Two faces of Kamala Harris
I have written at least three essays on the subject of the Camel, with which I will not bother you. However my intense distaste for her, like with HRC, has only grown with time. Now that she flashed her gams on the Hampton Boardwalk, getting approving nods and ogles, she sincerely believes that she is of presidential material, as was of course John Buchanan.
The purpose of this essay is to illuminate a fact (alternate fact or pseudofact, maybe). As you know in previous life, before my reptile brain really kicked in overdrive, I was a neurosurgeon. Thus with 40+ years of practice, neuropsychiatry and advanced brain injury training, I think I have some (perhaps not much) into the mechanism though which the mind works. Note: I did not write that this is about cognitive process for this would miss the essential point of this argument, as it was wont in more literate times to a written or verbal discussion of thought.
Illustrated below is a snapshot of Kamala's campaign video announcing her candidacy for Prez on Jan. 29, 2019. The purpose of this single frame is to show what I perceive to be a basic aspect of the Camel's underlying psychopathy. Bringing old memories back, some of the readers may remember a series of 6 essay's written by me in 2016. Aspects of facial expression as windows to underlying neurologic functioning, including emoting are mentioned in the prior essays, which will be be recapitulated here.
For reference material on this subject, YouTube has a channel, previously called "Bombard's Body Language", which through algorithms understood only by YouTube, had to be re-named and then re-named to the original. The analyst is a conservative politically, interjecting commentary as well as observation. The episodes seem to have some validity, although the emphasis on that channel is toward body postures, poses and movements, some content is directed to facial expression. Note: NONE of my ideas about the Camel's face came from anyone but me--i.e. they are mine.
Note the platitude beneath the face, that's standard politicking verbiage. Now enough about policy.
What is the first thing about her face--fixate on the face--when looking at this picture?
If you said female of color with dark hair, you of course have mastered the obvious. What else? Two eyes, right again! A mouth with white teeth, yeah! right again.
First things first. Even the best actors cannot completely rid themselves of the subtle associated facial movements associated with ANY human activity, whether 100% emotive, to the other spectral end, being 100% factual. Most of us guard our emotions for specific reasons. But this residually expressible emotion will play a role on facial expression, despite best efforts at suppression.
One excellent starting point for facial analysis of the psychorevelatory nature used here is facial symmetry, or lack thereof. Imagine the frontal view of another person's face. Anatomically the plane of the frontal view is called the coronal plane.
Marked facial asymmetries are obviously anatomic in nature, possibly due not only to musculoskeletal issues developing in utero but perhaps underlying neurologic deficit. The types of asymmetry involve such things as sunken foreheads, bulging eyes, cleft lip, enlarged jaw, etc.
No facial analysis should be made by a consulting physician without in person observation of a individual under study. However, I am not consulting--insulting perhaps, but not consulting in this case.
Start your study at the top:
Hairline--normal female
Eyebrows--level, equal thickness
Eyes--oops! The first clue. Consider that 30% of cerebral neurons are concerned directly or indirectly with the visual system. This means that there is plentiful cortical and subcortical input to the external appearance of the visual system. Which means, that cerebral motor output occurs to the eyes. Vision is primarily an exteroceptive organ function, but there is also an associated fine but observable motor response system.
Beneath the eyebrows are of course the eyelids, conjunctiva (whites), irises. Notice here the widening vertically of the right eye larger than that of the left. This is no fixed deficit as none were seen on hours videos I've watched her on.
My impression is that there is either increased activation of the left prefrontal cortex and/or decreased activation of the right prefrontal cortex. Such an inference is also compatible with the widened palpebral fissure (the space between the upper eyelid and the lower eyelid) on the right side. This reflects asymmetrical prefrontal lobe activation.
Her left brain is working harder than her right brain. Why?
Nose--appropriate for face
Mouth--oops! Left side open more widely than the right. As stated, this reflects asymmetrical hemispheric function. The likely reason for this asymmetry is also suppression of right hemispheric activation, which has relaxed faster than the right side of the mouth on this image. So her left brain is still more activated than the right brain.
