breaking news from Wikileaks on twitter
BREAKING: Ecuador's government has refused Julian Assange's lawyers [UK lawyer @suigenerisjen & Spanish lawyer Aitor Martínez] access to him this weekend (although the embassy is manned 24/7) to prepare for his US court hearing on Tuesday.
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 24, 2018
Ecuador's president has signed a decree terminating the ambassador to the United Kingdom, Carlos Abad. All diplomats known to Assange have now been terminated to transferred away from the embassy.
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 22, 2018
Further detail: the hearing is on Tuesday in the national security court complex at Alexandria, Virginia and is to remove the secrecy order on the U.S. charges against him.
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 24, 2018
What @ScottMorrisonMP really needs to apologise for is abandoning an Australian the UN has twice found to be illegally detained.
Instead of using sexist comments about me as a diversion, I want him to act like a leader and bring Julian home.— Pamela Anderson (@pamfoundation) November 22, 2018
CNN: Will shake-up at London embassy leave Assange out in the cold? Background:
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 23, 2018
"Fidel Narvaez, the former consul at the embassy, told CNN that Abad's removal should be seen as a bad omen for the WikiLeaks founder and his asylum."
Now these next two WikiTweets were of keen interest to me as well, in a very Gladio/NATO sort of way, i.e. easil believable. I’d been checking out anon document dumps at various sites, such as:
ere‘Anonymous blows lid off huge psyop in Europe and it's funded by UK & US’ via RT, 23 Nov, 2018
‘Anonymous blows lid off huge psyop in Europe and it's funded by UK & US’, Nov. 23, 2018
Sputnik had it up, as well, although Tass didn’t have it. Now I did get a bit suspicious when my search had kicked up the video from the Anon Collective noting they’ve been under attack since these publications, wanted charity, etc.. That said, I hope WikiLeaks can discern fake emails from genuine ones (in the subtweets). In fact, I’m counting on it for now.
Purported internal documents, from a UK government "counter-Russia" influence network targeting mostly Europe and US, appear on site often alleged to be used by Russian state hackers.
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 24, 2018
We have analyzed these documents and assess that a portion of them show hallmarks of being fabrications.
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) November 24, 2018
Hanna Jonasson @AssangeLegal · 3h3 hours ago "If authentic, "Integrity Initiative" docs raise important issues: UK public funding of "influence" campaigns, the latter's relationships with media, thinktanks and academic institutions, and in this instance, the feedback loop into the UK public parliamentary inquiry on fake news"

I'd have to agree
That removing the Ecuadorian ambassador does seem like a strategic move in preparation for what will surely follow.
I got some bad feelings about this.
There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier
i agree,
but it may be an even worse sign that the embassy wouldn't allow two of assange's attorneys jennifer robinson and aitor martinez into the embassy. not that they aren't related, of course. jayzus, the poor man. when jen saw him a few days ago, she kinda skipped over the asked Q 'how's he doing?'
as far as 'bad feelings', i agree. none of this bode well for his alleged 'safety' in the embassy. may i say, politely as i can of course: 'fuck you, lenin moreno, you handmaiden to the imperium'?
The pigs no longer have any use for Saint Julian.
There, I said it.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
you said it, indeed...
but would you explain what you mean, please? your 'pigs' seems to stand for 'capitalist pigs', but did capital ever have any use for 'saint julian', whatever that implies?
It's quite simple, really.
Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.
Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.
thanks for explaining,
but guess i'm still in the dark; but no matter.
Who has asked for the court hearing on Tuesday?
Is Wikileaks trying to get the government to show what the charges are against Julian? I haven't been able to find this out. If it's his lawyers that have asked for it then of course they should be allowed to see him, but the rule of law has been thrown out regarding him hasn't it?
There sure are a lot of assholes on Twitter saying that he should 'just walk out and take his chances at trial'.
I saw that Anonymous tweet the other day, but couldn't decide what it meant. More Russian propaganda being dumped on the rubes by the PTB or what?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
my understanding is that
yes, his attorneys are asking for the indictment to be unsealed. apparently robinson and martinez went to discuss it ahead of the hearing on tuesday.
this thread of hannah jonnason's discusses it. i'd stuck it up at the at the end of my last assange update, as well as this form stefania maurizi's twit account (iirc), but oddly i never could find it at RT, as their link was bad. the woman speaks to maurizzi's foia request.
jonnason speculated is all,
and when i'd posted it i'd said lots of you would love what she'd had to say about fbi informant marcy wheeler. but she doesn't say which attorneys are asking. i looked back on her account as well as stefania's, and hadn't found it. this is maurizzi explaining what her foia request is about.
now jonnason did spend a lot of time analyzing the 'integrity project', here's one example; dunno if the whole thread will come thru.
