If she plans to run, it was smart of her to make Trump eat it and turn the tables on him. Now she wants to know when he's going to donate the mil. If I were her, I would demand he send it to Planned Parenthood. Now the lying lard ass is denying he ever said it. Both parties are despicable, but there is no doubt the GOP is 10x worse.
0 users have voted.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
A wormtongued traitor is worse than an up front enemy. Obama and before him Clinton did more damage than Trump could ever dream of. Hillbot identity politics zealots are doing more harm to American society in 3 years than white supremacists have done in fifty. (W, otoh, was not a grifter/demagogue like Trump, he was a straight up traitor. If you want to say he was worse I'll give it to you, but he's a special case)
If she plans to run, it was smart of her to make Trump eat it and turn the tables on him. Now she wants to know when he's going to donate the mil. If I were her, I would demand he send it to Planned Parenthood. Now the lying lard ass is denying he ever said it. Both parties are despicable, but there is no doubt the GOP is 10x worse.
Trump and the Republicans are dismantling everything lickety-split in our face. Corporate Dems would do it behind our backs at a much slower pace. Trump has executed more change in 18 mos than Obama did in 8 years. So would we rather a bullet to the head and a quick death or a slow poisoning over years? Some would say the slow poisoning because it provides an opportunity to escape.
When I consider only who Obama is, I do dislike him more than Trump, but Trump has done a lot more damage to people and institutions than Obama could do in 50 years.
A wormtongued traitor is worse than an up front enemy. Obama and before him Clinton did more damage than Trump could ever dream of. Hillbot identity politics zealots are doing more harm to American society in 3 years than white supremacists have done in fifty. (W, otoh, was not a grifter/demagogue like Trump, he was a straight up traitor. If you want to say he was worse I'll give it to you, but he's a special case)
0 users have voted.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Trump and the Republicans are dismantling everything lickety-split in our face. Corporate Dems would do it behind our backs at a much slower pace. Trump has executed more change in 18 mos than Obama did in 8 years. So would we rather a bullet to the head and a quick death or a slow poisoning over years? Some would say the slow poisoning because it provides an opportunity to escape.
When I consider only who Obama is, I do dislike him more than Trump, but Trump has done a lot more damage to people and institutions than Obama could do in 50 years.
Trump and the Republicans are dismantling everything lickety-split in our face. Corporate Dems would do it behind our backs at a much slower pace. Trump has executed more change in 18 mos than Obama did in 8 years. So would we rather a bullet to the head and a quick death or a slow poisoning over years? Some would say the slow poisoning because it provides an opportunity to escape.
When I consider only who Obama is, I do dislike him more than Trump, but Trump has done a lot more damage to people and institutions than Obama could do in 50 years.
When I consider only who Obama is, I do dislike him more than Trump, but Trump has done a lot more damage to people and institutions than Obama could do in 50 years.
I don't quite get how someone could dislike Obama more than Trump while acknowledging that Trump is more damaging overall. I can imagine many scenarios, but I'm guessing that I'm missing what you mean here...
Edit to say: Hey. Nice. Did you just edit your crap away?
Trump and the Republicans are dismantling everything lickety-split in our face. Corporate Dems would do it behind our backs at a much slower pace. Trump has executed more change in 18 mos than Obama did in 8 years. So would we rather a bullet to the head and a quick death or a slow poisoning over years? Some would say the slow poisoning because it provides an opportunity to escape.
When I consider only who Obama is, I do dislike him more than Trump, but Trump has done a lot more damage to people and institutions than Obama could do in 50 years.
Obama is a traitor. He lied his way into office, and the banksters and Republicans lived happily ever after. He lied to me. He betrayed me. I didn't believe him, but I gave him the rope to hang himself. Instead he escaped 20 million richer and hung the people who voted for him.
I do edit my stuff. Not to change intent, but to clean out the garbage as you say. The older I get, the worse my writing and editing skills get. After 40 years in government writing documents that had to spit back the same words in the RFP, legislation, and regulation so the state, fed, and auditors would get it, I can no longer creatively write anything. I am always so grateful to the people here who so graciously put up with it.
When I consider only who Obama is, I do dislike him more than Trump, but Trump has done a lot more damage to people and institutions than Obama could do in 50 years.
I don't quite get how someone could dislike Obama more than Trump while acknowledging that Trump is more damaging overall. I can imagine many scenarios, but I'm guessing that I'm missing what you mean here...
Edit to say: Hey. Nice. Did you just edit your crap away?
0 users have voted.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Trump and the Republicans are dismantling everything lickety-split in our face. Corporate Dems would do it behind our backs at a much slower pace. Trump has executed more change in 18 mos than Obama did in 8 years. So would we rather a bullet to the head and a quick death or a slow poisoning over years? Some would say the slow poisoning because it provides an opportunity to escape.
When I consider only who Obama is, I do dislike him more than Trump, but Trump has done a lot more damage to people and institutions than Obama could do in 50 years.
Elizabeth Warren was one of the Democrats who voted to give Trump more money in the defense budget than he requested. No way will I support her. She had her chance to do the right thing in 2016 and she was a coward.
Right now, my greatest anger is toward the Democrats who talk one game and vote another way. At least the Republicans are honest about who they are. I would much rather deal with an enemy that I know up front than a traitor who will stab me in the back.
Trump is the direct result of Democratic party politics. Barack Obama's Presidency and the feckless Democratic party which is still refusing to take any policy stands to benefit the people are exactly why we have Trump in the White House. The freaking Democrats need to take a look in the mirror first, and what will be looking back at them is damn ugly.
Trump and the Republicans are dismantling everything lickety-split in our face. Corporate Dems would do it behind our backs at a much slower pace. Trump has executed more change in 18 mos than Obama did in 8 years. So would we rather a bullet to the head and a quick death or a slow poisoning over years? Some would say the slow poisoning because it provides an opportunity to escape.
When I consider only who Obama is, I do dislike him more than Trump, but Trump has done a lot more damage to people and institutions than Obama could do in 50 years.
0 users have voted.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Warren is a disappointment and so is Bernie. I don't trust any of the newly elected so-called progressives either. Gillium is really doing a number on the people who elected him, and he isn't even close to being in office. I hear his poll numbers are falling. As I said, do I want to die quick or slow? Some has said to me that picking quick translates into a death wish. I can see the argument they make. Slow might give our kids if not us a chance to escape the capitalists and reclaim our democracy.
#1.1.1#1.1.1 Elizabeth Warren was one of the Democrats who voted to give Trump more money in the defense budget than he requested. No way will I support her. She had her chance to do the right thing in 2016 and she was a coward.
Right now, my greatest anger is toward the Democrats who talk one game and vote another way. At least the Republicans are honest about who they are. I would much rather deal with an enemy that I know up front than a traitor who will stab me in the back.
Trump is the direct result of Democratic party politics. Barack Obama's Presidency and the feckless Democratic party which is still refusing to take any policy stands to benefit the people are exactly why we have Trump in the White House. The freaking Democrats need to take a look in the mirror first, and what will be looking back at them is damn ugly.
0 users have voted.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
of whatever she claims to be is downright ridiculous.
She does have a tiny portion of native American, but it is tiny, and nothing worth calling a 'heritage.'
But I think Trump should donate a million to some charity of her choice just to be magnanimous.
If she plans to run, it was smart of her to make Trump eat it and turn the tables on him. Now she wants to know when he's going to donate the mil. If I were her, I would demand he send it to Planned Parenthood. Now the lying lard ass is denying he ever said it. Both parties are despicable, but there is no doubt the GOP is 10x worse.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
the comment box, you’ll see “textual smiley.” You can click on it, find and memorize the one you want, hit the back button, type it in, hit preview, check it out.
the comment box, you’ll see “textual smiley.” You can click on it, find and memorize the one you want, hit the back button, type it in, hit preview, check it out.
It will always be too soon for that bunch the Dem establishment keeps trotting out, while ignoring the most popular politician in America, Bernie Sanders.
0 users have voted.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep." ~Rumi
"If you want revolution, be it." ~Caitlin Johnstone
A Cherokee Nation official rebuked Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts after a DNA test report published Monday asserted there is evidence to "strongly support" Warren's claim to have Native American ancestors.
Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."
Kim TallBear, an associate professor for Native American studies at the University of Alberta, also criticized Warren for claiming Native American heritage and accused her of failing to back up those claims by meeting with other Cherokee Nation members.
Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."
"A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person's ancestors were indigenous to North or South America," Hoskin said in a statement.
"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong." Hoskin added. "It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven."
"For Elizabeth Warren to center a Native American ancestry test as the next move in her fight with Republicans is to make yet another strike — even if unintended— against tribal sovereignty," TallBear said in a statement.
"She continues to defend her ancestry claims as important despite her historical record of refusing to meet with Cherokee Nation community members who challenge her claims," she added.
We still remember that you didn't show up at Standing Rock, Liz nor did you speak out against the atrocities that happened there. But if Trump does pay up on his bet with you maybe you could give that million to a Native American group of your choice. The Cherokee Nation perhaps?
she came out as human.
The native americans would be ashamed.
I'm part of everybody so suck it up lizzy.
0 users have voted.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
A Cherokee Nation official rebuked Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts after a DNA test report published Monday asserted there is evidence to "strongly support" Warren's claim to have Native American ancestors.
Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."
Kim TallBear, an associate professor for Native American studies at the University of Alberta, also criticized Warren for claiming Native American heritage and accused her of failing to back up those claims by meeting with other Cherokee Nation members.
Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin Jr. called the test cited by Warren's report "useless" in determining tribal citizenship and alleged she was "undermining tribal interests" with her "continued claims of tribal heritage."
"A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person's ancestors were indigenous to North or South America," Hoskin said in a statement.
"Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong." Hoskin added. "It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven."
"For Elizabeth Warren to center a Native American ancestry test as the next move in her fight with Republicans is to make yet another strike — even if unintended— against tribal sovereignty," TallBear said in a statement.
"She continues to defend her ancestry claims as important despite her historical record of refusing to meet with Cherokee Nation community members who challenge her claims," she added.
We still remember that you didn't show up at Standing Rock, Liz nor did you speak out against the atrocities that happened there. But if Trump does pay up on his bet with you maybe you could give that million to a Native American group of your choice. The Cherokee Nation perhaps?
0 users have voted.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
who didn't have a Native American gene in his entire ancestry, but nevertheless not only talked the talk but walked the walk, and worked very hard for Native American causes.
(besides some issues), I don't think she can win against Trump.
I am posting this now, because all along, I thought Trump would win the primary and had a good chance to win the general, and he did. And I thought Clinton (Bill) would win the primary despite efforts to replace him mid-race.
(yeah, go ahead, complain about the electoral college - where were you when Gore 'lost,' where were you when people questioned Clinton's 'legitimacy' because he won less than 50% of the vote, and other times the electoral number prevailed over the popular vote - losers gotta whine)
I wish I could predict stocks. Oh, oh, I can. Trump is president, therefore, stocks are going to drop and ruin everyone.
Only those with excess need worry about a drop in stocks.
The rest of us shall make their lives hell in the end.
Ashes to ashes.
(besides some issues), I don't think she can win against Trump.
I am posting this now, because all along, I thought Trump would win the primary and had a good chance to win the general, and he did. And I thought Clinton (Bill) would win the primary despite efforts to replace him mid-race.
(yeah, go ahead, complain about the electoral college - where were you when Gore 'lost,' where were you when people questioned Clinton's 'legitimacy' because he won less than 50% of the vote, and other times the electoral number prevailed over the popular vote - losers gotta whine)
I wish I could predict stocks. Oh, oh, I can. Trump is president, therefore, stocks are going to drop and ruin everyone.
0 users have voted.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
more than enough. A crash is perfect bargain hunting time. Put that competitor out of business, buy him up and takeover....It's just one big yardsale for the rich. And they get to have the government bail them out. What's not to like?
#6.1 more than enough. A crash is perfect bargain hunting time. Put that competitor out of business, buy him up and takeover....It's just one big yardsale for the rich. And they get to have the government bail them out. What's not to like?
0 users have voted.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Trump and hold his feet to the fire for his "promise" is one thing. She should have stopped there. HOWEVER, she decided to use the results of this test to fashion a big political statement that essentially USED native americans as a political prop to run for office.
THIS is what is wrong with her thinking and is the kind of thing that keeps me from even considering her for President. It all smacks of a Hillary type ploy and gives me a stomach ache.
0 users have voted.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
@Fishtroller 02
All I've seen is that:
A. The test appears to have verified her claim
B. She's called on Trump to make good
C. She's called him out on his pretty-damned-racist use of "Pocahontas" to taunt her
I'm not sure why the Cherokee found it so disagreeable. She's never claimed to be a tribal citizen, and she didn't suggest that the results of this test would have supported such a claim. And in response to their letter, she said in a public statement that she explicitly states that such tests are not a valid means towards establishing such citizenship, and acknowledges that the criteria for doing so are a matter for the tribes to decide. Regardless, though they quite literally own the Cherokee tradition, they do not own her family tree. If there are native americans in it, there are native americans in it, end of story. Have we suddenly decided that "white" Americans should not know or acknowledge the truths of their less than "pure" European ancestry?
It all seems weird to me.
Trump and hold his feet to the fire for his "promise" is one thing. She should have stopped there. HOWEVER, she decided to use the results of this test to fashion a big political statement that essentially USED native americans as a political prop to run for office.
THIS is what is wrong with her thinking and is the kind of thing that keeps me from even considering her for President. It all smacks of a Hillary type ploy and gives me a stomach ache.
0 users have voted.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.
Point is, she is.
If she plans to run, it was smart of her to make Trump eat it and turn the tables on him. Now she wants to know when he's going to donate the mil. If I were her, I would demand he send it to Planned Parenthood. Now the lying lard ass is denying he ever said it. Both parties are despicable, but there is no doubt the GOP is 10x worse.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I respectfully disagree
A wormtongued traitor is worse than an up front enemy. Obama and before him Clinton did more damage than Trump could ever dream of. Hillbot identity politics zealots are doing more harm to American society in 3 years than white supremacists have done in fifty. (W, otoh, was not a grifter/demagogue like Trump, he was a straight up traitor. If you want to say he was worse I'll give it to you, but he's a special case)
On to Biden since 1973
It is a tough decision.
Trump and the Republicans are dismantling everything lickety-split in our face. Corporate Dems would do it behind our backs at a much slower pace. Trump has executed more change in 18 mos than Obama did in 8 years. So would we rather a bullet to the head and a quick death or a slow poisoning over years? Some would say the slow poisoning because it provides an opportunity to escape.
When I consider only who Obama is, I do dislike him more than Trump, but Trump has done a lot more damage to people and institutions than Obama could do in 50 years.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
In a way ...
In the end we'll let history decide.
On to Biden since 1973
Request for ellaboration here:
I don't quite get how someone could dislike Obama more than Trump while acknowledging that Trump is more damaging overall. I can imagine many scenarios, but I'm guessing that I'm missing what you mean here...
Edit to say: Hey. Nice. Did you just edit your crap away?
I dislike Obama more because he knows better.
Obama is a traitor. He lied his way into office, and the banksters and Republicans lived happily ever after. He lied to me. He betrayed me. I didn't believe him, but I gave him the rope to hang himself. Instead he escaped 20 million richer and hung the people who voted for him.
I do edit my stuff. Not to change intent, but to clean out the garbage as you say. The older I get, the worse my writing and editing skills get. After 40 years in government writing documents that had to spit back the same words in the RFP, legislation, and regulation so the state, fed, and auditors would get it, I can no longer creatively write anything. I am always so grateful to the people here who so graciously put up with it.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Well, Obama campaigned on things....
Trump has had ample help from the Democrats
Right now, my greatest anger is toward the Democrats who talk one game and vote another way. At least the Republicans are honest about who they are. I would much rather deal with an enemy that I know up front than a traitor who will stab me in the back.
Trump is the direct result of Democratic party politics. Barack Obama's Presidency and the feckless Democratic party which is still refusing to take any policy stands to benefit the people are exactly why we have Trump in the White House. The freaking Democrats need to take a look in the mirror first, and what will be looking back at them is damn ugly.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I know GG
Warren is a disappointment and so is Bernie. I don't trust any of the newly elected so-called progressives either. Gillium is really doing a number on the people who elected him, and he isn't even close to being in office. I hear his poll numbers are falling. As I said, do I want to die quick or slow? Some has said to me that picking quick translates into a death wish. I can see the argument they make. Slow might give our kids if not us a chance to escape the capitalists and reclaim our democracy.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Her %
She does have a tiny portion of native American, but it is tiny, and nothing worth calling a 'heritage.'
But I think Trump should donate a million to some charity of her choice just to be magnanimous.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
That's neat
How do you do that smiley?
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
If you look below
the comment box, you’ll see “textual smiley.” You can click on it, find and memorize the one you want, hit the back button, type it in, hit preview, check it out.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Uh oh,
It will always be too soon
It will always be too soon for that bunch the Dem establishment keeps trotting out, while ignoring the most popular politician in America, Bernie Sanders.
"Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep ... Don't go back to sleep."
"If you want revolution, be it."
~Caitlin Johnstone
It's never too soon
to say no.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
For a Harvard professor
Warren seems rather daft.
from a reasonably stable genius.
I needed a giggle.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Have another giggle
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
she came out as human.
The native americans would be ashamed.
I'm part of everybody so suck it up lizzy.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
The Cherokee Nation is not happy about Liz's stunt
'Inappropriate and wrong': Cherokee Nation official throws cold water on Elizabeth Warren's DNA test of Native American heritage
We still remember that you didn't show up at Standing Rock, Liz nor did you speak out against the atrocities that happened there. But if Trump does pay up on his bet with you maybe you could give that million to a Native American group of your choice. The Cherokee Nation perhaps?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Was just this evening
reading about her heritage.
She's no less a fabricator than trump.
Presidential material fer sure.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Not even as much integrity as ol' Iron Eyes Cody
who didn't have a Native American gene in his entire ancestry, but nevertheless not only talked the talk but walked the walk, and worked very hard for Native American causes.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
As much as I like her
(besides some issues), I don't think she can win against Trump.
I am posting this now, because all along, I thought Trump would win the primary and had a good chance to win the general, and he did. And I thought Clinton (Bill) would win the primary despite efforts to replace him mid-race.
(yeah, go ahead, complain about the electoral college - where were you when Gore 'lost,' where were you when people questioned Clinton's 'legitimacy' because he won less than 50% of the vote, and other times the electoral number prevailed over the popular vote - losers gotta whine)
I wish I could predict stocks. Oh, oh, I can. Trump is president, therefore, stocks are going to drop and ruin everyone.
Oh mighty sage......
Only those with excess need worry about a drop in stocks.
The rest of us shall make their lives hell in the end.
Ashes to ashes.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
The wealthy will always have
Bingo! (n/a)
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Warren using the test results to come after
Trump and hold his feet to the fire for his "promise" is one thing. She should have stopped there. HOWEVER, she decided to use the results of this test to fashion a big political statement that essentially USED native americans as a political prop to run for office.
THIS is what is wrong with her thinking and is the kind of thing that keeps me from even considering her for President. It all smacks of a Hillary type ploy and gives me a stomach ache.
"Without the right to offend, freedom of speech does not exist." Taslima Nasrin
Did I miss something?
All I've seen is that:
A. The test appears to have verified her claim
B. She's called on Trump to make good
C. She's called him out on his pretty-damned-racist use of "Pocahontas" to taunt her
I'm not sure why the Cherokee found it so disagreeable. She's never claimed to be a tribal citizen, and she didn't suggest that the results of this test would have supported such a claim. And in response to their letter, she said in a public statement that she explicitly states that such tests are not a valid means towards establishing such citizenship, and acknowledges that the criteria for doing so are a matter for the tribes to decide. Regardless, though they quite literally own the Cherokee tradition, they do not own her family tree. If there are native americans in it, there are native americans in it, end of story. Have we suddenly decided that "white" Americans should not know or acknowledge the truths of their less than "pure" European ancestry?
It all seems weird to me.
The earth is a multibillion-year-old sphere.
The Nazis killed millions of Jews.
On 9/11/01 a Boeing 757 (AA77) flew into the Pentagon.
AGCC is happening.
If you cannot accept these facts, I cannot fake an interest in any of your opinions.