Grossly simplifying my thesis is that the right brain is the more emotive, socially aware, creative side (not, instead, creating lies). The left side is calculating, methodical, more focussed and planning side.
It is ridiculous to insist that one can predict the "personality" of an individual by analysis (often from a distance) by some measure of focal brain dominances. In fact, many modalities uses such objective analytics to measure brain function, closely aligning mapped function with good anatomical specification. All of these modalities combined cannot give you a flavor of what that person "is really like".
Reading somebody is an art. It is born of experience, trial and error, deceptions, disappointments, loving, fear, go having lived life AND understood some of those lessons.
Considering facial musculature not surgically altered as another external measure is an essential part of discerning appearances. This is the "reading" part of neurological data, just as much as any fMRI or SPECT scan. During our whole lives these movements occur as we grow and develop. Unless you are in a regimented Spartan-like environment where emotionality is beaten out of you at age 7, you'll likely have no great control. Keeping that facial control prolonged periods is effortful, though, as with the Camel, gets better with practice. She has revealed her untruthful commentary with whatever commentary she made in her campaign video.
For comparison, here is a similar pose by a similar politician:

Feels like phrenology to me. Fuck that. n/t
So you are saying that the skull is an organ of expression
Phrenology is for boneheads.
Democrats likewise.
Phrenology has to do with analyzing bumps on the head. It has nothing to do with what Dr. Alligator is saying here.
(Unless you're referring to the bumps on the head incurred by Hillary in her well-documented falls?)
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
My own experience of that expression
Looking at that photo of Kamala closely, it appears that her visual focus is directed down and to her right, while her mouth is twisted around so that her speech is aimed to her left. The left eye is squinted, thus partially obscuring the right brain's participation in the scene.
I'm trying to scrunch my face up the way hers is in the photo, pretending that I'm saying something, and then observing what I'm feeling and thinking.
What it feels like to me: I'm saying something that seems doubtful to me. Like I'm tentatively stating something as a possibility, but am seriously questioning it even as I say it.
It feels like I may even be making the statement rhetorically, in the context of a discussion with someone, in which my goal is to show that the statement is incorrect and even ridiculous.
It feels as if my next action will be to shake my head "No." As in, "Nah, that's just silly BS."
There's also a touch of sardonic cynicism going on, as well.
Next, I went back to the photo: I covered the right side of her face with a piece of paper so I could only see the left side, and looked at what I could see. Then reversed the process. The idea here is to get a sense of what the entire face would look like if it had the expression of the particular side you're looking at. You can get a lot of information that way.
The right side of her face seems serious but in a rather "closed down" or "closed in" way, almost shy or diffident. It reminds me of a pop singer onstage, singing a pensive ballad.
The left side of her face, especially that squinting left eye, seems to be laughing. The left side is relatively open and expressive, although it doesn't seem too happy. I sense an element of distaste going on there.
(To note, I haven't paid much attention to Harris up to now so I don't know whether this is a standard expression for her, or whether this was an isolated incident. Now that I've seen a couple of videos of Kamala, in which she did a lot of laughing about questionable actions she took as DA and AG, I would suspect the former.)
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Centaurea, thanks for your observations
Hillary Clinton has right frontal lobe epilepsy! video analysis and medical literature review
To be clear
Others might do the same "experiment" and come up with different results. If they do, I'd be curious to know how they experience it. It's a fascinating subject, and all information to be put into the mix, for what it's worth.
In terms of what was actually going on with Harris at that point, I don't know, and I'm not sure I want to get close enough to her to know. Just putting on her face for a few moments was enough.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
Thanks for this essay
All the neurological science regarding facial expressions.
Everything I read and hear about Kamala shouts insincerity IMO, but this puts a different slant on it.
Didn't know you were a brain doc. Cool.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
When I look at that picture,
I see someone who is trying to pull something over on me/us. Looking askew like that sends dishonest messages outward, IMHO.

"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
You wanna be my doctor - I'll be your guinea pig
Behind my right eye I had regularly every four weeks migraine as an adult woman. It ended with menopause. These days (70 years old) my right eye lids are always a little bit swollen and my right eye is more teary than my left eye.