Wow. The powers that be
are really touchy about what's been going on in Catalan. Not to minimize the injustice of what's happening to the Catalonians, but it seems a little weird to me that the PTB are so invested in Spanish politics. I feel like I'm back in the 30s.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
iirc, it was those tweets
about the viciousness used against the protestors in catalonia that really boiled lenin moreno's tuchas. 'assange' (wikileaks is always assange) was warned, then bam: no internet. spain, ecuador,
Yeah, that's what I was referencing.
What the hell is the deal with the PTB getting freaked out over whether or not Spain retains its dominance over Catalonia?
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
It might give the peasants ideas
that they could secede and run their own affairs without interference from a government they do not approve of or agree with. There are potential fracture zones in a lot of places, including right here in the US of A.
Never mind that the Former Yugoslavia has been re-Balkanized, or that the Czech Republic and Slovakia made like an amoeba and split. They're just little East European countries and don't matter. It's the big Western(ized)countries that matter. (\sarcasm)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
That's true.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
likely the other
maven is right, but during the brief hearing by skype (iirc) with the ecuadorian ministry, "Ecuador's government also objected to his making online commentary about sensitive political issues in other countries, including publishing opinions about the Catalonia separatist movement in Spain.",
so...incommuncado and the long list of new 9and impossible to comply with) rules while in the embassy. but as ecuador is now part of the Western Empire and has a military MOU w/ fill in the blanks.
good golly miss molly;
i'm blind as a bat. i found it on that other diary:
lordie; their link goes to page not found... on edit: i found the pdf
Great find
Now I'll need to check to see if that's before or after the Times found that 'copy and paste' slip up. I'm still thinking that is a tad fishy that they just happened to find that tidbit.
The video about the U.K. Wikileaks people having their information turned over to the US is interesting. Guess the U.K. constitution is in as much danger as ours is.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
re: the copy paste slip up:
lookout had linked to a justin raimondo piece on the other diary, kinda mocking it iirc, but the NYT news he linked to had noted:
beats me. which begs several extra Qs in any event...
b at MoA has the 'integrity project' revelations up, and i admit i'd felt a bit strange about adding the Wikileaks' teams...analysis. but i did, fwiw. but i added the breaking news as well.
@snoopydawg Take his chances at trial?
You know, go to Vegas. I'm sure if you just get good at blackjack and try enough times, you'll get that big win.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
Yep. Twitter is full of brave people who tell Julian
to face the charges like a man and defend himself at trial. Kinda like Chelsea did remember? The trial when she couldn't offer any defense because that's not allowed when someone is charged under the espionage act. Sure would have loved to see if those rules would have been changed if Hillary had been charged for using her private email server. But who am I kidding? Someone from the hoi poi being charged? Riiight!
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Laws, like taxes,
are for the little people.
Although sometimes, if you piss the big people off, there doesn't need to be a law saying you will be punished. You're just punished because.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
if assange gets kidnapped
and gets driven straight to the airport (as kiriakou imagined) on the plane he'd be tortured for info. me, i think the plane would head >>> for gitmo, myowsnself. but here's kiriakou speculating on how a trial in the amerika would go (echoing hanna jonnason)'
ahem. if id already brung this earlier, would someone please shoot me and put me out of your misery?
It's always good to remember
that whatever else social media is, it's always a playground for CIA types and political consulting firms. The digital world is great for them because they can invent as many personalities as they want and make them say whatever they want. This enables them to create a false impression of public opinion. Because humans have a natural tendency to agree when lots of other humans all have the same opinion, this false impression enables the CIA and their attendant private-sector propagandists to have a lot of control over public opinion itself. It's a little like the stock market--perceive that something is valuable or right and it becomes so.
So yeah, I just bet there are a lot of "people" on Twitter calling for Assange to "be a man" and "face his trial."Less than half of those calling for Assange to come stateside are probably paid operatives and more than half of them are probably bits of code. That's why the calls to "be a man" are so rarely paired with any discussion of what he's actually going on trial *for*. That piece of it kind of gets lost in the shuffle.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
I think I somehow missed the fact that he was actually
going to be stateside, which is a terrible idea. I don't understand why he agreed to it. Was a gun put literally to his head? Like Snowden, he. cannot. come. here.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
He isn't coming here
Only his lawyers are. Julian is trying to stay in the U.K. embassy, but Ecuador's president is trying to make him leave.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Oh thank God.
I had a cold knot in the pit of my stomach for the last twenty hours or so.
Thanks, snoopy, for clearing that up.
"More for Gore or the son of a drug lord--None of the above, fuck it, cut the cord."
--Zack de la Rocha
"I tell you I'll have nothing to do with the place...The roof of that hall is made of bones."
-- Fiver
it's too long to bring any outtakes tonight, but manifestly
good night all.
it's closing time for me. good night julian; we hope you're safe. our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Of course he's a lying butt head
The whole world knew about the restrictions on Julian and his visitors. Then someone decided to make up a story saying that he never showered or picked up after his cat. This went viral and that's what people are talking about. "Hey Julian, have you cleaned your cat's litter box yet?" They are the ones I want to slap. Hard!
