The Evening Blues - 2-25-19


The day's news roundup + tonight's musical feature: Big Walter Price

Hey! Good Evening!

This evening's music features Texas blues singer Big Walter Price. Enjoy!

Big Walter - Gamblin' Woman

"I think there are many times when it would be most efficient to use nuclear weapons. However, the public opinion in this country and throughout the world throw up their hands in horror when you mention nuclear weapons, just because of the propaganda that's been fed to them."

-- General Curtis LeMay

News and Opinion

Worth a full read, here's an excerpt to get you started:

Are Trump and Putin Opening Pandora’s Box?

How did we get here? The path to the current crisis can be traced to September 2009, when President Barack Obama announced a new approach to American missile defense in Europe against long-range Iranian missiles. It would replace the George W. Bush administration’s plan for what was called Ground-Based Missile Defense sites in Poland and Romania, and Mr. Obama described his new Aegis-based European Phased Adaptive Approach as a “smarter and swifter” defense system. The installations would have a larger number of smaller and slower interceptors that would be guided by Aegis radars, normally used on United States Navy warships.

What Mr. Obama apparently did not know was that none of the radars associated with his program could see long-range Iranian warheads at a long-enough range to launch interceptors. That was a scandalous blunder, ascribable only to a lack of technical information from the Department of Defense and a failure of the White House and State Department policy staffs to adequately vet for the president the implications of the proposed change.

President Obama was probably also not told that the “Aegis ashore” installations in Poland and Romania could be armed quickly with offensive cruise missiles that would pose a threat of an immediate and ferocious attack on European Russia with only short warning. In other words, the decision to place Aegis installations ashore in Europe produced no credible missile defense capabilities for the United States, but did create installations that could be rapidly armed with dozens — or hundreds — of offensive cruise missiles.

That is what the Russians have been reacting to since shortly after Mr. Obama decided to proceed with his plan. ... Western news organizations have often treated as obfuscation the Russian claim that American missile defense installations have an offensive capability. But publicly available information makes it clear that the Aegis-based systems in Eastern Europe, if equipped with cruise missiles, would indeed violate the I.N.F.

Russian state TV shows map of potential US nuclear targets

Russian state television has broadcast a map of the US showing military facilities Moscow would target in the event of a nuclear strike, in a report that was unusual even by its own bellicose standards. The targets included the Pentagon and the presidential retreat in Camp David, Maryland. A hypersonic missile Russia is developing would be able to hit them in less than five minutes, it said.

Last week, Vladimir Putin said Moscow was militarily ready for a “Cuban missile-style” crisis if the US wanted one. With tensions rising over Russian fears that the US might deploy intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Europe as a cold war-era arms-control treaty unravels, Putin has said Russia would be forced to respond by placing hypersonic nuclear missiles on submarines near US waters.

Putin has said Russia does not want a new arms race, but he has dialled up his military rhetoric. Some analysts have seen his approach as a tactic to try to re-engage the US in talks about the strategic balance between the two powers, which Moscow has long pushed for, with mixed results.

US in Venezuela: 'You cannot be the tormetor & play yourself as a good Samaritan'

An excellent article worth reading in full, there's far too much detail to abstract:

John Pilger: The War on Venezuela is Built on Lies

For all the chavistas’ faults — such as allowing the Venezuelan economy to become hostage to the fortunes of oil and never seriously challenging big capital and corruption — they brought social justice and pride to millions of people and they did it with unprecedented democracy. ...

Since Chavez’s death in 2013, his successor NicolásMaduro has shed his derisory label in the Western press as a “former bus driver” and become Saddam Hussein incarnate. His media abuse is ridiculous. On his watch, the slide in the price of oil has caused hyperinflation and played havoc with prices in a society that imports almost all its food; yet, as the journalist and film-maker Pablo Navarrete reported this week, Venezuela is not the catastrophe it has been painted. “There is food everywhere,” he wrote. “I have filmed lots of videos of food in markets [all over Caracas] … it’s Friday night and the restaurants are full.”

In 2018, Maduro was re-elected president. A section of the opposition boycotted the election, a tactic tried against Chavez. The boycott failed: 9,389,056 people voted; 16 parties participated and six candidates stood for the presidency. Maduro won 6,248,864 votes, or 68 percent. On election day, I spoke to one of the 150 foreign election observers. “It was entirely fair,” he said. “There was no fraud; none of the lurid media claims stood up. Zero. Amazing really.” ...

Researchers at the University of the West of England studied the BBC‘s reporting of Venezuela over a 10-year period. They looked at 304 reports and found that only three of these referred to any of the positive policies of the government. For the BBC, Venezuela’s democratic record, human rights legislation, food programs, healthcare initiatives and poverty reduction did not happen. The greatest literacy program in human history did not happen, just as the millions who march in support of Maduro and in memory of Chavez, do not exist.

When asked why she filmed only an opposition march, the BBC reporter Orla Guerin tweeted that it was “too difficult” to be on two marches in one day. A war has been declared on Venezuela, of which the truth is “too difficult” to report. It is too difficult to report the collapse of oil prices since 2014 as largely the result of criminal machinations by Wall Street. It is too difficult to report the blocking of Venezuela’s access to the U.S.-dominated international financial system as sabotage. It is too difficult to report Washington’s “sanctions” against Venezuela, which have caused the loss of at least $6 billion in Venezuela’s revenue since 2017, including $2 billion worth of imported medicines, as illegal, or the Bank of England’s refusal to return Venezuela’s gold reserves as an act of piracy.

The reporter as clown may be the final stage of much of mainstream journalism’s degeneration.

The Coup Has Failed & Now the U.S. Is Looking to Wage War: Venezuelan Foreign Minister Speaks Out

Fake president Juan Guaido, having failed yet again, cagily asks "other countries" to consider a military attack on Venezuela. The idiot from Florida, Marco Rubio seems quite excited by the prospect.

