why was Huawei’s CFO Meng Wanzhou arrested in canada?
Now it would be easy to breeze by the major importance of this barbaric malfeasance cover story, save for the fact that dying empires are apt to find enemies that needn’t be, in the case of the Western Imperium to exert total command and control of the world, and create enemies to pass legislation and military budgets to ‘fight the __ (fill in the blank) menace’ in this case China, no matter how administrations dress up the term, it’s still the new Axis of Evil doctrine. Also at play is OBOR geopolitics.
Andre Damon has called it ‘a kidnapping’, and gives some background. On Dec. 1 she was arrested at the Vancouver airport while changing planes to head to Mexico at the behest of the US justice department, and stuck in jail. She’s been charged with two counts of fraud for breaking sanctions against Iran by way of a Hong Kong-based company Skycom sometime in the past (the Guardian had reported 2009-2014) that US officials allege to be a shell company of smart phone giant Huwawei’s. Her arrest hadn’t been announced until Dec. 3, with reports that the US wants Meng extradited so that he can be tried for crimes whose sentences could amount to 60 years. But that it’s not the issue, just the cover story, will become clear.
Damon reported that the NYT published this ‘bombshell’ the day after Meng’s arrest had stunned the world:
“As Donald Trump was sitting down to dinner with Chinese President Xi Jinping last Saturday [at the G20 in buenos aries] to arrange a “truce” in the US-China trade war, the US president was unaware that the unprecedented arrest was about to take place.
This was despite the fact that figures such as Democratic Senator Mark Warner and Republican Senator Richard Burr, as well as National Security Adviser John R. Bolton, were alerted to the arrest. Asked why he did not tell the president, Bolton, who was with Trump at the meeting with Xi, declared inexplicably, “we certainly don’t inform the president on every” notification from the Justice Department.”
Justin Trudeau had also known her arrest was imminent.
But part of Damon’s conclusions were that the US wants command and control of its allies and enemies alike, as in: ‘do our bidding, or you will end up like Meng, or worse. He’d also concluded that it had been down to the ‘Deep State’ to order her arrest given Herr Hair’s ignorance of her arrest. He’d narrated the many Very Important Figures (Ds and Rs alike) that agreed with Pence’s proclamations in an Oct. speech in which:
“Pence demanded that Beijing abandon its “Made in China 2025” plan, which Pence claimed was an effort to control “90 percent of the world’s most advanced industries, including robotics, biotechnology and artificial intelligence.”
Some applauded Weng’s arrest, noting that the Orange One hadn’t been hard enough on ‘the Great Competitor China’; some media was silent. The US trade rep scoffed at the notion that her arrest would stop the negotiations with China in their tracks, claiming this wasn’t a trade issue, but a law enforcement issue. Ho, ho, ho
China, of course, is not amused. A number of quotes via RT, Dec. 10: inhumane, has been subjected to rude and degrading treatment, It seems that the Canadian detention facility is not offering her the necessary health care,”, and those are just about her prison stay. China has had a hella lot more to say on her arrest (wsws.org). One I’d admired was ‘The Chinese people are crying’.
Apparently the 5-eyes NSA nations have begun to blockade Huawei devices and wireless networks because Huawei’s 5G encryption can’t be busted by the NSA (according to ‘AI Superpowers : China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order’ by Kai-Fu Lee — the author worked for Google in the Valley and in China with the start-ups) while US devices often have built-in backdoors for spying exploits, rather easily obtained by threats to the manufacturers, and NOT because they fear Chinese Spying by Huawei.
Wsws (link above) also quotes Marco Rubio as declaring that he would introduce legislation to ban the companies from operating in the US. “Huawei and ZTE and multiple Chinese companies pose a threat to our national interests, our national economic interests and our national security interests”.
Symonds quotes: ‘Tom Holland of Gavekal Research pointed out last Friday that 33 of Huawei’s 92 main suppliers are US companies, including chipmakers Intel, Qualcomm, and Micron, and software firms Microsoft and Oracle. “If Washington now prohibits these companies from selling to Huawei, the Chinese telecoms giant will struggle to survive,” Holland wrote in a note.’ (Well, that’s part of the point isn’t it? Those sneaky yellow devils will spy on us, and beat us in the IT competition to boot! Can’t have that after Obomba’s ‘pivot to Asia’, and DT’s ‘Great Competitors’ doctrine.
Huwawei’s 5G wireless network is for smart phones, robotics, including kitchen appliances, and driverless cars, iirc.
