Democratic Leaders Reject Trump's Call For Unity After Bomb Scare

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday rejected President Donald Trump’s call for unity after packages containing explosive devices were mailed to several high-profile Democrats.

So, the party who was telling people to hassle and run out Repubbies is now bitching about Trump’s condemnation of these attacks and that we need to pull together as a country? I don’t like the guy, not MY ideal president but he is, and that’s the Dims own damn fault. Trump is what happens when you run the most disliked and mistrusted political hack in the country. And not everything he’s done has been wrong. I believe a lot of what he does is to get back at the people who tried to frame him as being a RUSSIAN!!! Stooge and traitor to this country. I’d hold a grudge too.

The idea that these people who started calling for this ‘incivility’ mess in the first place would reject Trump’s call for us to pull together...

Trump on Wednesday called for unity and pledged to “spare no expenses” to “bring those responsible for these despicable acts to justice.”

“I want to say at these times we have to unify and send one very clear and strong message that acts of political violence of any kind have no place in the United States of America,” Trump added.

...takes a Hell if a lot of nerve.

If the Cranky Bomber (he can't be a Mad Bomber because his devices aren’t meant to detonate when opened) is looking for new recipients, I wonder if crap like this will put them on his list? Or will he figure that would be a waste of time, materials, and postage?

“President Trump’s words ring hollow until he reverses his statements that condone acts of violence,” the Democratic leaders said in a joint statement released late Wednesday afternoon.

They haven’t been too civil themselves. And the hypocrisy is nauseating. Telling the public to ‘confront’ Trump supporters and run them out of public places is going way too far. They bitch and pass legislation if someone doesn’t want to bake a gay couple a cake, but they call for actual confrontation, crude behavior, and making driving people out if you see someone in a MAGA cap or a rightie politician. WTF?

“Make no mistake: Despicable acts of violence and harassment are being carried out by radicals across the political spectrum—not just by one side,” Schumer wrote in a tweet Tuesday. “Regardless of who is responsible, these acts are wrong and must be condemned by Democrats and Republicans alike. Period.”

I sincerely HATE what the Dimocritic Party has become. And right now, because of things like this, I really feel like sitting this election out, something I’ve never done before. These two need to go. I have a suggestion as to where, but instead I think I’ll end my tirade by stating that there is no good to be had from Al From/Bill Clinton’s Koch-Brothers-financed, Turd Way, neo-liberal, New ‘Democratic’ Party and thesr two buffoons are proof of that statement.



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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

I sincerely HATE what the Dimocritic Party has become. And right now, because of things this, I really feel like sitting this election out, something I’ve never done before.

I didn't think it was possible for the Dems to flub an election cycle worse that 2016, but the 2018 sequel is setting up to be even more embarrassing than the original.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

@Not Henry Kissinger practice makes perfect.

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WindDancer13's picture

the next day he would proclaim how very sorry he was. Then about an hour later, state that it was my fault. His faux sorrow came from me having to go to work with a black eye so people knew what he had done.

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We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass

Amanda Matthews's picture

@WindDancer13 @WindDancer13
arm for Christmas and then got mad because I called my family to take me to the emergency room. Then later bitched at me about how much the bill was. Right around then was when I knew I had to get out. Especially since he had fantastic insurance through the railroad and since it was ‘emergency’ treatment, his insurance paid the damn bill.

That’s how these people operate. Beat us and then bitch and complain because we don’t like it as we’re paying their wages and perks.


We need a political ‘divorce’.

EDIT: fixed 2 typos and added last sentence

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

@Amanda Matthews

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Amanda Matthews's picture

that guy KNEW he had a problem in his hands. Of course he ended up being about as hard to get rid of than herpes. But that arm thing changed me. He knew it too. He was an alcoholic so after I had enough of his crap, I decided paybacks were in order. For example, he HAD to have coffee every morning when he got up. So I got into the cupboard and picked out a few things like vanilla, baking soda, etc., and added them to the pot. I had the coffee ready, and waiting when he got up and he proceeded to pour himself a cup. He takes a big gulp, and gags as it was going down. He said “what the fuck is this shit” and I smiled at him sweetly and said “you probably have maybe 15 minutes or so, maybe you should call you Mom and tell her goodbye”.

The look on his face still make me laugh. Sheer terror.

That was just the beginning. By the time I was done with him he told his lawyer that if he ever disappeared or died under mysterious circumstances, I did it.

It all came out in court. When I explained my little reign of terror and the reason for it, I didn’t have any problems. The judge didn’t like me, but I had med records to back up everything I said and I didn’t give a damn what anyone thought by then. And I still don’t.

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I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks

Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa

@Amanda Matthews made it out.

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Raggedy Ann's picture

let's give him all the judges he wants, and let's give him the tax cuts he wants, and now let's look at the SS and medicare he wants to cut, but let's not unite - nosiree!

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Big Al's picture

@Raggedy Ann they'll unite to cut social and domestic programs while ramping up the war machine. They'll unite to serve their rich mates while screwing the rest of us.
They're all hypocrites, Trump being lead hypocrite at this time because he has the bully pulpit.

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Not Henry Kissinger's picture

@Big Al

They're all hypocrites, Trump being lead hypocrite at this time because he has the bully pulpit.

My only solace in all this is that more people are figuring it out.

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The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?

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The Liberal Moonbat's picture




Classical education is your FRIEND!

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In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.

Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!

calling out the dims' behavior.

There are way too many people on this site who are completely unaware of it.

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travelerxxx's picture


Say what?

"... too many people on this site who are completely unaware of ... the dims' [sic] behavior."

To say the opposite is true would still be an understatement. If anything, this site exists due to member's awareness of Democratic politician's misdeeds. It is populated by many who migrated here from Democrat-leaning or operated sites.

Many, if not most, of c99 members are those who took a stand against Democratic Party/politician corruption and lies. These people stood up and said, "This thing, this lie - it is wrong. It's wrong when Republicans do it and it's wrong when Democrats do it." This was often done on Democrat-leaning or leftist sites. For these stands, they were attacked by Democratic Party honchos and various ass-kissers, often being banned from sites where they had contributed for years. In fact, many of the best writers from those sites are now here at c99.

I fail to see how you could read even one day's worth of essays and comments here on c99 and come to the conclusion that the site has "... many people on this site" who are unaware of the shenanigans of the Democratic Party and their minions.


Russia-gate: Evidence is demanded. None is forthcoming, therefor Russis-gate is panned mercilessly here at c99.

Obama: Ask any member of c99 who is being spoken of with the phrase "The Empty Suit," and you will get a near unanimous answer.

Hillary: If anything, the disdain for Her at c99 exceeds that held for The Empty Suit.

Democratic Party: They aren't known here as the Corprocrats for nothing. Day after day at c99, the Democrats are shown to be the puppets of Wall Street and even the murderous MIC. Often, they are described as worse (if possible) than the Republicans, if only due to their subterfuge. At least the Republicans tell you they are going to steal everything you've got; the Democrats quietly slip a dagger between your ribs from behind. C99 pretty well knows that.

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@travelerxxx @travelerxxx about the topics you mention.

I was talking about the dims encouraging the mobs against repubs, which is mentioned by the writer.

People here still insist that Trump is inciting violence, when the dims are doing it on a regular basis. Just yesterday, I asked a poster if she saw the tape of Maxine Waters exhorting people to mob republicans everywhere, and she replied no. That tape has been available for months.

I recently produced a long list of all the left-leaning people who are using incendiary language when they talk about the president, and many (for lack of a better word) posters here seem completely unaware of these incidents. People here seem completely unaware about the mobbing incidents and vandalism of repub offices.

As to the Russia stuff you mentioned, Fox news was reporting in depth about that situation, making the connections, and calling it a big lie months before anyone here even said a word about it. I just kept waiting and waiting, seeing if anyone here would post about it, and finally a few people started talking about it.

Again, I was talking about the mobbing behavior against repubs that is encouraged by dims, which you do not address at all in your comment.

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travelerxxx's picture


Okay, it was not clear to me that your post was referring to encouragement to violence by various Democrats. I've wondered whether something is going on, as I've had several right-leaning folks mention this to me. Also, there was a thread here at c99 asking for evidence. Last I saw, none had been posted. I've been meaning to investigate the whole matter, but just have not had time.

Some co-workers have mentioned video of antifa groups (in the Northwest?) instigating mayhem, but I have not seen any of these. As I recall, no one could provide enough information for me to research. So, again, I have seen no evidence of random antifa violence directed at the public at large, not provoked by fascist demonstrations or violence. If you have such evidence, I'd love to see it. I'm not talking about the two groups (fascists and anti-fascists) fighting each other.

As to the Russia stuff you mentioned, Fox news was reporting in depth about that situation, making the connections, and calling it a big lie months before anyone here even said a word about it.

I guess we recall this differently. My recollection is that c99 picked up on the "blame Russia" business well before, or at the very least concurrent with, any of the right-wing press. The genesis of the issue gets cloudy to me since Trump has flipped from his campaign rhetoric regarding our relations with Russia (or the instigation of foreign wars, for that matter). Once the evil John Bolton was brought on board, I knew any chance for civil relations with Russia was history.

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travelerxxx's picture


Certainly didn't know about this (... Antifa ... who do things like beat up 50 something women who are delivering eggs to the food co-op ...) mentioned in a comment posted by member pswaterspirit.

So, yes, guilty of not knowing of this. I can't comment regarding the veracity of it. Still, I have no knowledge of this incident.

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