My investigation (so far) into Claim that Bernie's NC campaign was sabotaged by HRC moles (Now w/ New Niko House video)

UPDATE: Niko House's newest video has just been posted so I am putting it here. Slicker than the prior ones:


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For those of you who do not know to what my title refers, please check out this short essay by fentress. It's not completely accurate on the specifics, but the gist is this: Niko House, President of the Carolina Students for Bernie Sanders, has alleged in a series of three YouTube videos, in which he accused Aisha Dew, a paid Sanders' campaign staffer and the North Carolina State Director at Bernie Sanders for President of being a DNC or HRC mole, who deliberately sabotaged the efforts of Bernie's North Carolina campaign, by cancelling events, creating a rift between the Sanders' campaign and Rev. Barber, President of the North Carolina NAACP and the leader of the Moral Mondays movement, refusing to meet with local politicians who wished to endorse Bernie, and generally making it more difficult for volunteers to get Sanders' message out.

I spoke to Mr. House on the phone briefly today (about a half hour). He's a passionate young man, speaks very rapidly (much as he does in the videos) and skips from topic to topic quickly, which sometimes made it difficult for me to follow him. However he did relate to me several specific claims about Ms. Dew that I have tried to research on my own while awaiting further documentation as to what she did. Some of these are in the nature of guilt by association, but all things considered I thought it worthwhile to provide a record of them.

1. Tweeted enthusiastically regarding Clinton at the DNC Democratic Debate on November 6, 2015 at Byrnes Auditorium at Winthrop University.

Here's that tweet with her caption: "@HillaryClinton enters the room. It's Electric!"

What strikes me as odd, as I'm sure it does you is how she wrangled an invite to the event, since these debates were invitation only. What is also odd, of course is her enthusiasm regarding a candidate against whom she would be working to defeat one month later in North Carolina. For the record, I found no corresponding tweet by her regarding Bernie's entrance on the stage that night.

Again, perhaps she just loved seeing Hillary, despite being an ardent Sanders' supporter, or at least someone willing to work for Sanders. That said, the next image is also questionable, her adoration of ...

2. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, head of the DNC

On January 24, 2013, she shared the following photograph and post from DWS on her Face Book Page:

Now considering that everyone in the Sanders' campaign knew or should have known that DWS was an HRC supporter and was using everything in her arsenal as head of the DNC to see that Bernie would lose, this is a very strange item to find on the FaceBook page of any high profile staffer for Sanders, or at least I would think so. But perhaps not so strange considering that Aisha Dew had met DWS and taken a selfie with the Chair of the DNC as you can see for yourself, below, on on or about November 8, 2015, a month before starting her job with Bernie. In any case it was posted less than 48 hours after attending the DNC debate in which she was so excited to see Hillary, and taken on the campus of Winthrop University, which suggests it may have been taken the same day as the debate.

Ms. Dew is the President of her own political consulting firm, The Dew Group. Maybe she is just trying to stay on everybody's good side. After all, business is business. The trouble is, that Niko House claimed to me that Ms. Dew was responsible for the rift between the Sanders' campaign and Reverend Barber (one that ultimately involved Daily Kos), when he said she sent an email out to various volunteers and field offices claiming that Rev. Barber did not want Sanders supporters to attend his February 13th March:

Yesterday I woke up to a shocking email from the State Coordinator for North Carolina for Bernie Sanders. It put the brakes on three weeks of work organizing to bring Bernie supporters together for HKonJ, the Mass Moral March, tomorrow. Aisha Dew wrote: “Please take down all HK on J events from social media. Rev. Barber does not want us to attend the event. He asked us to take the event down off of all social media.”

Many at DKos claimed this person was a troll, and that the Sanders' campaign in North Carolina had done no such thing.* I have asked Niko House to please dig through archived emails to find this one. However, in the meantime, I found corroborating evidence that someone in the head office of Sanders' North Carolina campaign had indeed ordered that all references to Rev. Barber's event be taken down. Furthermore, the order was given that all buses the campaign had agreed to provide to Sanders' supporter as free transport to Raleigh for that event also had been cancelled. Here are the screenshots of Facebook posts from three field offices that Ms. Dew set up in Brunswick County, Wilmington and Western North Carolina that support Mr. House's version of events:

Brunswick County:


The identical first two sentences are found in both the Brunswick County and Wilmington field office FB posts: HKonJ EVENT CANCELLED. This Event is being cancelled as the NAACP no longer wants Bernie Supporters at the event. These FB posts from Sander's field offices are also consistent with the claim made by the Sanders' volunteer quoted in the Daily Kos diary of February 17, 2016 in which she claimed Dew sent an email to her and others informing them that Rev. Barber wanted no Sanders people at his march:

Aisha Dew wrote: “Please take down all HK on J events from social media. Rev. Barber does not want us to attend the event. He asked us to take the event down off of all social media.”

All three are also consistent with what I found in this Facebook comment thread to a post on the FB page of Western North Carolina for Bernie Sanders

The most telling comment is by whoever wrote this on behalf of "The Western North Carolina for Bernie Sanders" office:

All official organizing events for the HJonK march on the bernie campaign site's Events map have been deactivated. This is across the map and effects every bus and caravan event that was listed on the campaign site. Whether the NAACP claims it is true or false the Bernie campaign has responded to something by deleting all events. All such events are still up on the Hillary campaign site. I can not sort out truth from fiction but I do know a big ole fat monkey wrench when it starts grinding gears to toothless.

This is almost exactly to what Niko House told me over the phone today regarding the clusterf#$% that occurred between the Sanders' campaign and Reverend Barber. It could not have been more damaging to the campaign from a PR standpoint and from the standpoint of demoralizing volunteers, many of whom had been long time Moral Monday's participants. I find it difficult to believe that this was accomplished without the knowledge of the Director of Bernie's campaign in North Carolina, Aisha Dew. You are free to draw your own conclusions, of course. But it is either representative of massive incompetence from a political operative who is a former Chair of the Mecklenberg County Democratic Party and a veteran organizer and director of many political campaigns, or it was a deliberate act to harm Bernie's chances in a critical primary election.

As soon as I fond out more, whether from my own digging or from materials provide by Mr. House, I will update you all on this story. In the meantime, it seems that there is more than enough smoke regarding Niko House's allegations of misconduct to suggest there very well be a fire burning within the highest reaches of Sanders' staff, and not only in the North Carolina campaign headquarters, but possibly other states as well that have not yet voted.

* I have since seen the emails she described in her post. She is not a troll.

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Lookout's picture

These people are too much! I hope their karma runs over their dogma.

Better to know. Thanks for your work.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

jiordan's picture

I have been peripherally aware of a lot of this but I'm grateful to have it all laid out in one place with sourcing. I appreciate the work and the follow up. And now I'm a little more concerned about states that haven't yet voted, although I'm hoping Aisha Dew isn't involved anymore...

I was on TOS the morning all that insanity broke out about the event being cancelled and I remember the confusion and, over the course of the following week, complete lack of response from Aisha. Lots of people tried to reach her by email, by phone, even on twitter and she refused to answer. My impression is that this was a deliberate act to harm Bernie's campaign...and I really hope that strategy isn't being repeated in other states.

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Steven D's picture

several people are mentioning similar experiences in their states, as well.

This is one I don;t really want to believe, but ....

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

jiordan's picture

but on the surface, it certainly walks like a duck, looks like a duck and quacks like a duck...time will tell but I'm starting to think that Nico is right. I always thought something stank about that whole mess with the march, but now it appears to be larger than just that incident. Makes me sad and makes me angry and I don't know which one is stronger at the moment...

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Bluesee's picture

According to Rick Perlstein, Tricky Dick played similar such nasty politics, employing the Rat Fuckers. Now, we expect that from Republicans, but... gee, how many times I have heard this before.

This is sabotage, if true! Does it break any laws? Has anyone confronted Aisha about this, asked her who wrote the post?

I simply don't understand how people can consider themselves good Democrats and vote for this woman. She is turning the Democratic Party into the Republican Party, and re-writing American politics and America into something we would not recognize in 1970.