Her bail hearing lasted for four days, but she was granted it. According to RT:
“Meng’s bail, already steep at C$10 million including C$7.5 million cash, also included five sureties or guarantors. She is required to turn over all passports and travel documents and cannot apply for new documents. Additionally, she must be accompanied by a security detail when leaving her residence and is required to wear an ankle bracelet to ensure she does not leave her residence between the hours of 11pm and 6am.”
“However, the judge acknowledged that Meng has no criminal record in China or elsewhere and that she was arrested on a provisional warrant. The US has not made an official extradition request. [my understandng is that the Feb. 6 date will be an extradition hearing, which the judge posited could take many months.]
“The conditions of Meng’s bail require her to remain in British Columbia and live at one of her Vancouver homes. She must permit the security companies overseeing her monitoring to gain access to that home and pay for all security costs associated with her surveillance.
She is due back in court on February 6. In a statement, Huawei said it had “every confidence the Canadian and US legal systems will reach a just conclusion in the following proceedings.”
The same RT piece quotes Trump:
“US President Trump said he might intervene on behalf of Huawei’s CFO if it benefits US trade interests with China. Meng Wanzhou, whose bail includes strict conditions, faces extradition to the US and up to 30 years in prison.
“If I think it’s good for what will certainly be the largest trade deal ever made – which is a very important thing – what’s good for national security – I would certainly intervene if I thought it was necessary,” Trump told Reuters. He has spoken with the Justice Department and Chinese officials about Meng’s case.”
Whatever the hell that means.
Huawei Launches Full Range of 5G End-to-End Product Solutions’, Feb 26, 2018, huwaiwei.com (It’s all geek to me)
Now you may remember this anonymous charity video: ‘Anonymous Message: “Integrity Initiative” The Collective is Under Attack. 11/24/2018, one part from a very inspirational and topical message of ending our slavery under the elites, and a number of call-yourselves-to-arms…if you will shake off your fears.
“Not only will censorship make it impossible to real news to be on public platforms and social media, but 5G eliminates the possibilities of encryption. It will eliminate the Deep Web, and will thereby eliminate Us, the anonymous charity.”
Does he mean all 5G, Usian, British, and Chinese? On all devices not just SmartPhones? Beats me. I know you’ll share what you know, believe, and so on any or all of this recent ploy against a multi-polar world.
(cross-posted from Café Babylon)

As usual, in today's worthless corporate media echo chamber...
there are a lot of details that don't get talked about. When I heard those details, I started to feel that, once again, we are getting propaganda, not news.
With that preface, let me reference a self-identified CT that was posted over at that well known libertarian and anti-Semitic looney bin Zero Hedge:
I'm not saying I buy the CT. I'm just saying this article puts a bunch of facts on the table that are much more interesting than the one-dimensional caricature we get from TPTB.
Oh, BTW, the author, Larry Lindsey is not some kook (at least no kookier than your average batshit crazy GOPer).
it's fascinating, really,
but at least part of his theory relies upon two things: that her arrest warrant had been in the works for three months, and that anti-corruption Xi also believed that her incarceration is a cautionary tale for others. am i getting that right? it's sure long after a long day of reading, trying to recall, and tra la la.
now the Q of why her arrest hadn't been announced...i dunno how the hush-hush worked, but not like those whattchallit news embargoes in the UK, i'd think.
as far as tit for tat, china, etc., i'd grabbed a few links about this earlier, but read some stuff at china daily making me wonder about the truth of this (i'll add it in a bit). i decided to go with the guardian's for obvious reasons:
‘Former Canadian diplomat Michael Kovrig detained in China’; Kovrig’s employer, the International Crisis Group, said it is concerned for his health and safety and is seeking his release
who knows what kovring might have been up to? i'll park the raw url.
china plays the long game,
tends to use actual diplomacy, not the gunboat sort. an op-ed: ‘Attack on Huawei part of US bid to open second front’, China Daily, 12/122018
it reminded me of sergei lavrov's diplomacy; we can have peace and trade, or we can respond to you in kind if need be.
thanks so much for reading an bringing extras, arendt.
A hegemonic battle between rival corporations - not countries
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
i sincerely believe it's
more a 'china as 'a great power' competitor in IT, AI, militarily, cyber-wars (NSA and vs, huwawei, and the need for Devils.
japan is also banning huwawei devices now, of course.
The US can't make foreign citizens adhere to its sanctions
Congress is trying to forbid the European Union from buying gas from Russia. This dying empire is behaving like a bandit state, imposing its demands as it alone sees fit for its presumed advantage – under the cover of legalistic probity.
As in US special interests, not for the good of the US people. We go to war not to spread freedom and democracy, but for the corporations who congress does the bidding of as we have long known.
Sigh. So many issues to protest against, so little will to do so.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
In agreement, but
I oppose an underwater pipeline on environmental grounds.
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
thanks snoopy dog, and for the links.
finian said it right: banditry, but i only had time for a scan. more later, time to serve dinner; mr. wd's hungry after a very trying day at the eye clinic.
but i did want to say that once charlie brown's well, bein' a wage slave/collecting SS or what have you, he should buy you one of these.

This is Tre cute
I can always take it out of their milkbone allowance.
Did mr wd have his surgery yet? If so how'd it go?
psst.. Charlie is a girl dawg. I read your comment about? flakes and oil, but not sure what you meant
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
'flakes and oil'
large flake nutritional yeast, we keep a bucket of it on hand: B vitamins. the oil and yeast are great for everything, but esp. coats and skin. totally the cure for moist eczema, as well as anti-viral, anti-bacterial properties, good for digestion.
i ♥ those 3-d shirts. but no, his first surgery is a week from today, today was a dress rehearsal of sorts. he has friends to take him for both surgeries, fortunately, as (heh) i can only travel by car as luggage in the back of the jeep, which feat i did recently manage (OMG) so i could prove to the PTB and notaries...that I.Am.A.Real.Person and own a driver's license. ; ) thanks so much for asking.
Hey remember when MEK was on the terrorists watch list
and yet lots of Americans got away with doing business with them as well as giving speeches? The business with Iran that she is charged with was 6 years ago so it's just a tad funny that she's being arrested now just as her company is creating the 5g system. Nope nothing blatant about this incident.
It's the hypocrisy I can't stand!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
i hadn't, but what i DO
remember is you (and perhaps gulfgal mentioning it, but i did find this at the NYT just now:
expedience + bidness: thug genocidaire narendra modi was banned by the state dept. from entering the US until he hired a madison ave. ad firm, then had tulsi gabbard take him on two tours across amerika, both (iirc) ending in silicon vally.
genocidaire paul kagame at the g20?? OMG. CP has a new one on that asshole, friend of the Imperium. 'Exposing the Crimes of the CIAs Fair-Haired Boy, Paul Kagame, and the Rwandan Patriotic Front, by Jeremy Kuzmarov the photos i have in my media files with kerry, obomba, sammy power, that other harpie whats-her-name ambassador to the UN? rice? ah, i forget.
expedience and bidness, once again.
Susan Rice? I think that was his UN ambassador
Just one more bloody warmonger. Samantha PoweR said that her foreign policy views were formed by the Rwanda genocide. I don't know much about this, but how many times did our country look the other way while people were hideously murdered?
Herheinous used R2P to invade Libya under false pretenses. She said that Gaddafi was giving his troops viagra and they were raping women. This was not true of course. Sydney Bluementhol, one of Hillary's BFFs took pictures of empty boxes of it that were sitting on tanks. Problem was that it had rained and the boxes were dry. Oops.
Hillary wanted to invade Libya to prove her bonafides of being a warmonger. Her staff called it the Hillary's doctrine.
20-30 million people are dead because of this country's actions and people still think that we're the good guys. Just don't understand how people can be so
stupidignorant about what the country does. Oh well. This is what happens when people have been subjected to heavy propaganda their whole lives.The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
yes, susan rice,
thank you. always playing the part of an adult, but a child with a french twist. on of the three harpies who touted R2P libya because; the rwandan genocide, only they were down with the blame lying with >>> the hutus in a class war, but the major genocide of the hutus by the tutsis under kagame in rwanda and elsewhere. he was charged at the ICC but got off due to a canadian judge, louise __, who hadn't allowed evidence to the contrary. she also had condemned milosevic without allowing exculpatory evidence.
i can't recall (of course) why his innocence finally came to light at the ICC, but that was another of bill clinton's wars. whoa, a quick bingle brought first hit: 'When Clinton Lied, Yugoslavia Died', new progs. but as i remember, milosevic was a socialist, can't have that, nossir. heh, the new progs formed at my.fdl, kept gettin on my diaries talking to one another...till i'd asked them to get a room, please.
Oh look here
Timing, ehh?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
dudn't get much more timely
than...yesterday. but i thought of you and your 'hypocricy' theme when i grabbed this link and quote from b a MOAs coverage of this gansterism (from jeffrey sachs?) the asia times had grabbed it...
oh, sigh; at least we know that julian assange is still alive. for now. the wikileaks acct. doesn't have much save all the Dems calling for his
expulsionhead. one document i can't read about being bolted to the floor in a chair?on edit: my mistake; once i clicked into the tweet and could read by larger font, it's shulte, alleged leaker of the CIA material it's talking about. still, nice touch with strip searches and all.
A Political Prisoner.
