Racist Puerco-in-Chief Addresses the Nation
Sorry to inflict him on you. And myself, for that matter.)
(the full transcript is here)
Some excerpts:
“Our southern border is a pipeline for vast quantities of illegal drugs, including meth, heroin, cocaine, and fentanyl. Every week, 300 of our citizens are killed by heroin alone, 90 percent of which floods across from our southern border. More Americans will die from drugs this year than were killed in the entire Vietnam War.
In the last two years, ICE officers made 266,000 arrests of aliens with criminal records, including those charged or convicted of 100,000 assaults, 30,000 sex crimes, and 4,000 violent killings. Over the years, thousands of Americans have been brutally killed by those who illegally entered our country, and thousands more lives will be lost if we don’t act right now.
This is a humanitarian crisis — a crisis of the heart and a crisis of the soul.
The border wall would very quickly pay for itself. The cost of illegal drugs exceeds $500 billion a year — vastly more than the $5.7 billion we have requested from Congress. The wall will also be paid for, indirectly, by the great new trade deal we have made with Mexico.
Day after day, precious lives are cut short by those who have violated our borders. In California, an Air Force veteran was raped, murdered, and beaten to death with a hammer by an illegal alien with a long criminal history. In Georgia, an illegal alien was recently charged with murder for killing, beheading, and dismembering his neighbor. In Maryland, MS-13 gang members who arrived in the United States as unaccompanied minors were arrested and charged last year after viciously stabbing and beating a 16-year-old girl.
Over the last several years, I’ve met with dozens of families whose loved ones were stolen by illegal immigration. I’ve held the hands of the weeping mothers and embraced the grief-stricken fathers. So sad. So terrible. I will never forget the pain in their eyes, the tremble in their voices, and the sadness gripping their souls.
How much more American blood must we shed before Congress does its job?”
(He just declared open season on brown people for political points and bucks.)
Pelosi and Schumer’s weak-ass response:
(the full transcript is here.)
Some excerpts:
Pelosi: “The fact is: We all agree that we need to secure our borders, while honoring our values [the kinder, gentler ICE™ we hear mentioned?]: we can build the infrastructure and roads at our ports of entry; we can install new technology to scan cars and trucks for drugs coming into our nation; we can hire the personnel we need to facilitate trade and immigration at the border; and we can fund more innovation to detect unauthorized crossings.
The fact is: the women and children at the border are not a security threat, they are a humanitarian challenge – a challenge that President Trump’s own cruel and counterproductive policies have only deepened.”
(But oh, those male rapists and murderers and drug mules…look out!)
“Make no mistake: Democrats and the President both want stronger border security. However, we sharply disagree with the President about the most effective way to do it.
The symbol of America should be the Statue of Liberty, not a thirty-foot wall.”
(Laugh Track, Chuckles. ‘Bring me your tired, your poor, your hungry…’)
What they did NOT say I’ll hand over to Barry Grey, wsws:
“The official Democratic response was given by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. Their perfunctory remarks were punctuated by protestations of support for “border security” and appeals for bipartisan compromise, while lacking any concrete demands for a halt to the administration’s antidemocratic measures against immigrants. There was no call to free the incarcerated families and children, halt the Gestapo-type work place raids, tear down the tent city internment camps and the growing network of prisons for immigrants, or end the systematic violation of the right to asylum.
The one true statement Trump made in his speech was a reminder that Schumer and Pelosi had supported and voted for a border wall in the past, including offering just last year to back $25 billion for Trump’s wall in return for a broader—and punitive—immigration package.
Most remarkable was the absence in their remarks of any warning about the deeply antidemocratic implications of the measures already taken by the Trump administration or the fundamental and far-reaching implications of the White House’s threat to bypass Congress and order the military to build the wall under a state of emergency.
This underscores the fact that there is no democratic side in the political conflict within the ruling elite that has given rise to the government shutdown. The Democrats are allied with the predominant sections of the military and intelligence apparatus, which are using the Mueller anti-Russia probe and other investigations to either force Trump to adopt a more aggressive policy in the Middle East and against Russia or remove him from office altogether. They work to strengthen the police agencies of the state and operate with the methods of palace coup, while spearheading the drive to criminalize political opposition and censor the internet.”
Two poems by Raymond Nat Turner, blackagendareport.com
7 Year Olds Dying In Third Reich ‘Detention’
“Papi, are we there—
are we almost there?”
Wide-eyed incantation
of a child, three feet plus/
60 pounds.
