Fasten your seatbelt: Papadopoulos, David Corn, POPCORN
In the light of no there there, the meaning of everything changes:
What George Papadopoulos did before joining the Trump campaign: a chronology
Brian Whitaker
Aug 24, 2018… 2013
October 22: Hudson Institute holds a one-day conference in Washington entitled “Power Shifts in the Eastern Mediterranean: The Emerging Strategic Relationship of Israel, Greece, and Cyprus”. Speakers include representatives from Greek, Cypriot and Israeli embassies, plus Bush-era Neocons Douglas Feith and David Wurmser. In his CV, Papadopoulos claims credit for setting it up:“My vision resulted in the successful completion of the first ever conference on US-Greece-Israel-Cyprus political, commercial, and energy ties. This tripartite relationship that I have promoted has the potential to become the stabilising link of the post-Arab Spring structure in the Eastern Mediterranean that U.S. policy desperately seeks.”
… 2014
January 29: In an article for Arutz Sheva (known in English as Israel National News), Papadopoulos warns against viewing Turkey as an ally of the United States:“The US would be wise to shift its policies, and resources, towards improving relations at all levels with its stalwart allies in the region, Israel, Greece, and Cyprus, to contain the newly emergent Russian fleet, and malignant jihadist forces operating around Israel’s borders.”
The article describes him as “a senior consultant” at the Hudson Institute and as “initiator of the first conference on US-Israel-Greece-Cyprus geopolitical developments”.
Baker Testimony Reveals Concerns About FBI Probe, Pre-Election Contacts With Mother Jones Reporter
March 26, 2019James Baker, the former general counsel at the FBI, provided a stunning testimony to congressional investigators in October last year.
… During testimony, Rep. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.)… paused to outline his concerns, telling Baker, “everything about this investigation seems to have been done in an abnormal way, the way that you have gotten the information, the way that Peter Strzok got information, the way that Bruce Ohr was used, the way that Perkins Coie actually came in and gave you information.”
… Baker responded: "… I had skepticism about all this stuff. I was concerned about all of this. This whole situation was horrible, and it was novel and we were trying to figure out what to do, and it was highly unusual.”
… Baker repeatedly met with Michael Sussmann, a partner at Perkins Coie, who shared with him information that detailed alleged communications between servers in Trump Tower and servers located in Russia at Alfa Bank—an allegation that eventually was debunked. Baker also acknowledged that he had a “personal relationship” with Sussmann, as they had previously “both worked in the criminal division together at the Department of Justice.”
… Early in Baker’s testimony, he was asked about his relationship with Mother Jones reporter David Corn. Baker said that Corn was a “longtime friend...”
… Baker testified that after Corn provided his memos from the Steele dossier to him, those new memos were then provided to the FBI’s Counterintelligence Division.
“He gave it to me, and then I immediately gave it to — I think it was Bill Priestap…"

David Corn and Michael Isikoff exclaim that things they published weren't true.
(VIDEO in this link.)
They keep
referring to the Steele dossier as "the dossier," "the dossier." Somehow they never refer to it as Opposition Research PAID FOR by the Clinton campaign.
So it turns out not to be true. So now is the Clinton campaign going to sue Fusion GPS for having produced this boo-boo?
According to Wikipedia "Fusion GPS is a commercial research and strategic intelligence firm based in Washington, D.C. The company conducts open-source investigations and provides research and strategic advice for businesses, law firms and investors, as well as for political inquiries, such as opposition research.[1] The "GPS" initialism is derived from "Global research, Political analysis, Strategic insight."
The dossier was exactly opposition research on Trump's campaign. That her supporters don't see a problem with Hillary using her party's intelligence agencies to do that is mind boggling, but then they don't believe that she rigged the primary or did any of the things we know she did.
This informative article has lots of links to others that pretty much sums up lots of stuff we knew about and some that I didn't.
Horowitz and Huber are supposed to be doing investigations into Hillary's foundation and the FBI investigations to see if it was botched. We already know that it was from the redacted IG report, but apparently it was supposed to even deeper. Huber hasn't asked people any questions yet nor has he intervened a grand jury. If these investigations take place I'm wondering if anything will come of them? Will they be just another white washed ones like we've been seeing since Fitzmas? Will the PTB let one of their own take a fall? I'm doubting it because our justice system is broken. But we know what they did and why they got away with it.
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Even worse I think
And Veselnitskaya
gave her a special entry visa.
had previously been prohibited from entering the US, but Obama's DoJAs problematic as it has been for the Special Counsel's office to connect Trump to election interference by the Russians, It should be very easy to connect Clinton to the Russians in a quid pro quo (Uranium 1) or via the Steele dossier. Veselnitskaya is a good example of how the Obama Administration is very connected to the Mueller probe.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Absolutely. And meeting with someone that was a security risk
Unimportant comment on wiki statement
about GPS's being an "initialism."
I imagine some flexibility exists, as with using or dropping the first letters of articles, prepositions, etc. However, that is not what the Fusion folk did.
The intialism of "Global research, Political analysis, Strategic insight" would be GRPASI.
"GPS" would, however, be the initialism of "Global Political Sh*t" (like "the dossier").
It is definitely Global. And it's totally political. And it's altogether salacious, as you say.
Scatalogical, too!
Have people read this one?
I've posted it here before but it might have been in a dead thread.
All roads lead to the U.K. intelligence and Milsfud
This dude setup Papadopoulos with the story that Russia had Hillary's emails which he then told the Dutch ambassador.
The previous article I posted above talks about how the FBI setup the Trump tower meeting with the Russian lawyer who was being paid by Fusion GPS. She had a problem with her passport and the state department fixed it for her so she could make the meeting. Afterward she went to dinner with the head of Fusion GPS. Sweet gig huh?
Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.
Thank you,
for both of these good links, which I hope to read as soon as possible. Can you imagine how bad this is? I just truly hope the pressure from the American people will bring the truth out and bring the ad men for our war machine to justice.
Mueller could have continued his “investigation”
as the history of virtually all the key players was studiously avoided. Paul Manifort, for example, had been in the same business for four decades, plying his trade with both Democratic and Republican administrations. Claims of national security will continue to be used to keep the truth hidden from the public. Investigations and the pursuit of justice become fodder for kabuki theatre only, never the the pursuit of the truth.
I share your hope and your wish for the truth to be revealed. Because I believe that both parties of our duopoly are equally complicit and will continue to grant immunities for confessions (Ollie North, Imran Awan, etc), avoid implicating those actually running the show and continue to pursue the wars for profit, regime change and world dominion that have been the Deep State’s overarching purpose since the end of WWII.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
I agree
with everything you say, especially when you describe their efforts to
I hope you will look into the history that shows Allen Dulles and his clients performed the same proxy war in the 1930s that we are seeing today, the arming of fascist death squads and terrorist armies in order to end the labor movement and to destroy democracy worldwide.
“The Brothers” is on my reading list.
and McDuff has begun a series of reading excerpts from the book on YouTube that I have been listening to which has definitely whetted my interest in reading the whole book.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Great comment
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
There must be a space/time warp somewhere in Britain
You'd think,
with all of Britain's brilliant, clever, intuitive detectives, from Sherlock Holmes to Vera, someone in that little island country could have found these people by now.
Douglas Feith from the Office of Special Plans.
I hope to have time to really look at this graphic of the CIA journalism connections, if that's more or less what it is. But yes, that's what's happening here. The private former intelligence contractors gave salacious unverified lies to journalists who gave them to the FBI.