Will this strategy backfire?

I have a theory that, like many, the corruptocrat strategy is to flood the primaries with candidates and force the convention to a second ballot.
But at first look this strategy seems stupid because of the 15% rule. Look at the possible outcome:
Bernie 60%
Dork #1 10%
Dork #2 10%
Dork 3-6 all 5%
Bernie gets all of the convention votes. Stupid strategy, right? By trying to dilute the Bernie vote the dorks actually dilute the anti Bernie vote and eliminate themselves.
But what if that isn't the strategy? What if the real strategy is not to dilute the Bernie vote, but to hide the Bernie vote theft? What if the real vote is as above, but the announced total is:
Bernie 45%
Dork #2-4 15%
Dork #5 10%
Looks much more believable, doesn't it? No one would believe that some dork actually got say 35% when he really got 10, but saying that he got 15% when he really got 10? Well maybe.
See? We seem to be assuming that the announced vote totals are accurate. I have two words for that myth - Tim Canova.
But what if that strategy backfires? What if, instead of a pack of dorks, the result is:
Bernie 60%
Tulsi 20%
Warren 15%
Dork #1-5 5% combined?
Tulsi and Liz accept cabinet posts for their delegates and that's it. What can the corruptocrats do? I think what I'm saying is that the real threat, which I do not think is a threat, is too many progressives diluting the Bernie vote.
Then again, what if instead of Gabbard and Warren it's Buttigieg and Yang?

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Wally's picture

I think they cut into each other's potential votes more than Bernie's.

Let Biden and Harris and PeBeto O'Rourkgieg (tip of the hat to Le Frog) and the rest of them shoot each other in the crossfire. Maybe Obama realized the DNC's stupidity (but a bit late being he's been more interested in vacationing).

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Is to try and convince us that there is no real difference between Bernie and Biden or Beto.

Except that no one believes them

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Wally's picture


. . . and Hillary. I'm not so sure the DNC is one big united front.

When Obama recently warned about the danger of the candidates shooting each other in a crossfire, the MSM interpreted that in terms of Bernie, Tulsi and even Warren shooting at the corporatist candidates. I don't think that's what he was getting at.

My guess is that he was protecting his ol' buddy Joe who was getting whacked on the personal space issue, not so much all the twiddle dees and twiddle dums. Given that Harris was able to take advantage early on of Hillary's donor base, it sure seems that she's Hillary's candidate. Maybe only as a stalking horse before a possible second ballot. Let me get that little bit of vomit out of my mouth before I continue.

Then again, Joe may get cold feet again in the face of the attacks that are going to be coming harder and heavier at him. I think he'll jump in but who knows for sure? He would have jumped in already, I think, if he got Stacey Abrams to join his ticket. At best, though. she's playing hard to get. I'm afraid that ticket will be very hard to beat in the primaries. We can all rail our utmost against identity politics, but guess what? It's a reality.

And Harris is doing the sleeping dog routine right now, too. I think she is going to be a formidable foe especially in California.

In any event and in my estimation, it's the more the merrier for Bernie. The trick, of course, is to get the 50% + 1 of the delegates on the first ballot. That's going to be tough, but I don't think it's undoable if we pull together just one more time.

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You're welcome!

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Personally, I think odds are good that the Corruptocrats will fail in stealing nomination from Bernie. This is especially noteworthy in that their biggest horse, Joe Biden, appears doomed at the gate. I think Harris and Booker will do poorly as well.

So, what are the Corruptocrats to do? Well, I think they are more interested in defeating Bernie (or any progressive) than in defeating Trump and so think they'll work behind the scenes to push up a third party candidate (Boomberg?). With such a third party candidate I think Trump would run away with the race (just as intended).

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Avid Agnostic

The Liberal Moonbat's picture

A lot of people REALLY WANT Bernie. Nobody REALLY wants Trump. I'd be surprised if even the Charleston Tiki-Torch set truly believed he was one of their own rather than just someone who's willing to gladhand them.

