On May 15, Ohr and Steele discussed “re-engaging” with the FBI at the bureau’s request, which Steele agreed to, according to the testimony, which was obtained by The Epoch Times.


In December 2016, Ohr received a memory stick from Steele that he believed contained the dossier and gave it to the FBI. Ohr — whose official duties had little overlap with the probe — acknowledged that his inserting himself into the chain of evidence in an FBI investigation was unprecedented for him.

The FBI documented 12 meetings with Ohr in which he relayed information from Steele. But Ohr said there were also more meetings as recent as late November 2017, for which a record was absent, according to The Epoch Times.

Q: “On page 2 of the letter it lists 12 separate dates and 302s where the FBI interviewed you indicating the first interview took place on November 22, 2016, and the last one on May 15, 2017. Is this list of interviews and dates generally consistent with your recollection?”

Ohr: “Yes. The caveat I would say is, I continued to have some conversations with Christopher Steele after May 15, 2017. I’ve reported all of those to the FBI, but I do not see any 302s relating to those conversations.”

EXCLUSIVE: McCabe’s FBI Tried to Re-engage Christopher Steele After Comey Was Fired

EXCLUSIVE: McCabe’s FBI Tried to Re-engage Christopher Steele After Comey Was Fired
Transcript of congressional testimony by DOJ official Bruce Ohr shows FBI went back to disgraced source between Comey’s firing and Mueller’s appointment


FBI Attempts to Re-engage With Steele After Comey’s Firing, But Prior to Mueller’s Appointment

In May 2017, the FBI suddenly decided to reach out to Steele through Ohr. The re-engagement attempt came six months after Steele had been formally terminated by the FBI on Nov. 1, 2016.

Q: “The next page, 2 months forward, 5-15, three-quarters of the way down. ‘Having now consulted my wife and business partner about the question we discussed on Saturday, I am pleased to say yes, we should go ahead with it. Best, Chris.’”

Q: “Go ahead with what?”

Ohr: “The FBI had asked me a few days before, when I reported to them my latest conversation with Chris Steele, they had had would he—next time you talk with him, could you ask him if he would be willing to meet again.”

Q: “So this is the re-engagement?”

Ohr: “Yes.”

The texts that are being referenced were sent on May 15, 2017, and refer to a request that Ohr received from the FBI to ask Steele to re-engage with the FBI in the days after Comey had been fired on May 9.

Q: “So you have asked him will he re-engage with the FBI?”

Ohr: “Yes.”

Q: “And he says: ‘Talked with my wife; I’m in.’ You say: ‘Thanks. We’ll let them know and we will follow up.’”

Ohr: “Yes.”

Q: “‘Thanks again. I chatted with my colleagues and can give you an update when you have a minute.’ What was the update about? Was it about that subject?”

Ohr: “Yes.”


The next text message is a response from Steele on May 15, 2017:

Steele: “B, having now consulted my wife and business partner about the question we discussed on Saturday I’m pleased to say yes, we should go ahead with it. Best C”

Ohr: “Thanks! I will let them know and we will follow up.”

THIS article has lots of backup for the one above.

EXCLUSIVE: McCabe’s FBI Tried to Re-engage Christopher Steele After Comey Was Fired
Transcript of congressional testimony by DOJ official Bruce Ohr shows FBI went back to disgraced source between Comey’s firing and Mueller’s appointment

Ohr, who met with Steele on July 30, 2016, didn’t appear to be initially aware that Steele was already engaging with the FBI—but he would later learn that Steele was indeed doing so.

Q: “So Chris Steele was working for Fusion GPS and the FBI at the same time?”

Ohr: “Yes, I believe so.”

Q: “Was he being paid by both?”

Ohr: “I believe so.”

Q: “Why was the Bureau paying him for information if you were going to pass it on from Fusion GPS to the Bureau?”

Ohr: “I know the FBI had other contacts with Chris Steele besides my contact, besides what I was getting, but I don’t know the specific nature of what they paid him for.”

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enforcement agency with no political agenda whatsoever. /s

Its agenda used to be a conservative one. Now it's pro-elite establishment. So, no change worth mentioning. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

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la meme chose indeed. When Chuck Schumer said,

"Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community — they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,"

he meant exactly what we're seeing here. CONTROL. The FIRST THING Comey said, as Director of the FBI, to Donald Trump, immediately after his inauguration as President, was: we have intelligence that you were pissed on by prostitutes in Moscow.

That's how this is done. This is how the Deep State controls our government.

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@Linda Wood

While that is not precisely oxymoronic, it's damn close.

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