Fox News Crowd CHEERING LOUDLY at Bernie's Town Hall, For Gov't-Run Healthcare, Taxing the Rich, Protecting SS, etc.
I ain't got much to say here. Just perusing Twitter and #BernieTownHall is trending, though obviously being overshadowed by the Notre Dame fire.
And while I don't believe much in electoral politics the message here, the evidence that the divide and conquer bullshit isn't as effective as we've been led to believe, the fact that when asked people on the Right do want many of the same things we want - are all something to behold.
We all know that here. But to actually witness that is always a good reminder, and goes a long way to dissolving the manufactured divisions that the corporate media manipulates.
And we all know what happened when he went to WV for a town hall that MSNBC hosted. Here's videos of coal miners thanking him for fighting for them, him consoling an overworked woman whose friends have died, converting propagandized folk into believers in socialist ideas.
Here's some clips and commentary about Bernie's Fox town hall tonight:
Should we raise the minimum wage to a living wage? Yes!
Should we rebuild our crumbling infrastructure? Yes!
Should we ensure veterans get health care they earned? Yes!
Should we protect Social Security and Medicare? Yes!A majority of the American people agree. #BernieTownHall
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) April 16, 2019
Raise your hand if you're sick and tired of your private health insurance company. We need Medicare for All. #BernieTownHall
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) April 15, 2019
Cheering wildly when he exposes Trump for being a fraud on taxes:
.@BernieSanders calls out Fox for not asking Trump what his tax rate is #BernieTownHall
— People for Bernie (@People4Bernie) April 15, 2019
People. Fucking. Hate. Insurance. Companies.
That backfired... #BernieTownHall
— DSA for Medicare for All (@dsam4a) April 15, 2019
Democratic socialism is about creating a government and economy that work for all Americans, not just the top 1%. #BernieTownHall
— Bernie Sanders (@BernieSanders) April 15, 2019
.@BernieSanders closing statement at #BernieTownHall on @FoxNews
— People for Bernie (@People4Bernie) April 15, 2019
If you think Bernie isn't doing WORK converting some right leaning fence sitters watching this Fox News town hall you're delusional. Even if it's just 5% of the audience at home it's worth it. This is why you engage instead of shame! #BernieTownHall
— Secular Talk (@KyleKulinski) April 15, 2019
"It is not anti Semitic to be critical of a right-wing government in Israel." - @BernieSanders #BernieTownHall
— Briahna Joy Gray (@briebriejoy) April 15, 2019
.@BretBaier "Your plan calls for significant cuts in the military"
*audience cheers*#BernieTownHall
— People for Bernie (@People4Bernie) April 15, 2019
.@BernieSanders "CHECK OUT WHO FUNDS THE THINK TANKS" #BernieTownHall
— People for Bernie (@People4Bernie) April 15, 2019

Hmmm ...
That is what I was thinking. Fox certainly knows how to stack an event like this. How could they possibly have failed to vet the audience members? On the other hand we saw an interview a couple of weeks ago with an "average Joe" in a greasy spoon somewhere in the rust belt who was all on board for (I think it was) Medicare for All.
Maybe their screens are faulty. They are making the mistake of screening for labels (are you a Republican? are you a conservative? did you vote for Trump?) and are themselves so ideologically blinded that they don't realize that even people who self-describe with all those labels still want New Deal policies?
Maybe they have an agenda. Visibly TRY but clearly FAIL to discredit Sanders, to set Sanders up as the Democratic candidate with the idea that Trump will easily beat him.
Stupid or evil? That's always the question.
In this case I'm coming up with "stupid or stupid".
"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone
Stupid or stupid? A hard choice.
I thought Fox was trying to embarrass and force Trump out of the primaries. Did they ever miscalculate who was in the audience and how Kelly's question would fly with that crowd. I think that question and crowd response instantly made Trump the front runner.
Conclusion: FOX viewers are not the enemy.
When it comes to money, I bet a lot of, or even most, FOX viewers are also part of the 99%.
If we were as smart (or as “woke”) as we like to think, we would realize that, if we’re going to categorize people by the news channel they watch, it’s the wealthy speculators who watch Bloomberg who are the enemy.