Found this information about anonymous.
Operation ‘Integrity Initiative’. British informational war against all
If I'm reading this right it looks like Britain was in on the creation of Russia Gate even before the Clinton Creature lost the election. Obama was going to use information from the Steele dossier if Trump refused to concede the election and say that it was rigged. I think he'd have a good chance of convincing his supporters since Herheinous rigged the primary.
Here's one more article about this. It's the same one from moa that you listed except it has graphics instead of links. I understand better of what's going on.
MOON of ALABAMA discloses how Brits run secret anti-Russian smear campaigns
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
yes, i'd actually been collecting
info from the coverage of the op with thoughts of bringing enough here to ask what anyone/everyone might make of it. my favorite portion from the anon page was the handbook, including this great stuff:
yes, b actually downloaded a lot of charts, didn't he, and found beneath the Wikileaks tweet saying 'some portions have been fabricated', this:
which to b verified it all as a truth. but now his commentariat is abuzz with 'why would assange say that?' not understanding that the team now does not inlcude assange, oy and veh. anyhoo, one subtweeter also had a link to his own site calling assange a mossad asset.
FM valencia, valencia, oh you abject liar.
from wikileaks minutes ago:
a few caveats, such as: “we have not yet had the chance to analyse all of the documents, so cannot say with confidence whether they are all genuine or whether they include doctored or false material. Although it is clear that much of the material was indeed on the Integrity Initiative or Institute systems, much of it is dated and was never used. In particular, many of the names published were on an internal list of experts in this field who had been considered as potential invitees to future cooperation. In the event, many were never contacted by the Integrity Initiative and did not contribute to it. Nor were these documents therefore included in any funding proposals. Not only did these individuals have nothing to do with the programme – they may not even have heard of us. We are of course trying to contact all named individuals for whom we have contact details to ensure that they are aware of what has happened.”
cripes, do i regret taking wikileaks'
tweet re: 'some portions of the 'operation integrity initiative' are fabrications' to moon of alabama. b had hoomed 'i see no fabrications', which settled that. so the race was on to call wikileaks as being infiltrated by MI-6 agents, etc. 'is wikileaks now anon?' i'd think that the WL team knows how vault 7 works quite well, myself, so my guess is that they did see some weird email addresses and whatnot.
well, anyhoo, i'll take this over there, and with the caveats, now that the horse has left the barn... even the subtweets on the tweet above has outlandish comments on it.
on edit: from one late commenter on his thread:
""Who's running the show at Wikileaks by now?"
Good question. Do you recall when Assange's attorney was killed when pushed in front of a train at the time the Wikileaks founder Gavin Macfadyen died?
The staff roster at Wikileaks then went through an almost total turnover and there were reports that someone was escorted from the building with a bag over their head and there were reports that Assange's deadman switch was activated but stopped. All this occurred back in 2016.
The reason no one who knows Assange is being allowed physical contact may be because someone else is in his place.I have a sad feeling that he is in a Langley basement.
i answered it all calmly...with videos, new-editor-in chief, why, etc., jen robinson saw him on nov. 18...
I'm interested in what you're saying but I have no idea what you are. Try again?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
that better?
sorry, i was about to post some ukraine/crimea news, and was surprise to see two two comments. more later if it doesn't make sense still....
The Anonymous message had pretty grim prospects for their own
Something about the introduction of 5G (whatever that is) resulting in the end of them still being able to not be traced. Said they've already become more and more under the gun and hunted with the technology getting better.
Thought it was also interesting that they mentioned that some of the folks in their "collective" (love that) are teachers and politicians.
Every time I see one of their videos I get a rising feeling that revolution is possible, but only if their messages were able to intrude on all broadcasts at the same time, ala "V For Vendetta."
In the meantime I wonder if this amazing manifesto was written by Anonymous, in conjunction with a collective of radicals, revolutionaries and Occupiers from all over the world. It's a hopeful longview of the many radical uprisings that have been happening globally of which portend to an imminent (relatively) overthrow of capitalism. Occasionally dense but exciting and broad-ranging (I've been reading bits and pieces when I can).
"To our friends" (The Invisible Committe)
I really feel for Julian and am aghast at the way he's been marginalized and bullied. Will his righteous calling as truth messenger to the people prevail in winning over popular sentiment to allow him to take his rightful place as journalist of the highest order, or has the negative public relations blitzkrieg done its job on the minions who watch MSM?
Began watching Hedges's interview with Consortium News' Joe Lauria but was interrupted by domestic duties:
"If I should ever die, God forbid, let this be my epitaph:
- Kurt Vonnegut
thank you, and yes,
that video i'd included in my OP as kinda arousing my suspicions. but more tomorrorow? sorry to dash, but i'm wore down to the nubs tonite.