Just like Brexit, Trump's a disgruntled protest vote that got out of hand, the devil we DIDN'T know. Especially now that we know he is in fact just Fat Bastard to Dubya's Dr. Evil and Obama's Mini-Me, why wouldn't someone like Bloomberg be AT LEAST as damaging to him as to the Most Popular Politician In America?

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Hawkfish's picture

...what’s behind dork #2?

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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

@Hawkfish @Hawkfish
In one of my scenarios there was no Dork #1. I blame the periodontal work I had Saturday. (any excuse in a storm) Really I see the "Dorks" as whoever comes out of the clown car the hottest; I doubt anyone of the corruptocrat puppetmasters knows or cares, they're just being thrown up at random. (when Harris gets 1% in New Hampshire after getting nothing in Iowa expect Newsome to announce just in time for CA.)

EDIT: AAAACKKL!!! Just got the joke.

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On to Biden since 1973

Hawkfish's picture


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We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

On a serious note, anything is possible when it comes to the Establishment versus Bernie Sanders. Or they may try to make amends - #ItsHisTurn! Now that the great RussiaPocalypse is done, maybe we can do some investigating into how the scale was tipped in Hillary Clinton's favour during the primary? (Hahahaha!) I wonder how many of them in this primary were told to back off entering the last one.

Just a general observation from me: whenever someone announces they are seeking the nomination and pops out of the daily Who Wants to Be POTUS Advent calendar, I go right to their website. Most of them had zero policy positions. I mean, come on. (Now, I give a temporary pass to the candidates like Warren and Booker, because they have voting records and that gives me some insight.) The unknowns though, making this first impression? That's amateur hour stuff. You're asking for money and can't even tell me what my campaign donation supports? Even my cats know that when they trap me in a pincer movement to get treats, they better be sitting nicely on their bums when the container comes out; otherwise, they can keep circling the kitchen and creepy-staring all they want. (For ten seconds anyway, then I cave. They own me.)

Even worse than that is the secondhand embarrassment-inducing policy area that is all platitudes. Beto O'Rourke's website is a dorkathon - a lot of "let's address X issue." Whoa folks, we have A BADASS over here! Yes, Beto! Let's! Let's do something about immigration and climate change and job creation! But... who are you talking about when you say "let's" and the You part of that - what exactly are You going to do?

And this is the problem: despite the lack of platform, the PeBeto O'Rourigiegs are getting attention and bumps in polls. It is early days, yes, but every time I see Elizabeth Warren behind in of those fools in any poll, I want to rage-eat a cheesecake. Even the holistic healing candidate (Marianne someone?) is better defined as a candidate.

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@Le Frog
If you claim to stand for something you invite being analyzed. Then you will be exposed as a Great Corporist Hope. So just say "I'm not Trump and I'm safer than Bernie". It's basically a failure strategy (since Cathleen Brown it has never won and it is responsible for the most humiliating losses in history) but if your goal is to elect fascists while appearing to be "the resistance" it's sure fire.

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On to Biden since 1973


Maybe that's the solution: remove the word salad and just put "I'm not Donald Trump and I'm not Bernie Sanders!" At least that's clear.

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snoopydawg's picture

@Le Frog

nothing but items in her store for sale on her website for weeks. Months? Nothing on her policies or anything else. Just buy a Harris hat, t shirt, tote bag and shower curtains. But when will Bernie release his taxes? And tell us his plans for reparations?

And this is the problem: despite the lack of platform, the PeBeto O'Rourigiegs are getting attention and bumps in polls. It is early days, yes, but every time I see Elizabeth Warren behind in of those fools in any poll, I want to rage-eat a cheesecake. Even the holistic healing candidate (Marianne someone?) is better defined as a candidate.

I want to know why Biden has been leading the polls for ever even though he hasn't declared that he is running yet? He and Bernie have been neck and neck pretty much the whole time, but only one of them has been doing campaigning type stuff.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.


He shouldn't be in a single poll until he's in the race officially.

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@Le Frog
but if you believe those polls you believe Hillary got 65 million votes and Saddam had WMDs and Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny are real.

