About Bill's "Gaff" UPDATE

So I was following the threads both here and at Kossacks_For_Sanders on Bill's speech where he inexplicably derides the "awful last eight years" of Obama's administration. And two things jumped out at me.

First - no one could find a non-right-wing source covering it, even thought the video speaks for itself. It's as if, around 10-14 days ago, an edict went to all left-leaning sites and sources about Thou Shalt Not Speak Ill Of Any Clinton. As of this writing, the closest anyone can find is a just released USA Today article that plays it off as a gaff.

Which brings me to my second thought. Last week the NYTs broke a story that Obama had encouraged donors to get behind Hillary, and the White House walked back the story saying Obama did not endorse Hillary. Sorry, this wasn't a gaff, it was a warning to Obama and anyone else who would fail to fully and openly support her after the 3/15 edict went out.

This is classic Clinton retribution. There is LITERALLY no one they won't throw under their bus, and that they would now attack Obama's record as president is a signal flare to anyone still holding out.

The Clinton camp feels they have the Nomination won. They feel they can beat Trump.

And now, right after Obama walked back news of his Hillary endorsement as "not the case" Bill is on the stump talking about how awful the last eight years have been.

A gaff? Seriously? This is a warning shot not only telling Obama that they'll go after his record if he fails to get in line with what they feel is her inevitability, but to the rest of the Left establishment and non-right-wing media telling them no one regardless of how large or influential they are is safe for failing to show support and loyalty.

Support Hillary. Or else!

UPDATE: So, speaking of Support Hillary, or else... this:

[Cross-posted to Kossacks_For_Sanders]

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Lisa Lockwood's picture

that Bill was talking about the House/Senate, not Obama. So the walk back begins.....

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"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~

Thumb's picture

Still a shot across the bow.

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"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me

Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

the term "re-litigating" by both the-kos-behind-the-curtain and The Big Dog.

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First Nations News

lunachickie's picture

I like the way you read between the lines, Thumb--that makes all kinds of sense. Thing is--assuming we're even in the ballpark--who has given the Clintons this kind of cover?

That may seem like a rhetorical question to ask, but the only other thing I can think of is that they are Top Dog and Top Doggette, because they have enough dirt on everybody to bring the whole damn DC establishment down. How the eff are they able to stick it to a sitting POTUS? WTH???

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Thumb's picture

The Clinton camp feels they're going to win the nomination, and they feel they can beat Trump. They're marking time and of the belief that she'll be the next president, and Obama is a lame duck, and they're letting him know they'll go after the only thing that should matter to him, his legacy, and in doing so send a message to everyone else that no one is to big to not end up on their enemies list.

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"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me

lunachickie's picture

That's probably true. What I don't understand is what shields the Clintons? One would think that the actual sitting POTUS was a tad more powerful than an ex-POTUS and his candidate wife. How does it happen that the current occupant of the White House has less "power" than those two?

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all 8 years. Mistake he made was not throwing them all out. By now, he's an accessory to how many corrupt things?

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

ppnortney's picture

who they've been doing business with via the Clinton Foundation.

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The smaller the mind the greater the conceit. --Aesop

Money. That's what shields them. They are a fund raising juggernaut & through the people with the only real power in this country wanting her to be next they have all the power to do whatever they want & get away with it.

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You are not prepared-Illidan

NWIA's picture

The south is done, meaning those Dems who have been most loyal to Obama have cast their votes. She can see her way to the General and can begin securing the "I hate Trump but I hate the (black, socialist, muslim, foreign) president" crowd. Time to re-emerge as a first order friend of the GOP, the friend that worked with them to create our current system of free money for insiders. The Clintons burn every fucking bridge that does not have a pile of cash on the other side.

Honestly, at this point, Bernie needs to go all out after this shit. No more towing the party line, because that damn line moves faster than lightning. If she/he is going to reconvert to conservatism, thinking the die is cast, then he needs to attack them for what they really are and fight for. He can do this so easily, with no distortion or fibbery necessary.

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pswaterspirit's picture

an audience he perceives to be white racists because it is a republican dominated area of the state. A city surrounded by farmland right next to Idaho.

Who he is really talking to is a bunch of libertarian Democrats who really want to be left alone. The federal government should be there to work with them on problems but should respect the right of the people of the state to direct their own future. That's what makes Bernie popular.

Many people in this state are so pissed off that we are literally taking this state in the direction we want it to go even flagrantly violating federal law.

The politics of the other Washington have damaged our state severly. No one here is fond of the federal government. He doesn't know any of this because he has very superficial knowledge of the region. He has never bothered to learn.

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lunachickie's picture

an audience he perceives to be white racists

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pswaterspirit's picture

broad brush mistake in Vancouver regarding the oil port. This is a conservative town, heavily union blue collar. He praised the oil port they are trying to build here.

He was speaking to a crowd 100% opposed to it. So opposed we are joining with conservatives to fight it.

Anyone there who thought Hillary was the one left with a serious frown.

He is also I am sure aware our state has a somewhat poor relationship with the Obama administration. His favorables here are not as high as elsewhere. We are a port state, we are a white state meaning we have many of middle eastern decent which are demographically classified as white, many that come from the Asian countries our American Indian population is 2%. Those are our major minority cultures. Must be about race... Actually it's about nuclear waste, gaint fires on federal land that lacked any hint of proper forestry practices, lack of movement to reconcile our pot law, and so on.

The pigeon holing of our beliefs becomes obvious. He is not the first and unfortunately not the last to make this mistake.

Lastly many who saw his speech there believed that also based conversations with friends that were there.

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whyvee's picture

I must have missed that. What did he say? Was it at his rally?

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pswaterspirit's picture

His statement was about moving into the future with our new export facility. That facility is an oil port.

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still applies.
Don't forget, Obama has to fund his new library!

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WaterLily's picture

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It was a deceptively edited video from a right-wing source. Clinton's remarks were taken out of context. Why are so many people fooled by this routine trick?

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

Thumb's picture

And more outlets have picked it up. Time to update your talking points.

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"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me

Okay, serious question here: was he referring to Obama? Or the republikkkan intransigence and obstructionism? 'cause THAT has made the last 8yrs. pretty f@cking awful. Don't bite my head off, I'm still trying to find the whole speech and see for myself, and yes, I'm late ,too.

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

lunachickie's picture

What prompts a question like yours? You don't think that's what he was referring to?

referring to Obama

I am sorry--this is not directed at you specifically, so don't think it's me, "biting your head off". This is more of a general thing. I am fucking sick of these two grifters--sick of them. SICK OF THEM. They're sneaky and arrogant and they lie. Every day, it's something with them. I am over it and I'm over people who want to give them the benefit of the doubt. It's crazy to do that after all these years, because it is completely obvious what they're about.

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I'm pretty tired of this stuff as well. But so far, I haven't found a source that lets the video run more than a few seconds past his offensive statement to find the context. I'm already motivated FOR Bernie and really don't want to waste my energy, or time, on being angry at HRC. Or her supporters.
I came here for the mellower vibe from that orange place. Was I wrong to assume such?

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Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .

Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .

If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march

detroitmechworks's picture

for failure to toe the line...
We are mellower.

Passion just as hot, but no penalties for speaking your mind, as it should be.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

posted at reddit: http://www.spokesman.com/stories/2016/mar/21/bill-clinton-in-spokane-hil...

This place has pro-Bernie/HRC's OK people, pro-Bernie/anti-HRC people, and other variations along a left-leaning political spectrum. You'll find that people here occasionally rejoice in their freedom to speak their minds without concerns about flags, time outs, or banning. True freedom of speech is exhilarating. That will likely include some harsh things about both Clintons now and then; it's not an uncommon sentiment, viewing them unfavorably, even among Democratic and D-leaning voters.

As with all blogs, though, the good news is that we can read any diary or comment or skip it, as our inclinations dictate. What's wonderful, to me, is that the content here isn't dictated. I find this to be a congenial place and hope you find the general tone of the community a friendly one, as a lurker or a participant. Bill's "gaffe" represents a minuscule % of what's available here now, on the Front Page and in Community Content.

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

This will cheer you up.

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gulfgal98's picture

And that is exactly what his so called "gaffe" was. This is all part of the pivot to the general election on the part of the Clinton campaign. This was not a mistake. It was on purpose.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

pswaterspirit's picture

President Obama had a majority of democrats. He was able to pass Obama care during that time.

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Bill Clinton was clearly referring to eight years of Tea-GOP/Party of NO obstruction and economic sabotage. In context, he was making the claim that Hillary can deal with this sort of thing - the same as President Obama did.

Of course, the progressive critique of the Obama administration has been that he was way too willing to go along with the Tea-GOP on the Catfood Commission and the so-called "Grand Bargain," continued and even expanded the neocon policy of endless warfare, and is on the same page with them on the TPP among other things.

Stuff like this deceptive video snippet is hard to unpack because it's shades of difference between rival factions of the 1 Percent.

Nobody actually thinks that Bill Clinton was repeating the Faux News meme that the Obama administration was a disaster for America. The right-wing quickly ran with the out-of-context video, and the rest of the media are playing catch-up now with the debunk.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

detroitmechworks's picture

Even assuming he's saying what you're saying he's saying for those of us who apparently didn't hear what we think we heard...

The things Hillary can get the Rethugs to Go along with are great, wonderful things like... TPP, More Wars, Completely making sure that we never get Single Payer, Expanding the War on Drugs...

It's not hard to understand at all. Bill was waving his dick around and the wonderful MSM is giving him cover. Just like they gave Hillary cover after she Praised Reagan's Aids Legacy.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

lunachickie's picture

Links are helpful?

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Look, these deceptively edited videos are put out by the right-wing all the time. I cannot explain why anyone still falls for this stuff, but this one went viral - a win for the Tea-GOP liars. Always look for the context, or you'll get fooled. There is no earthly reason why Bill Clinton, who is nothing if not an astute politician, would trash President Obama in 2016.

No, Bill Clinton Did Not Describe The Obama Administration As An 'Awful Legacy'

There is a missing reference in that "awful legacy of the last eight years," and that's the reference to the financial meltdown and Republican obstructionism of unprecedented proportions.

Clinton was complaining about eight years of Tea-GOP Party of NO obstruction and economic sabotage.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

And all of the other news outlets on the Left and the Right and even in between are wrong about what Clinton said...

Okay! Well, I am so glad that is all cleared up! /s

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First Nations News

Talking Points Memo:

A spokesman for Bill Clinton, Angel Urena, then clarified that the former president was referring to Republicans' attempts to block Obama from enacting his agenda.

"When Republicans controlled the White House, their trickle-down approach drove our economy to the brink of a collapse. After President Obama was elected, Republicans made it their number one goal to block him at every turn," Urena said in a statement, according to USA Today. "That unprecedented obstruction these last eight years is their legacy, and the American people should reject it by electing Hillary Clinton to build on President Obama's success so we can all grow and succeed together."

Bill's pitch was that Hillary would be a "change-maker" who could somehow cope with Tea-GOP obstruction. Basically do the same thing President Obama has been doing(!)

Of course, we know the only thing that could work is the "political revolution" that Bernie honestly advocates. In order to rescue the middle class, Dems have to re-take control of the Senate and the House of Representatives, and sever their ties to the 1 Percent. We know it won't be easy - it means winning elections for a net gain of 30 House seats, and not electing Blue Dogs.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

Bill Clinton Rips ‘Awful Legacy Of The Last 8 Years,’ Later Says He Wasn’t Referring To President Obama

Bill Clinton slammed the “awful legacy of the last eight years“ on Monday, which Republicans quickly claimed was an attack on President Barack Obama. However, the former president was really talking about Republican obstructionism.

