The powder keg that is American rage is about to explode
We're about to start seeing the same public reaction to the American police state that swept Europe. People are getting fed up. Just the other day in a comment I posted that when people in a store I was shopping in heard someone mention the Manafort sentence, someone said the judge should be killed for that and others agreed, saying it would send a message to these useless judges that just let the rich go unpunished.
Not shot. Not fired. KILLED.
And the crowd in the store to a person all agreed.
Think on that. That's pent up rage boiling to the surface.
And now this:
The people cheer him on. His biggest cheers come when he speaks of Israel's treatment of Palestine, right up until he gets even louder cheers for saying "The underlying factor in all these cases is Sac Law Enforcement dehumanizes people on our dime and with your agreement. When was the last time you were dehumanized, cuz I think it's about time."
A fuse has been lit. America is about to get Medieval on the justice systems asses.
As the man said, "This city's gonna burn in the next 60 days if you don't shut up and listen."

When enough people
shout 'AMEN! ! !' to that video it'll be too late to stop it.
THAT'S how people should confront the politicians.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
I am inclined to believe...
...That an exploding powder keg is exactly what the forces of the status quo want and need right about now. They are desperate. They have lost hearts and minds here at home and that genie ain't going back in the lamp. The puppet show is no longer working.
We are back in 1968 but much, much louder.
They have pre-positioned all the legal and tactical resources they need and one need only reflect a little bit on what we've seen lately to know that they've already run multiple betas.
They have gamed this out.
We haven't, nor could we.
So I say, with all due respect, we should be careful of what we wish for. They may want us to go and get it.
Yes, not good
but, maybe switch to decaf?
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Now they have heard the rage.
The next step should be one they aren't expecting. If everyone goes on strike including buying only necessities, we will hit them where they live: their pocket book. Shooting works but at a dreadful price and usually not in the way we want. The powers that be don't know how to respond when their guns and clubs can't be used. And they are run by money.
Boycotts and strikes work every time.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
This exactly
because as jobu points out the PTB are ready for us and all of the executive orders are just waiting to be implemented.
If people insist on protesting in the streets they should do it quietly. No signs just thousands of people marching or even just standing there. If the cops try to break it up people just go to another place. Maybe the next day or hour. And no advertising it on FB or Twitter because they are being watched and people who urge the protests are being held accountable for them.
Trump's inauguration was a shout out to people for what could happen if protests turn violent. The cops will always put outside agitators into the protests.
But a general strike and economic boycott might work. What can the PTB do? Make people buy something? The fire has been laid, it's just waiting for the spark.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
How about boycotting Amazon and/or Walmart for a month? Even if you're rural you can still participate. Nothing upsets the greedy like being "cheated" out of "their" money.
Free vuvuzelas? I like it!
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Boycotts and Strikes
Yes. Non Violent, Direct Inaction. I like it!
Best thing I’ve seen in a while
Thanks for sharing it.
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
Sweeping powder kegs
GM and other automakers have laid off close to 50,000 people. Retail stores like Penny's, K Mart, Payless shoes and many , many other stores are closing down and of course people are losing their jobs. This sweeping austerity has gone global and that's some of why the yellow vests are protesting. Here's more austerity and taking the loans from the IMF is the requirement to receiving them.
Amid rising protests, Moreno government lays off thousands in Ecuador
Thousands of people took to the streets last week to protest against the massive loss of jobs and rising fuel prices to no avail. The country's leaders don't give a rat's ass for what their citizens want. Britain has been gutting its national health care plan for over two or more years as is Canada.
We saw what happened in Greece after they took an IMF loan. People couldn't get their money out of the banks and pensioners saw their pensions cut in half. I thought then that Greece was the laboratory for how people would react to their austerity policies. Lots of protests there too, but what came from them? Nada.
Trump released his budget and it's beyond cruel. Medicaid is to be cut $1 trillion over a decade and the military budget is going to be increased by obscene amounts. HUD is reducing the money for new low income housing and rents are going to rise.
