Trump Declaring National Emergency to Build the Wall

Capitol police attack pregnant reporter to shield senators from answering questions on state of emergency

Capitol Police officers reportedly battered multiple journalists on Thursday to protect senators from being asked questions about President Donald Trump’s plan to declare a state of emergency for his border wall.

BuzzFeed News congressional reporter Paul McLeod was documenting answers from Republican senators when the incident occurred.

Paul Kane, a congressional reporter for The Washington Post, also reported on the “very odd security setup.”

'Nuther blast from the past.

Nancy said that the democrats might take this to court. If Trump does do this then what's to stop the democrats from declaring one to get single payer for us. I know, lmao, but that's what people are saying. Anyone want to place a bet on whether the democrats do a damn thing about this? I can spare $1 if so.

I'm feeling that this has nothing to do with building the wall, but might be a power grab by Trump/GOP and lots of bad things are on the horizon for this country. The police state has been undeclared, but the country has been in one since Bush signed the patriot act and Obama signed the NDAA. Thoughts? This good or bad? Or ehh?

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EyeRound's picture

first, keep focused on what's happening in Venezuela. If Trump gets his hands on the $2.3 billion that's "just lying around" donchaknow, well, that will pay for lots of private mercenaries and equipment.

Second, any protracted court case keeps the media occupied while keeping the dems in the house from doing anything constructive (like legislation, if they're of a mind to do any of that stuff!)

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to legislate, including, specifically, the power to "establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization."

Article 2 charges the Executive with the duty and power to enforce the laws of the land, including the Constitution, statutes enacted by Congress and interpretations of the foregoing made by federal courts having jurisdiction.

IIRC, Obama ordered that certain laws relating to naturalization enacted by Congress not be enforced.

I think that may have been unprecedented.

Trump, on the other hand, demanded Congress give him the money to build a wall or whatever the hell he wants to do, so that he is able to fulfill his his Constitutional obligation to enforce Congress's laws about immigrants. Some posit that Congress has no authority to control immigration. I don't think much of that argument. If a right to abortion was found in the "penumbras" of the first and fourth amendments, surely we can find a general right on the part of Congress to control immigration, so long as it does not do so on the basis of a protected right, such as religion.

And if Congress has given the President the right to declare emergencies and use funds accordingly, Congress can also take away those rights, no? And Congress certainly has the Constitutional power to decide to spend and to forbid spending.

So, although I am only a fan of the Constitution and not a Constitutional scholar, it seems to me that the ball is in the court of Congress. Over to you, Nance.

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@HenryAWallace I think we all know how that will end.

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Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.

@Dr. John Carpenter

when she is Speaker during a Republican administration, she keeps busy cleaning tables.

If all Democrats really intend to do about Trump, however, is complain and raise money off their complaints about him, I thought it helpful to at least try to figure out whose court the ball was in, that of Trump or that of Congress.

I did the same when a Republican Court took another look at the Voting Rights Act. In that case, I turned to the opinion. I learned that the Court did not hold that a Voting Rights Act was unconstitutional. (Given the 14th Amendment, the Court would have have been hard pressed to do that.) What the Court did say was that states have rights under the Bill of Rights, too; and Congress had not looked at any evidence of bad behavior on the part of states for over fifty years. Since it had not done any Congressional fact finding in all that time, it could not simply assume that the same states that were misbehaving all those years ago were still misbehaviing---and the only states currently misbehaving.

The Court expressly stated Congress was free to update its fact finding and pass a new voting rights act. Congress, however, sat on its hands, despite the Court's invitation and has continued to sit on its hands.

So, who was at fault with respect to lack of a voting rights bill from 2013 until now, the Executive, Congress or the Court? Maybe a bit is on all three, but most of America avers a Republican Court and only a Republican Court, shafted a minority. And now, Democrats are acting as though all this is on Trump. In both instances, it ain't necessarily so.

But, as I said, I am only a fan and student of the Constitution. A Constitutional expert might see it differently,

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detroitmechworks's picture

FDR did it.

Pretty much the same situation too. guilt by association in a war. (C'mon press, you've been cheer leading for it. It's like you have forgotten what war IS.)


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Lily O Lady's picture

tantrum. Who can stand before such power? Who?

Not holding my breath for anything substantive.

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"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"

If he declares an emergency, the money will come out of the war budget. They have a ton. Let them pay for it.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

So many morons thinking that Kamala Harris will do anything about global heat death or national health or guns or EFFIN ANYTHING!
So many RUSSIA!RUSSIA!RUSSSIA!!! idiots!

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On to Biden since 1973

WoodsDweller's picture

and El Trumpo creates a Constitutional Crisis.
Didn't Bush Jr. say "The Constitution is just a piece of paper"?
He declares an emergency. It gets tied up in court for years. No money is spent, no wall gets built.
The House votes against the emergency. The Senate is required to vote on it within 30 (?) days. That puts the Senate Republicans on the spot, they have to go on record.
This is just political theater which has the unfortunate downside of creating a precedent for Presidential power grabs. Textbook narcissistic sociopathic (since we can't just say psychopathic any more, apparently) behavior.
And the fascists will eat it up.

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"The greatest shortcoming of the human race is our inability to understand the exponential function." -- Albert Bartlett
"A species that is hurtling toward extinction has no business promoting slow incremental change." -- Caitlin Johnstone

detroitmechworks's picture

Stupid fucking questions from the press. More interested in monologue than things we NEED to know. Here, an easy one.

"Mr. President, How is this any different from the Japanese internment act of 1942 in the powers you are invoking?"

Boom. Quick, to the point, and lets the idiot hang himself. Or surprise us with a good answer. Either way the people win... But that's not why they were asking those questions, was it MSM?

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

wendy davis's picture


(i was on pence's twit account and tho't i'd peek into the Tweeter-in-chief's account on the sidebar)

on edit: oh, tiddly-pom; it's over. my IE wouldn't play it, sorry).

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EdMass's picture

Have heard that there are 58 Nat'l Emergency Orders since 1977. Of those, 31 are still in affect, including one from Carter in 1977.

Why is this being treated as something unusual?

I don't like it, but based on precedent it doesn't really seem out of bounds.

The National Emergency act of 76 or 77 passed and signed gives the House and Senate the ability to override with a 2/3 vote in each chamber.


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Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!

Firesign Theater

Stop the War!

wendy davis's picture


correct, but i think snoopy was alluding to the R/D hyporisy afoot now.

bingling earlier, i'd kicked up this key obomba one: Obama quietly extends post-9/11 state of national emergency' 09/11/13, msnbc, although there were others in the wiki list that may be more important.

cool new roses rather than thumbs, eh?

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Cassiodorus's picture

Beginning at 4:35...

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'French theory is a product of US cultural imperialism." -- Gabriel Rockhill

POTUS declares a National Emergency--Yawn
Congress asserts its war powers--News Flash

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chuck utzman

TULSI 2020

enhydra lutris's picture

The police state has been undeclared, but the country has been in one since Bush signed the patriot act and Obama signed the NDAA.

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That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --