Aisha Dew Surrogate Posts Defense at Daily Kos (UPDATED)
UPDATE: It seems that Noah Cartageno took down his post at the GOS while I was composing this response. Mea culpa. I wish I had copied the entire diary. It was very nasty toward anyone and everyone in the Sanders' campaign other than Aisha Dew. But all that is left of it are the couple of fair use excerpts I've shown here.
* * * * * * *
Please take a moment to read what Noah Cartagena has to say in defense of Aisha Dew. Here are some excerpts:
... I would like to go ahead and put [claims Aisha Dew may have been working for the DNC and/or HRC] down as not just partially false, but as complete fiction. There is nothing even remotely true about Aisha Dew intentionally throwing the election in North Carolina.
[W]ith the exception of maybe one person (who I will leave unnamed for his/her own safety—yeah guys, you have successfully made some of us fear for our own safety, so congratulations) I was with Aisha Dew more than anybody in this Primary season in NC. She worked 90-100 hours a week alongside me, and she sacrificed a lot to do what she could for NC. She was always stressing about the numbers because nobody could figure out why we had an average 92% flake rate (not lying here, 92% of any of you who signed up to volunteer ended up not doing your part and ultimately failing yourselves).
So, all you Bernie Sanders volunteers, who knew that 92% of you were flakes and failures? You guys were the ones who all by your lonesome screwed the pooch for Bernie in North carolina. I didn't know this. Quite the damning accusation. But let's hear what Mr. Cartagena has to say for himself ... er, I mean has to say in Aisha Dew's defense, since she isn't talking, at least to my knowledge:
... Someone [pretended] to be Rev. Barber. Someone did call from our national team to take our events down. But, of all the people involved, two people kept faith more than anyone else: Aisha Dew and the unnamed person from earlier. We had already rented busses so we changed the event to become a day of action and then headed to Raleigh to canvass.
Okay then. An imposter pretending to be Rev. Barber called someone (a person Mr. Cartagena fails to name, unfortunately) and it was someone from Bernie's "national team" who called to order Aisha Dew to take all the events regarding the HKonJ People's Assembly Coalition led by Rev. Barber. Except Mr. Cartagena does not provide any supporting documentation for this claim. He doesn't name names, he doesn't provide us with emails where Aisha Dew communicated that she was not the one who decided to cancel HKonJ events and cancel transport for NC volunteers who were looking forward to marching with Rev. Barber. He just makes bald assertions.
Here is my response to Noah Cartagena.
# # #
Let me get this straight. First the volunteers in North Carolina were 92% flakes? It was all their fault for any problems the campaign had winning in North Carolina? Are you really sure you want to go there?
Second, from what you understand, Bernie’s national team cancelled the event after after speaking someone posing as an imposter for Rev. Barber? You know this how, exactly? Did you speak to the “imposter?” And how do you know someone from Bernie’s national HQ told Aisha to cancel the event with Rev. Barber? Do you have any documentation that someone from Bernie’s National HQ sent this order? Do you have the name of the person who called Aisha from Bernie’s “national team?” And if you do not know this directly, who told you?
Because I have seen the email Aisha sent out on February 11th. I received it from several people to whom it was sent and I made a screenshot of it. Here is what it says:
Aisha Dew Thu, Feb 11, 2016 at 8:31 AM
To: Altriese [last name deleted] , Patric [last name deleted] , Noah Cartagena , Noah Cartagena , Sara [last name deleted] [email addresses deleted for protection those who received it; Noah is listed twice as the email was sent to two separate email accounts for him.]
Cc: [Other recipients were known volunteers and their names are deleted to protect their identity]Hello All:
Please take down all HK on J events from social media. Rev. Barber does not want us to attend the event. He asked us to take the event down off of all social media.
We are still going to do something.
Stay tuned!!
Do you have an email that shows she said it was not her decision, but came from higher up? Because the email I saw (the text of which I placed in quotes above) does not say one word about anyone from Bernie’s national team calling to make her do this. So please, provide documentation to support your claim.
In addition, the NC volunteers I have spoken to about this matter never mentioned that she said anything to them about the “national team” giving the order to cancel HKonJ events. Why wouldn’t she want them to know it was not her decision? A lot of them were certainly confused by the decision and the cancellation of bus transport to Rev. Barber’s event.
Oh, and regarding the subject of Aisha Dew and her loyalty to Bernie, can you please explain this tweet from Aisha during the Democratic Debate in November?