Exodus leaving the lowland
six days before birthday 7…
“Papi, are we there—
are we almost there?”
Beaming birthday celebrant
on the bus munching an un-
crushed pink frosted cookie
from Papi’s beat up backpack
“Papi, are we there—
are we almost there?”
Her small, soft hands celebrating
Heroics of an unshaven face chasing
Dreams; dreams of pine tree scents
and small gifts—compliments of magic
of his hands. Dreams of the doll her
Mother promised, before dying suddenly;
Dreams of asylum from violence, fleeing
extractive capitalism’s suction tube tentacles…
Papi also had dreams of “J-Bird,” as he
called her, teaching school and university
with compassion and skill she instructed
stick dolls he’d crafted from fallen branches
“Papi, are we there—
are we almost there?”
springing up and down on her
invisible trampoline, Papi’s promises
of a Christmas tree and celebration in
California, in America…racing through
her amazed and amazing mind.
Papi was proud. His back burned and
ached. He clenched his teeth, when she
dozed off to sleep. His stomach growled,
rattling sunken sides. He went without
eating so her belly would be full. He took
tiny swigs of water so she’d have enough…
(Football fans who love players that ‘play
through pain;’ Basketball fans who love
players that ‘create their own shots,’ does
chasing dreams thousands of miles through
government/gang infested swamps—bad back
7 yr. old in tow—show up in your thicket of
statistics and fantasy?)
“Papi, are we there—
are we almost there?”
To her the bumpy ride jarring dreams,
juggling her belly up and down was an
Adventure. And Papi had prepared her for
it with bedtime stories where everyone lived
Happily ever after…
Arriving at a ‘border’ swarming with
uniformed thugs: 3/5 human—igloos
pumping raw sewage through veins
whistling “Dixie” prying Papi and “J-Bird”
Her forehead a 105 degree radiator; body
spasming, eyes rolling ‘round in their sockets
tummy evicting food Papi fed her—
Terrorist tricks to breach the border, enter the
U.S.— as were delirious, distorted, slow motion
Last words…
“Papi, are we there—
are we almost there?”
Waiting on Capitalist Hill…
Trumpeted Blue Wave Bar & Grill, at the foot of
Capitalist Hill
Hearty meals for labor’s dime, truncated time…
Heard ads, read rave reviews, received frenzied
phone calls from friends touting Single-Payer
Pasta to die for; delicious Grilled Green New
Deal and Gluten Free Education; otherworldly
Affordable Housing Hors d’oeuvres—and taste
of the hereafter Impeachment Cobbler!
Could this be true—another case of deja vu—
frowning Maître D; hearing throat-clearing?
“Hmm…” our reservation… can’t be found?
Finally seated besides swinging doors—pots,
pans, plates, ‘talk’ show banter serenading us…
Until a mummified moll appears hands on hips,
hissing, “You order antipasti?
Fresh out, hon’—how ‘bout a heaping helping of
Unca Jim?” Presto! A servile, overbearing Black
server’s at our throats and 1% boots…
They mock our orders in shrill unison and high-five:
“Off the table! Off the table! Off the table! Off the table!”
We shout, “What do you fuckin’ serve?” They shoot back,
“You knew the menu—you knew what we do—Order up!
Pentagon Cooked Books on Endless War Endive; War-
Profiteer Pork Chops with Dictator du Jour Soup; Apartheid
State Steak,White Phosphorus Seared; Blackened Bailout on
Toasted Too Big To Fail Flatbread; Order up! Wall Street Stew,
some sweet nothings too? 1% Pineapple Upside Down Cake?
Flip-the-House Flan with Trickle Down Tea? Hey, take it or
leave it, hon’…
Or, talk to the bosses: Tony Missiles, Jake Greasy Thumb
Oil, Al Big Ag, Bugsy Big Pharma, Crazy Joe Protection…”

Those are the leaders of our nation.
See, I think that should tell everyone about humans in general, that and twerking. These are the humans the rest of us humans call our leaders.
"Take me to your leaders".
"No, you don't want to do that, man."
"Why not"?
"Oh, they'll fuck it all up. Don't go there".
but come on,
isn't the D team better than the R team?
but the egregious lies that the great orange one told that means Open Season on brown people. patrick martin named a few the other day:
“Trump administration spokesmen, effectively previewing the speech, fanned out on the Sunday network interview programs to press for the border wall, each parroting the flat-out lie that 4,000 terrorists were apprehended attempting to enter the country from Mexico last year.