The claim that President Obama's administration has been an unmitigated disaster is not something that Democrats are going to say. You'd have to be politically tone deaf to think Bill Clinton was dissing Obama in that speech. I can see why the right-wing got so excited, but it is a deliberate misinterpretation.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

Why would anyone want more of this!
Thomas Frank has great new book out too: Listen, Liberals

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Borkrom's picture

Interesting, thanks for sharing and I reviewed it and looked at the content and to me it is still a well intended "gaffe".

Bill knows what the heck he is doing, he is the master of double speak and working the crowd and media- it is shot at Obama in my opinion. Basically, he says Hillary could and will do a better job and I do not agree.

I am no fan of Hillary and Bill (I will use my Dad's words) was the best Republican president we ever had. Therefore, I am okay with watching everything (I am a news junkie and look at both reporting sides) and there was no mistake about it this was a dig at the current administration. Then oops no it was not and it was taken out of context statements and walk back, I am calling bs- give me a break (not you, but this back handed style of misdirection).

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President Obama is tacitly supporting Hillary Clinton's campaign. Therefore, it makes no sense that Bill Clinton would attack Obama.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

lunachickie's picture

Your guess is as good as mine.

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detroitmechworks's picture

To remind them of WHO HE WAS.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

TheOtherMaven's picture

Momentarily forgetting it was no longer 2008, flubbing his speech and then scrambling to recover. Foot In Mouth and Brain Farts seem to be all too common with both Clintons.

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There is no justice. There can be no peace.

lunachickie's picture

and there's always that whole "3AM phone call" motif lurking just beneath the surface, as well...

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Thumb's picture

If Obama had left the NYTs article alone it would have been tacit approval of Hillary. But Obama overtly walked back the article's intention of portraying "tacit endorsement" by Obama, and now a few days later Bill "accidentally" gives the appearance of attacking Obama's last eight years.

There's an insider's game being played, and we only get glimpses of it.

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"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me

Borkrom's picture

I agree- to me this calculated approach and step- no mistake.

I admit that I am a novice to overall politics, but I have played corporate politics for years. You "mistakenly" say something (plant the seed), then play the nice person "my bad, did not mean to say that statement" then work to cultivate the harvest or the outcome you are looking to achieve.

Why say it? To show Hillary is the person to fight the establishment and will be the person to fix all the evils. Remember this is an anti-establishment theme working big time this general election year. So demonstrate that Hillary is not in the establishment and is the change agent.

These people are smooth operators especially Bill. Hillary may make unforced efforts, but he is the master. He knows how to work the room, the message, and how to deliver and prosper from it.

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Just putting him on notice, they have more power than he does now, and to make sure the FBI, NSA are called off NOW.
Ya, think...
when did such a defender of the Clintons find a way to this wonderful website?

Thousands of pages of this, why oh why would anyone want them back in the WH?
Also: her negatives re going UP again. Not a good sign.

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gulfgal98's picture

Very clearly a dog whistle.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

and ruthlessness...

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First Nations News

mawnjilla's picture


America doesn't have a "president that's a change-maker," according to a clip of former president Bill Clinton that aired on MSNBC.
The footage of a Tennessee event broadcast Friday night showed the former president talking about his wife, Hillary Clinton, as being "the best change-maker I've ever known."

"She's always making something good happen," he said of President Barack Obama's former secretary of state, who is running for the Democratic nomination. "A lot of people say you don't understand it's rigged now. Yeah, it's rigged now because you don't have a president that's a change-maker."
Bill Clinton spokesman Angel Urena disputed MSBC's portrayal of the former president's words, saying the report was "inaccurate," adding that Clinton was "attributing his comment to the naysayers."

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bern baby bern disco inberno

lunachickie's picture

Somebody is fixing what Bill Clinton said, or making excuses for him--parsing, re-stating or walking it back.

But yeah, clear that right up, won't you? Then all the news outlets can walk it back and leave people even more confused.

Mission accomplished!

