Chalupa, Manafort and Agency fingerprints
I wrote an essay here on this a couple years ago. I suggest a reread of it.
Here is a comment I posted on the essay "All Roads Point to Ukraine" from last week. I would like to point out that Ukrainian fascists connected to the OUN-B organization in WWII were some of the primary benefactors of the Crusade For Freedom.
The Ukrainian operative was Alexandria Chalupa, who was in the middle of the shenanigans back then in 2016. Her fingerprints were on the Steele dossier.
Yes, Manafort was an advisor for Yanukovich, the elected president of Ukraine before the CIA-backed coup in 2014. But who was Manafort actually working for? He allegedly advised Yanukovich to shoot at the crowds in Maiden Square, but forensics indicate that the shooting, or the initial shooting, was done by the fascists to create the incident that would spark the coup. Having targeted governments be blamed for shooting on demonstrators is an oft-repeated CIA tactic, and the CIA certainly had its fingers in this coup. Dave Emory has suggested that Manafort, or "Lee Harvey Manafort", was always a CIA operative, who was targeted as the fall guy for Russiagate. Foreknowledge of the shooting at Maiden certainly suggests he was part of the coup plan. And after Yanukovich fled Ukraine Manafort stayed behind. Wonder why?
A little history might more clearly define who Manafort is. From Wiki: "Manafort has served as an adviser to the U.S. presidential campaigns of Republicans Gerald Ford, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, and Bob Dole. In 1980, he co-founded the Washington, D.C.-based lobbying firm Black, Manafort & Stone, along with principals Charles R. Black Jr., and Roger J. Stone, joined by Peter G. Kelly in 1984."
For those familiar with history, Gerald Ford, as a member of the Warren Commission, actually moved the bullethole in JFK's autopsy diagrams from the back between the shoulder blades up to the back of the neck to fit the conclusions of the Warren Report. Ford was also mentioned in THE CONTROL OF CANDY JONES, a book published decades ago about a victim of the CIA's MK-ULTRA program, suggesting that Ford early on was working for the Agency and also suggesting that they may have been behind the success of his political career.
Ronald Reagan, who sat in the White House during Iran-contra, worked as a point man for the FBI during the Red Scare days in Hollywood. From there he was the public spokesman for the Crusade For Freedom, an early CIA scam along with Radio Free Europe. RFE was a propaganda arm broadcasting into Eastern Europe and featuring fascists allied with Hitler during the war. CFF was a program for the CIA to import fascists and Nazis, dubbed "freedom fighters", into the US. (Allen Dulles blamed the Republican loss in 1948 on "the Jews" and wanted to import fascists to help swing ethnic communities to the right). Reagan, upon reaching the presidency, used the same "freedom fighter" meme for the contras.
I'll leave readers to seek out any connections between the Bushes and the CIA.
My essay about Russiagate back in early 2017 has several references to the Ukraine. You may recall that the mysterious website PropOrNot, which the Washington Post used to kick off the internet censorship campaign, left clues as to its ideological ancestry prior to its emergence on the world stage: World War II Ukrainian fascism. That essay is here:

You should explain Hillary Clinton's role in all this.
That way you can be sure to elicit boiling blood.
In other news, see you next Saturday?
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
While she was certainly central to this I have always suspected that the buck doesn't stop with her. I suspect that she and Bill Clinton were recruited, separately, in 1968. There was a great article in the NYTimes, great in that it maps the inconsistencies of her "political jouney" in that year. She started the year campaigning for Eugene McCarthy. She had made this about-face after being a Goldwater Girl from a conservative Republican family. In the years after it became clear that McCarthy's campaign was riddled with CIA ops. Why McCarthy? The CIA knew that Bobby Kennedy was going to eventually get into the race, and McCarthy could cannibalize some of Kennedy's antiwar base early. Then she stayed at the Republican convention in Miami, staying at the Fontainebleau and ordering from room service, pretty swanky for a college undergrad, and damned unlikely for someone who only months earlier when she had been campaigning for McCarthy. Then, in the summer of 1968, after the Republican convention, she was an intern for House Republicans. At the time she wrote a speech for then-Representative Melvin Laird, whom history buffs will remember as Nixon's first Secretary of Defense six months later. Quite a turnaround from whatever she did to add the Gene McCarthy to her resume.
A couple of years later she became very interested in the Black Panthers, following a trial there and then moving for the summer with her boyfriend Bill to Berkeley where she worked in the law offices of the firm that was representing Black Panthers against the government assault on them by many intelligence agencies.
While she was building her resume, and while her husband was protecting the CIA cocaine operations in Mena, Arkansas (along with federal attorney Republican Asa Hutchinson, who in a decade became George W. Bush's first "drug czar) Hillary was sitting on the board of Walmart.
The article is here:
Hope this helps.
Wasn't Hillary kicked off the watergate trial
because she lied to someone? Or about something...