The bogus character of this claim has been widely exposed. Even Fox News rebutted it, as interviewer Chris Wallace pointed out to White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders that 4,000 was the figure for everyone on government watch lists apprehended attempting to enter the country, most of them at airports, not the US-Mexico border.
NBC News reported that the actual number of such “terrorist” detentions at the US-Mexico border in the first half of 2018 was six people, not the thousands invoked by the White House as justification for a border wall."
apparently 22 asylum seekers have died since boss Tweet took office; wonder if they were counting under the Smilin' Dream Act Man?
Elites sneering at us.
That's all it really is. Barack Obama is still the deportation king, right?
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
The reason for Barry's deportation fervor
Reverse racism? Really? That's the black calling the kettle black--then screwing them over.
i'd reckon that by the numbers
he still is. and he also caged families with one space blanket per person while they slept on concrete floors. also remember that he gave Peña Nieto a bunch a bucks to stop immigrants at the border, send them back to their miserable fucking lives, most caused by amerikan policies.
trump's just the Sheriff Joe Arpaio (maricopa county, AZ) face of of it all, save for the perhaps under Obomba they weren't tear-gassed, but as to that i'm not positive.
but today's the first day of No Paychecks, but apparently WIC wasn't given funds, soon food stamps will be in the wind, reservation money...gone already.
Of course
"There was no call to free the incarcerated families and children, halt the Gestapo-type work place raids, tear down the tent city internment camps and the growing network of prisons for immigrants, or end the systematic violation of the right to asylum." Of course. Immigration is the Democrats' abortion - if it were resolved they would have to find another cash cow. The Democrats don't give a f*** about immigrants, they want them to suffer. They want them to be exploited, they want rampant, up front racism. We all know that Trump is evil, it's about time to get it through to people that corporate Democrats are also evil.
On to Biden since 1973
the continuing 'purification and fascism of the duopoly 'leaders'. and herr T and the Ds know if he does in fact use defense dollars to 'build the wall', more austerity for the peasants will ensue. TINA! grand bargains!
This is from Greg Grandin's Facebook page:
The 2006 Secure Fence Act might be this election cycle's Iraq vote. Sanders, then in the House, voted against it, along with Barbara Lee, Nancy Pelosi, and John Murtha, to give a sense of Democratic spectrum. In the Senate, Patty Murray, Harry Reid, Feingold voted against. Clinton, Schumer, Obama, and Biden voted in favor. The act appropriated billions of dollars to pay for drones, a “virtual wall,” aerostat blimps, radar, helicopters, watchtowers, surveillance balloons, razor ribbon, landfill to block canyons, border berms, adjustable barriers to compensate for shifting dunes, and a lab (located at Texas A&M and run in partnership with Boeing) to test fence prototypes. The number of border agents doubled, and the length of border fencing quadrupled. Also, Sanders voted against Bill Clinton's catastrophic 1996 Immigration Control and Financial Responsibility Act, which Dara Lind at Vox identifies as the foundation of Trump's deportation regime. So did Sherrod Brown in the House.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
i'm not getting
the reason you and grandin are referencing the 2006 secure defense act, cass. but the sickest part of it was that none of the tech worked, in any event.
Nice compilation. I got nuttin'
...but memes.
amerikan gothic; how purrfect. hard to look at, hard not to go back and look, pluto.
Careful. Memes are now deadly weapons.
Apparently Democrats believe that everybody on the internet is a Deplorable Russian Nazi. Who they fund in the Ukraine, so I don't see their problem really.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Kind of comes down to statistics and lies.
The right wing, Trump supporters, Fox news, etc., are all throwing out these facts about how much crime there is, the amount of drugs, the number of terrorists, the amount of costs, etc. Turns out, at least what I've read, they're lying their asses off. It's like the absurd figure given out in a previous post here that illegal immigrants cost taxpayers $200 billion per year. When challenged of course the author could not back that up and it turns out it came directly from Trump's mouth, and of course he couldn't back it up either.
Relative to drugs and terrorists, our own government is the biggest problem relative to those issues. The notion that illegal immigration is increasing belies the facts that it's steadily decreased over the last 20 years. Etc.
After reviewing everything the last couple weeks, I'm now adamantly opposed to any fucking walls.
