RT is having all kinds of fun with the Mueller Report

US media suffers panic attack after Mueller fails to deliver on much-anticipated Trump indictment

Important pundits and news networks have served up an impressive display of denials, evasions and on-air strokes after learning that Robert Mueller has ended his probe without issuing a single collusion-related indictment.

The Special Counsel delivered his final report to Attorney General William Barr for review on Friday, with the Justice Department confirming that there will be no further indictments related to the probe. The news dealt a devastating blow to the sensational prophesies of journalists, analysts and entire news networks, who for nearly two years reported ad nauseam that President Donald Trump and his inner circle were just days away from being carted off to prison for conspiring with the Kremlin to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

Showing true integrity, journalists and television anchors took to Twitter and the airwaves on Friday night to acknowledge that the media severely misreported Donald Trump's alleged ties to Russia, as well as what Mueller's probe was likely to find. They are, after all, true professionals.

"How could they let Trump off the hook?" an inconsolable Chris Matthews asked NBC reporter Ken Dilanian during a segment on CNN's 'Hardball'.

Dilanian tried to comfort the CNN host with some of his signature NBC punditry:


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wendy davis's picture

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Anja Geitz's picture

@wendy davis

What's with the bags under her eyes? Is making millions taking a toll?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

@Anja Geitz

Is making millions taking a toll?

It's what happens when you sell your soul.

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Anja Geitz's picture


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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

wendy davis's picture

@Anja Geitz

nights? liver ruts? (not alcohol related, of cousre...)

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Azazello's picture

[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HjPgO57AzjQ width:500 height:300]
And who can forget Aaron Maté's interview of Luke Harding ?
[video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Ikf1uZli4g width:500 height:300]

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We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.

wendy davis's picture

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snoopydawg's picture

@wendy davis

if not then do because it's not only a hoot, but it shows how the great lie routine works. Tell a big enough lie over and over again and people will believe it regardless that facts show otherwise.

The Russians chose to alert the campaign that they planned to dump Hillary emails, again packaging it with the promise of a meeting with Putin.

Who said that was what happened? Where is the definitive statement from anyone that shows this?

Bottom line for we who refuse to buy this. We have put Russia and Vlad in particular over our own country.

An unbelievable swath of this country — including the denialists who say all those things that Trump’s own aides swore to doesn’t amount to evidence of wrongdoing — have chosen for tribal reasons (and sometimes venal ones) to side with kleptocratic Russians over the protection of America. Now that the report is done, it’s time to start focus on protecting the United States again.

Bullsh*t, Marcy. I just din't get swallowed up in the kool-aid swamp.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

wendy davis's picture


only scanned some her bullshit points bullet points, maybe i will, but i've read too much of her dreck in the past to wanna spend to much time with more. but i sure am glad you did snoop!

i'll add:

tulsi gabbard's been an ardent russia-gater, but all she's said on twitter like kamala haaris and bernie is: 'release the report'. oh, the bern had added in a video appearance 'even the president isn't above the law!' (since when?)

on later edit: i should have said that on her preceding one, a number of her commentariat had asked if she'd now be ready to say what her help to the mueller investigation had been; bmaz went crazy as usual, she'd said something close too 'i'm trying to figure out how...etc.'

"but as you'd included 'putting a face (mine) to a leak to the investigation', etc.; inquiring minds", etc.

also wikileaks has tons of them, one was the meh caitlin johnson one 'pelosisi just tacity admitted there was no there there as he dinnae rec impeachment' (so many holes in that one could drive a mazeratti thru, but the there was this graphic one w/ a link to medium, and yeppers it turned out to be she (haven't read it), day fulla chores and other honey-dews:

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earthling1's picture

Seventeen intelligence agencies said Trump likely colluded.

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Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.

snoopydawg's picture

Even though it looks like Mueller isn't going to charge Trump for collusion people are still left with the dawg sh*t that Russia did interfere with the election and swung it to Trump, The proof?; the 13 people from the Russian internet agency who were indited and the 12 Russian military officers who were indicted for hacking the DNC even though no proof has been shown that any of those actions swung the election. Here's a taste of how it's being spun anyway.

In addition, Mueller’s treatment of Jared Kushner is similarly confounding. Kushner clearly had an unusual number of contacts with the Russians, even attempting to set up a communication channel with Putin outside of the view of US intelligence services by using secure communications facilities inside the Russian embassy. He did this during the transition at the same time Mike Flynn was also speaking to Russians, promising to lift Russian sanctions as payback for what Flynn advisor K.T. McFarland said was Russia having “just thrown the USA election” to Trump. Kushner lied about these contacts multiple times, not only to the American people but also on his security clearance forms. Kushner was also heavily involved in the decision to fire James Comey, another instance of potential obstruction of justice. While Kushner seems to have less exposure to Mueller, considering the limited scope of his investigation, it will be ineresting to see what Mueller has to say about Kushner’s actions

It's a DK link but if you're interested in seeing the left over dredges from this two year psyops mass hysteria played out on us it's worth taking a look. The democrats were not the only who played along with this farce. The republicans knew is what false, but it was a great distraction from them doing as much damage to us as they could while everyone was looking at the train wreck.

Trump could have put a stop to this imo any time by releasing the Fisa warrants and by having the NSA prove the DNC hack. Why he didn't is something I can't understand. Unless he too knew that it was allowing the GOP to do whatever the hell they wanted. Could be...

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture

as we recently found out from Amanda and so far the MSM has decided not to report on that. But let's just keep talking about make believe reports that Kushner, Don Jr., the Blackwater dude,(mind blank) set up some make believe servers so that Donald could talk to Trump without anyone knowing about it.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.