a throw-away diary, but this pissed me off

From the Guardian, Dec. 21: ‘Trump portrait: you couldn’t create a creepier Yuletide scene if you tried’; The formal smartness of the US president and the first lady adds to the emotional numbness of the scene


Yes you could, and you did; also from the Guardian, ‘Festive fun in a Brazilian prison – in pictures; Female inmates at Nelson Hungria prison in Rio de Janeiro have been getting in the festive spirit as they prepare to spend Christmas away from their families’, Dec. 20


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thanatokephaloides's picture

We're well through the looking-glass now.....


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"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar

"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides

wendy davis's picture


photos of the prisoners in rio decorating their cells for Christmas simply inspirational? so much fun they're having!!!! look at the prisoner dressed as lazarus! see how happy she looks, even though she won't be with her family on Christmas?

gawd's blood; what a rag.

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mimi's picture

the second one. I like my logic. /s

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wendy davis's picture


title and the photos in both, mimi. no reading required other than that... but i can dig your logic otherwise. ; )

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@wendy davis

wasn't so bad, they pointed out the disgusting features of those plastic posers (like cheesy wedding cake figures) showing off their tree bling. The First Frump and the First Illegal Immigrant, er, Trophy. Who does he think he is, James Bloody Bond?

I couldn't bear to look at Brazil prison pics. Were they really trying to be uplifting?

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wendy davis's picture

@pindar's revenge

but i sure do remember the Obomba's christmas photos, simply disgusting amount of bling, huuuuge confections, and tra la la. obscene, all of it, while people were starving and dying of ObombaCare.

yeppers, look at the title; the guardian thought it was soooooo uplifting that those prisoners...were making merry.

ah, i've been working on a threats to VZ, russia, and agitprop piece, and when i came on those two pieces of rubbish, i was furious.

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Bollox Ref's picture

the Guardian's art critic, would have been less 'creeped out' had the Obamas been the yuletide subject.

Quite why an art critic is wasting time on a throwaway image is beyond me.

The Guardian is fast becoming fish wrap.

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from a reasonably stable genius.

wendy davis's picture

@Bollox Ref

nice catch. no wonder, then. fish wrap, ooof. : )

hey, i did see on craig murray's twitter acct. that he'd missed a luke harding piece the other day, meaning they hadn't pulled him for the fake 'assange met with manafort eleventy-seven times' rubbish.

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wendy davis's picture

this might cheer you up:

@HeikeHaensel • Dec 20 "Over 30 German and EU MPs have called on the UN Secretary General, British prime minister May and ECU president Moreno to intervene so that Assange can move safely to a third country. International law must be upheld."

two german mp's visited him in the embassy two days ago, iirc. they let his papa in, too.

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mimi's picture

@wendy davis
not one minute before that. Germany is a mess. It's scary. I am scared of what is ahead of us.

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wendy davis's picture


amiga. but i'd remembered your saying you wished germany would offer julian shelter from the storm, so i did want to let you know that @HeikeHaensel and another female mp got in to see him, and issued a bold proclamation against may and trump. you might want to check out her twitter account and see what she has to say further.

'safe' is so hard to imagine by now, given all that's gone on before. i put up a few things in this diary. but good on heike and friend, in any event.

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mimi's picture

@wendy davis
you provide. I am so sorry to not say thank you more often to you. I read or scan so much (of course very little compared to all of you writers here), and have a full head with other things that I neglect to take care of other people's feelings.

Need to get some sleep. It's three am at night here. Bye

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wendy davis's picture


and i'd wondered if you're up late...or early, given the time difference, so thanks for the time. my e-friends in switzerland and czech republic were about seven hours from our MST. sleep well. the world is in a mess, not just in germany.

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mimi's picture

@wendy davis [video:https://youtu.be/gQDbxKxw4yU]

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wendy davis's picture


i'd just checked into thee WL account and had seen it. i've only watched eight mins. so far, but i'll return to watch the rest as i can. ; )

also, i've long meant to ask about the wonderful painting you use as an avatar: the painter and the title.

should john have said that the WL organization has ways of making sure he'd not really alone? enigmatic, but still...

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mimi's picture

@wendy davis @wendy davis
I liked it because you see through the rainbow colors of the wave in the distance a little palm tree and so I read something into it. Smile I have it since ever and don't remember anymore which one it was. Don't you love it when you have a bad memory when you need it?

Thanks for your kind words. If I am an 'amiga' that would be 'eine Freundin'.
Are you 'a sister'? yeah, I think so, a big sister. You can do all of it!

Good night. And whatever you might be celebrating tomorrow, I hope it makes you happy.

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wendy davis's picture


and here i'd looked it up and all! trippy, magical painting though. i'd love to be your big sister if you'll be mine. tomorrow's 3-loaves-of-bread day, time to think about making a christmas dinner for a neighbor. not much spirit this year for us, but we did put up some lights and an avant garde-lighted tree, purple, blue, and clear lights (okay, it might be kinda hideous, lol).

sleep well, dream well, eine freundin.

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Creosote.'s picture

that was invaluable and I'd never have been able to find it on my own.
Both Pilger and Assange have my deepest respect.

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Anja Geitz's picture

Was going for glamorous instead of "charmingly cosy".

In any case, I don't see where the Guardian is getting off calling it the "creepiest Xmas picture ever". Creepy? Really? Ok, the Hairballs repugnant presence is in the picture, but why on earth are they devoting the ink space over such low hanging fruit?

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

wendy davis's picture

@Anja Geitz

and i rarely bite the bullet to listen to him yap. but 'couldn't they wear some seasonal casual knitwear?' (just like the obombas did) of course the they had to try harder to look like they belonged in the WH.

but then...the prisoners in rio making merry...arrrgh.

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Creosote.'s picture

@Anja Geitz

that allowed them to hide the fact that once again they were running another big photo of the person they helped put into office.

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MarilynW's picture

It made me really look at it. It was very revealing, reminding me of the saying "the truth will out." And is it ever coming out!

Thanks for posting it.

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To thine own self be true.

wendy davis's picture


even though i'd posted it/them for a different reason. ; )

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