@HillaryClinton enters the room. It's electric! #FirstInTheSouth
— Aisha O. Dew (@AishaDew) November 7, 2015
How did she get a ticket to a DNC sponsored event where all the tickets were gone five minutes after they became available online, anyway? Lucky I guess. And please explain this selfie with Debbie Wasserman Schultz on the Winthrop University Campus where the debate was held.
I assume you know that Bernie has not been a favorite of DWS, to put it mildly.
These are all matters that raise suspicions about Aisha Dew’s true loyalties when she took the job to be the State Director for Bernie Sander’s North Carolina Campaign. There are other possible conflicts of interest, as well. Aisha’s consulting firm, The Dew Group, was working for at least two other state campaigns while she was Bernie’s State Director in North Carolina. This leads to a concern about whether her focus was solely on working for Bernie, and also whether the other candidates for whom she was working were Hillary supporters or endorsers. Further investigation on that is required. Obviously, if she was working for campaigns that supported Clinton that would raise conflict of interest issues.
Of course, there is one person and only one person who can clear these matters up. Her name is Aisha Dew. Aisha can fix all of this by coming forward to defend herself and answer these questions. She is the one who should provide the evidence to show that it was primarily the fault of actions by volunteers and Bernie’s national staff that caused the mishaps and blunders that hurt the North Carolina campaign, rather than her. Only she can provide credible evidence showing that, despite signs she was very enthusiastic about Hillary and chummy with Debbie Wasserman Schultz back in November 2015, once she took the job with the Sanders’ campaign, her loyalty was solely to him.
Maybe she has good answers to the questions her actions raise, before and after she became Bernie's NC state director. Maybe the problem was the conflict with merging a grassroots volunteer organized campaign model with a top down traditional model. Maybe that had something to do with why so many volunteers have told me they felt abandoned and dismissed and often ignored by Aisha. But those are matters that she should address, and I'd like to hear them from her, not someone who posts a lot of accusations without providing anything to back them up. She is, after all, an adult and a veteran political campaign worker and consultant. She is in a far better position to defend her record as the NC State Director for the Sanders’ campaign than anyone else.
So, why are you here as her surrogate? What was your position with the NC campaign anyway? Why isn’t Aisha standing up for herself? Why does she need you to do that for her?
# # #
I cannot wait to hear his response.

Yeah. Someone pretending to be Barber called national,
And national just acquiesced. They need to come up with a more plausible story than this.
Thanks again
I appreciate your research and reporting. Double speak anyone?
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I wonder, just how many times
I wonder, just how many times this sort of monkey wrench might have been applied to other states where he showed decent numbers, yet got beaten?
So long, and thanks for all the fish
We had a crap state director
Seems nice enough as a person -I like him as a human- but to a person, those volunteering and working for the campaign were less than impressed from what I could ascertain, and felt he was ineffective. I'm not privy to much, but no one I've asked can state what he, himself, accomplished. Disappointing. But take my comments with a spoonful of salt b/c I find Tad less than impressive as well.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
saw that defense by Noah Cartagena - don't think he did Dew or himself any favors there. His career as an operative may be very short lived.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
May never have really gotten started
We find this guy who's an UNC-Charlotte student and self-proclaimed Bernie volunteer, who presumably the person we're talking about. Unless somebody else is using his name over there. Maybe he was working closely with Aisha Dew, and maybe he wanted to defend her without really knowing how. But there are some tantalizing clues here pointing to ratfucking, and I'm very grateful Steven D is on the case.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Completely agree
Steven D is doing sterling work on this.
I got the impression that he was a professional from a different link - which of course I can't find for the life of me now. Looking at the LinkedIn profile he was probably guilty of little more than overenthusiastic loyalty.
Tantalizing is the perfect description and if I were a betting man I'd go 70 -30 in favor of ratfucking in this specific case.
“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire
No he didn't do himself favors
and both he and Hilary supporters wanted detailed proof, scans of email, names, etc., although their attitudes were that they wouldn't care anyway, but his surrogate rebuttal purposely leaves out one important name and there is no detailed proof, scans of emails, etc., on his part. Frankly, at this point I feel Aisha was on the Hilary payroll because of her silence. If I was a true Bernie supporter, I would have been screaming my defense at the top of my lungs from the first day this news hit. They will do just like the Republicans and ignore the situation and hope we will go away. I'm giving them their wish and will be going away from the Democratic Party, even though I have voted Democrat my whole life. I was so happy to find Daily Kos in the beginning and it gave me back some of my optimism that we could change things, but now, especially after reading how the Arizona voting fiasco is being viewed by most Hilary supporters, I see that my vote really doesn't matter to the Democratic Party either. So why vote anymore? I'm so happy for this website, but the feeling that I've been kicked in the gut still persists.
