Biden Should Stick a Fork in His Campaign

Biden has just as much or even more baggage than Hills did because of the legislation he got passed during his tenure in congress. His actions in the drug war, abortion rights, the crime bill, bankruptcy bill, his Iraq war vote and now this.

Forget 'Creepy' - Biden Has A Major Ukraine Problem

Joe Biden appears to have made a major tactical error last year when he bragged to an audience of foreign policy experts how he threatened to hurl Ukraine into bankruptcy if their top prosecutor, General Viktor Shokin, wasn't immediately fired, according to The Hill's John Solomon.

In his own words, with video cameras rolling, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.

"I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’" bragged Biden, recalling the conversation with Poroshenko.

"Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time," Biden said at the Council on Foreign Relations event - while insisting that former president Obama was complicit in the threat.

And why would Biden want the "son of a bitch" fired?

In what must be an amazing coincidence, the prosecutor was leading a wide-ranging corruption investigation into a natural gas firm - which Biden's son, Hunter, sat on the board of directors.

The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden’s younger son, Hunter, as a board member.

U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia.

Key questions for 'ol Joe:

Was it appropriate for your son and his firm to cash in on Ukraine while you served as point man for Ukraine policy? What work was performed for the money Hunter Biden’s firm received? Did you know about the Burisma probe? And when it was publicly announced that your son worked for Burisma, should you have recused yourself from leveraging a U.S. policy to pressure the prosecutor who very publicly pursued Burisma?

Appropriate? Of course not. But when has that ever stopped people from doing something they know that they should do? And this news isn't new. People have known about this since it happened. But it sure looks like there is a cabal working to make sure that Biden's candidacy goes nowhere doesn't it? I'm betting that Bernie is the man behind the curtain on this.

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No to Joe.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Raggedy Ann's picture

continue to slander poor ole’ Joe. Tsk, tsk. Acute

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

snoopydawg's picture

Pelosi Makes Excuses For 'Affectionate' Joe Biden; Says Creepy Groping Shouldn't Disqualify For 2020

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) says that two accustions of inappropriate molesation levied against former Vice President Joe Biden do "not at all" disqualify him from seeking the presidency in 2020.

Pelosi on Tuesday told Politico Playbook that Biden's intention should be the determining factor.

Nope. I disagree with her on this. Whether he intended to make women uncomfortable when he touched them misses the point. His touching them made them uncomfortable. Period. A comment on her statement.

people with power need to understand the power issue as well - it isn't only about gender or space, it's power.

Did women feel that they could tell him to stop because he made them uncomfortable? During a time when there are many people and press around them how many people would make a point to tell him to quit touching them? Imagine how that would go over. Guess who would be made out to be the bad guy? Not him.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt


Mika of morning Joe blames Bernie for Joe groping people.

Tom Perez says Joe Biden is a good guy.

Joy Behar says he does get close, but gee, soon we won't be able to shake hands. Last I knew, a handshake was an offer. No one has ever reached out and grabbed my hand to shake it.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

gulfgal98's picture


I disagree with her on this. Whether he intended to make women uncomfortable when he touched them misses the point. His touching them made them uncomfortable. Period. A comment on her statement.

There are many good policy reasons why Joe Biden should not be President, but this reason is one that is a non-starter for many people.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

arendt's picture

Or is that just your hope?

I would guess that Bernie would just sit back. ("Never interfere with your opponent while he is making a mistake.") If Bernie butts in, the story becomes about horse race politics. All Bernie has to do is let people discover the info which was already out there years ago.

Sort of hilarious that the leading vote getter in the Ukraine election was a TV comedian who played the president. You think that guy, should he be elected and not be assassinated, would hesitate one minute to stick a fork in Joe Biden? LOL.

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@arendt err...groping, Ukraine, etc. I mean.

Yeah, he should just step back and let Biden implode, but they’re already trying to pin the groping allegations on his campaign. If that starts sticking l wouldn’t be shocked to hear a “sick of the damn emails” type statement from Bernie. (And that worked out sooooo well in 2016. They’re still accusing him for being a big meanie to HER.)

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

Wally's picture

@arendt I'm not so sure Poroshenko won't be re-elected.

Zelensky is not independent of the Ukrainian oligarchy.

They're all about cutting deals for themselves.

Want to know more about Zelensky?

Check out Ihor V. Kolomoisky.

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thanatokephaloides's picture

A pitchfork, that is...
(or 100 million, with torches etc.)....



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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

Want a preview of a Trump vs Biden race? There you go.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

Wally's picture

Did you see Chris Matthews last night?

I hesitate to use this link but I do and only look at Breitbart to see what the bad guys are up to:

Pretty soon it will be the constant refrain of Bernie and Rahshah, Rahshah. Rahshah!

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Pluto's Republic's picture


...that Democrats might lose if they swing to the Real Left.

They're not terrified that the Humane agenda of the Left might run away with all the votes of disappointed unrepresented Americans. Not at all. They just don't want to see the Democrats lose the election. Yeah. Right.