Trump tends to pull numbers out of his ass
" In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry, and is generally considered to have been a bad move. -- Douglas Adams, The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "
damned lies as statistics. but 'illegal' gets pretty tricky in my book, which is a longer story, but the only Legals are the first american indigenous, if i want to stretch a point, and i do: it's a stolen land!
but a hella lot of the undocumented pay taxes, and don' drain what's left of the social safety net, in any event. and yes, the bogus figures have been debunked year after year, but as twain said: 'a lie can circle the world ten times before the truth has time to get its pants on'. why? because people want to believe it, in this case: fear works.
Personally, I think people
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
a parallel theme for decades has been 'when the economic pie gets smaller, 'the other must be to blame'.
Just a thought
The "200billion" figure might come from combining the actual monetary value of property stolen or destroyed with the cost of the police needed to respond and the cost of the prisons and the room and board for the prisoners. But considering that most of those numbers are highly inflated through profiteering and highly subjective after all any number is claimable.
On to Biden since 1973
"unconstrained executive power"
What we are seeing is a manufactured crisis so that the executive office can have even more power to destroy what is left of the constitution and our rights. Starting with the false flag of 9/11, congress has been passing legislation that have seen our guaranteed freedoms eroding and now it's coming to fruition. This isn't just Trump doing this. He has the support of both republicans and democrats. If he didn't then McConnell would bring the budget up for a vote that both the senate and house passed just before Trump decided that he wanted $5 billion and now $5.7 billion for the wall. The democrats have many procedural ways to force McConnell to do that and yet ... they are not doing it.
Once Trump declares a national emergency he can do all kinds of things such as declaring martial law and going from there. The GOP held all branches of government for two years, but now he suddenly says that the wall must be built? Kabuki! In other words, bullshit!
Executive Order 13603
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
thanks, snoop.
and in so many ways Obomba was the precursor who opened the door for Puerco Trump to proceed; he's just a more naked face on megalomaniacal power. thanks for 13603, but so many other EO prez power grabs. but ain't he got a purdy smile? and michelle's arms: 'to die for'.
Absolutely this can be laid at Obama's feet
Just like he was Bush on steroids in regards to wars, ect, the things he did behind the scenes eroded the checks on the EX as much as the Cheney VP did. People just were not paying attention to him and those of us that were and called him out on were called racists and told to STFU. Now Trump is looking into taking money that was for natural disasters like Puerto Rico and even funds for the CA wildfires. This is where the democrats can put their foot down if they want this stopped and the GOP should get on board too because Trump can not legally do this.
Gawd forbid that Trump thinks about taking some money out of the bloated military budget, but even that would be illegal unless congress authorizes it.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
sorry to have missed
this, snoopy. too often i leave the tab here open while new comments come in, so i miss them as having been marked as 'new' later.
i wonder how many EOs obomba had propelled, but i do remember him having campaigned on 'transparency'. once in the oval, he classified more documents than any other prez to an order of magnitude or something.
this morning mr. wd was online earlier than i, and i asked him if Orange Julius had issues the emergency orders, but he said from what he could see on msn headlines...he was backing off a bit. even some of his own team believes it's a horrid idea. what a bellicose blustering Boss Tweet he is!
I'm torn on what to believe anymore about the inner workings
of the government. People were freaked out that Trump was going to declare a national emergency and now that he has backed off we get a two year old report from the NY Slimes that the FBI was investigating his possible ties to Russia because he fired Comey.
Why is that being released now? Is someone being wishy on declaring and he is being pushed in that direction by this news? The internet is ablaze with this report and people are breathlessly taking it apart and devoting lots of time and energy to it. Why NOW?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
The FBI investigation happened two years ago right?
So what did they find out about whether Trump was working for Russia at the time he fired Comey? Why isn't anyone asking this question? Probably because it one never happened and there is another reason this was leaked yesterday, or two they found out that he wasn't.
Bottom line again .... why are we just hearing about this now and why is the air being sucked out the room over it?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
thanks for urging
me to go looking, and although mine eyes are worse than usual today so i'm not reading well, i found this version (thankfully) at RT: 'Twitter erupts after NYT reveals FBI probe into Trump-Russia links that lead… nowhere', including"\:
i did click thru via a private window to their link at the bottom: ‘F.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was (sic) Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia’, NY Liars
now i'll have to ask if the Rt version tallies with the Grimes, but nowhere was julian assange actually mentioned that i could make out. what does that do the the Fact that assange IS also a russian agent? i've been trying to update a commenter from unity4j/greece, and went of course to visit marcy wheeler for her "reporting" via emma best on '141 things journalists should not say about julian assange'.
anyhoo, when i can myself together a bit, i may post a couple noteworthy pieces on assange.
maybe tomorrow, nothing earth-shattering, i hope. but why should we trust the US gummint or mainstream media?
Earth shattering revelation indeed
So no evidence was found that he was working directly with Russia? Then why the hell was this reported and getting such publicity? Because the PTB want people to continue thinking that he's Vlad's pawn. So what is in the pipeline? More sanctions against Russia or some type of military action? Yeah I'm thinking it's the latter.
The navy has sent a few more ships to the Black Sea and they might move some into the Azea sea and push for conflict in the Kerch Straits. This is my guess. This report will lead to people giving their permission for military action. There is always a hidden agenda for the Slimes.
I had fun on Twitter last night asking why people have fallen for the biggest psyops in history and told them that Russia Gate is the new WMDs scam. Guess I'll go check and see how many people called me a Russian bot.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
will the true believers like marcy wheeler note the caveat 'no public information...', etc.? i'll have to go over there when i have the time. my guess is you saw nothing about russian agent assange on the Time'sOut piece? did the guardian have it, lol?
I finally gave in and read the report
It went to great lengths to describe how bad it could be for the president of the USA to be in bed with a hostile power... or something. Lots and lots of words to say things like that and very few to say that he wasn't. The Slimes did what many websites are doing that want fuddle the truth. Here's one example..
Donald Trump asked Russia to hack into Hillary's emails ..
No he didn't you ....! It's interesting how no one ever talks about how Hillary's emails had been subpoenaed by congress after they found out that she hadn't turned them over after she left her position as SOS. Instead of doing this she deleted 30,000 of them because she said that they were personal and had nothing to do with her job. One reason she used her private email server was so that people who were involved with her foundation could access it. If they didn't have security clearances to read classified information, oh well. They did it anyway.
Every one of her emails were found on Anthony Weiner's laptop by the NYC FBI and the agents were appalled at the ones that were about sexual activities including with children. Comey nor Rosenstein nor anyone else who were supposed to be investigating her email server never looked at them.
Not sure how much of this you have followed, but the bottom line is that Hillary's buttocks should be sitting in prison because she should have been charged under the espionage act according to Obama's previous actions. Her server had been hacked by foreign country and Comey, congress and Huber the AG who is supposed to be looking into this knows that.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
what little i know
about hillary's 30,000 emails is down to you, as no, i hadn't followed it. but i'm so glad to see you've come back, because (h/t RT): ‘Trump has concealed details of his face-to-face encounters with Putin from senior officials in administration’, wapo, jan. 12, greg miller [#treason gate in helsinki)
very wapo-esque in the innuendo, and the name of the game is: Secrecy and Conspiracy.
but yeah, it's a full-court press; is it designed to aid impeachment? or as you say, more sanctions on russia? seems to me, though, that a lot of the reason his admin levied such sanctions against russia is down to the perception that he was soft on russia, as in seeking détente.
Something is definitely going on
that article is on every site I have visited this morning and it's just full of falsehoods, flat out lies and innuendos.
People read this and see it as a done deal that Trump is putty in Putin's hands. Trump should be having the WH lawyers looking over the reports and if there is wording like this and worse then they should start threatening to sue. his is libel against the US president and it doesn't matter that it's Trump to me. According to the laws of this land he is the duly elected president sworn in to office and this is an attempt to undermine him or worse.
But just like what happened during Bush's tenure, people are focusing on the dwerp in office and not what policies are coming out of congress. Especially during the first 100 days of his presidency when the GOP rolled back many of Obama's last minute legislation. Most of that went under the radar.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
yep to the Nth
degree. i finally went to marcy wheeler's abode, as is always featured is the 'russians hacked the DNC docs for Trump' (as indisputable fact) within a 'they could have trump for bribery, not treason' thang.
weird it's everywhere, and yeah, the wapo had it. but...maybe it's not.
Thank You for
There is a Lot of DeadWood out there that needs more nails like this one pounded into it.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
The border wall is political--make no mistake
It is not about safety for illegal aliens (No, I will not use the deceptive term "undocumenteds". It is about 3 things
1. Demonratic lip service about a concept which in theory they supported in 2010 but did nothing about despite philibuster-proof majorities in 2010. They want votes--any way they can get them.
2. Repugnant lip service so that large companies can avail themselves of cheap labor--enhanced by failure to enforce laws against hiring illegal aliens.
3. It is purely political. Dems would rather rupture an aneurysm than let Trump achieve one of his campaign promises. This should transparent enough to even many politically-illiterate adults to see through the bushwah.
The humanitarian crisis is present--but the US has better ways to solve it--not that we'll see the needed changes in our life times. Central and to a lesser degree South America is facing a humanitarian crisis. Many different reasons of course but humanitarian concerns do not loom large in corrupt and/or authoritarian regimes--including ours. These humanitarian concerns cannot be solved at our southern border nor should they be. I do not get teary-eyed to see the Soros caravasion stopped at the border (at least those that survived the journey). The place for redress is two-fold.
The first redress is ending all US-driven aggressive war. Destruction of national economies and persistent threats to personal safety naturally lead to a desire to flee (Frog!--get out of that pan!)
Ending that threat of demolition by the Neocons will be an enormous aid to stop the lower border stampede.
The second redress is focussed foreign aid to countries whence these caravaners come. By focussed aid, I mean monitored disbursement and follow-on audits of aid, especially but not exclusively monetary.
Social Justice Warriors, the sock puppets of Demonratic elites sob tears of sorrow for the poor raggedy bunches of anxious people looking for a good life. After a good 10 minute sob session the SJWs then go to Olive Garden for wine (and whine) and dinner.
Trump is antidemocratic by avoiding the legislature to fund the wall. He is just sticking it to the Dems as long and hard as he can. Plus he probably has the alleged legal right via executive order to declare a state of emergency, whether Dems, SJWs etc. object. There ARE un-designated funds (plenty!) in the existing federal budget section of defense spending to completely build a wall with all the bells and whistles--barbed wire, electrification and lotsa drones (about $20B)--with much money left over, still undesignated.
Nancy: I feel run down
Chuckles: I feel run over.
Great comment, alligator
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
whoa, nellie;
there's a lot to unpack on your comment, but as to your 'It is not about safety for illegal aliens', i assume you'd meant 'from [raping, murdering, drug-running illegal aliens'.
first: who do you designate as 'illegal aliens' rather than 'undocumented immigrants' 'asylum seeks', etc. i need to that before i comment further on it, unless you don't come back and i just forge ahead with my assumptions later.
'soros caravans'? from what i've read and found this a.m., that's a reactionary right-wing meme, including of course, the info ward dude alex jones. good grief, gator, whassup with your belief in that?
but here are some opinions on why they're being stopped at the border, first from justsecurity.org: , a few bits:
"But even as it tells asylum-seekers they must go to a port of entry, the Trump administration has been turning them away from these very same ports for months, claiming that they are “at capacity.” According to both immigration lawyers and a report from the Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), this has led some migrants to attempt crossing unlawfully." [snip]
long, long, snip, then this section and its beginning paragraph:
A Dangerous Limbo at the Border
"After Trump ended family separations in response to public outcry, the lines outside some ports of entry shortened or disappeared for a time, but immigration attorneys began to see disturbing new tactics to deny asylum-seekers access."
and i DO weep for them, as most are fleeing the results of US-approved putsches of elected leaders in nicaragua and honduras, drug cartels (guns for drugs to amerika), etc.
from wola.org, feb.1: 'Fact Sheet: U.S. Immigration and Central American Asylum Seekers'
also from wola.org: 'Civil Society Groups: Mexico Should Reject U.S. Deal that Forces Asylum Seekers to Wait in Mexico'; it opens:
(then their letter to hopey-changey AMLO, et.al.)
your 'redresses' plans i'll need to comment on after some chores.
Thank you, excellent comment.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
ta, lizzyh7.
; )
yeah on further review
what you said. Looks like I missed a few head shakers in AE's comment.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
they're easy to miss sometimes, esp. when forcefully stated. ; )
Where does "asylum" end and economic migration begin?
The pro-immigration forces need a better role model than AOC. Data which you present in your comment were new to me.
ICE: Immigration control and enforcement. This is too often conflated with Border Patrol. They function separately but better functional integration would surely benefit all concerned. ICE seems equated with the Stasi--breaking down doors, removing children from their parents--at least until recently. But anti-immigration reform elements should make a case for the rarity of such events if they can.
On the other hand the pro-immigration forces communicate as poorly as Chuckles and Nancy. I recently read an article, two pages long, fact-laden which corrects, apparently the distorted Trump presentation of immigration realities. I was unaware of much of the information presented. This information would help the public understand the issues more completely.
More, not less, administrative judges and support staff are needed--perhaps double the current numbers. Housing should be made available to those awaiting disposition of better quality than your comment described. As far as slowing the process purposefully by Trump--show me the data, not that I doubt you are incorrect but I'll give credence to that observation if backed up the statistical data.
79% of the American public is pro-border wall--even many democrats. Several congressional Dems are voicing support for the wall. My essay yesterday revealed that lying neoliberal Chris Cuomo supported the border wall! Dems are listening to the people--or at least pretending to do so.
Did George Soros, through some of his hundred NGOs contribute to any or all of the caravans? I can't tell you. But I have seen videos of people in the caravan being handed money (pesos?) by gun-wearing individuals. Who supplied the money? Who supplied the clothing? Who provided the transit? Without further information, the part Soros plays in this directly or indirectly is speculative. But for a man (if such a psychopath can be so described) who espouses Open Borders across the world NOT to be involved in this societally-damaging enterprise would be most amazing.
thanks for responding,
i just lost half my comment, bugger all. here's what i can reconstruct:
but you never explained my Q about 'illegal alien' v. undocumented, etc..
here's the differentiation, but ICE and CPB are functionally the same by now:
second, ocasio2018 is a brand, and a moronic fraud to boot. pelosi and schumer are NOT pro-immigration, as per the point of this diary, darlin'. they don't even give a flim-flam about the workers' suffering during the shut down, they just mumble about it on teevee. nor did they mention T's 'emergency measures' to build the wall on his own, which dictatorial power grab would be an impeachable offense.
you asked this Q, but hadn't addressed it as far as i could tell: "Where does "asylum" end and economic migration begin?". but maybe it was implied in your 'redresses' if i might quote and attempt to answer:
"The humanitarian crisis is present--but the US has better ways to solve it--not that we'll see the needed changes in our life times. Central and to a lesser degree South America is facing a humanitarian crisis."
"The first redress is ending all US-driven aggressive war. Destruction of national economies and persistent threats to personal safety naturally lead to a desire to flee (Frog!--get out of that pan!)
Ending that threat of demolition by the Neocons will be an enormous aid to stop the lower border stampede.
The second redress is focussed foreign aid to countries whence these caravaners come. By focussed aid, I mean monitored disbursement and follow-on audits of aid, especially but not exclusively monetary.
Social Justice Warriors, the sock puppets of Demonratic elites sob tears of sorrow for the poor raggedy bunches of anxious people looking for a good life. After a good 10 minute sob session the SJWs then go to Olive Garden for wine (and whine) and dinner."
i'm gonna press submit, reply to myself or something so i don't lose this much again, okay?
Part II to alligator ed:
certainly some immigrants are financial refugees, but may are fleeing narco barons and gangs,
political persecution, and more. but you also read the 'slow down the applications' theme; the numbers are there if you look.
as far as i know, your redress concerning 'wars of aggression' (are any NOT wars of choice, post wwII? and some debate that.) but other than 'war by other means' in latin and south america, toppling elected governments by insider coups in honduras, nicaragua, brazil (dilma, lula), and other nations isn't relevant afaik, but around the globe, you're correct. there's some sort of immigration compact being discussed in the EU (i'd seen it on alexis tsipras's twit thing while looking for info for a greek unity4j commenter at the café).
but again, i wonder who you think fits into the neo-con rubric and who doesn't? but that's a whole 'nother duopoly issue, isn't it, given both are war parties, Ds are the CIA party?
but yes, foreign aid targeted to the actual poor is rare, but when i'd seen that, i'd had to chuckle remembering some earlier bits from wsws i was saving for a separate AMLO diary.
‘López Obrador proposes austerity budget, creates free economic zone at the border’, Alex González, jan.3 2018
"A pittance for the poor is being combined with a bonanza for corporations. On Monday, AMLO has announced a new free economic zone at the US-Mexico border that will slash the value-added tax in half, from 16 to 8 percent. The top income tax at the border will also decrease from 30 to 20 percent. The new free economic zone will reportedly be the largest in the world and will stretch from Baja California on the Pacific coast to Tamaulipas on the Gulf of Mexico.