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Bernie is a win-win.

Bluesee's picture

Here is a direct quote from her, on 16 March:

Over at Hattie's on The Plaza, Aisha Dew agreed in part. "What we don’t want is a President Trump." But Dew was disappointed. She is the North Carolina director of the Sanders Campaign. And Dew was conciliatory. "After the nominee is selected we’ll get together and work together to support that person so they become the next president of the United States."

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Bernie is a win-win.

Does she even mean with that statement? Did she ratfuck him or not. She sounds like the primary is already over.

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Zeitgeistus's picture

Did anyone hear Morning Edition on NPR interviewing Roger Stone like he was a normal political commentator? The alluded to his colorful past by briefly introducing him, in part, as a agent provacateur. Disgusting.

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Injustice is relatively easy to bear; what stings is justice. -H. L. Mencken
A country without a memory is a country of madmen.-George Santayana
An imbalance between rich and poor is the oldest and most fatal ailments of all republics. --Plutarch

mileser's picture

Better have someone take a close look at the upcoming states if other moles maybe present. May even have to hire a professional to do some vetting. The cost would be more than worth it if it stops any additional sabotage. His HQ staff needs to protect the campaign so Bernie can keep on doing his job. Bernie shouldn't have to worry and get bogged down about all the nasty details. His job is the vision and the voice.

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-9.75, -8.21

I support Bernie, anyone can look through my comments on TOP (as long as nothing, ahem, happens to me over there since I recommended Greywolfe's Saruman masterpiece). And I think Steve D / Niko House have pegged this right as an act of sabotage. But since Nixonland has been brought up: don't discard the possibility that somewhere in there, the Other Side is at work - I mean the REAL OTHER SIDE, not Hillary's campaign. The selfie with DWS, the enthusiastic tweet about HRC - it sure discredits A Drew as a Bernie supporter. But it also establishes her as a HRC supporter, so what if years before that she has worked, say, for the Young Republicans? That way, the Rs would get to disrupt / discredit two Dem candidates / their campaigns in one go and sow discord for years to come!

OK, I googled "Aisha Drew" and one link that comes up (to
Jackpine Radicals )
has a post which has explored her earlier history. She used to be a County Dem chair, active with Mecklenburg county Young Dems, and is member of the Truman National Security Project, a centrist Dem think tank with some Bill Clinton connections. Nothing Republican there to see. And still ... I think it's safe to say Aisha D was a mole, but I would take the high road - perhaps she was half willing to sabotage and somebody from the other side found a way to make her jump on it.

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Gandalf and Saruman unite, demand to bring back Greywolfe359!

No one is going to hear from me for days now. I have to investigate this. This might be something we need to spread around everywhere.

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'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "

themis's picture

I don't want to believe this, but I've been around politics long enough to believe it's possible. Damn it. We're supposed to be the good guys.

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The only thing harder than speaking truth to power is speaking truth to stupid.

lotlizard's picture

Let George Do It! by John Foster, 1957

… it hinges on campaign practices long superseded, but the mindset is eternal. . . . Let George Do It! turns out to have impeccable street cred: “John Foster” was one of several noms de plume used by Foster Furcolo, two-term governor of Massachusetts.

I read this book in the 8th or 9th grade at Robert Louis Stevenson Intermediate. (By the way, who renamed all the intermediate schools in Honolulu “middle” schools, when, and why?)

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Please keep us informed. And good job on being through, rational and withholding judgement, until the facts speak for themselves.

What does Bernie HQ say?

Good, good job.

I just have this feeling that this election is being swayed if not taken, by all sorts of underhanded stuff. And today, I was just wondering, for the 1millionth time, if I could ever vote for HRC if I think that she gained the nomination with really underhanded means? To win fair and square is one thing...

Sickens me to even have to ask these questions.

Thanks again Steve D.... truly keeping democracy alive.

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Sea Turtle

Steven D's picture

have been silent. I read somewhere that while AI was writing this Niko was interviewed and asked if he had spoken to anyone at the National level and he said he had but did not say who.

I think he is a very angry and upset person. I wish he would slow down, but when you are young and see red, it's hard to tell someone they need to get all their ducks in a row first, if you know what I mean.