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Populations don’t like wars. They have to be lied into it.
That means we can be “truthed” into peace. — Julian Assange
Wally's picture

@Pluto's Republic

It equates Bernie with Donald Trump.

It's got that damn paywall though. I got a friend to cut and paste it for me.

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Cassiodorus's picture

@Wally I'm sure he can beat the Donald. Hillary could have beaten the Donald had she not been so easy to associate with Beverly Hills, Silicon Valley, and the Hamptons among crowds whom she ignored. (Remember, folks, Hillary's awesome surplus in the popular vote total, and all for a candidate who didn't visit Wisconsin.) Joe no doubt knows this, and will avoid making Hillary's mistake.

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"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein

Wally's picture


Or are you being sarcastic?

I really don't know.

I think a lot will depend on the economy. And how much people want to get back to a hoped-for normalcy (which will still entail the 1% screwing us and running money schemes all over the globe, making sure the Global Security State gets fed and then some).

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Cassiodorus's picture

@Wally But I think y'all are overestimating how difficult it will be to beat Trump. Trump was a pitifully bad candidate who ran into a woman with problems in the upper Midwest but whose class issues were so malignant she could not face up to them. Trump also did not win a majority of the popular vote, and squeaked through with razor-thin margins in the aforementioned upper Midwest thanks to Obama voters who chose to be nonvoters, such was the paucity of his actual appeal.

Biden will be able to learn from Clinton's mistakes. It shouldn't be terribly difficult to beat Trump. And remember the lawyers in Florida: the Democratic Party is not obliged to put up a fair contest. Biden will run on Obama's coattails.

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"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein

Wally's picture


. . . is the favorite.

I really don't know if any establishment candidate can beat Trump.

It will depend a lot on the economy.

I've noted before that I think a lot of voters want a return to "normalcy" (anything but Trump even if it means the 1% keep sticking it to us and the MIC/Global Security state is let loose run havoc).

I was also looking at the twitter of Peter Daou and Tom Watson. I presume you know who they are (the Men for Hillary). I have a feeling Daou is playing good cop to Watson's bad cop, or sorta like a heavyweight wrestling tag team.

Watson is reaming Bernie and boosting Harris. Daou comes off like the proverbial good cop. He's saying nice stuff about everybody except Biden who he's slashing to smithereens. Eventually candidates will be dropping out. Will Biden (he's obviously going to run) have enough votes on the first ballot? And along will come the Candyman but not for Biden.

Politics is duplicity.

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Bob In Portland's picture

recall, but Franken really got shafted. He apparently was too far to the left and sacrificed on the "Me Too" altar in that blur last year.

I do miss the Lake Wobegon guy. He had a poetry almanac every weekday on public radio. I don't know how bad he was, but there's a big hole there now.

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@Bob In Portland considered too far left for anyone except for the far right. I'm not sure if there were R shenanigans involved with the initial accuser, but thereafter it was liberal #MeToo politics at its worst -- believe the accuser, demand harsh punishment for the accused. Franken was not even allowed time for there to be a proper senate inquiry into the charges, as would normally be done. No time thus to consider more reasonable and proportionate forms of punishment short of forcing his resignation. And yes, the punishment here was far out of line with the charges asserted. A shame too that MN voters were deprived of a rep they had twice voted for, and were denied the opportunity to weigh in on the allegations when he would have run for re-election.

The ambitious Gillibrand, probably identifying this case as her claim to fame for the 2020 race during that heated period of the MeToo movement, has a black mark next to her name, in my book. So also for a few cowardly senate Ds, some senior in rank, some in prominent leadership positions, who went along with the mob or who cowered in silence in their offices, offering no defense, not even a call for a proper investigation. I don't recall any major senate Dem speaking up for Franken.

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achieves that end then good.

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Interesting that the same people and types of people who defended Clinton are now defending Biden.

Biden is a classic masher. Seems the word "creepy" has replaced it.

A man who attempts to force his unwelcome attentions on a woman.
A woman is approached and touched by a man in an inappropriate way. She could respond by hitting him with her purse and yelling "Masher!"

A man who makes unwelcome sexual advances to women.

A person (usually a man) who gains sexual gratification by inappropriately rubbing against strangers in crowed public places.
It was crowded, but it wasn't that crowded. The guy didn't need to rub his package against my ass as he "squeezed by" - what a masher!

A man who rubs his genitals against female commuters on packed trains and/or buses.

Better check any video footage of him on his famous taking a commuter train to work phase.

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gulfgal98's picture

Some people simply do not get it. I used to work with a woman who was always invading the personal space of people she came in contact with. Despite the fact that I would always find myself backing up when talking to her face to face, she never seemed to "get it."

Recently I attended a family function in which an older unrelated woman, who introduced herself as a psychologist of all things, did the very same thing. She would get in your face when talking to you.

I am not sure is Joe is simply a touchy, feely creep who fails to understand the definition of personal space or if he really is a pervert. But either way, it is something that many people have noticed and it does not bode well for a man who simply does not understand why people have a need to feel secure in their own personal space.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

snoopydawg's picture


I too worked with a woman who did that to everyone she spoke with and watching her from a far I could tell that she was getting off on it. I refused to back up when she talked to me. I did at first but she would just move forward again.