AMLO has sought to sell what amounts to a new state-sponsored center of exploitation by raising the minimum daily wage in the new economic zone to $9—or a little more than one dollar per hour in an eight hour day. Despite being slightly higher minimum wages than the rest of Mexico, these remain poverty wages that will be clawed back through more exploitative working conditions and fewer benefits for Mexican, Central American and US workers. The tax cuts are also estimated to leave a budget shortfall of $610 billion (120 billion pesos), which will be paid for through cuts in social services for these same workers and youth."
a few bits from 'US and Mexican governments agree on new Central American “Marshall Plan”, alex González, 21 December 2018
it's impossible NOT to imagine zones of maquilladora sweatshops at both borders of mexico.
oh, and later, as i understand it, AMLO made himself unitrty commander of all the armed forces, including the national guard, and his stated reason for enlarging both was: to fight the narco cartels.
wendy, your comment raises more questions than answers
As you observe quite correctly, the Dems don't give a crap about immigrants (except for votes). Nor do they care about you or me.
Back to one of my key points: Dems do not communicate effectively about their plans, usually offering no constructive alternatives. They have not learned the Lesson of 2016: you cannot run on a negative platform of being not-Trump. Where's the beef? What we get from them is hypocrisy--grade 100%. That's the only pure thing Dems do: be hypocritical.
I appreciate your educational input.
i don't know anything
about the 'first border one crosses' rule, gator. but my original Q concerned 'illegal aliens' v. undocumented, etc. so i'll just briefly say that it seems immigrants have the right (international?) to request asylum, but 'aliens' already living in amerika are often deemed 'illegal' for a list of crimes: not carrying their green cards with them, being out of the country for a day longer than they were allowed, some tech glitch in the immigration system where they have the same name as someone on the watch or no-fly lists, etc.
this is a local story: 'ICE fugitive seeks sanctuary in Mancos church', durango herald, july 2017, the NYT piked it up, i forget how or why, but i do know the church and rosa must have gotten lot of contributions.
anyhoo, gotta scoot, chores calling...
All the more reason capitalism must die.
But it won't. Too many still believe the lie that hard work will get them into the club.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
kinda why i'd
featured raymond nat turner's Waiting on Capitalist Hill…, and why i'd put up my diary before this 'un.
i ♥ verisimilitude!
North America's own Killing Fields
There are countless remains of the dead that are never identified along the US/Mexico border. Some are never found. Some are only skeletons when they are found. Nobody knows just how many, but they are there. They exist on both sides of the border. Coyotes bring some here safely, but they rape and kill others. They also deliver them to drug cartels who force them to mule in drugs or kill them if they refuse.
Our policies and covert operations have created this. We should not be discussing whether or not people are racists and saying that anyone who doesn't believe in open borders wants a war on brown people. We should be demanding that our govt STOP creating the crisis in the first place. Stop driving them from their homes.
Our "racist" in chief has actually proposed easing H1-B visa restrictions in order to bring more brown people in for high tech jobs because he and other "racists" in his cabinet believe we don't have enough workers skilled enough to fill the positions. This is a scheme by big business to import workers who won't get medical benefits, and who'll work longer for less.
I don't see it as racism. I see it as collateral damage while worshipping the almighty dollar. There's money to be made in their prospective countries and the intention is to hope the refugees die so they don't cost money if they make it here. The Indian imports on H1-B visas can displace American workers who will die off because they can't afford healthcare without the job the lost to the imported laborer.
They want us all working for free or dead. Not just the brown ones from down south.
well done,
well said. but the reason i called the puerco a racist/racialist was down to how he'd smeared the asylum seekers in his vile speech. see the OP.
I did see the OP
I usually have a hard time following what's being said by you and what's being pasted from articles you link to because of no box quote, different colored font, and non English. And yes, I know you crosspost. Still doesn't make it easier to follow. Not to mention the foreign languages that are mixed with English. Had to look up the word you keep calling Trump, and I live in Texico. (I eat tacos made of pastor, so I didn't know what you were calling him, other than a racist.)
I saw the speech. I read in the OP the response. The response didn't sound like they were actually denouncing anything but the wall ($$). NPR, the following day seemed only to harp on the heroin issue. They said most heroin gets in through other points of entry, not border crossings. Of course it does, just ask the CIA lol. Still, some how, he is the racist pig, but they are not.
What I've not seen addressed is how a huge group of people seem to have somehow managed to organically organize and travel together for thousands of miles without someone doing the organizing behind the scenes. It's as if it all magically happened. Think of a musical where everyone around town stops what they're doing, hears people singing outside, joins them in song and they all start happily walking together in the same direction, their numbers growing exponentially along the way. Something is certainly not adding up.
Like I said in my original comment, it ain't about brown, it's about money. They want us either dead, or working for free. I still want to know who's behind the mass exodus down south, too.