I sent him a link to this post and hope to hear back from him, but he has his own ideas on what to do, so I stopped offering advice while we spoke. No reason to come off sounding condescending since I know very little other than what I have put out here in this post.

We will see what happens.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Cassiodorus's picture

Let's get them to talk! Silence = consent!

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"People need to be ready for a revolution." - Fiorella Isabel

Lady Libertine's picture

Thanks for compiling this, Steven D.

On Niko's FB page, theres a post where Niko anounces he'll be talking to The Press 'today' ... a couple of people questioned him, encouraged him to alert Bernie HQ and consult with them first. He did reply that he had been in contact with (them, someone no names, not Bernie of course) and that "they are aware". He did not seem to want to disclose much there - which I think is wise - but my sense is there is a lot more to all this than we know currently. Whether more info comes out or not, who knows. I do hope it is handled well b/c, imho, this could blow up in a not good way.

This is all very intriguing but I sure hope folks working (volunteering) in upcoming states' primaries don't get spooked by the implications. I guess my concern is - b/c this is how this shit works - is that now seeds of doubt and distrust have been planted. Not healthy for any grassroots effort and potentially very damaging if it gets too crazy. I think of the way Sanders handled that whole "Datagate" thing - he's not stupid and he's certainly not oblivious. Im just gonna trust his instincts going forward.

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Speaking of Datagate, do we know that the Bernie staffer who hacked was really working for Bernie?

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Bernie campaign, for a very high up position, by the DNC.

Anyone who tried to make anything of it got slapped down very quickly.

Our democratic competitor graciously chose to not bring it up.

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'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "

The"datagate" thing, ya. Perpetuated by a guy recommended, for a very high data position, by the DNC.

I think Senator Sanders knows. You're right, I need to trust his instincts, too.

The videos of Mr. House are quite revealing.

I just can't help but to keep digging and see if I make it to China Smile

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'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "

I have been thinking about those states where the results were close. Iowa, Massachusetts, Illinois and Missouri, were all called for Hillary. The skeptic in me says something is fishy, I can't stop thinking about it. Does anyone feel the same?

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It's simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves that we've been taken. Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back. Carl Sagan

moneysmith's picture

were out doing their worst. Iowa was a mess and is still being sorted, I think. Nevada was a disaster, w/Reid intervening, etc., etc.

This is very simplistic, but I really think Hillary surrounds herself with despicable people -- exactly like her online supporters. Rude, nasty, selfish, and more than willing to do anything to "win." People just like her, in other words.

I've never understood people who claim that admire and respect her. If you know anything at all about her, how is that possible?

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Hell is empty and all the devils are here. William Shakespeare

Thumb's picture

You answered your own question.

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"Polls don't tell us how well a candidate is doing; Polls tell us how well the media is doing." ~ Me

Lady Libertine's picture


and ... at least 2000 people have joined this FB page. I dont have the patience or chops for it but if anyone here is bent that way check it out. I know facebook ugh .... maybe theres something along these same lines at reddit?
Documenting Democratic Primary Election Fraud: 2016

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discussions happening on reddit.

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'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "

I keep wondering about her rallies. They seem very small. I guess she likes it that way.

I don't remember which debate it was, I'll have to find out, but it seemed pretty obvious that the audience was stacked against Bernie.

I guess I'm being paranoid. But, maybe with good reason.

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'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "

k9disc's picture

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu

kharma's picture

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There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams

PastorAgnostic's picture

Teh Google was quite illuminating.

I had personal dealings with her, her staff, and her really nasty attitude, when she still called herself Rodham. It was an experience I will never forget, and never forgive. The worst part? It was so unnecessary - the nasty way she acted, I mean. It was as if that was the only way she knew how to operate, she wins, and everyone else must lose.

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'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "

gulfgal98's picture

for doing the legwork on this. To me, it sounds like that where there is smoke, there is at least some fire.

I just found it odd that the only counties that went for Bernie were all in western NC.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Steven D's picture

so when I do, I try my best to be as careful as I can and not say more than I know.

Other people have made the same comment as you, I believe re: the NC vote.

Stuff like this just makes me ill. You'd think having been a lawyer and dealt with sleazy and stupid bankers, mergers and acquisitions guys from Wall Street firms and CEOs who were all borderline (if not over the line) sociopaths would have inured me to such things, but I find as I get older the opposite is true

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Lisa Lockwood's picture

That was what the nation was lead to believe was her 'firewall', she had it locked up, etc. All the demographics were supposed to be right up her alley, and the years of 'courting' she'd always done in the AA community was supposed to pay off, big.
If her internals early on showed that Bernie was doing well in NC, I don't think she'd hesitate for a nano-second to 'plant' someone to spread disinfo/chaos/confusion/discord within Bernies NC organization. It wouldn't be that difficult to do.

OK, taking off the tinfoil hat now ;->

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"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~

shaharazade's picture

don't throw it out yet, it may become all the rage this spring and summer and even in the fall

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Not so busy anymore.

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'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "

Is much whiter than eastern nc

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jiordan's picture

I also expected a much stronger showing for Bernie at every university in the state. I work in the UNC system and all indications were that the colleges, all of them, were massively pro-Bernie. And yet, some places in the East where he should have won big, he didn't. I'm not talking about the entire state, but there are several areas I was surprised went to Clinton.

That being said, everything that I "know" is entirely anecdotal and quite possibly flawed

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'Well, I've wrestled with reality for thirty five years, Doctor, and I’m happy to state I finally won out over it." Elwood P. Dowd "

detroitmechworks's picture

Makes me even more inclined to believe it. Especially after their track record with the 47% tape.

I think the truth is that this was dismissed as a troll because it didn't fit the narrative that TOP was trying to play at that time.

Course now that the mask is off, a LOT of what has gone on this entire campaign needs a revist.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

and the infamous CookForGood at TOP were one and the same.

(Incidentally, Steven, you spelled Aisha as Alicia in your diary -- you might want to correct that.)

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Steven D's picture


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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

Steven D's picture

That is all I can say for now.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

lwatson's picture

Steven invited me (aka CookforGood and Linda Watson) to join this group when he contacted me to investigate this story. I provided him with my banned post from DailyKos and the response I was writing when I was banned. That diary was as accurate as I could make it, describing the emails I received and events I witnessed. I posted as CookforGood on DailyKos because that's how I was known there as a Netroots Nation scholar, Deaniac, and food activist. I was flamed for not posting recently, but I'd moved on to more food-friendly places. A car accident and concussion last April kept me out of politics and almost everything else until January this year.

Check out my current work on Twitter @VoteBernieNC and on Facebook Vote for Bernie NC. See how food and politics intersect in Bernie, Hillary, and GMO labeling on

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Twitter: @VoteBernieNC Facebook: Vote for Bernie NC
Bernie protects our right to know what's in our food.

Lisa Lockwood's picture

It's helpful to have when trying to figure out what the heck is going on, and it looks like this whole story will take some time to unravel.
(And, I kinda like that 'infamous' adjective. Hmmmm, the "infamous Lisa Lockwood" has a nice ring to it.
Just have to figure out how to get peeps to start calling me that!)


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"When the powerless are shut out of the media, we will make the media irrelevant" ~Anonymous~

I loved how some people there tried to shame anyone who rec'd your diary, telling them they should have known better, etc. Personally I looked at your comment history, looked at the canceled events, and thought it was worth talking about and rec'd the diary accordingly. The system of banning / HR'ing there is ridiculously abused.

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you will be hanged, drawn and quartered for treason. Glad Steven invited you and you came.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

What is TOP an acronym for?

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gulfgal98's picture

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Alphalop's picture

TOP = "Those Obnoxious Pricks". Smile

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

I absolutely LOVE your signature line! It says it all, about so many things in our topsy turvy world, right now.

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Missed your live blogs on Bernie's events.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Szaephod's picture

And such covert, false-flag actions - the worst-of-the worst of dirty campaign tactics - would (in my mind anyway) fully justify Sen. Sanders taking his campaign as an independent run, should he not prevail at the convention.

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The spirit of party serves to enfeeble the Public Administration,
agitates with Jealousies and false alarms, and opens the door to corruption,
which finds access to the government itself through the channels of party passions.
George Washington

rezolution's picture

If Bernie were to take an independent run it would seem essential that the public be clearly informed of the sabotage, at least what can be documented -- so as to put forth an independent run as being a quest for a fair vote on the issues, a fair vote that was not allowed to take place in the primary.

I hope Bernie can determine without a doubt who he can trust, and who he can't. Seems obvious, if Mr. House is correct, someone neglected to vett Aisha Dew before she was allowed into the fold. Whoever that person was, he/she should be scrutinized carefully as well, on up to whatever level of staff person Bernie can personally trust.

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ngant17's picture

so i don't think he would run independent. i hope so, if it comes to that.

there's no sense or logic in running a campaign with self-destructive behaviour. that's why i'm concerned that either trump or hillary as potus would increase probability of atomic bombs and missiles going off somewhere.

i just hope that fate and circumstance will bring in the most honest and worthy candidate, Bernie Sanders.

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Cassiodorus's picture

she'll be asking for nothing less than full-on Stockholm Syndrome from the Sanders supporters who were cheated out of a decent chance.

So motivating!

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"People need to be ready for a revolution." - Fiorella Isabel

Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

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Please help the Resilience Resource Library grow by adding your links.

First Nations News

Some people have asked, honestly, I think, "Can you tell me something about. Hillary that would make me like her more?" And been blown off with "why should I? It's all on her website." Or, if you suggest that maybe it would help to adopt some of Bernie's platform, the response is "why should she? Her platform is winning." This is why I hope she falls short or that it becomes blatantly obvious that she will need Bernie voters. But they seem to think that every single Bernie voter will not only vote for her, but donate and work for her, because better than Trump or because Supreme Court.

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stevej's picture

certainly isn't doing her any favors re the SCOTUS argument at the moment.

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

Alison Wunderland's picture

I want Bernie to have her voters.

HRC&DLC&Co are screwing the pooch because people are tired on GOP and GOPlite.

Jeebus, all you have to be is 2" to the left of Barry Goldwater these days to be called a "Leftie." My B-i-l thinks Killery is a Leftie.


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Pariah Dog's picture

I could be wrong, but it looks like this "President of her own political consulting firm," may be looking to move up to a staffer's job in the new administration.

Maybe business isn't as great as portrayed. If it's a firm, shouldn't there be pictures of more than just her?

Thanks for this. I hadn't heard anything about it.

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Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons - For thou art crunchy and good with ketchup

Anyone got a writer at HuffPo or elsewhere that would do something with this link?

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

The Democratic Party's ability to fund and staff state party infrastructure is clearly in a "failed state." Howard Dean led the last real serious effort to build the Democratic Party. As the Party's infrastructure has weakened, Party insiders are reliant on PAC revenues. As was reported earlier this week, Barack Obama was in Texas at a fundraising event for the Party (to the tune of $33,000+ a person).

The Party convention is going to be underwritten by corporate sponsors. There is no there, there. Sanders campaign cannot count on non-partisan state party apparatus. So, the volunteer efforts have replaced that state party apparatus.

I would imagine for a young person like Aeisha Dew, networking with the DNC would be important to her career. Niko House claims that her actions were disruptive and harmful to Sanders grassroots volunteer effort. If Sanders volunteers and supporters were planning to attend the Rev. Barber event with signs etc. that could have been construed as partisan campaigning, then Aeisha Dew had an obligation to communicate that. But, the DailyKos diary and the Facebook posts and canceling the transportation go beyond laying out the guidance for participating respectfully in the Moral Monday event.

I would have preferred that Niko House would have worked very hard to prepare a better-documented case and taken it to Sanders' campaign directly before publishing it.

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Cassiodorus's picture

"More and better Democrats" is a load of hooey, and I called it out awhile ago in the Den of Phony Liberalism over there. As long as the paid-off get paid, all is well from their perspective. Every member of Congress could be a Republican and no feathers would be ruffled, except maybe among the baloney-eaters of Dem propaganda, and they don't count.