But with Joe as many have said, the women and girls weren't in a position to do or say something about it. Power again. Joe knew that. I think he knows damn well what he was doing regardless of what he is saying now. And his non apology apology shows just that.

Fork needed.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

@gulfgal98 @gulfgal98

he was doing and also knew that he would get away with it for the same reason Anita Hill's boss got away with it. Too bad for him that he didn't run before the #metoo movement started, but he didn't. Well, actually, he did and more than once, but his runs went nowhere. I'm sure "serving" as Vice President under a popular President had raised his hopes, though.

You don't place your hand on a woman's shoulder, then slide it down her back without knowing what you are doing. You don't put your hand on a woman's thigh without knowing exactly what you are doing.

When men start talking about Joe smelling their hair and kissing it for longer than a peck, I'll consider changing my view. When Biden insists on having his crotch touching the shoulder of a grown man instead of a female child, I'll consider changing my view.

I would also say that, if a women feels as though a powerful man is doing something to her that he should not be doing, she's probably right. I would not send anyone to prison based on that alone, but it's enough for me to believe the woman, especially when he happens to many of them--and the youtube videos showed it happened to many of them. In some of the videos, uou can see even minor females looking more and more bewildered and/or uncomfortable as Handsy Joe's liberties with them accelerate. You can sometimes also see some male trying to protect a daughter or granddaughter against Handsy. Which tells me that this had made its way around the hallowed halls of politicians before it hit the general public's fan.

But, as the OP indicates, there are plenty of other reasons that Joe should not get any party's nomination for President.

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Deja's picture


When men start talking about Joe smelling their hair and kissing it for longer than a peck, I'll consider changing my view. When Biden insists on having his crotch touching the shoulder of a grown man instead of a female child, I'll consider changing my view.

I'll be right there with you!

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snoopydawg's picture


is to step forward and get in their personal space. I remembered during my walk that I did that with the woman. It didn't help that she was very tall too. Mind games can be fun.

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“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

Deja's picture


. . . simply a touchy, feely creep who fails to understand the definition of personal space or if he really is a pervert.

When people tense up, while you're touching them, you know something is wrong, as in they don't want you doing that. Think about when you pick up a child who is throwing a fit. You know they don't want you to do that. Even if their mouths don't tell you, their bodies do.

Creepy Joe does not have a learning disability. He knows exactly what he's doing. It's forcing himself on others, and like you said, invading personal space, not an unfortunate case of halitosis.

I'm with snoopy on the way to deal with the "close talker". Step in. It'll throw them off the game they like to play.

Too bad we're not watching videos of these women and girls "accidentally" elbowing Creepy Joe, in his creepy crotch. Or, reacting like my dad used to when we'd wake him up -- always had to duck and cover if you touched him.

When people invade my space at the grocery store, by getting their basket too close at the check out, I always "accidentally" end up bumping into it with my butt while taking a step backward, and then hitting them with it. Back off!

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WoodsDweller's picture

I don't want Biden to drop out yet! First he has to piss away lots of centrist donations, hire lots of centrist operatives, make lots of gaffs that embarrass centrists in general, and answer for centrist Obama policies. THEN he can crash and burn. Not now Joe, it's too soon!

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

Wally's picture


. . . to see how hot it will get in the kitchen before he decides to cook or not.

I really don't know if he's going to enter the fray or not. I think he made up his mind to go for it but now he might be having second thoughts.

For sure, he's got MSM blaming the claims against him on Bernie.

But he still may go for it. I saw somewhere that one of his campaign operatives or backers was quoted in the media somewhere as saying that Biden is ready "to kill Bernie."

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then does he never like the males in attendance at these events because I never see photos of him hugging anyone other than females?

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@aliasalias to find some probably recent-vintage photos of Joe hugging a guy because hugging people is more a recent behavior trend, including guys hugging guys, and it's now well-established that Joe is a physical pol who could easily add hugging guys to his repertoire.

I doubt however you'll see pix of him kissing the tops of their heads, inhaling the scent of their hair ...

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@wokkamile and there are a few guys, including the doorman,that I usually exchange hugs with along with a few women there when I show up but I've been playing there over ten years and it certainly didn't begin that way.
I'm also 68 years old and find a lot of people in my age group hug a lot once they've known each other for a while but even then none of them lay a hand on my grandchildren nor do I even think of such a thing towards their families, so what also angers me is anyone allowing someone to squeeze their children, or whisper in their ear or seem to sniff them.
Surely each parent asked their child later about whatever Joe Biden whispered.

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Clarence Thomas, banksters, misusing political office and the power of the US to help out his kid, Iraq, plagiarism, or whatever, the photo of Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. is in the dictionary next to the word "inappropriate.

Was it appropriate for your son and his firm to cash in on Ukraine while you served as point man for Ukraine policy?

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The Liberal Moonbat's picture

Throwing threats at foreign governments so he can advance his own petty nepotism is supposed to be HIS wheelhouse!

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

Cassiodorus's picture

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"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein