the epic barriers to Third Party candidates
And if the Dems have their way…especially Green Party candidates.
(click for larger photo)
The BAR newsletter had popped into my Inbox a few days ago, and I was interested in this piece on Black Agenda Radio: ‘Greens’ Howie Hawkins is 2020’s Only Real Peace Candidate’, Bruce Dixon, April 4, 2019, which transcript was labeled with ‘Tulsi Gabbard is a Sheepdog’ before the rest of the radio title.
Some excerpts that will show where I’m heading with this diary’s title, and as all BAR content is CC, I’ll quote freely:
“Respectfully, my comrade and friend Danny Haiphong is wrong, Hawaii congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard is not a peace candidate. To (the) extent that she diverges from the warlike bipartisan consensus that’s a good thing. But it’s not the job of the left to, in Danny’s’s words “nurture” or support Gabbard with campaign donations so she can get into the televised Democratic primary debates.
Danny Haiphong says he is neither a Democrat nor a Gabbard supporter and I believe him. That’s what makes his “sophisticated” – his word not mine – notion that the left needs to line up behind Gabbard utterly baffling. The plain truth is that whatever else the Democratic party may be, it is also one of the two permanent government parties of the US, a party of empire and war, despite the fact that a great number of Democratic voters are, for a multitude of reasons, opposed to imperial war.”
“…the sheepdog candidate is charged with herding activists and voters back into the Democratic fold who might otherwise drift leftward and outside of the Democratic party, either staying home or trying to build something outside the two party box…”
Now I wish Bruce had given other reasons that Tulsi’s not a true ‘peace candidate’, but that’s just me.
“The Hawkins vision includes a yearlong grassroots organizing campaign to overcome the profoundly unjust legal barriers which Republican and Democratic politicians together have erected in almost half the states to prevent the Greens from competing against them in national and local elections. Unlike the regulations pertaining to Republicans and Democrats, these arbitrary, anti-democratic and unjust laws require Green Party candidates to present more than 800,000 voter signatures on paper petitions just to allow Green candidates for local, state and national office to appear on the ballot in about a third of the states.
Texas requires 85,000 petition signatures,
Georgia 65,000 signatures,
Tennessee, 56,000 signatures,
Alabama demands 51,000 signatures
Ohio, 43,000
Indiana, 44,000|
Illinois, 25,000
Oklahoma, 34,000
Minnesota requires an outrageous 147,
…just to name a few.
Many of these legal barriers to third parties appearing on the ballot have been in place for a century, and raised even higher whenever insurgent parties threatened to overcome them. What we were all taught in school to call “the two party system” is nothing more than the product of the two capitalist parties colluding with each other to continuously tweak the laws in such a manner as to protect themselves against competition. Competition from parties funded by people instead of billionaires, Competition from socialist and eco-socialist parties, competition from parties who stand for economic and racial justice at home and for peace abroad.
The latest legislative tweak aimed at kneecapping the Green Party was buried in the Democrats HR1, a provision that raised the amount Green presidential candidates needed to raise per state to qualify for matching funds from $5000 in small donations from each of 20 states to $25,000 in 20 states was endorsed and voted for by supposed socialist Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and every other Democrat in the House of Representatives. Curiously none of the so-called progressive Democrats, nobody in the media, in civil rights industrial complex, none of our friends in DSA and certainly not Tulsi Gabbard or even Bernie Sanders have ever bothered to mention this cynical and longstanding piece of voter suppression. These unjust legal barriers to third parties on the ballot are the main reason most US voters don’t get to see Green candidates on the ballot for state legislature, for governor or local offices, or for president.”
Dixon then touts Howie Hawkin’s peace credentials (in part):
“Howie Hawkins is 2020’s only real peace candidate because Howie is committed to the hard work of building a permanent peace and justice party from the bottom up, and putting it on the ballot nationwide, not just to running a one-shot sheepdog campaign and lining up behind whoever the capitalist war party eventually nominates. Howie has been in the movement longer than Gabbard has been alive, working against the Vietnam war as a teenager before joining the Marines in 1972 and taking part in the widespread antiwar movement inside the US military of that time.”, and so on.
