Oh Goody
Amid rising tensions, NATO chief pitches confrontation with Russia to US Congress
NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg delivered the first-ever address by a leader of the US-led imperialist alliance to a joint session of the US Congress on Wednesday, promoting a military buildup against Russia under conditions in which ever greater fissures are threatening to tear NATO itself apart.
Stoltenberg, whose pedestrian speech was interrupted by 18 standing ovations from the assembled US Senators and Representatives, claimed that he was not pushing a new Cold War, but nonetheless made it clear that the central axis of the NATO alliance remained preparation for a military confrontation with Moscow.
“For the first time, we have combat-ready troops deployed in the east of our alliance,” he said. “We have increased the readiness of our forces, tripled the size of the NATO Response Force, modernized our command structure, bolstered our cyber defenses, and we have stepped up support for our close partners, Georgia and Ukraine, sovereign nations with the sovereign right to choose their own path.”
This boasting over the deployment of armed battalions on Russia’s very borders came as a summit of NATO foreign ministers being held in Washington approved plans for the dispatch of NATO warships to the Kerch Strait. This passageway between the Black and Azov Seas was the scene last November of a provocation by Ukraine that ended in an armed confrontation in which Russia seized three Ukrainian ships and some two dozen sailors.
“We are going to make sure that we have the capability to deter a very aggressive Russia,” US ambassador to NATO Kay Bailey Hutchison told reporters on Tuesday on the sidelines of the NATO foreign ministers’ meeting. She said that the upcoming NATO intervention was designed “to assure that there is a safe passage for Ukrainian vessels through the Kerch Strait.”
One Russian television commentator described Stoltenberg’s speech as a “familiar bundle of threats and phobias” based upon the concern that Russia “had placed its borders too close to NATO.”House Speaker Nancy Pelosi held a photo-op with Stoltenberg in which she gushed that the NATO chief’s appearance on Capitol Hill was a “jubilant occasion” and thanked him for his “leadership in making the world a more peaceful place.”
While Stoltenberg tried to portray the increasingly acrimonious divisions within NATO as “a sign of strength” and “democracy,” US Vice President Mike Pence, speaking at a NATO anniversary event in Washington, delivered what amounted to ultimatums to both Turkey and Germany to submit to Washington’s diktats, or else.“Turkey must choose,” Pence said. “Does it want to remain a critical partner in the most successful military alliance in history, or does it want to risk the security of that partnership by making such reckless decisions that undermine our alliance?”
Pence also turned his fire against Berlin, condemning the German government for refusing “to make the necessary investment of 2 percent of its GDP to our common defense.”
While the German government is rearming on a scale unseen since the downfall of Hitler’s Third Reich—increasing military spending by 40 percent since 2014—Pence cast Berlin as shirking its responsibilities.
More pointedly, he denounced the German government for moving ahead with the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project, bringing Russian natural gas to Germany through the Baltic Sea, insisting that Germany ran the risk of becoming a “captive of Russia.” Washington has pressed for Germany to accept liquefied natural gas, delivered by US companies, as an alternative to Russian gas.
So there it is. Congress is telling us that it's fully committed to blowing the planet to hell and beyond for no other reason than it wants to continue being the biggest bully on the playground. This means that they will have to increase the military budget and then to pay for it they will gut what's left of our social programs. The first people to make the sacrifices will be the poor, elderly and disabled. If they can't fight in the upcoming wars what use are they? The middle class will be next. It's already decreasing because the rich need more money.
The interesting thing to watch will be Pence's ultimatum to Turkey. Buy our less dependable and more expensive missile defense system or we will kick you out of NATO. Hopefully Turkey responds by saying fine. Take your planes and other military equipment with you when you leave and don't forget to turn the lights off.
In case anyone is interested in protesting against this action then find your nearest protest site tomorrow for it. Oh wait. This protest is to get Barr to release the Mueller report to congress. My bad...
Oh Goody, Oy Gawd.
Gushing about making the world a more peaceful place while building military might is more than I can grasp. The absurdity is beyond comprehension.
GBA, the only exceptional country in the world
I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish
"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"
Heard from Margaret Kimberley
Dementia in DC
I would imagine whoever is in charge of Russia's ballistic missile and submarine forces is probably making sure everything is fueled up and ready-to-go about now. While I certainly hope not, could you blame them?
These obscene war mongers in Washington have gone totally insane. I don't know what else it could be. How else could they not recognize the unmitigated worldwide disaster they are pushing humanity toward? Insanity is the only thing that makes any sense to me.
The slow death march.
It's like we're in a movie. Not watching a movie. Congress really does not care about the American people or they would not be standing in ovation for nuclear death. What will be left for them to spend their millions on? Doesn't seem to matter. We, the deplorables, will be eliminated. They just can't see beyond that.
Without revolution, we remain deplorable.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Now with new member states!
Like Columbia and Brazil who plan to move to the N. Atlantic upon membership.
NATO = War mongers international (WMI)
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
And the cycle of empire is now complete...
We have Just one Colony.
Now we have to defend that colony.
And the other colonies.
Now you are all Empire citizens.
Invade Russia and/or Afghanistan...
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
We are on the road to hell, and cheering
The situation keeps getting worse, by choice. There are two possible outcomes, global thermonuclear war or the US collapses. I took the total US expenses on war, divided it by the population and then multiplied it by the population of my city. That number was equal to the total city budget. Hmm, that's the real cost of this insanity. We give up a real livable infrastructure and real human services, such as universal health care and education, in order to persue this insanity of global dominance.
It won't work and will backfire because the countries alienated by it represent the majority of people, production of goods, resources and... yes technology today. The claimed aggressiveness from China, Russia, Iran, Turkey, is pure projection. The US is by far the most dangerous and aggressive nation in the world. For those of us who have traveled to China, Russia and other recently developed countries, we see a huge difference to the US state of development. Train stations in China are more modern than airports in the US. Add to that the right to health care and education in China and Russia and you get a picture that the US is busy obscuring a very mediocre country with inflating the only dominant sector, the military. This, by the way, will never work against modern defenses. The US doesn't dare directly attack Russia or China. The pentagon understands this well, but our brain dead politicians don't have a clue.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
thanks, snoopy;
although the paens to nato are hardly unexpected, imo. as far as this:
...i'd thought readers here would be interested in my (lengthy, admittedly) diary on the Ukrainan elections, but...no so much. but mny of the 39 candidates were running campaigns against 'revanchist russia, reclaim rimea and the donbass, no russian language in schools, and all that jazz.
but i had featured the no to nato, hands off Vz, etc. rallies in DeeCee on March 30.
this is
#notonato on twitter. lots of good tweets and reminders.
anyway, john wight at RT in his april 4: ‘70 years of NATO charts 70 years of brute force and hard power’ brings in a lot of historical narrative and quotes i hadn't known. he first brings some of the heady peace and cooperation parts of the UN charter preamble, then these bits and bobs:
wight then steers readers to neil clark's 'In 1999, it was Yugoslavia in the crosshairs of the imperialists, now it’s Venezuela', april 1, which opens:
Well if NATO wants to destroy world civilization for Nazis
Jens Stoltenberg is such a war mongering idiot. The build up of NATO on Russian borders is an repeat of the Nazi invasion of Russia. Western Europeans may have forgotten, but not the Russians.