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lunachickie's picture

as I might have noted already (sorry, still getting the hang of this format), all your links are op-eds, so....

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No one can read his mind, and I don't care what he thinks. It's like CNN talking for hours about how they don't know anything about the missing plane.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Seriously? it has already begun with the speech she gave at AIPAC, I will invite netanYAHOO to the white house first thing etc. She has finished the southern black vote so now she will begin to swing where she wants to be. She criticized Obama the moment she left the SOS office(syria) & only decided to hug him when Bernie showed up & she realized hiding behind Bill alone wouldn't work anymore. Unfortunately Obama does align with her politically & since it is his turn to feed at the corporate trough he will ignore all of that so her donors don't turn on him & block him from making his 200k speeches

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You are not prepared-Illidan

A good thing to have for all, to reach our own conclusions (see periscope video link on left at this source):

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"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." --Jiddu Krishnamurti

kharma's picture

since it looks like Trump on the other side the last hope for the Oligarchy is Hillay. Can't have Sanders and Trump. The makers have made their choice.

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

"Morning Joe's" pet Republican bimbo just said voting for Hillary is a good idea for foreign policy conservatives who care about terrorism. The awful truth is that, except for Trump's horrendous racist rhetoric (which is, of course, no small thing) he is to the left of Hillary. Hillary will give them their endless war.

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Twain Disciple

Luna, you hit the nail on the head. It has been very apparent to me from the get go of this 'inevitable coronation' that the Clinton Machine was intimidating the heck out of everyone. And was by threat or bribe or something shutting people down. The very fact that no other Democrat would come forth and DARE oppose her was evidence enough for me. And then the defeaning silence during the campaign of a real discussion, back and forth of the issues, from a majority of elected officials with opinions that were not Hillary-friendly.... another indicator. And then on the nomination/ahem coronation trail, all the evidence of dirty tricks against Bernie, were a lot of smoke indicating the fire of more collusion for the Clintons.

And you bring up the central question? WHY? Well, aside from both the Repub and Dem establishment being as corrupt as hell, with their souls sold to various corporate interests, what else was going on? The first place that I would look is the Clinton Foundation and do a really thorough investigation of its actions related to politics and trade; not making any direct accusations here, but there has been talk of it using its influence in a patronage type of way. Secondly, it seems to me that Hillary used the SOS position as a way to secure support from countries and interests and global corporations all over the world and interweave them with the Clinton Foundation.

In other words, 'follow the money' and follow what happened before and after the money and for/to whom. Follow that with a Muckety Map: http://www.muckety.com/Bill-Hillary-Chelsea-Clinton-Foundation/5010607.m...

and is the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative far from being a charity, but a way for the Bill and now Hill, to remain a global power couple.

These are just thoughts, areas that I think that need to be explored; I am not asserting that there are in fact any cause/effect here, however the whole email/server scandal that is currently being stonewalled by the Clinton Machine, sure seems to indicate that there is something worthy of a coverup.

To go back into the 'wayback' machine, to me there it was no coincidence that Bush Sr.'s political ascent came AFTER his position at the CIA. I always wondered if he used the CIA to get the goods on people, so that he could grease his political career from then on, and the Bush Dynasty was born by playing 'mob family' from these 'contacts.'

It seems as though the Clinton Dynasty has learned well from their playbook.

Whatever the answer to these questions that you have raised, these are all very important questions that must be answered if the 99% stand a chance in this oligarchy/plutocracy.

Thanks for this.

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Sea Turtle

Thumb's picture


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"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me

Lady Libertine's picture

wow I can't tell you how much I hate that I think you are completely spot on here.

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It's no accident that Snowden went to The Guardian and Der Spiegel.

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gulfgal98's picture

is a documentary not fiction.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

riverlover's picture

in and out of the Clinton Foundation? The tax statements seem to be under constant revision. Haiti is a mess, so much for advertised intentions. All of that is supposed to be under government review, but likely by bought by friendlies at the top. Corporatism all the way down, not turtles.

