caucus99percent: 4 years old today
Happy 4th anniversary folks! January 7, 2015 is the date the 99 officially went live. I can't believe it's been 4 years already.
Thank you to all the contributors of content to the site, without you c99 would be nothing. Thank you for the great writing, thank you for the great commenting, and thank you to the members that mostly lurk. It's content and readers that makes a site and without you all this place would be tumbleweed junction. The quality of the writing and commenting here amazes me. Thank you all for that from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you to all that donate to keep the lights on. I try to personally thank folks when they donate if I can discern who they are. If the contributors don't let me know who they are by leaving their username in a note when using PayPal, the only way I have to decipher who the sender is is by matching the email address that they used for PayPal up with the email they used to register here. If the emails don't match then I'm at a loss as to who the sender may be. I bring this up because I don't want the folks that I fail to reply to to think that I don't appreciate what they do. I appreciate each and every one of you, more than you may imagine.
Thank you to the moderators and our other admin joe shikspack. Thanks for putting up with me behind the scenes. You are my sounding board and my go to when I need advice, and also my captive audience when I need to rant. We've been together for a long time now and I just want to say thank you for all that you've done for this site.
I hope I haven't missed anyone, if I have, thank you too.
Bottom line, you all are the best!
Happy Anniversary folks!
Happy Birthday C99
And congrats to all that run the place as well as to all that participate. Gotta be one of the most intelligent and informed group of people ever assembled.
Thanks to all seven ways and back again. ways and back again.![Lol](
Stop Climate Change Silence - Start the Conversation
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Happy birthday C99%
Thanks to your efforts JtC, I have a home after being bojo'd from TOP.
Best thing that ever could have happened to me.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
This is quite something to celebrate!
Thank you JtC, joe, moderators and everyone for building a solid sandbox to play in and sculpt forms that respect our individual spirit and sometimes senseless savvy.
Thanks a million to JtC and donors. Remembering the Demands
Still swirling the drain in California, I can't believe I'm not D-dead yet. Not yet ready for the ever-growing pile of bodies beneath the constant crush of capitalist greed, c99 allows us lower class types to speak our truth to power freely. Thank you.
First OT comment here by me was called "Mind Blowing Memberlist" on March 6th 2016, about the people who joined from TOP. I really appreciate every one who contributes, some of you have saved my life with kindness over the years, literally. That life preserver graphic was real for me. What mimi said resonates out here on the edge of solitude, "an odd isolated foreign person in the US". Alone in a room full of people. wah keep flushing
I think The Proposed List of Demands is one of the best things joe shikspack ever put together, beside the EB. Thanks a lot. I am ready! Rise up from coast to coast, take from the robber barons what is due the masses that created their obscene wealth. Eat the rich! Solidarity.
Demands - A Second Pass
four more years
Congratulations to all, especially JtC and Joe Shikspack.
My first post here was June 7, 2016, the day of the California primary, yet I feel you all were here many years before me.
\ (^_^) / Yay c99, yay JtC, yay us !! \ (^_^) / n/t
yay! happy birthday to us!
thanks, jtc, for creating this place where i am happy to hang my hat and delighted with the company.