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On to Biden since 1973


and no offense taken! I've looked at many of the polls as useful to gauge reactions, not to ask for an opinion. Perhaps my expectations are too high!

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Wally's picture


He's said he will release 10 years of his taxes around April 15. TBH, I really don't care if he does. Trump's not going to do so. And at worst, we'll find out that Bernie made a million dollars a year. I really don't care about that either, coz a lot of that money would have gone into all sorts of good places beside his pockets that it wouldn't have normally gone. The whole tax bit is a crock the way I see it.

He just came out the other day in favor of a congressional committee to research the viability of some kind of reparation possibility. No Democratic candidate is going to advance anything more than that and most will be so wishy-washy there's no way of telling what they'll do.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture


is that Bernie's not only calling out DT for not releasing his, he failed to release more than a single Form 1040 for 2016, after repeatedly promising on teevee (Sunday political shows, etc.) that the returns would be coming soon. It will be easy to point out that, "What's good for the goose, is good for the gander. IOW, can't have it both ways.

More to the point, the MSM is going to really vet him this election cycle. Just consider the number of reporters that WaPo alone assigned to DT in 2016. (And, who, to my knowledge, are still covering him.) What's to stop WaPo and other MSM print and cable outlets from choosing to do the same to Bernie?--nothing, that I can think of.

So, why on earth give them more ammunition? I can't think of one rational reason, personally. Especially, when Bernie's the front runner of the 'declared' candidates.

(Frankly, it wouldn't surprise me if ol' Joe declines to run, when all is said and done.)



I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

Wally's picture

@Unabashed Liberal

We'll see what Bernie actually does and we'll have to deal with it then. He's gonna get attacked no matter what he does, even if he figures out how to walk on water.

In the meantime, there are some Beto supporter defections. Why? Coz they learned Beto takes lots and lots from Fossil Fuel, second in 2018 to only . . . Ted Cruz:


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Unabashed Liberal's picture


the mystery's over. CNN just reported that Bernie divulged in an interview with the NYT that he's a millionaire. As I said at EB, for cryin' out loud, almost all lawmakers are very well-off--most of them are millionaires many times over. Anyhoo, glad he's still planning to release his returns, as promised. Personally, I don't thing that his financial status will hurt him with anyone. (Unless he's worth hundreds of millions of dollars, or something. And, I doubt that's the case.)

Now, the Cable News talking heads can move on. If they only will. Dash 1

Have a good one!

I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne


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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

@Unabashed Liberal
So what, so am I - and I was a cab driver. (I bought a condo in CA and paid off the mortgage) Bernie spent something like 30 years in government. I don't know what the mayor of Burlington makes, but a congressman and a senator make 4 or 5 times my best year. All he had to do was not blow it all on blow. My question is Marco Rubio (supposedly the "poorest" senator, with a negative net wealth due to a hefty mortgage)

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On to Biden since 1973

Unabashed Liberal's picture


to a piece (the NYT article is paywalled) about the NYT interview.

Bernie Sanders reveals he’s a millionaire, promises to release 10 years of tax returns by Tax Day

At the conclusion of the interview, he once again challenged DT to release his returns. That's why it was important for him to follow through with releasing his own.

Considering the big bucks that folks (news anchors) like George S, Jake T and Chuck T are raking in, annually, if that's all that he's been concerned about, he was stressing out over a nothingburger. (IMO)

After all, Tapper bought a 4- or 5-million-dollar home several years ago. Saw the photos. Nice digs!


Have a good one!

I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne


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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

@Unabashed Liberal
Bernie made somewhere from $150-$200k a year fr 30 years. Of course he's a millionaire! I made $24-$44k a year in that same time but bought and paid off a condo in Daly City, CA. I'm an effin millionaire. (on paper)
The question is How did you get there?

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On to Biden since 1973

all of the possible angles. One thing we can count on is that they are going to fight dirty to cling to power, will of the voters be damned.

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The Liberal Moonbat's picture

@entrepreneur Otherwise it'll be like this all over again....

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!