Maybe he could take up painting --
-- you know, like George W. did. Here's what Barack Obama is doing now:
At a town-hall-style event hosted by the Obama Foundation in Berlin, the former president was asked about the art of compromise.
He told the crowd of mostly young people that, in politics as well as in the civic arena, “you have to recognize that the way we’ve structured democracy requires you to take into account people who don’t agree with you.”
“One of the things I do worry about sometimes among progressives in the United States — maybe it’s true here as well — is a certain kind of rigidity, where we say, ‘Oh, I’m sorry. This is how it’s going to be,’” Obama said.
He lamented that Democrats sometimes create “what’s called a ‘circular firing squad,’ where you start shooting at your allies because one of them is straying from purity on the issues.”
“When that happens, typically the overall effort and movement weakens. . . .
Obama complaining about "rigidity" weakening the "overall effort and movement" is rich. Under Obama's "flexible" rule, Democrats lost the House, the Senate, the Presidency, and 900 state legislative seats.
Yeah that's just rich.

....the art of compromise.
More like the 'Art of Unconditional Surrender'.
What a hopeless individual.
from a reasonably stable genius.
Thinking of him as a lawyer/law professor,
not a politician who practices the art of compromise, he had to have been schooled on mediation. He knows how the process works.
I guess he is getting paid to travel and spout bs.
I wish he would retire to his manse, sit on the porch, drink beer, watch basketball games on tv, and leave us all alone.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
I wish he'd do jail time like other war criminals should
But also just like in the Nuremberg Trial not only were the people known to be directly responsible for certain war crimes prosecuted, but so too were media operatives that were crucial in creating and sustaining a narrative they knew to be not only false but also critical in making all the war cries all possible.
Nuremberg-trial standards re media inciters—aye, there’s the rub
He started out with two wars
...and compromised the nation into five more.
ISIS. We built that.
These former presidents collect a pension of sorts,
don't they? That was intended to give them an income and not turn to influence peddling... er... speaking engagements?
I'd frankly rather hear more about Dubya painting his dog's portrait than listen to Obama spew with a straight face that progressives are too rigid. In fact, I'd find more honesty and truth in watching Dubya paint his dog's picture than in one word from Obama.
Well, Michelle would agree with you since she thinks W
is such a "sweet man". Makes me barf. So does W. I wouldn't want to watch W doing anything. The man is a war criminal.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
I don't think that his speech even crossed
over into the German mindset. Folks who are politely listening and clapping don't represent 'enthusiastic support'. Next speech, more irrelant words, I think the opposite is more true, people search for uncompromising rigidity, because everyone can compromise and somehow most people are not that happy about it, even though they don't admit it in public, because they fear to be called 'dreamers' or not being based 'in reality'. So, what the heck, everyone is being unhappy and all deny it to not lose 'face'.
Next comment, next speech, nothing to see here, nothing to listen to. Go on, going on.
Okay, except --
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
yep, the shitty part of the internet has it,
so now we have to get depressed that despite the internets capability to spread our own views to fight with the other's views with whomever around the globe, it doesn't do the trick.
I need to sleep over it. Fighting depressive thoughts 7d/w and firing from both sides of my mouth to give each side of my mouth equal opportunity to rant and still I don't see an answer.
What a life. I take a hike if you don't mind.
@Cassiodorus "Flexibility" was
Can you imagine what the GOP would have done in that situation?
We have a uniparty form of government. The red and blue thing is a distraction and a ruse.
Corporate Rule upfront is Obama's "purity"
What Obama Had Wanted to Be His Chief Achievements: TTIP & TPP
"I have done a number of articles about Obama’s aspiration to be the most successful of all global leaders in establishing a global mega-corporate dictatorship by international corporations, and I shall here be posting an article that I wrote on 3 May 2016 about this but had forgotten to post. (I post it only at washingtonsblog because this site is the only one where I post every article that I do.) However, before posting this article here, I shall provide links to the most important articles that I did distribute to the press about this matter and which were published (and the article-dates and/or keywords will here be shown along with each one of these 5 articles):..."
"...John Hilary, the Executive Director of War on Want, headlined an opinion column in Britain’s Independent newspaper the next morning, “After the leaks showing just what it really stands for, this could be the end for TTIP”, and he opened: “The documents show that US corporations will be granted unprecedented powers over any new public health or safety regulations to be introduced in future. If any European government does dare to bring in laws to raise social or environmental standards, TTIP will grant US investors the right to sue for loss of profits.”
The only allies that crook recognizes are bankers and
weapons manufacturers. As much as the Hillbamabots and msm promote his every word, Twitter is pushing back on him hard. Regardless, look at the praise they buried McCain with. Nothing penetrates the wall.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
If the audience wanted to hear about compromise then Obama, the most compromised Democrat in recent history, is probably the one to tell them. Though maybe terming it compromise is not quite correct since I don't think that O had much more than a tiny sense of decency.
Obama compromised us away
He loses nothing for himself, his family, his friends, his cronies. He's just collecting his reward for a job well done. Obama compromised and we bleed.
Not Circular
The firing squad, that is.
The fight for control of the Democratic Party is a straight up line of volley fire engagement.
Face to face. And we have the numbers to win this kind of a fight.
This circular firing squad rhetoric is designed to avoid the long-delayed but necessary fight for the heart and soul of the party. The establishment knows it can't win in a straight up contest so they will used every dirty trick in the bag to hold on to power.
Obama has to retain his influence over the party in order to ensure his post presidential payoffs continue to remain as lucrative as they are.
And Dubya and Company's war crimes and lies to start wars?
The tell that there really isn't a two-party democracy is that sitting presidents never prosecute the person before them in the seat. For all of Trump's badmouthing of Clinton and Obama, you'd think that his Justice Department could find something to prosecute them on. Likewise, Obama and Dubya. Or Dubya and Bill. Bill let GHW Bush slide, and of course Reagan slid. Some of these transfers of power involved the same nest of thieves, but the rule seems to be that you don't spill the beans on the guy before.
Just saying.
Or build houses for Habitat for Humanity.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"