Soylent Green was supposed to be a horror movie and yet it looks like our owners have decided to use it as an instruction manual. Cuts to SS, Medicare and other social programs are coming. We know that. What we do about it is going to be the answer.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
In the middle of all those layoffs,
GM just hired at 76K a year, a May 2019 grad with a bachelors in finance with no work experience except for a summer internship. They are also giving her a 12K signing bonus and a real estate broker to help her find an apt and move from one part of the state to another. Meanwhile her boyfriend is graduating with a BS in Astrophysics, which is primarily math, research, and data analysis, and he can't find a job.
Tell me how any of this makes any sense whatsoever?
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
He can't find a job
He is applying for intern and/or entry level jobs as data analyst, data scientist, physicist, and research analyst. Nada, zip... He is being told because his degree isn't in engineering or computer science, companies won't look at his.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The world has been
And I think the hedge fund mobsters have been busting out the retailers.
OTOH, I think those 50,000 people probably have the skill set to start a new car company. Buy one of the many idled plants and start producing a nice low-cost care without a lot of unnecessary junk.
What do you wanna bet snoop?
Watch the dims in repugnant territory think this is a good thing.
But they'll promise to reverse it when they are in power.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
yeah, they will rant and rave
Washington D.C.’s priorities . . .
Washington D.C.’s priorities, they are abroad.
Any rage the American public may be feeling is only relevant to the elite people, to the extent the elite people think they can use the media to direct said rage at Russia, or China, or this season’s bad guy (Maduro, Qaddafi, Assad . . .).
How ridiculous that people think his sentence is unjust when the whole charade of the Russia!! thing was what got him caught up in the Mueller garbage in first place.
It is disgusting that people think associates of Trump should be investigated by a special counsel and jailed. This government power could easily be used against them, but they don't think about that at all.
Equal justice would require the equal application of all that government research power to all such people to find out if they are also breaking the law, and not just cherry picking someone who had rather limited experiences with Trump.
IMO, all of the legal actions sprung from the Mueller investigation is fruit of the poisonous tree. The Mueller investigation would not have existed had not the fake dossier been used to start it.
So disgusting:
someone said the judge should be killed for that and others agreed, saying it would send a message to these useless judges that just let the rich go unpunished.
Not shot. Not fired. KILLED.
And the crowd in the store to a person all agreed.
Think on that. That's pent up rage boiling to the surface.
This isn't pent up rage - it is pure madness and mob mentality. To even think that a judge should be killed because a person believed a sentence was too light is madness. Even people who've thought sentences were too light for the murderers of their family members don't talk like that - at least not in the open. They call for the judge to be removed.
I thought liberals/progressives were supposed to be about peace and getting along with others.
My comment
I agree Completely on the madness charge. But What remedies are there for Biased/BOUGHT rulings from Corrupt judges that are insulated by Corrupt Legislaters from/against the public good?
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
What remedy exists for Lanny Breuer, Eric Holder, Loretta Lynch?
We have a POTUS who talks
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
I really don't know where
Lizzy just gave an example of something Trump said. Then there's his campaign rallies where he told people that if they beat up some person who was heckling him that he'd pay their legal bills. Then there's all the underlying jabs at immigrants and people in certain states here and countries elsewhere. Since he became president the racists and bigots have been crawling out of the weeds. Can you honestly say that you haven't heard any of the things he has stated?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
@dfarrah I don't recall saying
Yeah, I assumed
The TDS is unbelievable among the non-conservatives, or usual supporters of progressives/liberals.
They have repeatedly demonstrated their willingness to toss the Constitution (boo, hiss, old white men and all), toss the rule of law, and abuse processes just to get Trump and his associates, all while giving a pass to their own tribe.
The TDS now may be even much worse than the Bill Clinton CDS.
I wasn't even sure from your account whether they were
angry because the sentence was too lenient or because it was too harsh.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.