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Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.

Jazzenterprises's picture

is the precision of the timeline. If you misspeak, you usually flub something somewhere, but his statement was succinct.

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Progressive to the bone.

lotlizard's picture

Fooled you eight years, shame on me.
Fooled you again for seven years after that, shame on — you can’t get fooled again.

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CS in AZ's picture

when I listen to that video of Bill, to me it sounds like a rambling word salad and none of it makes much sense in my opinion. Almost palinesque throughout the whole clip and hearing the specific quote "in context" my first thought was holy shit, he forgot what campaign this is! He was in a flashback to 2008, when they ran as Hillary the first time, and his comment about "awful legacy of the last eight years" referred to Bush ... then he realized as soon as he said it that was wrong, so he tried to cover it with that lame "and the seven years before that..."

Honestly, I just think he's losing it and there was no intention behind his words. He sounds boring and confused and rambling, I can't imagine why people go to hear him speak anymore. I think it's giving him far too much credit to think this was some calculated message. I don't think it was. I do agree the major media are all ignoring/covering it up and giving him a pass. They all want Hillary to win and will assist however they can, that much is obvious.

Since the Clintons think Hillary has already won, Bill really should go home and get some rest. He's not helping and she doesn't need him pinch hitting for her. Which I'm sure he has a hard time with. heh. But they supposedly have the next term in the white house all sewed up, so I say go home and get some sleep Bill. Allow Hillary to duke it out with Bernie on her own.

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Miep's picture

And the longer clip, and read the transcript, and I cannot dismiss this as a misinterpretation. Deliberately ambiguous is more like it. Even if you give him the benefit of the doubt and assume the obvious, that he meant "awful *Republican* legacy," then he's still implying that somehow HRC could or would have done a better job standing up to them, which is still a swipe at Obama. She's not running against Obama, she's not running against Congress; she's running against Sanders at this time. An appropriate way to handle this would have been to frame it as pledging to continue the fight against Republican obstructionism and entreat the voters to assist by voting the bums out, but why on earth I'd think the Clintons would say anything sensible at this point I don't know. Not to mention Bill being on thin ice talking about "awful legacies," what with him having set a good piece of this in action in the first place with NAFTA.

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Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.

detroitmechworks's picture

You might as well just hand em your wallet, and ask them to be gentle.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Zeitgeistus's picture

sounds about right to me and properly Clintonian. You can interpret the quote to serve whichever constituency currently needs to be pandered to. It is sort of Schrodinger's Cat of comments from our former President.

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Injustice is relatively easy to bear; what stings is justice. -H. L. Mencken
A country without a memory is a country of madmen.-George Santayana
An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailments of all republics. --Plutarch

Miep's picture

a dog whistle is.

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Stay on track. Stay in lane. Don't throw rocks.

I could believe the interpretation that Bill is assigning blame to the Tea-GOP not President Obama. That fits the usual two-party scenario where the 99 Percent get reamed and both major political parties yell, "they (the other guys) did it!" Never do they accept the blame for their own side.

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"We've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty."

orlbucfan's picture

Bubba doesn't have all his mental marbles anymore. He talks like someone in the early stages of dementia. Just wait until he pops out with calling PBO the 6-letter word beginning with n and ending with r. He's goofed that way before. Shill...she's just dumb. I hope the Bernster takes these 3 states today, cos that will drive her ballistic. She'll deliver a real verbal whopper then. Man, I can't stand either one of them!

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Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.

TrueBlueinWDC's picture

After the last few months of her campaigning as his clone, they are starting to give subtle criticism. Like Bill saying that Hillary will be the most effective "change candidate." And Hillary being best pals with Israel. They are also moving to areas in the country where there are Dems with a bone to pick with Obama, expect more subtle shade but not enough to jeopardize the AA vote in the GE.

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"Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change." Stephen Hawking

NEW: http://www.twitter.com/trueblueinwdc

Nobody wants to be on the wrong side of the Clintons if they are in the White House again. Fucking cowards.

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