MAGA Video Revisted
MAGA teen gearing up to sue dozens of media outlets, celebrities in ‘landmark’ libel case
Attorneys representing Nick Sandmann, the teenager whose viral “smirk” launched a tirade of social media outrage, have sent out “preservation demand letters” to more than 50 organizations and individuals who could potentially be included in the forthcoming libel suit.
News outlets such as CNN, the Guardian, NPR, the New York Times and the Atlantic, as well as prominent public figures like Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, have reportedly received letters warning them not to destroy evidence relevant to the case. The senator is joined by an eclectic group of celebrities and talking heads: Jim Carrey, Kathy Griffin, Bill Maher and Joy Reid are all potential defendants.
Many of the organizations and individuals on the list characterized Sandmann as a racist – and called for vigilante justice.
“The Sandmann Family was blindsided by the mainstream and social media mob accusations and threats against Nick,” Lin Wood, who represents the 16-year-old high-school student, told the Boston Herald. Wood said the civil lawsuit could include a range of accusations, including libel, slander, invasion of privacy, intentional infliction of emotional distress, cyberbullying, and cyber assault.
Internet Witch Hunt? After watching this video it sure looks like it. But has this video too been doctored to make it seem like the teens did nothing wrong? Other videos I've seen shows things from this perspective too. Bottom line is that we are being manipulated every day in this country. I think this was one of those times. You?

Exactly what did the teens do wrong?
You know what they did "wrong".
So combine the racist red hats with a native American, perfect storm, man.
But like most storms, they blow by pretty quick.
How is the MAGA hat
It’s a trump hat
Trump is a racist, who ran an overtly racist campaign, featuring that slogan and that hat. It means make America white again.
I agree they have a right to wear it. People also have a right to wear pink pussy hats if they want. Those pussy hats also make a statement, and people have a right to wear them.
And then other people have a right to react with negative feelings or judgment about their choice of headgear. Wearing a MAGA hat says you’re with trump about white supremacy. Sure, wear it. But don’t act like it says world peace on it.
I agree with that.
The funny thing is, ask any of the people wearing these hats what would make America great again, and all they can point to is the illegal immigrants, we need to build a wall, like that's the solution to our problems. Their indoctrination is astounding.
There’s that cute part on the full video where
one of the obnoxious yelling men says to some of the students that “they don’t have any [n-word]s with them” and one kid replies “We have one!” Another corrects “no, we have two!” And a third returns to clarify “one here, one stayed behind.” Ok, glad we got that cleared up. Somehow I bet that’s not included the “truth” video.
This “truth” video was made by nick sandmann’s lawyers, who are now threatening to sue everyone, after the very successful work of the family’s top gun hired “crisis communications” professionals — who were phenomenal I must say. They turned the entire media narrative around 180 degrees in about 2 days. Impressive.
I’ve read every angle on this. The initial reports were also not complete and made false statements. Many people over-reacted without waiting for all the facts. No one yet knows who posted the initial wrong report on twitter. The backlash was driven by a PR firm, a complete rewrite that erased many facts of the situation, and transformed these kids into Boy Scouts, only better and more perfect.
The truth is a complex scene with many people acting bizarrely, in many ways, and multiple witness reports and video snips that tell bits and pieces, all different and from different points of view. There is no one final truth, imo.
The students wore racist hats, turned the Lincoln memorial into a school pep rally with “Indian war whoops” and “tomahawk chops” at a Native American rally. They were loud and aggressive, one removing his shirt and dancing a “war dance” — because this is normal behavior at their school.
No one ever questions why their teacher-chaperones allowed and encouraged this behavior. It was because this is how they normally believe and behave.
Now they’ve become pure innocent little catholic school boys and angels, whose behavior at this incident was perfectly normal and acceptable.
There has been a successful propaganda campaign to accomplish this. It appears they have won. Enough money thrown at this problem and it’s gone.
Thanks for that perspective CS.
I hope the white privileged
pay a fortune to get
back their good name.
And hope the counter suits come out of the woodwork.
'Little Kavanaughs' each and every one of them.
the little things you can do are more valuable than the giant things you can't! - @thanatokephaloides. On Twitter @wink1radio. (-2.1) All about building progressive media.
Yes, we are being manipulated.
by the "poor little white boy's" parents, a PR firm and the media. The first thing his parent's did when the video hit was to hire a PR firm. Guessing here...they probably spoke to a lawyer right after.
Do you remember...I think 60s and 70s...all the films that came out that were designed to make viewers feel bad about how "poor little rich girls and boys" had it so bad?
These young men...keep in mind that they are currently at a stage in their life when they are making decisions on the direction they will go in life...just came from an anti-choice march that apparently their parents, their school, their church and they themselves believed they were mature enough to attend.
I am not saying, btw, that this was totally one sided, but it sure is being white washed now.
Note: Blasey-Ford and many, many others have had a lot worse said and done to them. Anyone seeing them suing?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
The situation the kids came across
had fuck all to do with what they came to Washington for.
I can't stand Trump... but I uphold their right to wear that fucking hat. I hope the kids sue the shit out of the people that attacked them on the media and I hope they win.
so what do you support more?
the freedom of using your free speech rights to throw the most racist shit at other people and make your position clear by wearing whatever hats, or the right of those who got the most racist shit thrown at to be unharrassed and be safe in their own right to their own free speech?
I also ask myself what does it help to have posted this revisiting essay by snoopydawg.
I've decided to get
a MAGA pink pussy hat for the next election.
I'm fucking sick and tired of the Dims with their rabid SJW's intersectionists reading THEIR OWN crap into every situation.
me too, that's why I get ...
this one ...
Even the moustache is bigger than Mr. Moustache-o-Boltonino.
The Covington boy's school
location is not in a particularly wealthy county in Kentucky. The median family income in Kenton County is less the national median so don't try to lay this trope on their families:
I went to a Catholic School from 1-4 in the fifties. Discipline was very strict and there were other issues. But being "poor little rich girls and boys" was not one of them. Historically, students at private Catholic schools come from lower income families because the church is willing to subsidize the costs.
I did not say that these were "poor little rich girls and boys." The phrase was used in conjunction with movies that sought to white wash people's behavior in the same way that this young man's behavior is now being excused.
Take a minute to think how this particular family had the funds to hire a PR firm...which they did immediately.
Second, I also went to Catholic schools (in fact, I am beginning to wonder who didn't given all the people I have heard lately confess to that). In the fifties and sixties, my father who was the only one who worked made enough to put us (a family of eight) in the middle income bracket. Yes, the discipline was different then but so was the teaching. Critical thinking was taught then, so was respect for others.
Third, the Catholic church does not really subsidize poor students. If some students receive a lower tuition, that would be subsidized by taxpayers as the church does not pay taxes that would go to providing better educations for other local schools.
Note: I do take issue with ALL of the social media idiots and other media that rushed to judgement of anyone who was involved, but I also take issue with the complete reversal that is happening now.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
From what I remember
this came from one post somewhere, expressing outrage at the racist MAGA kids and a video snippet, with a short list of accusations. Then pretty much the entirety of "liberal" democrats jumped to their feet to denounce the kids for racism, anti LGBTQ, anti abortion and white privilege. Then, the story changed a few times. It's Shirley Sherrod all over again, with the same bunch of democrats who denounced her before the truth came out. With dems it's either truth, lies or Look at Me!! Look at me!!
The Jimmy
Dore Show went through this a couple days after it happened.
I liked his take, sounded reasonable.
They're fucking KIDS!
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
They were with adult teacher-chaperones
Why do they get a pass? Repetitively saying “they were kids!” to excuse whatever they did, ignores that there was adult supervision present, who allowed and encouraged them to hold this loud and rather strange school pep rally at the Lincoln memorial where two other loud protests were already going on.
I watched that jimmy dore segment too, and he really frustrated me, because he was buying (and amplifying) the opposite-spin that was being pushed by the professional crisis communications PR firm to rehabilitate the reputation of these kids — and of their parents and the school.
As I recall one of the guest hosts, maybe it was stef, tried a little bit to say something about that, but jimmy just spoke over them to keep making his own point. Which was shallow and misinformed. Imo that show was really bad, as it helped the PR firm with their rewrite of the whole scene, and his view was not well thought out or researched. It’s like he literally erased the adults who were there and ultimately responsible for the kids.
What exactly was their crime?
Please be specific.
Did they commit some violence?
Did they go and confront someone?
Did they seek out trouble in some way?
Or did they act like normal teenage kids, imperfect but still entirely reasonable?
I'll give you a hint: Yes, to the last question.
And because the answer to the last question is "yes", then the outrage at them is totally out of line, and it reflects very badly on liberals.
They didn’t commit any crime that I know of
Nor did I say they did.
There’s been no suggestion at all, from any quarter, that they committed a crime.
You’re attacking a straw man.
You ask
A pass on what, exactly? If no crime, no need for a pass?
Was their behavior out of line?
Tha Poutrage seems to be the MAGA hats and anti-abortion rally. And the smirk.
Maybe that's a kid who KNOWS this will be recorded and is trying to hang onto a smile in a truly Bizarre situation?
This Wasn't a rally but a pick up spot for they're BUSSES. Where Else are they Supposed to go?
They Didn't use the word-they had it thrown at Them.
They didn't Start the chant-it came to Them and they went with it.
One Question-
How the Fuck would any of us responded-AS 16/17 Year Olds?
NOT knowing what you Know Now, but what you Didn't Know Then?
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
Yes, I think it was extremely out of line. Like I’ve explained in other comments above, where I gave some examples of how the group including the adult supervisors who were with them And who were NOT “kids” — decided to hold a loud, aggressive and racist (with “Indian war whooping” and tomahawk chops and faux Indian war dances and chants) as a school pep rally in this location where Native Americans were holding a rally. ADULTS DECIDED TO DO THIS. NOT KIDS ALONE.
You all might think that this behavior is both normal and cool.
I don’t. It’s terrible behavior, in my opinion.
It’s not a crime and nobody said it was. It’s still obnoxious and antagonistic. They were trouble making. Then they screech victim when trouble finds them. Ridiculous.
How exactly?
Did they approach anyone?
Did they verbally abuse anyone?
How exactly can someone do "trouble making" while waiting for it to unexpectedly come to them?
Their "crime" appears to be being guilty of doing what tens of thousands of people in Kansas City and Atlanta do all the time.
Is it tasteless? Yes.
But that is it.
Teenage boys acting tasteless. Call the press! Dog bites man!
I can say for certain that I never did anything tasteless when I was a teenager. Not.
If only everyone was without flaws like modern liberals.
Okay, then I
They're at a Bus p/u location-waiting.
A group of AA engage Them with 'racist' language and wants to start something.
They start doing school cheers to drown the noise from said group.
ANOTHER group sees this and intervenes(indigenous with the drum) WithOut any explanation.
The kids go with it the only way they know how-joining in the chant and dancing.
Again-No One wants to put themselves in the kids shoes Because MAGA hats/anti-abortion rally.
And the Smirk.
And Still no one wants to say how They would have responded as a16/17 year old.
We'd have been BRAWLING.
Don't Start none, won't Be none.
It's Still how I look at it, today.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
We can agree to disagree then, TBU
I’ve explained previously as much as I have time to go into on this story, what the answers to these questions are. They were there an hour ahead of the planned bus departure. They were not at the location where the busses picked them up.
Nick Sandmann’s own statement confirms this, when he says the confrontation ended when they were told the busses had arrived, so they finally walked away to go to the busses. The whole ‘just kids waiting for busses doing nothing’ story is a false narrative. Again you keep going back to their age as the reason they didn’t behave better, but you don’t say why their adult supervisors didn’t know better either.
They could have waited a bit farther away from the scene, or just waited without screaming at the crowd, taking clothes off, and mocking Native Americans while holding an impromptu aggressive pep rally.
That was a choice that was a factor in everything that happened. And once again, since this fact seems unable to penetrate, this was a decision made by the adults.
What *I* would have done is exactly that. I see a big confrontation going on and people shouting insults at me and my friends, I get the fuck outta there. Simple. I come back at the appointed time to catch the bus, and I avoid a totally unnecessary confrontation. I certainly don’t wear a hat that millions recognize as a symbol of white supremacy, and engage in faux Indian war displays to compete with a Native rally. Never. It wouldn’t even occur to me to do that. Not at age 10, age 15, age 25, or at any time in my life.
That these kids — and their chaperones — had no idea to do anything other than using such tactics to escalate the situation is quite telling, I think.
I’m responding to you because I feel you’re being genuine in your side of this discussion, which I appreciate.
I’m not a “liberal” and I don’t believe it’s necessary to be a “liberal” to see their behavior as inappropriate.
People changing the subject to make straw man arguments about “crimes” (which literally no one suggested this was) and paint this as a simple and clear situation that no one besides a pussyhat wearing hillbot “liberal” would see as bad behavior, is wrong.
It’s a blatant straw man combined with generalized ad hominem attack, not a genuine attempt to discuss in good faith. I’m not responding to that any further. It’s disappointing to see that kind of thing getting encouragement.
Wouldn't be the first time. . .
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
How I would have responded
How would I have responded at 16/17 years old?
First, I would not have been there for an anti-abortion rally.
Second, I would not have been in a catholic school. I would have done everything in my power to get expelled if my parents had put me in one.
Third, let's say I was forced into both catholic school and forced to attend an anti-abortion rally. In that case, I would have been sitting on the steps as far away as possible from the others as I could, hoping no one thinks I'm with the others. If I was able to leave the area, I'd have been gone so fast! I would have been so embarrassed just to know them.
16 or 17 is just 1 or 2 years away from being considered an adult. If this "boy" wins a lawsuit, it would show him that it pays to be an irritating little shit. If he wins, it wouldn't surprise me to see him again in the future inserting himself into situations, wearing his red maggot hat, that he knows will rub people the wrong way - trying to get another payday.
At 16/17, I was told that I would eventually lose all of my hearing. I wasn't in a place (mentally) that I would have wanted anything at all to do with any of the groups that were there.
Cool, not many
At 16, I left school, at almost 18 I went back to graduate.
It took me that long to figure some shit out. I'm betting Most kids that age today have been indoctrinated to one side of the divide or the other. And a Lot of folks Don't figure it out until After high school. There are exceptions, of course.
The vid that Fishtroller posted is 'unavailable' for viewing, so I suspect I might be full of shit on this one.
You won't get many people to volunteer That kind of personal reflection these days.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
@CS in AZ
The adults were not the ones who caught the flack. The kids did. It was a damn kid who got his picture plastered all over the world.
I took issue with that episode also.
JD kept calling them "children." These "children" are currently facing life decisions such as where to go to college or whether to choose the military and what direction their lives will take. Some of them have shown what the latter will be. By using the word "child," people are looking for an excuse for the behavior.
Maybe, some people need to look at the behavior of other "children" to get a perspective. The most obvious example would be Greta Thunberg who started her strikes to bring attention to the climate crisis at age 15.
The following contain lots of examples of the choices made by "children" the same age or younger than Sandman:
Young Activists Who Made History This Year
20 Young Activists Who Are Changing the World
5 Young Activists Who Will Inspire Kids
Yes, "children" can make adult choices.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
America, the land of free speech & innocent until proven guilty
unless your video or the allegation of you being a racist/sexist is trending.
What I find amazing is how anyone knows what the hell happened there by the time the media, social media, SJWs, public, and photoshop got done interpreting and spinning everything. Yet here we are, even at c99, making declarations of innocence and guilt and projecting one's own view of what wearing a red MAGA hat means onto everyone else.
Even if the students are guilty as charged racists, what did the only minors in the melee do that was against the law? The drummer marched into their space and face, and his history makes his credibility a big question for me. If their sin was racist behavior, why no outrage at the religious bigots screaming nigger at everyone walking by? Was it because they weren't white boys in a red MAGA hat from a Catholic prep school? If the students had worn a blue Obama shirt, who and how many on social media would have been triggered then?
This thing has been beaten to death by millions of people who have zero facts. If they prove their case, I personally hope they win a ton, and I would include Twitter in the lawsuit for allowing all that speculation & hate speech by the blue check marks.
The hate and hangman justice directed at white and male by liberals is why I no longer see myself as a part of that tribe either. If ever there was a bunch of entitled white people speaking for women and black people everywhere, they would be it. A few black women on Twitter are actually telling them to STFU and to quit using them as their weapons in their bull shit political wars.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I live in KY. Covington Catholic school has a reputation for
racism and just overall flaming arrogance.
VIDEO: From :06 to 1:06 you can see a teacher or coach of #CovingtonCatholic leading the teens in a chant-- several of the Covington students are in blackface. At this game, black players on the opposing team were verbally abused.
Now they are playing the "we are being treated badly because we are Catholic" crap card. I hope the lawsuit adventure goes down in flames.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Fucking youtube nixed that video, mon.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
@Fishtroller 02 Personally, I'd like to