Last year I wanted to use a bicycle again after never having bicycled since the day I was 18 years old. To my surprise I couldn't do any right turns with my bike without losing balance and being fearful of falling. I could do a left turn without problems.
When I talked about that experience to my family members they seemed to think I am 'faking' it to catch some attention. Which I called BS.
I also realized that I have lost my capabilities of smell while cooking. The only thing I can smell is if someone has incontinence and runs around with 'smelly pants' ... which my sister doesn't smell, but if I cook she smells everything and comes to eat out of my cooking pot.
The doctors made a CT (NMR? don't remember anymore what it was)of my brain. It says something of a bit more stronger leakage of something something than would be expected in relation to my age. I was too lazy to figure it out.
I gave up trying to understand what was said, as nobody would believe me that I can't bike anymore, because I can't make a right turn and fall of my bike trying to do so.
So, Alligator doc, what do I have? I feel quite alright in my brain. So, gimme me some peace, please ...
I walk now. Of course I got my knees in bad shape for walking too much.
PS: coming to think about it, now I understand why politically I have difficulties to make right turns as well.
mimi, don't worry
Actually there are several good explanations for your symptoms but diagnosing your symptoms requires personal attention. Germany has many fine neurologists.
For myself, I have been plagued by watery eyes since childhood whenever I was eating.
I don't call BS
There's likely whole departments in the CIA and FBI that do nothing but pore over video of interrogations analyzing every tic and scratch. Whether anything you observe pans out, I don't know. Either way you'll prob. end up being right.
Did you catch Jimmy's review of her ad?
Pretty funny...
about 10 min Her ad starts about 1 min in and Jimmy is fun.
He continues in a more recent clip (19 min)
The plan is obvious. Load the field with candidates. No one wins the first vote at the DNC. Then the Superdelegates select the Camel. Game, Set, Match.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
hat tip SD
...or at least I think I got this from Snoopy. Seems appropriate to your title AE....
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Video of functional MRIs
Do you know a source?
In the next couple weeks I plan to start working on an educational video on dyslexia. I haven't started a search yet (busy gardening) but would like to include video of functional MRIs comparing dyslexic brains with those without dyslexia. Am interested in footage comparing introverts to extroverts as well.
Did you work mostly with injuries? Bet you have a bunch of interesting stories.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
Good questions
Thanks for the reply
Ah yes . . . HIPAA. A good thing probably mostly, but makes it difficult for my brothers and I to help our "vulnerable adult" older sister. Sigh.
Did some searching and found video on YouTube. Thanks!
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
This is topic fascinates me. Thanks for introducing it.
I've long had a particular interest in the different aptitudes attributed to left and right hemispheres of the brain. Actually, I am notorious for demanding brain scans of not only Presidential candidates but certain Senate committee participants and career appointees in DC, including key military roles. authorities in the Intelligence racket, and much of the State Department. I don't care a bit about their tax returns, but testing brain behaviors should be as routine as physical exams in determining fitness for office.
The whole discussion reminded me of the rise of political psychology, which may seem fuzzy to a science guy, On the other hand, people make all kinds of funny faces in the process of speaking — and I found it a stretch to treat those snapshots like PET scans, I bow to your expertise.
I've been reading political psychology because it really exposes the reasons behind the crazy and gullible goings-on. You are probably familiar with it, but as I glanced at this list of article titles, it seemed to me you touched on more than a few of them:
Psychological Science — Political Psychology News
Keep 'em coming.
Pluto, Thanks for the comment
I did not know of the journal but now I will start reading it.
Well she is talking out of the side of her mouth
Just like Dick Cheney.
Alligator Ed, you surely must be aware that many of us
in this wonderful country cannot afford dental care. Are you willing to make allowances for folks who are missing teeth?
Mary Bennett
Who is John Buchanan?
*James* actually got to be president.
“We may not be able to change the system, but we can make the system irrelevant in our lives and in the lives of those around us.”—John Beckett
You are correct, mr. pig.