“Howie needs $5,000 in donations $250 and under in each of 20 states for his campaign to receive federal matching funds that will enable us to launch the yearlong ballot access campaign that will put the Green Party on the ballot in every state, and put us on the road to building a fighting party sustained and run by its members.”
He advises readers to go to to contribute to his exploratory committee; this is his ‘About Howie’ page, ‘Testing the Waters’ is here.
But I did dig up the odious bill he’s referenced: H.R.1 – For the People Act of 2019, the text
Committees (and wtf?) House – House Administration; Intelligence (Permanent Select); Judiciary; Oversight and Reform; Science, Space, and Technology; Education and Labor; Ways and Means; Financial Services; Ethics; Homeland Security
The final roll call vote March 8, 2019: (D: 234 yeas, O nays, NV 1 [Rep. Clay]); (R: 193 nays, 0 yeas, NV 4)
Silly of me given to try to find the anti-Green text in the gazillion pages of text, but making an inquiry by Bing, I found (ta da!) Bruce Dixon’s Jan. 18, 2019 high-lariously titled ‘House Democrats’ HR 1 – Faking the Funk on Voting Rights, Spreading Fear and Gunning For the Greens in 2020’
“It’s a brand new year and Democrats running the House of Representatives under Nancy Pelosi, Jim Clyburn and Steny Hoyer need to rebrand themselves in preparation for the 2020 elections. So Team Pelosi has rolled out what they and their far flung chorus of corporate media hacks from MSNBC to so-called “woke” social media are calling their flagship bill for the 116th Congress. To hear them tell it, it’s all about ending corruption in Congress and the White House, about taking the Big Money out of politics, and most of all, it’s about protecting voting rights.” [snip]
“HR 1 (a 571-page monstrosity) pretends to be a voting rights bill, but is in fact a sleazy ghetto ice cream truckload of empty campaign promises intended to rebrand Democrats as the party of voting rights, despite their dismal non-record of struggle [Black misleadership failures and complacency] to protect or expand these rights. They are all commonsense measures Nancy P, who has been part of House Democrat leadership since the 1990s, and has led Democrats in the House since 2003, could have tried to put into law at any time, many times over the past twenty-five and more years. But they didn’t.”
“Here’s HR 1’s list of what ought to be real and significant voting rights reforms. But again, coming from Nancy P and the House Dems at the beginning of the 2020 campaign season they are obviously no more than empty and cynical campaign promises….” [long, long snip]
“Republicans run the Senate and the White House. Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell has already pledged the entire package of HR 1 is dead on arrival, and right now even that arrival is uncertain since Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer has not even bothered to introduce a matching bill in that chamber. Essentially Schumer is not even signing on to this load of cynical promises. Not yet anyway. But if the stench of cynicism is strong enough to make a vulture like Chuck Schumer hesitate, that really says something.”
“There are only 2 pieces of HR 1 which are NOT empty 2020 campaign promises, and which have a reasonable change of becoming law. Really, really BAD law.
1.HR 1 Requires that the “intelligence community” produce a yearly report on threats to the US electoral system.