Juan Guaidó: 'keep all options open' to remove Venezuela's Maduro from power

Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó is set to meet US Vice-President Mike Pence on Monday, after asking other countries to consider “all options” to remove President Nicolás Maduro from power. Guaidó’s comments came after a day of violence, as opposition supporters spent hours trying to break a government blockade and carry food and medical supplies into Venezuela. At least four people were killed and more than 300 hundred injured.

“The events of today oblige me to take a decision,” Guaidó said on Twitter, “to formally propose to the international community that we should keep all options open to achieve the liberation of our homeland.”

Pence will announce “concrete steps” and “clear actions” at a summit of the regional Lima Group in Bogota on Monday, a senior US official told reporters on Sunday. “What happened yesterday is not going to deter us from getting humanitarian aid into Venezuela,” the official said. ...

[Guaidó's] comments on Saturday raised concerns he might be considering a military intervention and were soon picked up by US hawks including the Florida senator Marco Rubio. “The grave crimes committed today by the Maduro regime have opened the door to various potential multilateral actions not on the table just 24 hours ago,” Rubio said in response to Guaidó, also on Twitter.

Venezuela - There Was A Riot At The Border But What Else Did The "Aid" Stunt Achieve?

Yesterday's "humanitarian aid" stunt at the Colombian-Venezuelan border was supposed to achieve four points:

  1. to breach the border and thereby open venues that could later be used for the passage of arms and fighters,
  2. to incite large scale defections from the Venezuelan army and police forces,
  3. to demonstrate to the outside world that the Random Guyaido, who declared himself president, has a large following and is thereby legitimate enough to support him,
  4. to deliver justification for further steps against Venezuela.

Point 1 was clearly not achieved. A few hundred young men attacked the Venezuelan National Guard force that closed off the border. Attempts were made to ram "aid" trucks through. Random Guyaido was nowhere to be seen. The whole thing ended in a minor riot. The violent attackers received gasoline and made Molotov cocktails to attack the guards and set the "aid" trucks alight. Here is a video that proves that. The riots continued (vid) until about midnight but neither any rioters nor the aid passed through the border.

... The attempt to incite defections of Venezuelan security forces largely failed. A handful of National Guard foot soldiers went over to the Colombian side. But the National Guard lines held well even under a hail of stones and fire and the units were quite disciplined in taking and holding their positions. The military of Venezuela stays firmly on the side of the state.

The "aid" nonsense did not help to brush up Guaido's legitimacy. Defying a court order Guaido left Venezuela and entered Colombia. If he ever goes back he will have to go to jail. The large mobilization inside and outside of Venezuela he had promised completely failed to appear. The melee at the border crossing only showed that his followers are a gang of brutal thugs.

The last aim of yesterday's stunt was to give justification for the next steps towards "regime change" - whatever those steps may be. The success of achieving that aim was never in question. ... U.S. Vice President Mike Pence will arrive in Colombia tomorrow to tell Guaido how to proceed. The focus will most likely be on how to start a sabotage campaign and a low level guerrilla war within Venezuela.

Mainstream media coverage from the Miami Herald, much of the article is crap, here are the good parts:

‘Maduro must go,’ Pence says as he calls on region to seize Venezuela oil assets

Vice President Mike Pence on Monday asked the region to seize Venezuela’s oil assets, revoke visas and turn the screws on the Nicolás Maduro regime amid a brewing humanitarian crisis. But he stopped short of calling for the use of force to oust a man he says represents a threat to the hemisphere.

Addressing a meeting of the Lima Group in Bogotá, Colombia, Pence said it was time for the region to take a tougher stand in ousting Maduro and supporting interim President Juan Guaidó. Pence asked the bloc of 14 largely Latin American countries to follow the U.S. lead and revoke visas of government officials and seize the assets of the state-run PDVSA oil company and hand them over to Guaidó’s representatives. While Colombia, Canada and Panama have rolled out sanctions, he said it was time for others to take concrete steps.

The high-profile meeting comes after Maduro shocked many in the international community over the weekend by using force to stop the delivery of humanitarian aid from Colombia and Brazil. The ensuing clashes left hundreds injured and a handful dead, mainly in an indigenous community in southern Brazil. Pence said Washington was undeterred and would continue positioning aid depots in region for the day when the help could be delivered. He also pledged $56 million — in addition to the estimated $140 million already spent — to support countries that have been receiving Venezuelan migrants.

Bernie Repeats CIA Talking Points On Venezuela

An Ocean of Lies on Venezuela: Abby Martin & UN Rapporteur Expose Coup

Burning Aid: An Interventionist Deception on Colombia-Venezuela Bridge?

The Trump administration’s coup against Venezuela culminated on February 23 with US-backed opposition attempting to ram several trucks loaded with boxes of USAID “humanitarian aid” across the previously unused Francisco de Paula Santander bridge connecting Colombia to Venezuela. The trucks failed to reach the other side — but that was never really the point of the stunt. ... On the Santander bridge this February 23, the guarimberos rained down a hail of rocks and molotov cocktails on Venezuelan national guardsmen holding the line against the USAID trucks. Suddenly, the trucks caught fire and the masked youth began unloading boxes of aid before they burned. Within minutes, pro-opposition media reported that the Venezuelan national guard forces were responsible for the fires.

The total lack of evidence of Venezuelan culpability did not stop Cuban-American Senator Marco Rubio from tweeting this accusation from nearby in Cucuta, Colombia. ... By blaming the Venezuelan government for burning the USAID trucks, Rubio was clearly attempting to establish the casus belli he had been seeking. Yet neither he nor anyone in the “whole world” had seen the national guard set the fire, as he claimed. In fact, the evidence pointed in the exact opposite direction, suggesting that the masked opposition youth had torched the trucks themselves.

Colombian writer Humberto Ortiz produced footage from a pro-opposition channel showing what appears to be the exact moment when a guarimbero sets the aid on fire with a molotov cocktail:

Telesur reporter Madelein Garcia published photographs showing a guarimbero with a gas canister next to one of the burning trucks:

Having failed miserably at every phase of the coup he had attempted engineer, Rubio ended the day with a Twitter tantrum that peaked with a call for “multilateral actions” against Venezuela’s government. What form that action could take is still unclear, but it will certainly be justified by a series of baseless claims about what took place on the Santander bridge.

The real humanitarian aid: Inside Venezuela’s state-subsidized communal markets

'Not Every Option Is on the Table': EU Leaders Reject Idea of US-Led Military Intervention in Venezuela

The European Union and the Spanish government on Monday both rejected calls by the Trump administration and Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido to keep "every option on the table" to remove President Nicolas Maduro from power—saying they do not support, nor would they would participate, in military intervention.

"Not every option is on the table," Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Borrell told the Spanish news outlet Efe on Sunday. "We have clearly warned that we would not support—and would roundly condemn—any foreign military intervention, which is something we hope won't happen."

"We must avoid a military intervention," a spokeswoman for E.U. diplomatic chief Federica Mogherini, agreed. "What is explicitly quite clear, from our point of view, is that we need a peaceful political and democratic and Venezuelan-owned resolution of this crisis. This obviously excludes the use of force."

The message from the EU and Borrell followed violence at the Venezuela-Colombia border over the weekend as Guaido supporters attempted to break through the Venezuelan border with food and medical supplies in what critics have characterized as a deliberate provocation disguised as a "humanitarian aid" mission led by the Trump administration. The U.S. has also led calls for the international community to recognize Guaido as the president of Venezuela.

UN nuclear watchdog: Iran maintains compliance with 2015 pact

The United Nations’ nuclear watchdog confirmed Friday that Iran remained within key parameters set in the 2015 nuclear pact it signed with the U.S. and other world powers.

The news that Iran is respecting the nuclear limits, contained in a confidential report from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) that was uncovered by Reuters, comes as the Trump administration has renewed U.S. sanctions on the country after deciding to withdraw from the deal last year. ...

The IAEA certified that Iran was complying with the deal as recently as August. Tehran has maintained its nuclear program is solely for defensive purposes.

Okinawa rejects new US military base but Abe likely to press on

Voters on the southern Japanese island of Okinawa have rejected the controversial relocation of a US military base in a referendum, according to local media, but the result is likely to be ignored by the prime minister, Shinzo Abe.

Kyodo news agency said its projection based on exit polls indicated that more than a quarter of Okinawa’s 1.16 million eligible voters had opposed the plan: a threshold that requires the island’s governor, Denny Tamaki, to “respect” its outcome. The public broadcaster NHK said a majority of voters had come out against the move supported by the Japanese and US governments.

Sunday’s non-binding referendum asked voters if they opposed, supported or held neither opinion on the construction of a military base in Henoko, a fishing village on the island’s northeast coast that is home to coral reefs and one of the few remaining habitats of the dugong. [Similar to manatee. -js]

The new facility is supposed to replace the marines’ Futenma airbase, located in the middle of a densely populated city on the island. Futenma has attracted complaints about crimes committed by service personnel, noise and the threat of aircraft accidents in an area close to homes and schools. Critics say the Henoko base will destroy the area’s delicate marine ecosystem and threaten the safety of 2,000 residents living near the site.

Heh. AIPAC strongly criticizes Netanyahu to silence AIPAC critics, then 2 days later announces that it is "honored" that Bibi will address their annual convention. What a great bunch.

AIPAC condemns Netanyahu pact with extremists

Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to enter an electoral pact with a party of ultranationalist extremists has drawn rare criticism from an influential pro-Israel group in the US. The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac), which has generally given unflinching support to the Israeli leader during his 13 years in power, called the Jewish Power party “racist and reprehensible”. Aipac, which receives Netanyahu as a celebrity, with adoring crowds at conferences, joined a chorus of condemnation worldwide from Jewish and Zionist groups shocked by the agreement with the far-right party.

Netanyahu helped orchestrate the merger last week of Jewish Power with another ultranationalist ally, Jewish Home, that would give him a better chance of forming a majority government in an election on 9 April. ... A former long-time Aipac official, David Kreizelman, said the group “very rarely” comments on domestic Israeli politics. “It’s pretty major. It’s a very strong statement,” he said.

Jewish Power’s leaders are ideological successors to Meir Kahane, a US-born rabbi who served one term in parliament 1984. His Kach movement was later banned by Israel and the US under anti-terrorism laws. ... After moving to the US and setting up the militant Jewish Defense League, he was imprisoned for bombmaking and later assassinated in 1990 by an Egyptian-born American gunman. The FBI regards the Jewish Defense League as a rightwing terrorist group after two members attempted to bomb a California mosque. ...

A recent poll suggested the alliance might receive as many as five seats in the 120-seat Knesset. Netanyahu has defended his merger as a way to form a rightwing coalition in April and accused his critics of “hypocrisy and double standards”. ... [D]espite the criticism, Aipac announced two days later that it was honoured Netanyahu would address its annual meeting in Washington next month.

How an allegedly violent white nationalist spent decades in the U.S. military undetected

Christopher Hasson, a self-avowed white nationalist who once considered himself a skinhead, managed to fly under Pentagon officials’ radar for decades. He was background-checked multiple times as he rose up the ranks, eventually becoming a Coast Guard lieutenant. But what prosecutors describe as his extremist leanings, his desire to establish a “white homeland,” and his idolization of mass murderers didn’t come to light until he was investigated for ordering synthetic opioids from Mexico.

On Wednesday, federal prosecutors filed court documents that laid bare his alleged plans to carry out a domestic terror attack — a dramatic twist in a case that seemingly began as a straightforward investigation into his reported Tramadol habit.

Prosecutors say that Hasson was stockpiling weapons as part of a plot to massacre well-known Democrats and journalists. In a draft email to a neo-Nazi leader, Hasson allegedly wrote about the need for “focused violence” to establish a “white homeland,” and mentioned that he still had friends in skinhead groups. ... The fact that Hasson spent some 30 years in the U.S. military has raised new questions about the thoroughness of the Department of Defense’s background checks and the efficacy of decades-long efforts to flush out white supremacy from its ranks.

National security experts told VICE News that the department has some safeguards in place to keep alleged extremists like Hasson out of the military. But, particularly for those without high-level security clearance, those protections generally rely on self-reporting or background checks.

Oakland Teacher Strike!

As Industry Ramps Up Efforts to Kill Medicare for All, New Tool Shows 'Why We Desperately Need, and Can Absolutely Afford, #SinglePayer'

As a new interactive tool "paints a startling picture of how much Americans are spending on healthcare"—and bolsters the case for a single-payer system—new reporting sheds light on a powerful industry effort to make sure upcoming Medicare for All proposals are dead in the water.

As the New York Times lays out,

Doctors, hospitals, drug companies, and insurers are intent on strangling Medicare for All before it advances from an aspirational slogan to a legislative agenda item. They have hired a top lieutenant in Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign to spearhead the effort. And their tactics will show Democrats what they are up against as the party drifts to the left on healthcare.

They've recently joined to form the Partnership for America's Health Care Future (PAHCF), with Lauren Crawford Shaver, a veteran of Clinton's 2016 campaign, at the helm. Politico previously reported on the coalition, as did The Intercept.

The group's focus is not on extending healthcare to all Americans but keeping the Affordable Care Act, and with members including powerful groups like the American Medical Association, Federation of American Hospitals, PhRMA, and HCA, PAHCF's "reach is undeniable," as the Times notes. Seeing legislative proposals, such as Rep. Pramila Jayapal's (D-Wash.) Medicare for All Act, fast approaching, the group is ready to "step up the tempo," the Times reports.

Indeed, last week, it announced a six-figure digital campaign "to inform the American public about ways to protect and strengthen our nation's existing healthcare system, while warning them that a one-size-fits-all health care program—whether called Medicare for All, Medicare buy-in, single-payer or public option, will lead to higher taxes and less patient choice for every American family." A recent analysis, however, showed that a single-payer system would slash healthcare costs, boost systemic efficiency, and expand coverage.

Pentagon won't say if it will seek congressional approval to move billions for wall

Pentagon officials on Friday would not say whether the Defense Department will seek approval from Congress before it moves billions of dollars from its counter-drug program coffers to fund President Trump’s southern border wall.

At question is $2.5 billion from the Pentagon’s drug-interdiction program, which the White House has indicated it plans to repurpose under Trump's national emergency declaration last week to help build a barrier at the U.S.-Mexico border. ...

Should the Pentagon move the money without congressional approval, it would upset years of precedent and add to already tense pushback from lawmakers over the plan.

The Justice Department Singled Out This Man in Expanding Efforts to Strip Citizenship. A Judge Doesn’t Think the Case Is Open-and-Shut.

A Federal judge on Thursday issued a ruling that could test the strength of the Trump administration’s theory behind stripping naturalized Americans of their U.S. citizenship. At issue is the question of whether Parvez Khan, a sexagenarian native of Pakistan, became a U.S. permanent resident — and ultimately a naturalized citizen — fraudulently, by concealing the fact that he had previously received an order of deportation under a different name.

The Justice Department contends that the case is simple — that Khan changed his identity in order to game the U.S. immigration system. But Khan, who lives in Florida, argues that he never even knew that an immigration court had ordered his deportation. He says the government’s case against him can be explained by a combination of factors that were outside of his control — including the lack of a proper translator when he was detained by immigration officials in 1991 and applied for asylum, as well as a lawyer who never told him what was going on in his case.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Patricia Barksdale found that enough of the facts are disputed to allow the case to move forward to trial. The ruling was a blow — a rebuke of the government’s portrayal of an open-and-shut case — to the Trump administration’s efforts to use an initiative called Operation Janus for denaturalizing potentially thousands of U.S. citizens. ... On Thursday, Barksdale, of the Middle District of Florida, issued a 59-page order in the case, U.S. v. Parvez Manzoor Khan, denying requests by both parties to resolve the case in their favor before going to trial — what is known in legal parlance as a motion for summary judgment.

Barksdale, in her order, notes that Khan’s denial that he acted intentionally or knowingly in a deceptive manner when applying for a change in immigration status is not alone enough to withstand summary judgment. Nor is his belief that he’s always been in the United States legally. “But Khan presents more,” Barksdale writes, pointing to evidence he provided of a serious language barrier, an ineffective lawyer, and a careless interviewer for his applications for permanent residence and citizenship.

Denaturalization is increasingly looking like the next front in President Donald Trump’s war on immigrants, and the Trump administration, to the extent that it has publicized its efforts, has largely waged that war through one-sided press releases. ... Whatever Barksdale decides after the April trial, Khan’s case may be a bellwether of how successful the Trump administration’s denaturalization strategy will be.

the horse race

Alabama congresswoman tackles voter suppression

Terri Sewell, an Alabama congresswoman from the civil rights crucible of Selma, is sponsoring the Voting Rights Advancement Act that will be introduced to the House of Representatives on Tuesday. ... Sewell’s bill, known as HR4, is being treated as a priority by the Democratic leadership that has regained control of the House. The party sees restoring and modernizing the 1965 Voting Rights Act, the signature reform of the civil rights era, as a crucial first step towards defending black and other minority voters from widespread Republican attempts to block access to the ballot box. ...