She joined the DP to help destroy it by moving it to the right. This is why Warren joined the democrats. They were now aligned with how she did politics.
Thanks for posting the Mueller link below and the article to the nation. Great reading.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Two questions
Do you have a source for the claim that Manafort "allegedly advised Yanukovich to shoot at the crowds in Maiden Square"? Who alleged this? Any real evidence? I'm not suggesting it didn't happen but I'm from Missouri (not really) as the saying goes.
Whose "forensics indicate that the shooting, or the initial shooting, was done by the fascists"? I've looked over a lot of the stuff put out by a Canadian professor but he's been picked apart by lots of other scholars including leftists (not corporate neocon centrists) I consider very reputable.
My own take is that nobody really knows what happened re. the shootings. What we do know about Victoria Nuland, however, should bother us. And what we do know about the continued rise of fascism in Ukraine should bother us.
Start here
I'd also suggest that you look through the Wiki entry on him. Note the clients he pursues.
Good luck and feel free to contact me again.
Start here:
@Wally Here is another Emory
I've been listening to him for close to thirty years and find him very reliable.
Also note that the Russians had released a tapped phone call between Nuland and Pyatt prior to Maidan.
I put the documentary by Oliver Stone here
because I need to watch it to understand what happened in Ukraine.
"UKRAINE ON FIRE The Real Story Full Documentary by Oliver Stone Original English version".
Thanks for posting this video, Mimi
I have only watched some of it but highly recommend people do.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
I watched it now to the end and recommend it too
In hindsight I understand why I never got the whole story when it actually happened, despite so many who have written about it here and what the media reported about it, I always felt it was too complicated and confusing to follow and really understand it.
I think it is an excellent documentary and it makes me regret so much more the death of Robert Parry. As I didn't watch so many Oliver Stone films, I was very impressed how he produced this documentary. It makes you want to become an investigatory researcher and historian of the US-EU-Russian relations of the last eighty years. That's a job for a life-time.
Amazingly complicated.
Now I watch it again. Have a good Sunday, snoopy.
Outstanding again, Bob
Both this and the essay you link to are most excellent. I've shared both of them on Twitter. Any chance you would repost your essay or comment on Mueller's history? This too was most excellent.
I'm still quite dumbfounded by the number of people who have believed this propaganda since it started and can't believe how many of them really think that Putin has total control over Trump and enough republicans that they are protecting him from prosecution. Or how many congress critters are going along with this farce, but if the goal is war with Russia I shouldn't be.
Then there's all the people who believe that Nancy knows that Trump is being controlled by a foreign government, but she is just going to let that continue for two more years in hopes that democrats will win the WH.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The Mueller background
Here was that essay:I also recommend this, an interview in THE NATION before they tightened the jib over there, about the US's long-standing relationship with Ukrainian fascists:
I would also note that William Barr and Mueller shared duties cleaning up after the CIA crime spree that was Iran-contra. I believe it was Barr who essentially went to law school while employed by the CIA. Mueller was born into it. Essentially, Trump is so surrounded by CIA agents and assets that whatever happens to Trump is in the hands of the CIA.
I have often wondered if there is a minority group of the Deep State trying to wrest control over the CIA, and thus redirect national policy further to the right. Then again, maybe by having that awful Trump in power will make anyone the Dems offer look better.
My grand theory on all this:
Mueller targeted Manafort and Stone because they jumped off the Deep State ship to go work for Trump.
The fact Manafort and Stone already had previous ties to Yanukovich made it easier to loop in the whole Russia-friendly subversion angle, but Mueller's prime motivation in going after them was revenge against the 'traitors' who double crossed the old guard at Langley and elsewhere.
You can't quit the mob.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Not Henry
On the Bushes and the CIA read
Family of Secrets by Russ Baker.
Is John McCain's visiting with the neo-nazi groups in Ukraine tied to any of this?
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
McCain certainly has served as a mouthpiece for CIA opinions, explaining why he showed up on Meet The Press so often that you'd think he was related to Chuck Todd.
It's been awhile but I recall that McCain had his fingerprints on the Steele dossier, which was a pack of lies by a "former" MI6 agent (the peeing prostitute story). Back in the 2008 primary season Hilz and McCain were united, worrying out loud about Obama being a heavy sleeper when an emergency happened at three a.m. He hasn't been.
I suspect more and more politicians since JFK's death have followed a path through the CIA's fingers.
Also please remember that the CIA is merely the secret police of the Deep State. Understanding who and how the CIA was formed, and the political machinations to getting there, is most interesting as well, including a fuzzy theory I have that FDR's death was part of a grand scheme of Wall Street after being knocked from power by the Great Depression.
You are correct about McCain and the Steele dossier
After he got his paws on it he gave it to the FBI and you know the rest of the story. McCain's hands were on so many issues and are covered with the blood of millions that his actions got killed.