HR 1 directly cites the odious McCarthyite accusations of Prop or Not from two years ago as “congressional findings.” These baseless lies assert that left opposition ion the part of the American people to the two capitalist parties is motivated and manipulated by hostile foreign powers operating in social media, grassroots organizations and other places, and that these are imminent threats to national security, specifically the security of the US electoral process. Black Agenda Report is specifically named, the only black owned and operated entity thus fingered. HR 1 requires the FBI, CIA, the Pentagon, DEA, NSA, Homeland Security and the rest of the so-called “intelligence community” – the same people who told us Saddam Hussein had nukes, that the government has never and will never intercept or record your email and online habits, and now says that “black identity extremists” are out to get us – HR 1 requires those professional perjurers, liars and deceivers to produce a yearly report on their manufactured threats to US electoral systems, specifically including the threats to national security by those who express dissident opinions. This part of HR 1 institutionalizes the notion that the left is an existential and foreign-sponsored threat to the security of the electoral process, and creates bodies to police social media. If they really tried, corporate Democrats in the House and Senate really stand a fair chance at getting the modest number of Republican sign-ons to make this a bipartisan thing, and pass it to President Trump to sign.
2.The second piece of HR 1 which has a chance of gaining the bipartisan needed to become law, if Democrats want it badly enough to seek Republican votes on it, is aimed squarely at keeping the Green Party off the ballot in as many states as possible, and crippling the Green Party’s presidential campaign. ” [snip]
“I was part of Jill Stein’s campaign team in 2015-2016, and I can tell you we barely met the old threshold in about 22 states. It was a near thing. Eliminating those federal matching funds for a Green Party presidential campaign would mean all but certain erasure of the Green Party from the ballot in a good dozen or more states for 2020, and maybe a dozen more in 2022. For a generation now, most Americans have told pollsters they want to see a real third party , not in the middle of the two, but well to the left of both. HR 1 isn’t serious about voting rights, but it’s deadly serious about limiting voter choices at the polls.”
“HR 1 is the 2020 election season’s brightly painted ghetto ice cream truck. It’s on your Facebook pages, Instagram and other social media feeds, even in some of your more “woke” churches. It’s blasting loud music about voting rights, protecting the vote, ballots by mail, getting the money out of political campaigns, and reforming the corrupt ethics of Congress and the White House. But none of that stuff will pass while Republicans run the Senate, while Trump is in the White House, and even if they’re out of office, none of it will pass while Democrats are on the corporate tit themselves. If Democrats do take the White House in 2020 you won’t see that sleazy ghetto ice cream truck or hear HR 1’s voting rights and anti-corruption promises any more either. Bet on that.”
Tell it Brother Bruce! Still interested in seeing the actual text, I’d Bingled once again and had found at Green Party ‘Green Party Candidate Says HR1 Must Be Amended Parts of “For The People 2019 Act” hurt democracy, limit voter choice’, March 7, 2019:
“Gardena, CA — Green Party Presidential Candidate Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry today called on Congress to make significant changes in House Democrats’ legislative centerpiece HR1, the “For The People 2019 Act”, particularly in the portions of the Act having to do with campaign matching funds.” [snip]
“Sedinam Moyowasiza-Curry is a declared candidate for the nomination for President of the Green Party of the United States. She ran for the GPUS Presidential nomination in 2016, and for the Vice-Presidential nomination in 2008. She is a longtime Green, and was a co-founder of the Green Party’s Black Caucus. To find out more about her 2020 Presidential campaign, visit Sedinam2020.”
Wondering by now how many Greens have thrown their hats into the Presidential Ring, I let my fingers do the Binging once again, and found at Wikipedia: 4 candidates have declared: Ian Schlackman, Long Island; Dario Hunter, Ohio; Howie Hawkins, New York; Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry, Los Angeles. Potential candidate: Jesse Ventura, Minesota. Declined to run: Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein.
The process ahead of securing the national nomination:
‘The 2020 Green Party presidential primaries will be a series of primaries, caucuses and state conventions in which voters elect delegates to represent a candidate for the Green Party’s nominee for President of the United States at the 2020 Green National Convention. The primaries, to be held in numerous states on various dates from early Spring into early Summer of 2020, will feature elections publicly funded, concurrent with the Democratic and Republican primaries, and elections privately funded by the Green Party, to be held non-concurrently with the major party primaries.
There will be 400 delegates, plus or minus two, elected to the Green National Convention. A candidate will need a simple majority of these delegates to become the party’s nominee for president in the 2020 presidential election. In addition, formal recognition is a requirement to be the Green Party’s nominee.’
Got that? Hope so…hope I catch on soon.
From Howie Hawkins on Twitter:
Should I Run? @HowieHawkins Exploratory Committee Launch Video
(cross-posted from Café Babylon)
Tulsi is a sheepdog. Bernie is a sheepdog
How do I know that the Greens aren't a sheepdog?
I think everyone is a sheepdog.
That includes you, yes you the readers, are all sheepdogs.
I'm a sheepdog.
Everything is sheepdogs.
Except sheepdogs, who are actually cats.
I should mention that I'm registered Green.
I just think the term is being way overused.
that's your entire takeaway from this diary? well all i can say is Good Golly Miss Molly, gjonsit, and to whomever gave your comment (On edit: Now Five
Two Thumbs.Sorry, but that word triggers me these days
I agree with the diary otherwise
This is a dickish comment
If you disagree with what is written here write an essay and say why instead of doing this.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
thank you;
echoes of "Other than that, Mrs. did you like the play?"
Excellent essay, WD! BTW, if we use your
essay definition of 'sheepdog,'
then, "yes--any candidate who puts his Party over his own principles, his professed ideology/views, and/or his supporters, is the epitome of a sheepdog." (IMO)
Glad that Mike Gravel has announced. I was considering voting for Gabbard--if, she were to run as an Independent. Which is not very likely, I know; but, sure don't see any of the other announced Dem Party candidates having the nerve to bolt. BTW, don't recall whether Gravel is running as a Dem, or, as an Independent. (IMO, he's making a mistake if he assumes the mantle of the corporatist Dem Party. Even if he's only running as a 'message' candidate.)
I'm not very knowledgeable about the Green Party, 'cause there's never (to speak of) any candidates in our region to vote for. We usually just cast write-in votes, to make our protest/voices heard.
If I may make a suggestion, maybe one day or week, when you tired, and not feeling like researching and writing an essay, it would be a real treat if you were to re-post the essay that included your gorgeous image/photo carousel of wildlife, flowers, etc. I'm thinking you did that once (over here), but, seems like it was over a year ago, or longer. You know, since Spring is here, and all. How's that for a hint? (smile--emoji won't work here, for some reason)
CNN is conducting one of their so-called Townhalls this evening (right now--9:09 p.m. CST). Not sure, but think it's with Blue Dog Kirsten Gillibrand (from the voice).
My best to Mr WD. Hope he's completed his eye surgery, and all went well for him. That'd be a pretty stressful type of medical procedure, I would think, since one's eyes are so, so precious, and vital to normal functioning.
Really enjoy the Playing For Change music videos that you post at evening's sign-off. So, I'll sign off now with one of my favorites--which you recently posted, IIRC.
[Stand By Me | Playing For Change | Song Around The World]
Hey, Clarence Bekker's the man!
I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
thanks, blue,
but just to be clear: it's bruce dixon's definition of sheepdog, not mine. gravel's running a a Dem, but just to widen the discourse of the debate stage, but by this late a date getting their Donate tab to work, it's hard to think he can reach the 65000 contributions threshold, but i can't imagine he's endorse anyone else, as someone asked on that thread. but yeppers, mr.wd and i each sent him a fiver. even consortium news has Mike's candidacy story up today!
nice of you suggest i post my critters and flower photos again, but eek, they're amateur hour compared to some of the pros here. ; ) but i sure will consider it... mr. wd can see far better than i can now, which is a hoot and a half! thank you for asking, and i hope you and mr. blue are faring well.
love love love playing for change, and stand by me is a great tune; thank you. i'm about to close and have a sign-off tune in mind myownself. ; ) g' night.
on next day edit: i'm not sure that there are many candidates who actually have many closely held 'principles', perhaps rather reflexive pragmatic ones.
Thanks for linking to your Gravel essay, WD--
I'm here one week, off the next, unfortunately, so, I didn't realize that you had written an essay on Gravel. Heck, he sounds great, except for this,
which makes him sound like the ultimate 'sheepdog.'
What's with all these candidates, for cryin' out loud. Poll after poll shows that folks want a third party option.
I'm tired, and my head's splitting this evening, but, sometime in the near future, I'll look up and post the figures for viewers/listeners of the Dem and Repub 2016 Presidential Debates. It's a fraction of the US population of approximately 330 million--average of about 8 million viewers for Dems in 2016 (Repubs were almost double that number), IIRC. Probably, because they had so many candidates, and more fireworks in their debates.
Bottom line, in this era, participation in the Presidential Debates doesn't mean what it did years, much less decades, ago. (IMO)
At any rate, I'll look forward to hearing him out, but, I think he would do so much more good, if he'd make a serious Independent run. I don't care if he's 188 years old!
Good evening, WD.
I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
ach, my apologies,
blue. not a good thing to have forgotten; hope whoever said that knew what they were talking about. agreed: debates are more akin to sound-bite press conferences, aren't they? no Qs to one another, for instance. i haven't watched one in eons, but then i'm quite outside the mainstream politically.
but really, i can't imagine that we'll see him on the debate stage, barring wot? a miracle?
hope your headache's gone when you wake this morning.
Good point
How can anyone not like The Sheepdogs?
Sorry, couldn't resist.
They'll be playing at the Woodstock 50th Anniversary Concert this year.
Does anyone else get emails from Nick Brana ?
I was asked to join Bernie 2020. Here's what I said.
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
I follow Brana.
I hang on his every word. Heh.
Seriously, though. At this point in time, he knows exactly what is possible and what is not in electionland. Saves a lot of wasted effort and misdirection.
Carry a burning candle and share the light.
I wish
"The majority of Americans want a major new party"
Is the People's Party going to be on the ballot in any state for 2020?
Any candidates?
BTW, I sent them a few bux for a t-shirt when they first got off the ground.
I really believe this time we have a LAST chance to take advantage of the neoliberals' idiocy what with each corporatist candidate shooting the other in the foot and stealing each others votes. Bernie has the critical mass that can just maybe make it happen in 2020. It's worth taking the chance.
The hurdles put in the way of newer parties are
shameful. Nader filed so many lawsuits and won, but ballot access depends, in great part, upon the popular vote in the most recent Presidential election. And, it's Catch 22: newer parties have the most trouble raising money, yet have to spend on lawsuits and signature gathering just to get on the damn ballot.
As far as the alleged two-party system, Gore Vidal nailed it long ago: The US has one party, the Property Party, which has two right wings, Democratic and Republican.
I don't know who is a sheep dog and who is not. I do know that Sanders calls newer party candidates spoilers. If you genuinely believe that the left should stick together by voting Democratic, does that make you a sheep dog? (While on the subject of Bernie, for whatever it's worth and whatever it may mean, he has already filed papers to run for the Senate in 2024 as an independent.)
Right now, and since 1860, really, our voting choices are: Democrat, Republican and a candidate who has not a prayer of winning. People who wish to run for President--or any office, really--face a similar dilemma.
I have already stated how I will vote in the primary and in the general and why, sheep dogs or not.
one of my favorite passages
from bruce dixon was this:
"Many of these legal barriers to third parties appearing on the ballot have been in place for a century, and raised even higher whenever insurgent parties threatened to overcome them. What we were all taught in school to call “the two party system” is nothing more than the product of the two capitalist parties colluding with each other to continuously tweak the laws in such a manner as to protect themselves against competition. Competition from parties funded by people instead of billionaires, Competition from socialist and eco-socialist parties, competition from parties who stand for economic and racial justice at home and for peace abroad.
and writing about the craptastic HR1:
"was endorsed and voted for by supposed socialist Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez and every other Democrat in the House of Representatives. Curiously none of the so-called progressive Democrats, nobody in the media, in civil rights industrial complex, none of our friends in DSA and certainly not Tulsi Gabbard or even Bernie Sanders have ever bothered to mention this cynical and longstanding piece of voter suppression. These unjust legal barriers to third parties on the ballot are the main reason most US voters don’t get to see Green candidates on the ballot for state legislature, for governor or local offices, or for president.”
which i guess he'd include in 'sheepdogging for Dems'.
i was shocked when i'd first pasted the Committees referenced into my word document for this,
and boy, howdy was i glad he'd amplified it in his january exposé. it's got russia-gate built right into it. gawds blood, but yes, it's a Thing to campaign on for 2020, even though mitch won't bring it to the floor...ever.
please explain the mechanics of this? "(While on the subject of Bernie, for whatever it's worth and whatever it may mean, he has already filed papers to run for the Senate in 2024 as an independent.)
Saw that from Haiphong previously
and was also a bit baffled by it. Course, he's not the only alternative internet writer I've seen that from, it reminds of Obama in 2007/8 and how many got caught up in him, culminating him getting the Nobel peace prize. As for Gabbard being a sheepdog, definitely could be. She's definitely keeping the more antiwar leaning democrats involved in the party, we'll know the end of the story when she drops out. She is not a peace candidate as Dixon said. Like Sanders, she's an imperialist, a self proclaimed "war hawk" for the global war OF terror, on board with the dem party Russiaphobia, a friend of Zionist Israel, she's supported illegal sanctions on Iran, North Korea and Russia, and last but not least, a democratic party politician, again as Dixon states, a true war and imperialism party. Her talk against regime change wars and nuclear war appears like a convenience position similar to Obama and Trump using various parts of foreign policy to pose as an "antiwar" candidate. She's also a long time member of the Council on Foreign Relations, the most prominent imperialist private organization on the planet, a position I've yet to hear her or any of her supporters explain. I'm not sure how anyone who claims to be antiwar war or an anti-imperialist can side with any part of the democratic party at this point. It ain't gonna work.
One true color showing from the new dem party progressive politicians is the lack of inviting the Green party to collaborate with them on the Green New Deal. If they were that interested in saving the planet and humans from extinction in 12 years, you'd think they'd hook up with whoever they could to get it done. Not to mention democracy itself, no politician from the democratic party will call for greater participation from third parties to help facilitate at least a resemblance of democracy. The dem party must protect their party and the duopoly system and they all know it.
Good info, Big Al. Thanks.
good comment, and
even on-topic to boot! yes, as i'd written: "Now I wish Bruce had given other reasons that Tulsi’s not a true ‘peace candidate’, but that’s just me", hoping someone might ask, and here you've answered very well, an thank you.
apparently she'd also voted not to repeal the AUMF twice, but then she wouldn't because, as you say, she has a militaristic approach the 'war on terror' amerika and nato have caused and keep on causing. i do hear that she's evolved on the use of torture since those two interviews in which she'd solemnly intoned "...because of presidential ticking bombs'.
even her plaints against regime change pale (as with all the progressive dems who signed on to ro khanna's 'letter to sec. mike pompeo, close to 'even though he's a tryant who kills protestors, starves his people, won't let the (CIA) humanitarian aid caravans in, but we do not support regime change'. they can all kiss my grits. twice, in fact.
dunno about collaborating on a Green New Deal, but Ocasio might have done that it to begin with, save for it's all a gift to Capital, never a word about the amerikan military having the largest carbon footprint on the planet.
how very creepy.
the video about howie's seeking candidacy i'd put at the bottom of the OP now says: Unavailable, and i'd already played it and really liked it. i went back to his twit account, and that one's the same. what on earth?
well, here's one recorded today: NO2Nato demo; it's okay...:
at his website: Remembering Dr. King and saying NO to NATO Apr 4, 2019
works for me; i'll sure send him what little i can afford.
If anyone can make the Green Party real --
it's Howie. I've met Howie, most memorably in New Orleans in 2002. If anyone can do it, it's him. It probably doesn't matter whether or not you vote for him -- but do support him. He's the real deal.
Otherwise, I would recommend to everyone here that you all get involved with the Green Party -- attend the locals, go to your state plenaries, maybe run for office. Look, I might vote for Democrats now and then, but the primary point of voting for a Democrat is to get people to recognize that even with the BEST Democrats in office you still have a system designed to cater to the 1% and that they have to belong to organizations that do more than proclaim something good now and then, if anything is to change.
Any reading of the Federalist Papers will tell you that America is the 1%'s country -- the United States was created as a place where the top of the socioeconomic ladder in the South could feel safe within the plantation aristocracy to which they belonged, and the enormous and growing prison camp they'd created to keep the slaves in their places. Sure, they want the "third" parties out of the way -- their main tactic in destroying the Populist Party in the late 19th century was to force its candidates to run as Democrats.
Every argument I've heard or read against "third parties" has been made by people with time frames and goals so narrow as to defy the possibility that we'll actually, as Roger Waters put it, "find our way out of this maze." People have been trying to move the American goalposts for decades now with very little to show in the way of results. Little victories such as the New Deal or the 1964 Civil Rights Act count for a lot. It's clearly a long-term effort.
When South Carolina seceded from the United States in December of 1860, the whole of government was organized to support the plantation aristocracy of the South. The reasons for this can be seen with hindsight as obvious -- the primary circuit of capital in the world of the 1850s was from the plantations of the South to the shipyards of New Orleans and Charleston to the textile factories of central and northern England. It was also clear (see the Baptist book) that the conditions of cotton-production were economically favorable to slavery given the technological limitations of cotton-harvesting in the first half of the 19th century and the economic limitations of the form of capitalism that dominated at the time. At any rate, the Presidency, the Congress, and the Supreme Court were all arranged quite tidily to support this regime.
What changed the equation was the election of Abraham Lincoln -- the South, in its hubris and paranoia, seceded to protect its investment in slaves, worth maybe $3 billion, because they thought that Lincoln's opposition to the expansion of slavery into the territories constituted a threat to that $3 billion in "assets." Lincoln, we should remember, was at the head of a new second party, the Republican Party; we should hope that the Green Party will someday be a new second party.
Little things like the Green Party look helpless today. The regime is organized from top to bottom to protect capital, endless war, de facto segregation, medical bankruptcy, climate change, and so on. Its protagonists, however, are full of hubris and paranoia, which will defeat them in the end, just like it defeated slave capital in the 1860s.
"A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy." -- Luigi Mangione
it's great you've met howie
and pronounce him as 'the real deal'; it feels like it, and i love that one of my favorite tankies, ajamu baraka is behind him. remember him? jill stein was his running mate? /s
your historical narratives i know i'll appreciate more upon re-reading them in the morning. i can't remember the last time i voted for a D, prolly pre-nader? but then i do have an entire category at the Café: 'Dems as status quo gatekeepers', and that about sums them up for me.
my appreciation goes out to you, as well, for actually responding to, and greatly adding to, the subject/s of this diary. it had felt akin to having it 'shat up, spat upon, ratted on...' (paul simon's 'blessed are')
g'night, cass.
speaking of ajamu baraka,
i'd peeked into his Twit account earlier and seen a few tweets alluding the fact that amy goodman might be (accidentally this time?) shilling for the empire again; although which of her two-part Nato broadcast he may have meant.
wide, wide smile:
from howie on twitter:
good stuff:
closing time for me.
i will say straight out that i'm fucking tired of living in the duopoly Wasteland of 'the Free'. g' night, sleep well and restoratively if you can.
the lyrics
And it feels like I am living in the wasteland of the free
We got politicians running races on corporate cash
Now don't tell me they don't turn around and kiss them peoples' ass
You may call me old-fashioned
But that don't fit my picture of a true democracy
Living in the wasteland of the free
Where the poor have now become the enemy
Let's blame our troubles on the weak ones
Sounds like some kind of Hitler remedy
Living in the wasteland of the free
While we sit gloating in our greatness
Justice is sinking to the bottom of the sea
Living in the wasteland of the free...