The legislation is intended to fill the gaping hole that was punched into the Voting Rights Act in 2013 when the US supreme court effectively gutted the protections afforded by Lyndon Johnson’s most celebrated reform. In a ruling called Shelby County v Holder the five conservative justices on the court ended almost half a century of federal oversight of states and counties, most in the Deep South, that had a track record of discriminating against black and other minority voters.

In the wake of that ruling, the removal of federal controls has unleashed a rush of voter suppression directed primarily against African American, poor, elderly and young voters. A Brennan Center database shows that 22 states have introduced restrictive voting measures since the floodgates opened six years ago. The flurry of suppression has been so intense, the center found, that last year’s midterm election cycle saw voter suppression that was “more widespread and brazen than in any other since the modern-day assault on voting began”. ...

Under the terms of the bill, some 11 states have been identified as meriting a return to federal oversight of any electoral changes they want to make. Under the modernized formula proposed in the legislation, any state that has had 15 or more violations over the past 25 years – whether by restricting early voting hours, introducing ID-card barriers, making it harder for voters to register, carrying out inaccurate purges of voting lists, or a slew of other trickery – would find themselves back under the beady eye of the US justice department for 10 years. The 11 states are: Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Texas, and Virginia.

Tulsi Gabbard Educates Ignorant Women Of The View

Bernie Sanders Says 1,000,000 People Have Signed Up as Campaign Volunteers

It took less than one week, but the Bernie Sanders campaign on Monday announced that more than one million people have now volunteered to support the senator's 2020 bid. "We did it," Sanders said in an email just before noon. "We hit this first important goal we needed to reach if we're going to win this campaign. But the truth is, that goal is just a start."

While the campaign generated headlines last week by raising nearly $6 million in its first 24 hours—including approximately $600,000 in recurring monthly giving—hitting its volunteer goal in less than six days shows that there's plenty of energy among the progressive base of his supporters.

Sanders has said that key to his campaign's ability to succeed will be the creation of what has been characterized as his "grassroots army," one large enough and politically powerful enough to take on the special interests that are certain to oppose the agenda he has put forth.

the evening greens

Iceberg twice the size of NYC about to break off of Antarctica

An iceberg twice the size of New York City is about to break off of Antarctica's Brunt Ice Shelf, according to NASA.

NASA said in a statement that there are cracks growing across the ice shelf that were first observed in October 2016. It's not clear how the ice shelf will fare following the iceberg break, according to NASA.

According to NASA, the iceberg may become the largest to break from the ice shelf since observations began in 1915. It's possible the ice shelf could become unstable following the break.

On Contact: Climate emergency with Dahr Jamail

Ban Ki-moon tells Britain: stop investing in fossil fuels overseas

Ban Ki-moon has urged Britain to stop funding fossil fuel projects overseas, in what he said would mark a test of Theresa May’s commitment to act on climate change. The former UN secretary general said he was deeply concerned that the UK’s export credit agency had provided billions of pounds in recent years to support businesses involved in oil and gas schemes around the world.

“These figures and policies are hard to reconcile with the UK’s commitments under the Paris agreement,” said Ban, referring to the international climate deal he forged in 2015 as UN chief. ...

Ban rarely comments on specific climate change policies of individual countries, and made clear he believed that the UK could continue to be a leader on the issue. But he said: “The UK now faces a crucial opportunity to live up to the prime minister’s words [on climate action] and prove it is serious about phasing out the use of fossil fuels worldwide, and not only on its own territory.”

'Shame on Trudeau': Anger Stirred as Canada's Energy Board Approves Trans Mountain Pipeline

Indigenous tribes and green campaigners were angered but not surprised Friday when Canada's National Energy Board (NEB) recommended that the government move ahead with its planned expansion of the Trans Mountain Pipeline—despite acknowledging that the project will negatively affect the environment. The decision paved the way for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's administration to increase fossil fuel emissions, endanger wildlife, and threaten the lives and livelihoods of the eight million people who live in the pipeline's path.

The NEB argued that the pipeline is in the public interest and provided the government with a list of 16 conditions that it must meet as it prepares to expand the 1,150 kilometer (714 mile) pipeline, tripling the amount of oil the tar sands pipeline will carry from Edmonton, Alberta to Burnaby, British Columbia—but critics including Burnaby mayor Mike Hurley argued that the NEB has no intention of protecting the environment or wildlife by enforcing strict regulations on the construction. The conditions will not "prevent significant public safety risks and harms to marine life and other environmental impacts," Hurley told the Vancouver Sun.

The board noted that the Trans Mountain pipeline is likely to have a significant negative impact on the Southern resident orca, whose population in the Salish Sea off the coast of British Columbia is rapidly dwindling; on the Indigenous population in the area, especially in the event of an oil spill; and on the environment, with fossil fuel emissions rising as cargo ships carry the oil after it travels from Edmonton. Outcry from First Nations and campaigners ensued when the NEB initially approved the project in 2016, and opponents rejoiced last summer when the Federal Court of Appeals temporarily blocked construction. The court argued that Trudeau's administration and Kinder Morgan, which sold the pipeline to the government for $4.5 billion last year, had not sufficiently considered its effects on Southern orcas and indigenous tribes.

But Friday's approval—which came after what one campaigner called a rushed process with a "compressed hearing schedule" that allowed for little input from the public—was not unexpected among critics.

Youth Climate Activists Demanding Green New Deal Arrested for Sit-In at #OilMoneyMitch McConnell's Office

Hundreds of Kentucky high school students and climate campaigners with the youth-led Sunrise Movement descended on the Capitol Hill office of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) on Monday to deliver 100,000 petition signatures and stage a sit-in to make clear to lawmakers that young people want a Green New Deal for their communities and futures.