Beat Trump with Bernie!
Giving up is EXACTLY what they want you to do.
Don't give them what they want!
In other words... Nothing to see here!
A lot of condescending assertions that we just "Don't know what we're talking about" given with no refuting sources, just the idea that we must "Take their word for it."
Standard Clinton tactics. Change the subject (It was the flakes that ruined it!) Toss in some condescension (There's nothing even remotely true about your facts) and do it all through a surrogate so nobody accused is tainted by having to respond to the accusations.
Just watch, next will be accusations of either Racism or Sexism, if that hasn't been trotted out yet. Going to put my money on "White people who volunteered didn't care when they found out it was an AA rally".
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
He deleted it
over at TOP. Is that a response?
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Yep. It's a failure of the "Talking Head Shoutdown" tactic
As perfected by Fox News, and Clinton.
Essentially, try to change the subject and put your enemy on the defensive. If they go for the bait, you can attack them personally and make the argument about something other than what it is.
If it fails, pretend it never happened, and the argument never took place.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
I don't find that it works
quite as well on the internet.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Only one place I can point to where it does...
but none of us are there anymore.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Well, you might find the truth
on the internet, but no one in power will do anything about it. Hilary will still get her votes, just like Bush got his in Florida. It's just, "Move on… nothing to see here." When I read the first diary about the voting problems in Arizona, I was waiting for the uproar on Kos and thinking well at least this is something Hilary & Bernie supporters can unite on, since I didn’t see any indication that this was a Bernie/Hilary thing, but then I read comment after comment that people should have just done early voting and insinuating they are idiots and it’s no big deal. I’m getting the same icky feeling lately on Kos that I get when reading the comments on Fox. The same people who keep criticizing the Republicans for making it harder to vote now act just like the Republicans... ignore the problem or go on the attack. For a while, I considered I might vote for Hilary in the general election even though I had said I wouldn't and really didn't want to, but I had gotten to the point where I decided to wait & see how things went with Trump before I made my final decision. Kos has now made my mind up for me. I'll write in Bernie. I'm also going to push writing in Bernie to my Republican friends who hate Trump and really don't want Cruz. I already have Republican friends with Bernie articles on their Facebook sites. Apparently, Hilary doesn’t need our votes.
Beat Trump with Bernie!
His comments are left...
he can delete the diary, but his comments are still there.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Unfortunately for me
because I was trying to be very thorough and not give anyone a reason over there to ban me, I posted my comment after the diary was already gone.
Well, it lives on here, at least.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I don't think fair use applies to TOP diaries, does it?
The point is to avoid copyright infractions, but everything over there is open source as far as I know.
Please help support caucus99percent!
Before DK5, as long as you had the tab open
the diary was still there, whether the author deleted it or not. Now it just goes away on you. Because I had it open on a tab, only to come back to find "Access Denied."
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
The Orwellian nature of trying to do “history” on the Internet
Nowadays, Winston Smith is there changing Wikipedia, news sites, and book texts right out from under you, in real time.
Oh...I got it
just took me a little bit of searching. But I got it.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
You're very welcome~
I hate it when I have a tab open and the page just goes away on me, I always try to retrieve it. heh!
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
Well, here's a link to cached version of the diary ...
Aisha Dew is Not a Mole
The comments you still would need to get from his comment page, but the whole diary as you originally saw it is there.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
the internet is forever! thanks for the linky triv!
I saved it in HTML and TXT files
It lives forever on my hard drive.
That lying piece of shit. I say we need to flood her email and snail-mailboxes. She's got addresses somewhere...
Me too. nt
FEEL THE BERN: "But such is the irresistible nature of truth, that all it asks, and all it wants, is the liberty of appearing." - Thomas Paine
"Here I Stand, I can do no other." - Attributed to Martin Luther, 1521
He deleted it or they took it down?
He isn't bojo'd - yet, but the story and his tip jar are gone. Usually comments stay behind. This must be really hot and dirty for dkos to continually go over the top on this story. First the original post telling everyone Rev. Barber didn't want Sander's supporters and now this.
Reports of long lines, no ballots, people complaining everywhere in AZ - Indies being denied access. I wouldn't be the least bit surprised that Bernie would win an honest election.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Good question
I don't know. In any case all that's left is what I excerpted from it above.
I have one source that claims national heard about the conflict with Rev. Barber first from the NC campaign, but I do not have a second source to conform that, so it is what it is. Maybe I will get more answers tomorrow, but it is beginning to feel like it's too late to do anything to change what's happening inside the campaign. And to be fair, the explanation might simply be that they got so much money so quickly, far in excess of what they expected that they hired the only people who work on campaigns anymore, and those folks run the traditional top down model, not a grass roots campaign model where the volunteers take the lead locally instead of being told what to do word for word, minute by minute by the paid campaign veterans.
Plus a lot of those "pros" have to be concerned about their future prospects and I'm sure they are doing everything not to burn bridges with the DNC, Hillary and the rest of the corrupt Democratic establishment.
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
You're probably right, Steven
about all of it. And I'm sure nothing can (or will) be done at this late stage. But I do admit to being overly curious to see where this trail might lead. Just to satisfy my own questions about what felt like a real disconnect between the campaign and the state. I mean, the voting is done, so now it really is just wanting to know the truth--if its out there to be found.
I saw that diary, and thought, 'WTF?'
I would have saved it out if I thought he would delete it.
If 92% of her volunteers flaked, she failed in her management of them. I've only worked with small groups of volunteers, but geez, you CALL them beforehand as a reminder/nudge. I was doing that in 9th grade!
are you sure?
I think Wade Norris published this diary about what Noah Cartageno said.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
That takes me to a search comments page
Where is his diary?
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
tip jar, comments - everything is gone.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
If that was an attempt to calm the waters
Noah did a big 'ol fail.
I was wondering before, slightly suspicious, but now I'm really wondering if Nico and others (including you, Steven, and THANK YOU for keeping at this) didn't land on a real political dirty trick performed right under our noses here in NC.
As for the flakes, if the rest of the 92% were like me, we signed up and no one ever contacted us with information on where to go, who needed help, times and places to canvass, etc. I signed up 4 times--even called the Winston office and was told to sign up online--and I got nada. Benign neglect folded in with a mole and some false flag maneuvers? *sigh* I sound like I need to get my tinfoil hat out storage but honestly...
Well done, thanks.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
yes, it was implausible
I also enjoyed the coda, which said Aisha would not be commenting. It did not have the ring of truth. As for the 92% flakery, either it's a complete lie (two out of every twenty-five showed up?) or was a f-up by the staff, deliberate or not. If deliberate then it fits, if not deliberate then it's not a good defense of this woman.
But mostly I just think the guy was lying.
I might be misinterpreting
I might be misinterpreting but if you're looking for the full text of the DKOS diary, it still appears to be in google cache. I saved the webpage and copied the text if needed.
Same here, I've got a saved copy
if anyone needs it. Well, I will later, I'm not on the computer it's on at present, but I saved it there and on a thumb drive...
no worries...
I linked it, above.
I shave my legs with Occam's Razor~
The Sanders campaign in
The Sanders campaign in Michigan was a goddamned horror show. Amateur hour, I've seen township counsel races in towns with populations with less than 300 people ran more professionally. That he won Michigan was a miracle of 20+ years of seething hatred NAFTA, but he should have won it by huge margins. If he had had a decent campaign organization the state, he would have.
I love Bernie, but those are just the facts. The campaign stunk, it was pure volunteer action here. As in regular people out on their own with absolutely no association with the official campaign that pulled him over the finish line.
"It is through disobedience that progress has been made, through disobedience and through rebellion." Oscar Wilde, 1891"
Volunteerism is like that
Remember, once upon a time, our politics wasn't PROFESSIONAL, it was a thing we just all did. It was never supposed to be some "professional" or "manufactured" thing.
For all we know, the "official campaign" has enough goddamn moles in it to muck up everything. What's Sanders supposed to do about that, now that he's IN it?
It's sabotage
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
The more that happens, the more it seems like HRC gang reeks
Seriously, Steven.
Call me a goofy coot if I'm wrong.
Muerte al fascismo. Muerte a la tiranía. colapso total de los que promueven tampoco. A la pared con el unico porciento%