Me too.
excellent prognosis,
amigo. it's been said before, of course, but from bruce dixion:
as for the news henry wallace brought that 'bernie calls them spoilers', i'd hazily then remembered that when replying to candidates that nader stole their votes, he'd said close to "No, you stole mine!"
but sure, in 2020 the Ds can run on aoc's green capitalistic New Deal, and now the grand election reform HR1 and cry: "but those nasty Rs wouldn't even bring t to the floor!"
but i'd add into the mix that most supporters of D candidates (even those earlier crying 'DemExit' or 'Revolution!'...believe what they want to believe about their candidates, say 'peace candidate Tulsi'.
wouldn't have obomba finally disabused voters of 'hope and change'? apparently not, because 'hope dies last' (the name of this trompe l'oeil mural by WD in athens i love so well...
the link in the tweet i'd put in upstream about howie's tax proposals (not what it is, really) is fascinating and very socialistic (some excerpts):
Money (including the federal reserve), Big Banks, Power Utilities, Big Pharma, Broadband. Arms Industry, Racial Justice, Peace Process, Agriculture, Immigration Reform (and yeppers" open borders, bless his ♥)...a longer list with some specifics. wooot!
hope you listened or will listen to iris dement's (who some call 'amerika's conscience' or close to that" Wasteland of the Free'. (i couldn't stop replaying it, lol). this example, that example, more examples...'that don't sound like Democracy to me!'
He gets my vote.
And I don't feel bad about it.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
good on ya,
my friend. i do hope we DO get to vote for him the more i read about his policies (as in my comment to big al above). in the disappeared video at the bottom of the OP, in three minutes or so, yes, he'd touted his eco-socialist new green deal (not that i think it matters much any longer), but close to the 'nuclear clock being one minute toward midnight', and said that if he decides not to run, he'll put any left over contributions into getting greens on the ballot. and i reckon 'decides not to run' might be close to: 'if he doesn't secure the nomination', but that's just me.
but i'm elated to have discovered that there might be someone i can vote for for prez of this (sorry): shit hole nation. mr. wd and i can't afford to send him many amerikan dollars, but every little bit helps, i reckon.
It's just a shame
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
yes, it's a
great appeal to ID politics, but craptastically hilarious in that all it ever talks about is 'net-zero carbon emissions' or 'C'mon Down, 'n place your bids, techo-termistas!! Carbon capture and sequestraion? Geoengineering? Take yer pick!'
but srsly, post 2020 elections (if the Ds win) those will be the sort of proposals from the #SuchaDeal to be proposed as...a law. but come to think of it, even maybe proposed under MAGA rule, no?
only slightly OT
given Dems seeking to enshrine russia-gate, etc. in their HR1, and Dems recommending assange be booted out of the embassy by open letter (ah, i can see the creator’s face (no: not that creator)...bob menendez?, and this:
from RT:
i checked and the video is an hour long.
stay safe, julian; stay as sane as you're able. me, i'd have run screaming into the street in my knickers long ago.
joe lauria at
consortium news has what amounts to be a transcript of the hour-long presser with Fidel Narváez, Kristinn Hrafnsson and Jennifer Robinson.
hrafnsson even met with the extortionists in spain, recognized one of them, and recorded the meeting. he the went to the police, who've opened an investigation. the material they offered
was vast and a disgusting invasion of privacy.
i'm out for the night.
g' night to all of us; maybe tomorrow we'll begin to build a world based on peace and justice