For calling on McConnell to heed public demands for federal lawmakers to pass policies that will phase out fossil fuels and combat the global climate crisis while also creating green jobs and a more just economy, more than 40 demonstrators were arrested.

Also of Interest

Here are some articles of interest, some which defied fair-use abstraction.

Venezuela Coverage Takes Us Back to Golden Age of Lying About Latin America

A Call to Halt an Illegal Invasion of Venezuela

Psychopathic US Senator Openly Calls For Maduro To Suffer Gaddafi’s Fate

Spain would 'roundly condemn' use of force in Venezuela

Honduran Teen Fled Gangs at Home Only to Be Murdered While Stranded at the U.S.-Mexico Border

Easter Eggs and Trojan Horses in the Democrats’ Flagship Bill, H.R. 1 (“For the People Act of 2019”)

20 companies profiting the most from war

New York Times Provides Cover for Austerity Cranks

The Secret History of Fiat Brazil’s Internal Espionage Network and Collaboration With the Military Dictatorship

Don't trust the adults in the room on climate change

Concrete: the most destructive material on Earth

Russiagaters Ramp Up Narrative Management As Mueller Report Nears

A Little Night Music

Big Walter Price - Pack Fair and Square

Big Walter Price and His ThunderBirds - Calling Margie

Big Walter - Shirley Jean

Big Walter Price - San Antonio

Big Walter Price and his Thunderbirds - Hello Maria

Big Walter Price and His Thunderbirds - Junior Jumped In

Big Walter Price - Oh Ramona

Big Walter Price - Nothing But The Blues

Big Walter Price and his Thunderbirds - Thunderbird

Big Walter Price & Albert Collins - My Tears

Big Walter & his Thunderbirds - Six Weeks Of Misery

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Lookout's picture

Thanks for the news and Big Walter.

Can you believe they are going to force feed us another war. Vietnam in our backyard. Must be why the wall is an emergency... As we promulgate wars in South and Central America creating a massive refugee migration. Like we did for Europe when we created the Syrian War. Then we'll do like our best buddies in Israel and shoot them through the wall as they approach. It's an emergency!

The insanity and absolute failure of the MSM to convey nary a hint of the real story....about anything other than the superficial like the stupidbowl or oscars.

It's flooding along the Tenn. River after all the rain. We had over a foot, but water is good about running off a mountain. Our ditches were like creeks. All has settled down now. Even pulled my road back into place today.

Caught a kinda fun conversation with R. Wolff and Lee Camp today (last 15 min)

Have a good evening all!

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

joe shikspack's picture


heh, force feeding us a(nother) war is what the msm were created for. sadly, we are a warlike people. our solution to just about every problem, especially ones with a "humanitarian" angle, is to shoot our way through them. wee-hah!

i'm glad to hear that you are on high ground with good drainage. i hope that your soil stayed put.

thanks for the link to wolff and camp. while we were out getting dinner, ms. shikspack said that it was interesting and i ought to watch it.

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enhydra lutris's picture

must be presumed to have been a hapless dupe ot the military and the state department. /s

Why will nobody recognize his true nature and policies and keep trying to turn him into Saint Obama? It is true, no doubt, that State would've tried to conceal and deceive, being the on-call front for the CIA and under the management of an unrepentant Goldwaterite and Reagan neo-con in a pants suit who became our most rabid imperialist warmonger when McCain died, but Obama was never that stupid or easily fooled. Even if he were, he was but a servant and his masters clearly all well knew just WTF was up.

Meanwhile a rabid violent white nationalist spent decades in the military undetected because nobody looked for him or his ilk and nobody wanted to exclude them. That's been known for two or three decades now. If they out themselves, the military might have to act, but otherwise, welcome to the fold.

Thanks for the Big Walter, Joe.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

joe shikspack's picture

@enhydra lutris

oh, my. well. you know, saint obama, he just liked to play with his baseball cards when his minders had time to watch him on tuesdays.

given the large number of klansman and other ne'er do wells with military training, i guess it's quite a large problem in the military that has never been addressed.

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mimi's picture

German TV media to listen to, I would just be a complete ignorant know nothing. Amazing how they manage to talk about nothing but themselves.
Thank you and good night.

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joe shikspack's picture


i suspect that pretty much every country's mainstream media is fairly provincial and soporific. corporate media don't rake in the big bucks by challenging the powers-that-be.

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snoopydawg's picture

The writer took a few liberties by saying that he was unaware that the missiles couldn't target Iran.

America must recognize that the Obama administration inadvertently chose a land-based missile defense system with no defensive capacity that instead looks like a strike system to Russia.

Hmm..did Obama inadvertently invaded Ukraine and install a puppet government that caused strife between Ukrainians and Russians? Sure he did..

Reality hit me today when I saw a magazine about southern Utah and I was going to ask divineorder if they had gone to goblin valley. Bam! Have you heard anything from jb? Hope she is doing as okay as she can be.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

joe shikspack's picture


the writer may have taken some liberties, or perhaps he just wanted to avoid making a claim that he couldn't support. i remember back in 2009, there was a big blowup over obama cancelling bush/cheney's plan. as i remember it, a bunch of prominent scientists sent obama a letter explaining that the system that bush/cheney had settled on was "unproven," i.e. the testing was inadequate and probably extensively rigged by the manufacturer. obama switched to the aegis system, which has been tested out in the field and is widely deployed.

i'm not sure if how he characterized obama's knowledge is true, but it may be a fair way to express it in the absence of facts.

that said, my spidey sense tells me that obama was not as oblivious to the facts as the characterization implies, but i can't prove it, either.

i haven't heard from jb in a few days, so i dropped her a pm. i expect that she is incredibly busy jumping through bureaucratic hoops and dealing with other arrangements, family, friends, etc.

i remember dealing with the passing of my parents that the state seems to go out of its way to make sure that they keep you busy with paperwork and estate details while you mourn your loss.

