoax?
"Please clap." -- Jeb Bush
It's all they've got that won't derail the gravy train,
so expect them to keep beating that fossilized equine until there are no two atoms holding together.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
Busy work?
Back in school, teachers (edit)
refereedreferred to it as "busy work". It usually consisted of handwritten pages from text books or something written on the board that had to be written repeatedly on paper. One teacher actually used to have a student go get him donuts and coffee from a local shop, and another erase the board. He'd point to the blank board and say, "That's your assignment. Now do it quietly."Of course, the difference here is that the idiot Ds are choosing their own pointless busy work. At least I think they are.
It also keeps eyes off of what all the bad acting Ds, associated with the whole hoax, actually did to perpetuate the damn thing in the first place. SQUIRREL!
great post, thanks.
you certainly must know there's a #ReleasetheFullReport on twitter. ; )
will there be one to mnuchin to give trump's tax returns to congress? another constitutional crisis, from what i'm hearing.
you all might enjoy craig murray's 'The Real Muellergate Scandal', 9 May, 2019 he opens:
Murray's peice is an excellent, albiet particial, summary of
the farcical nature of the Mueller Report. He made every conceivable effort to find a collusion and failed.
Barr & the IG are now digging into the actions of the FBI, CIA, NSA, &...Obama? that precipitated this mess. The Dems are in complete freak-out mode trying to change the subject.
Nader has demanded everything;something he knows can not be produced, physically or legally.
Your scenario is as unlikely as the original Russia Hoax.
chuck utzman
TULSI 2020