Watch for China to arrest a high level American. (Randall Stephenson - Please)
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
i dunno who that Randall Stephenson person even is, sorry to say.
and arch-monopolist
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
ta, voice...
i hadn't taken the time to check out the darlin' man.
@The Voice In the Wilderness Maybe, but they did
There is no distinction between Huawei and the Chinese government. There isn't much distinction between our large corporations and government either. But this mess is precisely the reason we never should have granted China MFN.
Ill go along with that!
I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.
i'm not getting your
drift here: 'But this mess is precisely the reason we never should have granted China MFN.'
it was a controversial decision depend on point of view as to the purpose, and required renewals, i've discovered. but as for this:
'There isn't much distinction between our large corporations and government either.', sheldon wolin and other call our form of gummint 'inverted totalitarianism' or rule by corporate oligarchs. amerika's FP seems to be run now by Trump's military/'intelligence' junta, as far as i an tell. he's not entirely in command it seems; so many palace coups, so little time.
but you may find this from sputnik news interesting:
on the one hand, i couldn't give one single
teensy fuck about the trials and tribulations of some chinese gazillionaire CEO. Full Stop.
on another hand, better that the international parasite class make war on each other directly, rather than using the regular folk as their proxies.
on a third hand, it is more than mildly entertaining to watch the mad hopeless thrashing of american imperialists who don't seem to have grokked the transnational nature of the new world order they've fought so hard to establish. you'd think they'd all have clued in when haliburton moved to dubai. what did they think they were fighting for?
on the fourth hand, it's supremely entertaining to watch the death throes of the empire.
so, basically, it's all good, as far as i'm concerned.
plus, it's that much more evidence that Assange can point to, as regards the dangerously long and presumptuous arm of the american law.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Hear, hear.
Well done!
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
very virtuous sentiments,
but lest you think i, wsws, finnian cunningham, or others are advocating for the oligarch class anywhere, put your mind at rest if you can. this is about war by other means, as is the 'kerch strait incident' a provocation for war with russia, or the false flag gas attacks in syria (white helmets) are.
where cold wars can turn hot among nuclear powers.
i'm about to turn into a pumpkin.
tonight's closing song seems fitting to be this empire, both literally and figuratively: as a dying empire, 'this house is on fire', from the awesome songstress natalie merchant.
g' night; sleep well/dream well if you can manage it.
for posterity:
it's official, although it had seemed quite evident early on:
“Five Eyes” intelligence agencies behind drive against Chinese telecom giant Huawei’, Nick Beams, 14 December 2018, wsws (a few outtakes):
“According to a major report published in the Australian Financial Review (AFR) yesterday, the annual meeting of top intelligence officials from countries in the network—the US, Britain, Australia, New Zealand and Canada—held last July decided to “co-ordinate banning” Huawei from 5G mobile phone networks.
In the months that followed “an unprecedented campaign” has been waged by the five members of the network “to block the tech giant Huawei from supplying equipment for their next-generation wireless networks” which has now led to the arrest of Meng in Canada.
The article then noted that on December 6, the head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), David Vigneault, who had hosted the Five Eyes meeting, delivered his first public speech warning of a security threat.
“CSIS has seen a trend of state-sponsored espionage in fields that are crucial to Canada’s ability to build and sustain a prosperous, knowledge-based economy,” he said, referencing artificial intelligence, quantum technology and 5G. China was not mentioned specifically but there was no doubt it was the target and Canada is expected to shortly announce a ban on Huawei and ZTE.”
“The key attendee at the meeting was CIA director Gina Haspel. The US has been leading the push against China, has already banned Huawei and has been waging an international campaign to have its equipment banned by other strategic allies beyond the Five Eyes group.”
but the truth of the matter is that huawei's 5g network encryption can't be broken by the NSA, it's very fast, very inexpensive, and the towers, devices are end-to-end. the hegemon accuses china of spying as it spies on US citizens and other nations all the time. pot, meet kettle. the Empire must command-and-control the globe, and especially...those who desire a multi-polar world, even if by capitalism.
Good review
If true, and more than anything else, this would be the reason the heat is on Huawei.
As far as I'm concerned, I take the NSA's fear of Huawei as a ringing endorsement for Huawei's equipment.
sorry, amigo,
to be so tardy. i'd kinda stopped checking back in here. it's a fine reason to ban sales of huwawei products, and of course washington is busy convincing her client gummints in the EU not to as well. and now washington is claiming they haven't issued an extradition request for weng. in a pig's eye.
beijing is trying diplomacy; we'll see where it goes, but the chinese trade rep even backed off the tariffs on cars, which they'd increased when the US placed a huge tariff on soybeans.
who'd want amerikan soybeans? 99% or something of them are GMO.