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"People need to be ready for a revolution." - Fiorella Isabel

I agree with your remarks about the Democratic Party. I hope it will be a provocative convention in July. We'll see.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

mawnjilla's picture

I don't know what to think. We should be careful, though things smell fishy.

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bern baby bern disco inberno

Bisbonian's picture

The big Data Breach scandal was also in the works. I did not realize it, but the guy that hacked into the Clinton portion of the DNC database, the paid staffer on the Bernie campaign that did this heinous thing, and brought immediate discredit on the Bernie campaign (and immediately fired), was recommended to them by...the Clinton Campaign.


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"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X

I read that, too, at the time. He was also a friend of someone at TOP. I didn't comment on it at the time, but it makes me wonder. There are a lot of really ambitious young people who want to have careers in politics. DC is full of them. I wouldn't be surprised that some would go to any length to get in. Sad.

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"If you can't eat their food, drink their booze, take their money and then vote against them you've got no business being in Congress."

good job all the way around.
I deal with hysterical clients all day long, and have developed techniques to just get them to take a deep breath. Wish I had been on a phone conference with you!!!!
I think there is some kernel of truth in this accusation.
On the other hand, I am very willing to believe Clinton's campaign peeps will leave nothing to chance.

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Cassiodorus's picture

Nice to see you here.

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"People need to be ready for a revolution." - Fiorella Isabel

This is a really cool place for us, huh?
Thanks for the welcome!

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"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Blasphemy101's picture

Trust me, if this is true, this purple state (NC) will be red for a good while. Did the DNC really think that messing with states would not get out? If this is true, my leaving the Democratic party just became permanent.

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War, War Never Changes - Fallout Series

stevej's picture

Think that you are right to be cautious but this one is definitely getting a bit smelly around the edges.

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“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.” -Voltaire

GreyWolf's picture

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You are right to be very cautious. A campaign that could put together a false flag operation is also capable of planting leads to a false story that could blow up in their opponent's hands as well. But I'm glad you're on the case, and if we find a pattern of practice in other states that corroborates what this seems to show, that will be much more convincing.

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Please help support caucus99percent!

Bluesee's picture

The ol Spy vs Spy cartoon. Be careful.

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Bernie is a win-win.

greywolfe359's picture

Would be interesting to see if this is a pattern in other states.

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shaharazade's picture

the Democrat's in MO who we all got to see in all their nasty glory during Ferguson, kept my tinfoil vibrating. I do not trust the Clinton's and this isn't anything I would put past her creepy campaign. This whole primary reeks to high heaven on the Democratic machine's end. DWS alone has a severe conflict of interest. Why is she allowed to keep her position.

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Shahryar's picture

holding back St. Louis until they knew what the vote had to be

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Steven D's picture

With dollar signs.

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"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

detroitmechworks's picture

Reasons with Dollar Signs.

Now I'm thinking of some great political band names:

Discount Ballot Bin
Cash Powered Weather Vane
The Invisible Handicapped

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

detroitmechworks's picture

But all those last ideas probably need more cowbell.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Alphalop's picture

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"I used to vote Republican & Democrat, I also used to shit my pants. Eventually I got smart enough to stop doing both things." -Me

0 users have voted.

This site doesn't like non-members. They are having difficulty getting past the non-member page. I also put it out on Twitter. I guess that's not going to work either. I miss the sharing links.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

Steven D's picture

But it comes with a price.

0 users have voted.

"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott

That is why the Blogowner can be so arbirary and capricious. No real competition. But this place and Reddit may be changing that.

0 users have voted.
Cassiodorus's picture

I've had to deal with paragraph problems on DK5, and I can no longer access the HTML versions of my old diaries.

0 users have voted.

"People need to be ready for a revolution." - Fiorella Isabel

I miss them.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon

lunachickie's picture

since it doesn't play nice (yet) when you just share a link, I've just been (fair-use) sharing the direct text from the writer (quotated) in my FB feeds, along with any links they might have sourced in their post and then at the bottom, I'll note something like "source:". It's a little more work, but worth it...

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