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snoopydawg's picture

If Every Debate About US Interventionism Was About Godzilla Instead

Person A: Wow, things are looking really bad in Venezuela right now.

Person B: Yeah.

Person A: All that poverty and unrest!

Person B: I know, it’s terrible.

Person A: You know what we should do?

Person B: Please don’t say send in Godzilla.

Person A: What? Why not??

Person B: Because he always makes things worse! You know that! Every time we send in Godzilla to try and solve problems in the world, he just ends up trampling all over the city, knocking down buildings and killing thousands of people with his atomic heat beam.

Person A: Maybe this time would be different though!

Person B: Why in God’s name would this time be different?? You said it would be different in Iraq, in Libya, in Syria. What happened there?

Person A: He trampled all over the cities, knocked down the buildings and killed people with his atomic heat beam.

Person B: Exactly! So what makes you think sending in Godzilla would be any different this time?

Person A: Well we can’t just do nothing!

Person B: Dude, doing nothing would be infinitely better than sending in Godzilla to do the thing he literally always does.

Person A: Hey, inaction has consequences too you know! You probably don’t even talk to Venezuelans. My brother’s co-worker’s dentist is Venezuelan, and he says a Godzilla rampage is just what they need. You should listen to Venezuelans.

Person B: No matter how many Venezuelans I talk to, it will still be an indisputable fact that Godzilla rampages are always disastrous and always make things worse.

The story continues

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

joe shikspack's picture


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Adam Johnson of FAIR had an interesting point:

"Note how Warren & Sanders cleverly object to only “military intervention”. There was no “military intervention” in Iran ‘53, Guatemala ‘54, Chile ‘73, Argentina ‘76, Venezuela ‘02—Its a total straw man. 90% of the time thats not the way this works. Reject CIA intervention or gtfo"

Short term, Acting President Bolton thought they could scare Maduro out. That did not work. A US military invasion would have to be staged with an obvious build up on the border of VZ. An invasion of VZ would require a lot of boots on the ground. And then who is going to manage the occupation--the opposition is out-numbered by Chavistas. Not a good idea.

But then again, with Bolton anything is possible.

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joe shikspack's picture


once upon a time, concepts like sovereignty and legitimacy were important.

see back then, "a decent respect for the opinions of mankind" required a reasonable, broadly acceptable rationale for the siege and or invasion of another country. that was all before america the exceptional empire.

no longer is any explanation required. the empire does what it wants and takes what it wants.

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The Aspie Corner's picture

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

joe shikspack's picture

@The Aspie Corner

any port in a storm, er, any excuse for war will do.

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gulfgal98's picture

I saw this tweet thread today and wanted to share it here. Click on the tweet to open up the entire thread. IMO, it is worth reading.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

joe shikspack's picture

@gulfgal98 @gulfgal98

thanks for dropping by!

i would say that freedom is far larger than economic security. for example, one can have economic security without freedom of speech. or to go even further, prisoners may have a very basic form of economic security, but obviously lack freedom as we'd recognize it.

that said, in our society one cannot have freedom without economic security and very many people in our society do indeed lack that component of freedom. in fact, our society's economy is predicated upon rationing economic security in order to assure that most people don't get much on them, so that they can be compelled under threat of existential challenges to work and surrender the products of their labor at the behest of the elite.

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mimi's picture

@joe shikspack
the security of a home in a prison cell than the freedom to be homeless and freeze and starve. YMMV.

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joe shikspack's picture


kinda reduces "freedom" to be less than meaningful. freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose...

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

the Dem Party candidate, no matter who wins. (CNN, Townhall) As he said during his last run, their goal must be to stop DT from winning, at all costs.

Ducked question--or tried to--about 'why' he didn't furnish his tax returns last cycle. Claims he will, this time. His answer--his taxes are very boring, and his wife does them. WTH? BTW, when that didn't satisfy Wolf, he argued that, after all, he didn't win (the Dem nomination).

Oh, this came to my phone earlier today. Guess it's in keeping with his pledge to support any Dem Party candidate -

Sanders Asks Campaign Surrogates To 'Engage Respectfuly' With Democratic Rivals

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) called on surrogates representing his 2020 presidential campaign in the media to “respectfully engage” his opponents in the Democratic presidential primary, encouraging them to focus on policies rather than personalities.

In the Saturday email to over 100 campaign surrogates obtained by HuffPost, Sanders also preemptively admonished supporters against “bullying and harassment of any kind.”

“As we engage with our opponents in the Democratic primary, we will forcefully present our views and defend ourselves against misrepresentations,” he wrote. “But, let us do our very best to engage respectfully with our Democratic opponents ― talking about the issues we are fighting for, not about personalities or past grievances. I want to be clear that I condemn bullying and harassment of any kind and in any space.”

Sanders’ missive is an early effort to short-circuit ad hominem attacks or bullying that is undertaken in his name.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Sanders and his supporters endured criticism from backers of Hillary Clinton for the online vitriol they alleged was directed at them by some of his partisans. Some of Sanders critics renewed calls for him to exercise greater control over his supporters since he kicked off his 2020 bid last Tuesday.

Just now, he argued that he is not only a part of the Dem Party Leadership (which I've posted numerous times), but, he's caucused with them for approximately 29 years. Regarding his registration as an Independent--it has to do with the Vermont electoral system, not his wishing to distance himself from the Dem Party (paraphrased last sentence).

For cryin' out loud, I need my hips waders--now he's defending MSM propaganda, arguing that there is no fake news, seriously? Guess that's why he believes the Russia Ruse, and the reporting on the ongoing coup in Venezuela. Whew!

I'll post the full transcript later this week, so folks can get the full context, and read the questions from the audience (all of whom appear to have drank the Dem Party Kool Aid, I might add. Biggrin ) Couldn't find an online live stream. Sorry!

More later . . .

Blue Onyx

“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.”
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

joe shikspack's picture

@Unabashed Liberal

heh, it looks like sanders understands that the dems are going to hit him with everything that clinton did and more.

i think that we should take him at his word that he is a democrat. anybody who is willing to work as hard as he has to run as a dem, now for the second time must really want to be one.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

to try to help FSC win. (Missed the question, but, suppose someone was blaming him for her loss--which is totally ridiculous, IMO.)

Only a couple weeks ago, I posted a video of Bernie speaking about holding 21 rallies in the last week of the campaign, alone.

Now, he's trying to avoid answering whether or not he'll support reparations for African-Americans, which I suppose Warren must have just come out in favor of. (Frankly, I didn't know that this was an issue, this election cycle.)

Wow! Glad CNN has a transcript archive--can't begin to keep up with the pace of the questions/answers. So far, most of his non-personal answers have been pretty much from the Dem Party talking point repertoire, so to speak. Wink

FWIW, he just made the point that many of the other Dem candidates (like Warren) are his personal friends, so, rhetoric must be about policy, not personality.

Hey, if I don't make it back by, hope Everyone's weather has improved. Our has, finally, so, we're looking forward to going South this weekend.

Town hall just concluded. If I get a chance, may be back to comment on his MFA comment regarding private insurance, and, how MFA affects seniors.

Hey, Everyone have a nice evening!


Blue Onyx

“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.”
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne

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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

Anja Geitz's picture

@Unabashed Liberal

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

joe shikspack's picture

@Anja Geitz

i think it stands for former secretary clinton, though i can personally come up with some far more compelling substitutes for the first two letters in the acronym that better match "clinton." Smile

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

@joe shikspack

that I didn't choose that title/acronym (FSC) out of some major high regard for her.

It came about because, back in the day, got tired of folks picking fights (at DKos) because HRC didn't sound "respectful" enough. Ergo, adopted that as my moniker for her.


Have a good one!

Blue Onyx

“I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive.”
~~Gilda Radner, Comedienne

0 users have voted.

Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

Anja Geitz's picture

@Unabashed Liberal

Calling her a cunning cunt very respectful either? Oops! Did I say that out loud!?!

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

Anja Geitz's picture

@joe shikspack

I came up with my own "C" word for HER instead. (I'd put a devil emoji here but I don't know how to do it)

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

joe shikspack's picture

@Anja Geitz @Anja Geitz


just type diablo with an asterisk at either end, no spacing.

(speak of the devil and the devil appears, heh.)

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Anja Geitz's picture

@joe shikspack

Thanks Joe! Diablo

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

detroitmechworks's picture

They just ruled Selective Service unconstitutional in Texas.

Because it doesn't register women.

If it had be for any reason, it should have been because slavery is illegal, but no the reason is that it's not equal. Yup. Everybody should have the equal responsibility to die in our cannon fodder wars. We need a lot more. This wouldn't be a big deal right? All Volunteer force? Right?. We're short a bit. Think we'll be making that up by paying more or trying to compete with private industry?

I'm doing the math and it's adding up to my Teen children learning "Oh Canada".


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.


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The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.

joe shikspack's picture


if possible, get them into french classes in high school and send them to university in canada. that should help them to transition into citizenship.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

The news is disturbing. I’m rooting for the Venezuelan people. Our arrogance is disgusting.

Try to have a good evening! Pleasantry

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

joe shikspack's picture

@Raggedy Ann

yeah, i sure hope that venezuela can avoid a civil war. the outside forces arrayed against the people of venezuela are daunting, though.

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dystopian's picture

Big Walter had great singing style... just perfect. You can hear all the Brit blues singers were influenced.

It is insane America is running the same playbook as Viet Nam, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, doing all they can to manufacture consent for moar military action for peace and democracy. Without the media's help they couldn't get away with it.

Sure was great Obama signing that order as the door hit him in is vacuously empty
soul on his way out that made it legal to run domestic propaganda psyops on Americans
here in the U.S. At least no laws are being broken now. Who was he protecting?

Very disappointed in Trudeau and his tar-sand pipeline and bitumen fever. I figured he was smart enough to know better, respectful of native lands enough, guess I was wrong again, he must be way dumber than he looks. Except the part about landing a neolib tool gig.

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We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.
Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
both - Albert Einstein

joe shikspack's picture


It is insane America is running the same playbook as Viet Nam, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, doing all they can to manufacture consent for moar military action for peace and democracy.

yeah, but apparently crazy and bloodthirsty is good for bidness.

At least no laws are being broken now.

laws are for the little people.

trudeau is the canadian obama. you gotta wonder if the neolib conspiracy has a breeding center where they create pretty monsters with perfect smiles to destroy nations for the 1%.

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snoopydawg's picture

@joe shikspack

Every person who wants to lead their country has to be confirmed by their group as well as others. Hillary and Obama went to their meeting together.

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

snoopydawg's picture


It is insane America is running the same playbook as Viet Nam, Iraq, Lybia, Syria, doing all they can to manufacture consent for moar military action for peace and democracy. Without the media's help they couldn't get away with it.

Anyone who believes that we have to go to war after the WMDs debacle needs to have their heads examined! Especially since Bolton and Trump have come right out and said that they want Venezuela's oil.


I don't know how accurate this is. But if it's true I'm sure that the media will be informing us in just a few minutes. Any minute now...

0 users have voted.

The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.