People who are defending him from Trump are calling him a hero and he risked his life during the Vietnam war. His plane was shot down during one of his trips to bomb civilian infrastructure. I see no heroism there. Just one more war criminal roasting marshmallows in hell.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Reverse ace.
A real Cock Up, he was.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Umm... Maybe not
Are you sure of that? I'm not. And I'm no friend of John McCain.
I read
DuckDuckGo John McCain and reverse ace, it documents the Five planes that worthless fuck lost/destroyed in his 'career'.
As well as the Forrestal.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
McCain a dummy? Yes. Forrestal fire? No.
Yes, I know about him losing all the planes. The guy should have never been allowed near aircraft. The Forrestal fire is what I'm specifically questioning, however. The "McCain started the Forrestal fire" story was, if I recall correctly, started by Lew Rockwell. Every official report of the fire I've read has the blame placed on the improper arming and misfiring of a Zuni rocket, and that rocket was not on McCain's aircraft. The blame was never on McCain in any fashion. That blame came decades later, and by political opponents. The guy was an idiot, but the Forrestal fire does not appear to be from anything McCain did.
Now, if you want to talk about how McCain managed to get off the Forrestal so quickly, that's another matter...
When your dad
AND grandpa is/was four stars-Nobodies blaming you for Shit.
You shoot a ten foot by twenty foot ball of flame from a hot start onto a plane crammed up your ass on a flight deck and ordinance don't cook off sometimes? My da spent twenty years crewing aircraft in the navy, I've heard a Lot of stories of stupid shit getting papered over. Do I Know? Nope!
But I Could believe it from that fuck.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
POS? For sure.
Yes, I hear you. That's why you'll notice I tempered my statement with the caveat "...Every official report of the fire I've read ..." Now I don't trust Lew Rockwell any further than I can throw a piano, but I don't trust the DOD either. That JMcC is/was a POS is beyond question in my view.
So, is the Forrestal business a result of McCain antics? I don't know. All I know is the only thing beside DOD reports (at the time) goes back to people as shady as JMcM himself. So.... I question the story.
Nothing personal ...
"understanding how the CIA was formed..."
The Devil's Chessboard by David Talbot.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
The pre-history of the CIA
We know that Dulles was working with Nazis while he was supposed to have been spying on them during WWII in Switzerland. The OSS was filled with many Wall Streeters who seemed to have their eyes on post-WWII investments rather than the defeat of the Nazis. Nelson Rockefeller, who volunteered his own spy network in South America (in the pre-war to monitor his investments there and potential political opposition) was notoriously friendly with the Nazis. He came out of the war with lots of ownership of Nazi property through P. Bush. His spy network overlooked the Nazis and Nazi money and bullion flowing out of Europe. Morganthau, a liberal in FDR's administration, apparently had a bug put in Rockefeller's offices. Meanwhile, Prescott oversaw the Nazi investments.
In 1944 it was inevitable that the Nazis were going to lose the war and FDR, on one side, and the Russians on the other side, were not going to agree to anything but total surrender. Nazis began reaching out to its friends in the West to help the Nazis survive.
Early in his book JFK, Fletcher Prouty described an operation he was part of in 1944. He was merely a pilot following orders. It was supposedly an airlift of wounded allied soldiers out of the Balkans, but also turned out to be an airlift of Nazis, out of Europe and into the Middle East. 1944 was important because FDR was still around and most certainly would not have countenanced this if he had known.
Something else happened in 1944. FDR was persuaded by more conservative Wall Street types to dump his Vice President Henry Wallace, a true socialist and anti-fascist. Wallace was the most popular choice of the people, but Wall Streeters wanted a change, one of the leaders being Edwin J. Pauley who both ran the convention and was a few years earlier chief fundraiser for the Democrats. FDR relented and Wallace was replaced by Truman, certainly more malleable for Wall Street than Wallace.
Soon after FDR was reelected he died suddenly while having a portrait of him painted by a White Russian artist. Next Reinhard Gehlen, who ran a huge intelligence network for the Nazis across Eastern Europe, surrendered to the US Army. At Fort Hunt he negotiated to bring his Org into the service of the US army and was given a commission. Soon after the CIA was created under Truman Gehlen and his Org were absorbed into the CIA. Carl Oglesby estimated that at its birth then that 20% of the CIA's employees were the Nazis and fascists of Gehlen's Org.
Meanwhile, Prescott Bush enriched his family fortune for his money laundering work for the Nazis. Oh, and Edwin J. Pauley became partners with Zapata Oil, did work for the CIA and had many fine buildings and institutions in Los Angeles named after him.
The rest, as they says, is history. Granted, mostly hidden history.
Also, I don't believe in coincidences. And I don't believe the OSS traitors could have thought that they would be able to get away with their treason if FDR had continued to live.
You have added to my knowledge... thanks!
This is the first time, however, that I have read anything that suggests that FDR didn't die naturally. Are there books/stories on this that you could recommend?
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin